Xu huangjie put the mobile phone away, looked at He Feng and said, "you wait. My father said it would take more than ten minutes."

"Well, that's pretty fast. I'll wait here."

He Feng nodded and then said to Ling Weiyu, "little feather, let's find a place to sit first."


He Feng wants to help himself out, and Ling Weiyu naturally has no opinion.

For He Feng's strength, she is quite clear, so not afraid of trouble.

Immediately, they pulled two chairs to sit down, while the female killer left and disappeared, and disappeared into the dark again.

As for Xu huangjie, with the help of a Tang, he has simply bandaged the wound, but his broken hand still falls to the ground.

The crowd around them, after noticing that the movement here was getting smaller, gradually came out, but they didn't dare to get close, so they stood more than ten meters away to watch the excitement.

Although someone called the police just now, I don't know what happened. The police haven't come.


First came three cars, which quickly stopped at the edge of Lamborghini, and then got off more than ten people.

Each of these ten people is tall and full of bearing. At first sight, they are not ordinary people.

Especially the middle-aged man who got off the bus with an old man in his fifties was full of heaven, and his breath was introverted and powerful.

This is a strong man at the beginning of dark strength!

As soon as the old man appeared, the onlookers recognized him immediately,

"My God, isn't that Mr. Xu Tianyin, chairman of Guangming group, Mr. Xu Dong?"

"Yes, it's really Mr. Xu. A few years ago, I often saw him on TV. I don't know what happened in the past two years. I can hardly see his news."

"It turns out that the young man is the son of Xu Dong. Tut Tut, the other guy is absolutely dead. "

"Yes, Mr. Xu's son dares to abandon him. He really wants to die. And that woman, I guess I should regret it now? If she had served her little, she might have a chance to marry into a rich family. "

After recognizing Xu Tianyin's identity, everyone around him was shocked.

Then, they look at He Feng and Ling Weiyu with a touch of sympathy.

Some people feel sorry for Ling Weiyu and feel that she has missed a very good opportunity.

"Dad, I'm here. Come on... Help me kill him. No, I don't want to kill him directly. I want to cripple him first, then chop his body into pieces and give it to our Tibetan mastiff. "

Xu huangjie saw the old man getting off the bus and ran towards him.

"Damn, what's the matter with your hands? He cut off your palm? "

When the old man saw Xu huangjie's broken hand and the bright red blood on the wound, his face suddenly became cold and his killing intention was boiling.

Xu huangjie is his youngest son. Although he has no achievements and no great ability, he is extremely favored by him and his stepwife.

Now I see that the young son's hand has been cut off, and the old man's murderous spirit can no longer be suppressed.

"Go ahead and get the men for me."

The old man gave the order without hesitation.

"Master, you should see who that person is first..."

However, the dark Master beside him suddenly whispered in his ear.

"No matter who he is, you catch him first and let him kneel down in front of my son." The old man said impatiently, "why, can't you be the master of dark strength? Are you sure?"

"Master, you misunderstand me. I'm not sure, but I can't do it at all."

The master of dark strength pointed to the direction where he Feng was and said: "you should know that man, his name is He Feng, and even the middle-term strong of dark strength is not his opponent. The night before yesterday, you told us not to take revenge on him. "

"He Feng? Is He Feng

The old man is Xu Tianyin. When he hears that he Feng is his opponent, he looks up in front of him.

Sure enough, he Feng is sitting on the chair, looking at him with a smile, "is Xu Dong? Your son Xu Hongjie and I are old friends. Now that we're here, why don't you come and have a seat? "

Xu Tianyin's face was hard to see. He thought that the one who cut off his son's hand was just an ordinary warrior, so he didn't pay attention to it.

But don't want to, this person unexpectedly is He Feng.

He Feng, who didn't even pay attention to the MI family and other major families, made friends with the Ling family and Guiyi medicine hall, and was qualified to become a disciple of master Huajin

Such a character, Xu Tianyin really does not want to provoke.

