"He Feng, what do you want to do? Get out of my way, or I won't be blamed for being rude. "

Liang Wei saw he Feng blocking the way, but also wanted them to really "get out", his face suddenly cold down.

"Where's the loser? Get out of my way."

Fu Haiping said angrily.


However, as soon as her voice fell, a crisp slap started to ring, which took her fat body out and hit her several meters away.

"He Feng, you want to die!"

Seeing this, Liang Wei waves his fist to the front of He Feng.

In addition to dressing himself up, he also goes to the gym. He is quite strong. This fight is quite powerful.



Another round of applause, Liang Wei without suspense was also pulled away and landed beside Fu Haiping.

"Originally, brother Feng would not beat a woman. But today, I'm not called He Feng if I don't make you look for teeth all over the place. "

Between speaking, he Feng walked toward two people.

"You, how dare you hit me?"

Fu Haiping stood up in a daze, feeling the hot pain on her face and the bloody smell in her mouth. Her face suddenly surged with strong anger and screamed out: "what are you still doing outside? I'm almost killed. Why don't you get out of here?"

"Dong Dong..."

As her voice spread out, there were two rapid and dull footsteps outside the door.

Then, two big men came running in.

The two men are more than 1.8 meters tall, muscular, and look very powerful. They are both close bodyguards of fuhaiping, specially protecting fuhaiping's safety.

At this time, they see that Fu Haiping has been beaten. Their faces change slightly. Without saying a word, they rush towards He Feng, full of momentum.

"Xiao Feng, be careful..." seeing this, aunt yuan called out subconsciously, and her face was full of worry.

"Aunt yuan, brother Xiaofeng knows Kung Fu. It'll be OK." Ling Weiyu quickly relieved.

"He just hit me with his right hand, you give me his right hand to waste."

Fu Haiping roars loudly and looks at He Feng with a murderous look in her eyes.

She is rich and Haiping has a reputation in Jiangbin city. Her father is a millionaire with a value of over one billion. Since she was a child, she has been respected and treated well. Few people dare to scold her, but today, she was slapped in the face.

What's more, beating her is a loser in a welfare home, which makes her feel humiliated.

Today, he Feng will not be disabled, she can not swallow this breath.

Liang Wei also looks at He Feng with resentment on his face. He is very worried that because he Feng's slap, Fu Haiping will be dissatisfied with him, and his good deeds will be destroyed.

Therefore, he also hopes that Fu Haiping's two bodyguards will directly cripple He Feng and let Fu Haiping take this tone.

"Bang! Bang

But immediately, they were shocked and opened their mouths wide.

Because, the two tall and burly bodyguards, just close to He Feng, was kicked by He Feng and flew directly out of the yard. They couldn't stand up for a long time.


Seeing this, both Fu Haiping and Liang Wei took a breath and were shocked.

Isn't he Feng a loser?

How can you have such a powerful skill?

Aunt yuan was relieved. Fortunately, he Feng was not injured.

"Yes! Brother Xiaofeng is so powerful. "

"Brother Xiaofeng, I must learn kung fu with you in the future."

Xiaoming and others were surprised and yelled.

He Feng walked up to Liang Wei and Fu Haiping and said indifferently, "are you going to get out by yourself, or do I throw you out directly?"

"He Feng, you've made a big mistake. You'll regret it." Liang Wei stares at He Feng.

"You, do you know who I am? How dare you beat me? Do you want to die? " Fu Haiping see he Feng so strong, angry chest sharp ups and downs, can see how angry.

"It seems that you are not going to get out on your own. In that case, I'll have to throw you out. "

With these words, he Feng didn't say a word of nonsense with them. He stretched out his hand and grabbed them by the shoulder. He grabbed them like a chicken and threw them out of the courtyard wall.


Two people flying in the air, came bursts of screaming.

Then, two heavy objects fell to the ground outside the yard.

"Xiao Feng, are they... OK?"

Aunt yuan asked with some worry.

"Aunt yuan, they don't have much to do. It's estimated that they haven't even broken their bones. Brother Xiao Feng's hand is still a little lighter." Ling Weiyu said.

She has a very sensitive sense of the physical condition of the two people outside.

"I think it's a little light, too. Why don't I go out and break some of their bones now?" He Feng said.

"Forget it, Xiao Feng. That woman may have something to do with it. Don't make it too big to get into trouble."

Aunt Yuan said quickly that he Feng had just returned home. She didn't want him to have any trouble.

He Feng thought about it and said, "well, it's cheaper for them."

