"Oh, very arrogant ah, they have not signed this contract, tomato God is not a breach of contract, why threaten people?"

Hearing this, he Feng was not happy immediately. He snorted and said, "does millet know that tomato God wants to sign a contract with Fengyu novel net?"

Ling Weiyu shook his head and said: "tomato God hasn't told them yet, but I don't want to hide it. That's why I'm going to do a League building next Monday and announce that tomato God will join us in Fengyu. In this way, we Maple language can help him share the pressure from millet. "

"Well, you can make an announcement and see if they will be more interesting. Don't bother tomato God any more."

Speaking of this, he Feng slightly pause, "if they don't know interest, you tell me, I'll blackmail their client."


Ling Weiyu couldn't help laughing, "don't worry, millet, they must not be stupid. Knowing that we have powerful hackers in Fengyu Chinese network, they certainly dare not offend us easily."

"I'm not afraid that some people's minds will go wrong!" He Feng grinned.

"Well, I'll let you know in time."

Ling Weiyu nodded, then stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first!"

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

Ling Weiyu asked the waiter, learned that the bathroom was on the second floor, and went to the second floor.

But on the second floor, she found that the bathroom of the hotel is shared by men and women, and now it has been occupied. There are two or three people queuing outside.

So she had to go back to the first floor.

"Brother Xiaofeng, the upstairs toilet is occupied. I remember there is a public toilet outside. Let me go outside." Ling Weiyu said.

"I'll go with you!" He Feng immediately stood up. In the middle of the night, he was not sure Ling Weiyu was walking outside alone.

"No, we haven't paid yet. The boss won't let us go. But if you pay the bill and go, maybe our things will be taken away by the waiter. You'd better wait here. "

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "besides, I'm an ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty. What's the danger?"

"Well, I'll wait for you here."

He Feng just sat down, just now he was also a subconscious reaction, after Ling Weiyu said so, he had nothing to worry about.

What's more, there is a female assassin in the dark to protect Ling Weiyu. Unless master Huajin comes in person, Ling Weiyu won't be in great danger in a short time.

Watching Ling Weiyu walk out of the hotel, he Feng takes back his eyes, picks up the barbecue on the table and continues to eat, thinking about how to make money next.

Now he has only about $10 billion left, which seems like a lot, but in fact it won't take long. Moreover, when it comes to the back, the money will burn faster and faster.

His goal is to make the women and two apprentices around him reach the peak of dark strength in a month. The initial budget is about 50 to 80 billion yuan.

And Wang Xiangyun is a special case. The pills she needs for one person are equal to ten people.

As a result, his budget has to be doubled.

One hundred to 150 billion.

"More than 100 billion... If I have the business mind of ruodei and nearly 10 billion yuan as capital, it should not be difficult for me to make 100 billion yuan in a month by using a little means. But obviously, although Feng Ge is very smart, he is not very good at making money

He Feng sighed in his heart.

Not to mention 100 billion, it is difficult for him to earn 10 billion now.

"If you really can't make money in the back, sell martial arts." He Feng thought in his heart.


After Ling Weiyu went to the toilet, he went to the sink to absorb it.

Looking at herself in the mirror, a smile appeared on her face.

With the help of He Feng, she gathered her inner strength and became an ancient warrior. As a result, her temperament has changed greatly. She looks much more beautiful.

Especially now after drinking a few bottles of beer, there is a blush on the cheek, which is more charming.

Ling Weiyu can clearly feel that there are many eyes around, looking at her side.


A young man standing with her on the side of the sink, staring at her eyes, seemed to send out a trace of burning sensation, and swallowed saliva twice in a row.

Young people are not very old. They are only twenty-four or twenty-five years old. It seems that they have just stepped out of University for two years.

However, his clothes are extremely expensive. The golden watch on his wrist is a new model of Patek Philippe. There is a car key hanging on his waist with a black ox on it.


Young, handsome and golden!

Such young men, no matter where they go, have a high rate of turning back.

"Beauty, come out to drink? Would you like a drink? "

Seeing that Ling Weiyu was about to leave, the young man quickly stepped forward and followed Ling Weiyu.

Beside the young man, there is a strong young man, who should be his bodyguard.

"Sorry, I have friends to drink with." Ling Weiyu's cold refusal.

"Beauty, you can't say that your friends invite you to dinner in such a place, can you? A beautiful girl like you, just like a fairy, should go to the most upscale restaurant in Jiangbin city to drink. How can you eat such roadside stalls? "

The young man took out his key to Lamborghini from his waist, pointed to a white super sports car parked on the roadside not far away and said, "my car is parked there. I'll take you to the top hotel in Jiangbin city to drink the most expensive wine now. How about that?"