Even if he Feng is very likely to kill his other son Xu Hongjie, he also plans to give up revenge, and he Feng will never break the river with Jingshui.

Who knows his other little son, and he Feng conflict, but also he Feng to cut off a palm.

"Dad, who is He Feng? What are you still thinking about? Can you catch him first and make him disabled? Besides, don't you have so many people with you? Can't you even deal with him? "

One side of Xu huangjie see Xu Tianyin Leng in situ no action, immediately discontented, "if you don't want to start, then I'll call my mother now, let her bring someone to catch him."

Obviously, his mother has a higher prestige in his heart.

"Shut up

Xu Tianyin glared at Xu huangjie, "do you know how strong this man is? Even the rice family can't help him. How can I catch him with so many people I brought? "

"What?" Xu huangjie immediately stares big eye bead son, shocked looking at He Feng.

At the beginning, he didn't pay attention to He Feng.

The ancient martial arts in Jiangbin city are not popular, and there are few ancient martial arts, so he thinks that even if he Feng has the strength of Mingjin peak, he won't have a big future.

But now it seems that he is obviously wrong!

"Well, what now?" Xu huangjie asked: "my hand, so white let him cut off?"

"We'll talk about this later. Now it's urgent. I'll get your severed palm back first, and then I'll take you to the hospital for surgery and try my best to pick it up."

Xu Tianyin said in a condensing voice, and immediately walked toward He Feng, "He Feng, there is nothing to sit between me and you. I don't want to ask about what happened today. Now I just want to take back my son's severed palm, don't you mind?"

When people around heard Xu Tianyin's words, they all opened their mouths, which was unbelievable.

A lot of palms were cut off. He brought so many people here, didn't he come to take revenge directly?

What do you think of the present situation? On the contrary, I want to make peace. I don't have the intention to pursue it at all?

Is it difficult to

The guy who looks like a loser has a big background, too?

"Do you want your son's severed hand back? Of course I don't mind

He Feng shrugged, light way: "however, your son shot, almost hit my girlfriend. Do you have to give me an account of this first? "


Just now, Huang Jie shot. If it wasn't for Ling Weiyu's luck, once he was hit, it would be dangerous.

In this case, he Feng's anger can be imagined.

If this is not in China, but abroad, in the style of He Feng, at this time, Xu huangjie may have been singing cool songs underground.

However, even if you don't kill Xu huangjie, he Feng will let Xu Tianyin give you an explanation.

Xu Tianyin a listen to He Feng said let himself to account, eyebrows also wrinkled up, obviously is quite dissatisfied.

But think of He Feng that powerful strength, he also had to this dissatisfaction to pressure in the bottom of his heart, light asked: "my son's a palm has been cut down by you, my under the Dantian is also abandoned by you, what do you want to account for?"

"A palm?"

He Feng sneered and said: "you have to understand first. The reason why my people will cut off one of his palms and discard your subordinates is that you make trouble first. If not, my people will do it for no reason? "

He Feng originally wanted to control his temper, but he didn't want to get angry. But Xu Tianyin came to argue with him, as if they were the ones who suffered?

Do you really think brother Feng is a good speaker?

This made the murderous spirit in He Feng's heart, which was suppressed, also boiling up. "In a word, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, I promise to let your son follow your other son's footsteps."

The other son he talked about was naturally Xu Hongjie, who had already died.

He also admitted that Xu Hongjie was killed by him.

"He Feng, are you too overbearing?" Xu Tianyin squinted.

He has long expected that he Feng killed Xu Hongjie, but he Feng now says this in front of him, obviously beating him in the face, making him feel humiliated.

Over the years, Xu Tianyin, with his huge wealth, even master amjin, has been polite to him, and even master amjin is willing to be his subordinate.

Today, for the first time, he was humiliated.