Xu huangjie has been in Nanjin city for many years. Although he has seen many beautiful women, he has never seen many as beautiful as the women in front of him.

Such a woman is definitely a goddess in Nanjin city. Therefore, he Xu huangjie absolutely wants to soak it, so that this evening, and even many nights later, will not be bored.

At this time, Xu huangjie's eyes are full of confidence.

Although this woman is very beautiful and elegant, her clothes don't look very expensive. In addition, she eats in this kind of ordinary restaurant, so she certainly has no identity. He just needs to spend a little more money, so he can't catch up with her.

"Sorry, I like eating and drinking in such a place. If you have nothing else to do, don't follow me any more."

Ling Weiyu light glanced at Xu huangjie, said impatiently, and the voice is bigger, obviously is in a bad mood.

For a moment, many people around looked towards them.

"What's going on? Is it the man who teases the beauty that makes the beauty angry? "

Seeing this, a young man wanted to save the beauty from the past heroes.

But as soon as he took a step, he was held by his companion, "Damn it, you're not dying. Don't you see that man is a rich second generation? His watch is Patek Philippe's, his car key is Lamborghini's, and he's accompanied by a bodyguard who is not easy to offend. Don't you rush to find a fight?"

"Er... It's really good that you hold me, or I'll be finished."

Seeing this, the young man was relieved and wondered, "since the handsome man is a local tyrant, how can the beautiful woman still lose her temper with him? A little bit? "

His companion said: "yes, that woman is really good. She can take a luxury car to a hotel to eat top-quality food, but she has to eat junk food in this kind of hotel."

It's not just the two of them. Many people around are shaking their heads when they look at Ling Weiyu.

Of course, there are also some people who think that Xu huangjie is a little too much. If the beauty doesn't agree with you, it's OK. They have to get angry.

"Smelly woman, dare to yell at me, do you really think I give you some face, just look down on you?"

Xu huangjie noticed the eyes of the people around him, and his face suddenly became not very good-looking.

Later, his tone is also cold down, "I said beauty, you are a little bit not to face it? How about this? I'll give you a million dollars. Now you can go to dinner with me and spend another night with me? "


"A million, one night with you?"

Ling Weiyu's eyebrows picked slightly, a light flashed in his eyes, but his tone was quite calm.

This is living. Ling Weiyu is extremely angry, but she controls her emotions better, so on the surface, she doesn't even look angry.

"Yes, if you stay with me one night, you'll get a million."

Xu huangjie thought that Ling Weiyu was moved, but at the same time, he was scornful. "In addition, if your technology is OK, I can support you for a long time, 10 million a month. How about that?"

He usually played with many women, and the money he spent on women was 80 million even without a hundred million.

Now I met a top-notch beauty, and he was happy to smash 10 million at a time.

Anyway, he doesn't lack the money.

When people around hear Xu huangjie's words, they don't think how ugly he is. Instead, they look at Ling Weiyu's eyes with envy.

You don't have to do anything. If you are a lover for another person for one month, you can get 10 million yuan. It's not a good deal.

You know, even many first-line stars don't earn 10 million a month.

After earning 10 million yuan, as long as you don't squander and buy some reliable financial products, you can eat interest for a lifetime.

"Ten million a month, right? Not bad! "

Under the gaze of Xu huangjie, Ling Weiyu nodded slightly and pondered: "I'll give you 10 million yuan. How about you go to bed for a month?"

"What do you mean?" Xu huangjie didn't react for a moment. He didn't know what Ling Weiyu said.


But the next moment, Xu huangjie understood, because he found that the woman in front of him, who seemed to be gentle, seemed to be a tiger in an instant, and launched a fierce attack on him.


A pink fist, I do not know when it has fallen on his chest.

No warning!

Women's control of emotions and inner strength is extremely exquisite.


Xu huangjie's face changed wildly. The inner strength in his body was not strong. He quickly surged and gathered in his chest, trying to resist Ling Weiyu's attack with his inner strength.

No way, Ling Weiyu's attack speed is too fast, he simply can't dodge, also can't resist, can only use internal force hard resistance.

It's a pity that his cultivation was a little weak, and it was at the beginning of Mingjin.


The sound of a broken rib spread all around.


Xu huangjie screamed and flew out.

"Xu Shao, are you ok?"

The middle-aged bodyguard standing behind Xu huangjie has already reacted at this time and quickly reaches for Xu huangjie.

"Cough, puff..."

Xu huangjie coughed up blood in his mouth, and his face turned white. Ling Weiyu's blow broke his ribs, which would take at least a month to recover.

And Ling Weiyu's voice, just at this time, sounded, "now, you should have to lie in bed for a month."