"I am so overbearing. If you have the ability, you can kill me and let me bury your son." He Feng disdains a way: "but, do you have this ability?"

He Feng seems to be overbearing and arrogant now, but it's also because he is so angry that his women are almost killed. Do you want to chat with each other?

It's good that he doesn't kill people directly.

The law of survival in this society is the law of the jungle.

He has enough strength now, so he can be overbearing and arrogant.

If he is not strong enough, today he and Ling Weiyu will not see the sun of tomorrow.


Xu Tianyin vomited heavily, his eyes were red.

He would like to give an order immediately, let all his hands to He Feng.

But he knew that he could not do it, otherwise he and his little son, Xu huangjie, would be very dangerous.

"What kind of explanation do you want?" Xu Tianyin asked in humiliation.

"Little feather, what kind of explanation do you think they should give you?"

He Feng did not immediately answer Xu Tianyin, but looked at Ling Weiyu and asked.

Ling Weiyu said: "brother Xiaofeng, just decide."

He Feng thought about it and said, "it's just that we are short of money recently. How about letting him compensate us for some money?"

"Good!" Ling Weiyu's eyes brightened and nodded.

She also knows that he Feng needs to buy a lot of pills now, and the money he spends is in the unit of 100 million yuan. Now the economy in the society is quite depressed, and it's not easy to make money. If there is a shortcut, it would be best.

"My girlfriend said that if you pay for it, you can leave." He Feng immediately looked at Xu Tianyin and said.

"Well, go ahead. How much do you want?"

Xu Tianyin expression relaxed down, light asked.

Who is Xu Tianyin? That's the second richest person in Jiangbin City, second only to song Shiqun. The company's market value is nearly 100 billion, and his personal assets are also tens of billions.

To him, money is just a flurry of figures.

At the same time, he also has some disdain for He Feng. After all, he is just a martial arts man. He asks for money when he opens his mouth.

"Mr. Xu, you are so rich. You are the second richest person in Jiangbin city. You are worth tens of billions. If I want to be less, I must look down on you."

He Feng said with a light smile: "so I think about it, just casually ask you for 10 billion, should not be less?"

"How much do you say?"

Xu Tianyin exclaimed in surprise. He almost didn't come up in one breath, and his voice became much sharper.

Nima, it's more than the lion's mouth. It's like drinking his blood, OK?

He thought he Feng was just asking for tens of millions and billions of dollars. The money was just a drop in the bucket for him. He couldn't even blink his brow.

But the other side actually opened up a mouth of 10 billion yuan, and also said, "it should not be less." do you really think that I am a bank operator?

The bank can't just give you 10 billion, can it?

He Feng next to Ling Weiyu is also shocked, just small maple brother is not let them compensate point on the line?

Is this really a "compensation point"?


Why do you feel very happy to hear brother Xiaofeng say 10 billion?

Some of the onlookers around were also dumbfounded.

Nima, this guy has too much appetite, right? Mr. Xu was willing to make some compensation, but he didn't expect that this guy's mouth would be 10 billion yuan. He really thought Mr. Xu was very easy to talk, didn't he?

"Ten billion, don't you think it's less? Shall I add some more? " He Feng asked with a smile.

"He Feng, don't go too far. You are obviously robbing money!" Xu Tianyin said coldly.

"So, Mr. Xu is not going to make this deal with me."

He Feng waved, "in that case, you can go. But your son has to stay and leave it to me. "


Absolutely strong!

At the moment of He Feng, on the surface of light clouds, but give Xu Tianyin a sense of suffocation.

He clenched his teeth and wanted to leave with Xu huangjie.

However, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

He Feng's overbearing and arrogant, he has heard people in Nanjin city say, this is also the reason why he does not want to seek revenge for He Feng, or even to provoke him.

Once he chooses to take Xu huangjie away directly, the consequences will be

I'm afraid it will be more serious.

A full minute later, Xu Tianyin breathed out, "10 billion is too much, can you reduce it?"