"Paralyzed, I dare to attack Lao Tzu. Don, give me the stinking woman, give me the hand she just hit me Xu huangjie points at Ling Weiyu and roars.


The middle-aged bodyguard named a Tang nodded immediately and strode towards Ling Weiyu.

At the same time, a majestic inner strength escaped from his body.

"Mingjin peak..."

Ling Weiyu's face was rather ugly when he noticed the fluctuation of inner strength from the middle-aged man.

I didn't expect that the bodyguard around the dandy was so strong.

Even if what she has cultivated is the best strength, she has never practiced martial arts, and her combat experience is almost zero. She is definitely not the opponent of this person.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Ling. I'll protect you."

At this time, a woman in black, who didn't know where she came from, stood in front of Ling Weiyu and said to him, "with me, he can't hurt you!"

Ling Weiyu just remembered that he Feng told her that he had arranged a gold medal killer of dark strength level beside her. As long as he didn't come to master Hua Jin, he would never hurt her in a short time.

Ling Weiyu nodded to the young woman and said with a smile, "thank you

"Who are you?"

A Tang looks at the female killer who suddenly appears, can't help but stop.

The female killer's body doesn't have the fluctuation of inner strength, but when the other side stands there, it makes him feel a deadly crisis, as if as long as he makes a move, the other side can kill him with a wave.

"One more step forward, death!"

Female killer coldly left a Tang, without too much explanation, just a cold warning.

A Tang's brow suddenly wrinkled up!

The other side's aura was so strong that he didn't dare to move forward.

"What are you, dare you say death in front of me? Now get out of my way. Don't interfere with my work. Otherwise, I will shoot you. "

At this time, the injured Xu huangjie came forward, and a silver desert eagle appeared in his hand. He pointed to the female killer and said.

"Guns? He has a gun? "

"Oh my God, this is a real gun."

"Help, I'm going to kill..."

As soon as the pistol appeared, the onlookers all screamed and became a mess. Most of them ran away.

Ling Weiyu's face changed again!

But she heard he Feng said that although the dark strength is strong, she is not sure how to avoid bullets.

Only master Hua Jin can easily avoid the bullets of some ordinary guns.

The face of the female killer can't help changing

Although her cultivation is only in the later stage of dark strength, and there is still a long way to go from master Hua Jin, she has been cultivated as a killer all these years. Her speed is not as fast as master Hua Jin, but her body method is not too bad.

It's not a big problem for her to avoid ordinary pistols.

But now she is not alone, there is a Ling Weiyu.

"What's the matter with you? If you don't, don't blame me for being rude."

Xu huangjie saw that the female killer was still standing in the same place, and his voice gradually became cold.

"OK, I'll go away!"

The female killer stares at Xu huangjie and nods. Her face also shows a strong sense of fear and tension. She steps back in a panic.

"Well! I thought you were brave enough to be a counsellor. " Xu huangjie snorted scornfully, and then his eyes subconsciously swept Ling Weiyu's eyes.

As soon as the female killer leaves, he will take Ling Weiyu away and ravage him for one night.


A dark cold light suddenly flashed in front of Xu huangjie.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly gushed from Xu huangjie's heart.

"To die!"

Xu huangjie's face changed greatly. Subconsciously, he raised his pistol and pulled the trigger in front of him.


The gunfire rang out.

It's a shock.

However, the bullet did not hit people, but into the dark void.

A hand holding a pistol flies into the void.

Blood splashes

"I, my hand!"

Xu huangjie looked at the palm that suddenly flew out and then fell on the ground. He was slightly stunned. After reaction, a sharp pain swept from his hand.


Xu huangjie immediately sent out a pig like scream, sweating with pain, and his face turned white.

Some onlookers around also screamed when they heard the gunfire.

Although the bullet didn't hurt them, they were really frightened by the sound of the gun, and they quickly hid in the restaurants on both sides.

"So little!" A Tang quickly helped Xu huangjie. Seeing that the latter's palm was cut off, his face changed greatly. He glared at the female killer and said, "asshole, you dare to cut off a few hands. You're waiting to die!"

"What I said before is still valid. If you dare to take another step forward, you will die!"

The female killer coldly glanced at a Tang, then ignored them, turned to look at Ling Weiyu, "Miss Ling, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" Ling Weiyu shook his head.

"Hoo, that's good..."

The female killer was just relieved, "so we're leaving now?"

Ling Weiyu looked at Xu huangjie, the other hand's palm has been cut off one, also can be regarded as a lesson, her heart of the gas to eliminate a lot, then nodded: "well, I went to find brother Xiaofeng."

With that, Ling Weiyu goes to the restaurant where she and he Feng eat.

"Smelly watch, stop for me. You cut off my hand. If you have the ability, leave your name."