"No!" He Feng's answer is very simple, "in addition, my time is limited, I only give you one hour to collect money at most. An hour later, if I don't have 10 billion on my card... "

Say, he Feng's finger points to Xu huangjie, "I will leave, and take him away!"


With these words, he Feng ignored Xu Tianyin, turned his back to them and chatted with Ling Weiyu.


Xu Tianyin's face changed, and his angry face was full of killing intention.

He Feng is too direct and overbearing. He doesn't give him any room for negotiation.

"Dad, don't pay any attention to him. Let's leave for the hospital now. I don't believe it. He really dares to do anything to me. "

Xu huangjie pale said, his palm was cut off, just casually deal with the wound, at this moment because of excessive blood loss, making him look very weak.

"Huang Jie, don't talk. I'll take you away."

However, Xu Tianyin shook his head.

He looked at He Feng's eyes, full of frustration and helplessness.

"Sang Qing, do you have any other way?"

Xu Tianyin turns his head and looks at the master of dark strength.

Sang Qing shook her head and said in a low voice: "Xu Dong, he Feng is too strong. Unless his wife is willing to start her relationship, he Feng can be destroyed. However, his wife's relationship is extraordinary, should not be because of these things and he Feng do right. After all, he Feng did not damage the interests of those people. "

Wen Yan, Xu Tianyin is helpless.

He is a businessman. He knows very well that it is too difficult for others to help him when he is in charge of profit.

But if he takes out 10 billion now, it's like cutting his flesh.

But it's better to cut than to let your son lose his life.

Thinking of this, Xu Tianyin didn't hesitate any more and said, "OK, 10 billion. I'll raise money to call you now."

He Feng ignored Xu Tianyin and still turned his back to him.

"Dad, do you really want to pay him?" Xu huangjie was in a hurry.

It's not a million, it's 10 billion.

You know, the GDP of some small counties in a year is less than 10 billion, and some of the top ten rich people in Jiangbin city are worth less than 10 billion.

"Call him first!"

Xu Tianyin said lightly.

Then he took out his mobile phone and began to contact some of his friends to raise money.

Although he is worth tens of billions, and the market value of the company is nearly 100 billion, the funds that can be embezzled immediately are tens of billions.

Fortunately, Xu Tianyin has many local tyrant friends. In less than 20 minutes, he raised 10 billion yuan.

"He Feng, give me your bank card number."

Xu Tianyin walks to He Feng and squints.

"Take it!" He Feng put the bank card on the table.

Xu Tianyin took the bank card and soon completed the transfer operation.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

A moment later, he Feng's mobile phone on the side vibrated.

He opened his cell phone and looked at the text message. Looking at the balance of nearly 20 billion, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Here it is, isn't it? Can I take my son away now? " Xu Tianyin's voice was almost squeezed out of his teeth.

"Well, let's go. Don't provoke me again. Otherwise, it won't be 10 billion next time. "

He Feng stood up and said.

Xu Tianyin didn't pay attention to He Feng, but looked at a man behind him, "pick up the young master's palm."


The man immediately walked towards the palm of the ground.

At this time in that palm, there are two flies bite on it, abnormal nausea.

"Wait, wait..."

But at this time, he Feng suddenly began to shout, and then quickly walked to the broken palm, "there are two flies on it, the flies are too much, even to bite Xu Shao's palm, I help you solve them."

Voice down, he Feng has stepped on the broken palm.

"Stop it


Xu Tianyin and Xu huangjie cried out almost at the same time.


A dull voice sounded.

He Feng's feet accurately fell on two flies and trampled them into meat cakes.

At the same time was trampled into meat cake, and the broken palm.

The blood spread and made the surroundings red.

"Er... I'm sorry. I accidentally used a little force to damage the palm."

He Feng quickly apologized, a face of sincere apology, "Xu Dong, Xu Shao, you should not blame me?"

"He Feng, I'm fighting with you..."