Xu huangjie stares at Ling Weiyu angrily, "don't you dare to hurt me, but dare not leave a name?"


Ling Weiyu snorted. He didn't plan to pay attention to Xu huangjie and went on.

"Listen, her name is Ling Weiyu!"

But just then, a voice rang out in front of her.

Ling Weiyu raised his eyes and saw that he Feng was walking towards her, but the man's face was very ugly.

Just now, there was a gun noise.

Did they shoot?

You know, bullets don't have eyes, and Ling Weiyu only knows his cultivation in the middle of Jin. Once he is hit by a bullet, he will be killed in an instant. At that time, even if he Feng has real Qi cultivation, he can't save Ling Weiyu.

At this moment, he Feng's heart is full of fear.

At the same time, there is deep anger.

"Ling Weiyu? Laozi, I remember this name. You wait for me. I will go to you for revenge. I will make you kneel down in front of me and repent. "

Xu huangjie said with a gloomy face, then picked up the broken hand on the ground and wanted to turn away.

"Why do you want to go now? Do I agree with you to leave? "

Who knows, he Feng is a foot move, blocking in front of Xu huangjie's body.

"Boy, who are you? Dare to stand in my way? Get out of here

Xu huangjie's bodyguard, a Tang, shouts angrily. At the same time, he Feng is ready to be pushed away.


However, his hand just stretched out, was he Feng to seize. Then, he Feng's hand gently shakes, and a Tang feels a terrible impact pouring into his arm, crushing every inch of bone under his skin.

"Ah Ah Tang screamed at once, showing his teeth in pain and turning purple.


Later, he Feng kicked a Tang's stomach and kicked him out.


A Tang fell heavily on the ground.

Just as he tried to stand up, he seemed to feel something. His face changed greatly. He stared at He Feng resentfully. "You, you abandoned my Dantian?"

"It's a light deal to break your arm and scrap your elixir field. If you make any more noise, I'll take your dog's life. "

In response to him, he Feng's cold voice, as well as his emotionless eyes.


Looking at He Feng's eyes, a Tang's heart suddenly rises a strong sense of fear, as if in the face of death, which makes him swallow his saliva. He quickly lowers his head. He doesn't dare to look at He Feng again, let alone pit again.

But he knew that his life was ruined.

From now on, he will be a complete loser.

And all this, because he moved his hand to a woman who looked ordinary and good-looking.

His young master Xu huangjie has a background, but that woman

It seems that the background is deeper!

"Just now I heard you say that you will come to us for revenge and make us kneel in front of you to repent, right?"

He Feng did not pay attention to a Tang, his eyes fell on Xu huangjie, the voice is very cold.

Just now, it was this man who fired the gun, and the whole palm was cut off by the female killer.

It is reasonable to say that this end has been very miserable. After all, Ling Weiyu has not been hurt at all.

But he Feng is still very dissatisfied!

"Smelly boy, you dare to abandon my bodyguard. I tell you, no one can save you in this riverside city. As long as my father knows what's going on here, you'll be dead. I urge you to kneel down now, kowtow to me and apologize, and make compensation until I'm satisfied. Maybe I can spare you a little life. "

Xu huangjie stares at He Feng and says that his tone is arrogant.

He knows the energy of his father and his mother very well. Not to mention in this small Jiangbin City, even in Nanjin City, where the atmosphere of guwu is very heavy, few people dare to offend them.

Therefore, even if he Feng shows a certain strength and looks like the peak of Mingjin, he is not afraid at all.

He Feng light way: "is it? Now call your father and tell him to get out of here. I'll wait for him here. "

"Are you sure?"

Xu huangjie thought that he had heard wrong and asked.

In his opinion, he Feng should not escape immediately, and then he uses various means to investigate the identity of He Feng and Ling Weiyu?

Why did he just ask himself to call back?

It seems that this guy is even more arrogant than himself. He is dying and has to do

"Sure, you call him right now." He Feng returned.

"Well, that's what you said."

Xu huangjie immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.


Before long, there was a middle-aged man's voice on the phone.

As soon as he heard the middle-aged man's voice, Xu huangjie cried out sadly, "Dad, I've had an accident. I'm on the side of 888 Bei'an street. Please bring someone to help me. A Tang has been abandoned by them. If you don't come again, I'll be killed by him. Then you'll be the last one."

The middle-aged man was scared and asked repeatedly, "what did you say? Someone's going to kill you? Who is it? "

Xu huangjie said: "I don't know the name of the man who started the operation, but he told you to come right away, so you can bring someone quickly. He's waiting here."

"Well, you make him wait. I'll be there now. I'll be there in ten minutes."

The middle-aged man said and hung up.


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