Xu huangjie roared and rushed to He Feng.

"Huang Jie!"

Xu Tianyin grabs Xu huangjie and looks at He Feng coldly, "He Feng, you are very good, but today's matter is not over. I'm Xu Tianyin. I'm not that easy to bully. "

Leaving this sentence, Xu Tianyin turns around with a black face and pulls Xu huangjie away.

Seeing Xu Tianyin and others leave, he Feng disdains and says, "today's business is not over. After all... Brother Feng only asked you for 10 billion yuan. I hope you will come to me for revenge before brother Feng runs out of money."

Now, he Feng has found a way to make money.

The method is very simple, that is to find rich people to get it.

Today, for example, it's easy to make 10 billion yuan.

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's time for us to go, too?" Ling Weiyu came forward to ask, her face a little white, dare not go to see he Feng's feet, that bloody scene, it is too seeping.

"Well, let's go."

He Feng took Ling Weiyu and said, "don't worry, I just stepped on his hand with genuine Qi, and the blood didn't touch my shoes."

"That's OK, otherwise I have to wash the car tonight..."

Ling Weiyu is relieved, and then leaves with He Feng.

"Hoo! The evil spirit has finally gone. Where is the great man? Even Mr. Xu bowed to him, preferring to spend $10 billion to calm his anger. "

He Feng a walk, all around the people watching, just heavy relief.

"I'm paralyzed. I didn't expect that we are also crouching tiger, hidden dragon in Jiangbin city. It seems that any loser is so powerful. Xu Dong can't help him."

"However, Mr. Xu is also holding his breath. It should not be the end of the matter."

"Yes, these two immortals are sure to fight."

"After all, Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu, the second richest man in Jiangbin city. That young man can't hold his anger."

Looking at the back of the Audi Q3, these people were amazed one by one.

What happened just now will become the capital for them to brag with their friends in their spare time. At the same time, it will be imprinted in their hearts all their lives, which will make them unforgettable.

At this time, Xu Tianyin and Xu huangjie are sitting on a Porsche Cayenne.

"Dad, why do you want to pay he Feng? He has cut off my hand. If we leave directly, how dare he treat me? "

Xu huangjie had never suffered such humiliation as he did today, and now he almost vomited blood.

Xu Tianyin shook his head and said: "Huang Jie, you may not know he Feng very well. He is not only powerful, but also extremely arrogant and overbearing. Huang Chonglin of Nanjin City, Jiang Huan of Jiang family, Wei jiakangfan, you should know all these people, right? But the night before yesterday, they were all killed by He Feng. "


Xu huangjie didn't know about it. Now he heard Xu Tianyin say it, and his eyes widened.

These three people are all famous figures of the younger generation in Nanjin city. Their status is much higher than him. They were all killed by He Feng?

"In addition, in front of hundreds of people, he let Mi Jiaqi of the MI family serve as his maid to warm the bed, which made Wang Xuan, the young master of the Wang family, useless. Even the genius of Cao family, a middle-class ancient Wu family in JIANGCHANG Province, was hurt by him. He Feng is not only powerful, but also extremely overbearing and ruthless in his style. He never gives up when he is the enemy. "

Xu Tianyin continued, squinting.

When Xu huangjie heard this, he felt his heart beating wildly.

None of the characters mentioned by Xu Tianyin and the forces behind them can easily be provoked.

Can he Feng, but a person will these people and influence all provoke.

"Well, how can he Feng still live? Why didn't these forces seek revenge from him? " Xu huangjie asked suspiciously.

"That's why I didn't take revenge on Xu Hongjie for his death before!"

Xu Tianyin said: "He Feng, standing behind him, is Ling family, Guiyi medicine hall, and can even become a disciple of master Huajin. We'd better try not to be enemies with such a character! "

"What, can he become a disciple of master Huajin?" Xu huangjie said with his mouth wide open.

He knows very well what master Huajin means. He is a big man who even the provincial leaders of a province should treat him politely. If he Feng really becomes a disciple of master Huajin

I'm afraid the humiliation he suffered today can only be tolerated.

"Don't worry, he Feng is really qualified to be master Huajin's disciple, but he refused in the end. But... "

Xu Tianyin continued: "I also get a message. Now there is another rumor in the ancient martial world of Nanjin city. If we want to deal with He Feng, we must be more cautious."

"What's the rumor?"

"I don't know why, he Feng has a close relationship with the Nanjin military region, and even got the attention of a big figure in the Nanjin military region."

"The great man of the military region?"

Xu huangjie frowned.

Why is He Feng so complicated?

"Dad, don't talk about it. I know he Feng is not easy to provoke, but now he has cut off my palm and blackmailed us 10 billion yuan. Do we really want to swallow this tone?" Xu huangjie asked directly.

"Swallow it? Of course, I won't just swallow it. However, he Feng is powerful, and he has a bodyguard who has reached the level of dark strength. If we want to deal with him, we have to make a good plan. Don't worry. Just now I've sent a message to your mother. She will rush to Jiangbin city overnight. At that time, we'll discuss the way to deal with He Feng. Don't worry about it. Just focus on healing. "

Xu Tianyin said in a cold voice.

If he can't endure the humiliation he suffered today, what face will he have to stay in Jiangbin city in the future?


He Feng will die!

On Audi Q3, Ling Weiyu is sitting in the co driver's seat because he drinks a lot of wine. He Feng is in charge of driving.

Although Ling Weiyu drank the wine, his head was very clear. "Brother Xiaofeng, that Xu Tianyin was not a good man just now. Now we cut off one of his son's palms and blackmailed him 10 billion. I think he is likely to find us for revenge."

"Revenge, that's right. I'm afraid they'll just give up and stop troubling us."

He Feng grinned and then told him, "but just in case, for a while, you'd better keep your life as simple as possible, reduce your outdoor activities and practice more. Only when you improve your strength, you don't need to be afraid of any trouble in the future. "

"Well! I will try my best to practice in the future. "

Ling Weiyu nodded heavily, "where are we going now?"

"Go and stay at the moon club!"

He Feng touched his nose.

"Er... Brother Xiaofeng, won't you go home?" Ling Weiyu blinked.

When she asked this, there was a trace of expectation in her beautiful eyes, which seemed to be expecting some kind of answer.

"Well, your sister-in-law, Wang Xiangyun, has gathered her inner strength and is practicing in seclusion, so I don't want to go back." He Feng nodded.

"Well, would you like me to accompany you tonight?" There is a blush on Ling Weiyu's cheek, but more of it is tenderness and love.

He Feng saw an eye Ling Weiyu, in the heart suddenly emerged a kind of bold idea, the canthus couldn't help but spread a bad smile.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you having a bad idea?"

Ling Weiyu's sense is very sensitive. He immediately feels that something is wrong.

He Feng said with a smile: "little feather, didn't you say you wanted to accompany me at night? I just want to promise you! "

Ling Weiyu stares at He Feng and shakes his head: "no, you must have other ideas."

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so sensitive now. You guessed it before I said it."

He Feng licked his lips and said: "what... I'm thinking. If I go to Liuyue club for a while, your sister Xinyu may accompany me. And you also want to accompany me, so I plan, or you two will accompany me together. "

He Feng really wanted to stay in the club, because he was seduced by Ji Xinyu in the morning. At that time, he almost ran away in confusion, which was too humiliating.

So he wanted to avenge women's "temptation" and teach them a lesson.


Hearing this, Ling Weiyu's face turned red, almost to the root of his neck. He did not dare to see he Feng again.

"What? No? OK, let's not go to the monthly club. How about going to a hotel and having a room? "

He Feng thinks that Ling Weiyu is unwilling, so he proposes.

It's just a pity that Ji Xinyu is hot and bold when he is with him, while Ling Weiyu is as gentle as water. What would it be like to let these two women serve themselves at the same time at night?

"I, I don't want to, I just..."

Ling Weiyu's face was so red that he could almost drip water. He didn't dare to look into He Feng's eyes.

Although she has become He Feng's woman, she is willing to share he Feng with other women.


Let her serve He Feng with other women, she really didn't think about it, because it was too shameful.

"Just what?" He Feng asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. If sister Xinyu doesn't mind, i... I don't mind either."

Ling Weiyu almost exhausted all his strength before he said this.

Although shy, she can feel that he Feng is looking forward to such a thing.

In this case, then satisfy your beloved man.

However, after saying this sentence, Ling Weiyu immediately looked out of the window, did not dare to let he Feng look at his face.

"Oh, let's go to Liuyue club now, ha ha..."

He Feng a face excited smile, and then step on the accelerator foot a little hard, the car speed will accelerate up, toward the club to stay fast galloping.

In less than half an hour, the car arrived at Liuyue club.

"Mr. He, Miss Ling, our boss is in the training room. If you come, you can go there directly."

Just get off, a person waiting in the hall respectfully way.


He Feng nodded and led Ling Weiyu to the training room where Ji Xinyu was.

Close to the training room, he Feng is relieved to find that Ji Xinyu is not practicing inner strength, but martial arts.

Just now, he thought that women wanted to continue to impact the realm, so he would be angry.


Ji Xinyu, also aware of their arrival, takes the initiative to stop practicing and open the door of the training room.

"Husband, little feather, are you here?" When Ji Xinyu saw he Feng, there was a flash of joy in her beautiful eyes.

It's so late, she thought he Feng won't come again tonight, so she came to the training room to practice martial arts. Unexpectedly, he Feng came before long.

However, since my husband came to find himself in the evening, he didn't want to spend a good night with him. Why did he bring little feather with him?


Look at little feather's face, how can it be so red and shy?

"Wife Xinyu, do you miss me?"

Ji Xinyu has just been exercising for a while, and now he is sweating slightly. His body is sending out a unique and charming fragrance. After he Feng smells it, he feels a little hot and dry.

"Do you think so? You know I miss you, but you haven't come to me earlier. " Ji Xinyu stares at He Feng.

"Sister Xinyu, I took brother Xiaofeng to have a supper with me. Later, something happened and delayed me. That's why I came late." Ling Weiyu explained.

"Well, then I don't blame him."

Ji Xinyu just laughed.

Ling Weiyu opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but when he thought of the picture of that kind of thing, his face turned red with shame and he couldn't say a word.

It's too shameful. It's hard to say such a thing.

Even thinking of doing that with Ji Xinyu, she didn't dare to see Ji Xinyu.

This scene, of course, is noticed by Ji Xinyu, her heart can not help but doubt, surprised to see he Feng, eyes with a hint of inquiry.

He Feng didn't say anything, just licked some dry lips, and looked up and down Ji Xinyu's body for several circles.


Ji Xinyu where can't understand he Feng's meaning, Rao is she can't help but stare He Feng one eye, then lips moved, silent said two words.

Then, she took Ling Weiyu's hand and said, "Xiaoyu, you must be tired after working all day. Let's go. My sister will take you to the hot spring."

"Sister Xinyu, do you still have hot springs?" Ling Weiyu is surprised.

"That's not true. I spent a lot of money to make it artificially, but the effect is very good. It's OK to soak in it all night." Ji Xinyu chuckles and pulls Ling Weiyu out of the training room.

"For a night?"

He Feng murmured in a low voice, and immediately understood the meaning of Ji Xinyu's words. As soon as his eyes brightened, he immediately strode up, "Xinyu's wife, Xiaoyu, you wait for me, let's bubble together..."

This night, destined to be crazy and exciting.

Of course, for He Feng, this evening is happy and refreshing.

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