"Aunt yuan, don't be angry. People like Liang Wei will leave sooner or later. You can't keep him. But before long, he will certainly regret it. "

Ling Weiyu advised: "at that time, if he wants to return to our welfare home, don't be soft hearted and agree. I don't think the children will be happy with him. "

Aunt yuan sighed: "well, Liang Wei really let me down. But... Forget it, let him go out and suffer losses, so as not to suffer big losses in the future. "

"Aunt yuan, don't take this matter to heart. Let's go out now, and the car will stop outside."

Ling Weiyu said.

At this moment, she was thinking that she had to go back to Liang Wei to warn him not to come to the welfare home again, so as not to make aunt yuan sad again.

After all, aunt yuan is still too soft hearted, and Liang Wei's character must be hard to change. Ling Weiyu really doesn't want him to run into a wall outside and go back to the welfare home.

"Well, by the way, you have to tell me why you are spending so much money now."

Aunt yuan nodded.

"Aunt yuan, we don't spend money lavishly. You'll know later anyway." Ling Weiyu slyly smile, pull aunt yuan to go out, a group of children also followed.

When they came to the outside of the welfare home, Liang Wei and Fu Haiping had already driven away. An Audi Q3 and a minibus were parked outside.

"Wow, sister feather, you really drive an Audi. It's a famous brand. Have you made a lot of money?"

Xiao Li looked at the Audi Q3 and asked excitedly.

Tongtong and Xiaoming don't know what Audi is, but Xiaoli says that Ling Weiyu has made a lot of money. They all look at her adoringly.

Ling Wei Yu rubbed Xiao Li's head and said, "Xiao Li, you are good at reading. When you are admitted to university, you can make a lot of money."

"Well, I will study hard." Xiao Lidao.

"Then get on the bus. You take the children in the minibus. There are aunts who will take care of you. There are many delicious and interesting things on the bus. I'll take you to a place."

Ling Weiyu said, then led the children on the minibus, and she and aunt yuan sat in the back row of Audi Q3. He Feng drove in front of her to Xingyuan community.

At the same time, on the road not far from Jule welfare home, Fu Haiping, Liang Wei and two bodyguards were sitting on an Audi Q7.

The driver was one of the bodyguards, and the other was sitting on the co driver. Although they were kicked by He Feng and their ribs were broken, because of their strong physique, driving would not have much impact.

"Haiping, I'm sorry. I didn't know he Feng was so good at Kung Fu that he bullied you."

Liang Wei and Fu Haiping are sitting in the back row, and Liang Wei says apologetically.

He was a little nervous in his eyes, for fear that Fu Haiping would be dissatisfied with him and would not talk to him any more.

"Well, he's good at Kung Fu. I'll bring a group of people directly later. If he can fight two at a time, can he still fight twenty? " Fu Haiping snorted coldly.

At this moment, she was really very angry. She thought about going back, and immediately called a group of bodyguards to the welfare home for revenge. By the way, she demolished the broken welfare home.

"Miss, the man just now is very powerful. I guess he may be the legendary ancient warrior. There are more than ten or twenty people, so it's hard to deal with him."

At this time, a bodyguard sitting on the co driver turned around and said, "if we want revenge, we should not just call more people. It's better to get some guys."

"What are you doing? Are you talking about guns? "

"Well! Only with a gun can we be sure to deal with him. "

"But where do you want me to get a gun in a short time? And even if you get a gun, it's not easy to use it. "

Fu Haiping said irritably: "I heard my father say that recently, for some reason, Jiangbin city has been very strict in anti gangs and control of guns. Once we are found by the police with guns, we will be in great trouble."

"Then I suggest that the young lady spend some money to invite an ancient warrior to deal with him." The weak way of the bodyguard.

"The ancient warrior? I heard from my father that there are not many ancient warriors in Jiangbin. I don't know them. Where can I go, please Fu Haiping stares at the bodyguard.


The bodyguard was speechless. Although he had heard of some ancient warriors, he didn't know each other and couldn't get in touch with each other. He really couldn't come up with any ideas.

"What a bunch of losers!" Fu Haiping snorted, and Liang Wei did not dare to speak.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Fu Haiping's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. The person calling was her father. She pressed the answer button, "Dad!"

"Haiping, where are you now?" There was a middle-aged man's voice on the phone.

"I'm outside. I'm going back." Fuhaiping road.

"Don't go back now. Go to the airport. I'll take you to meet a big man." The middle-aged man said.

"Big man? OK, I'll go now. "

"Well! By the way, you can come here alone, but don't take that man with you. He's just a poor loser. You just have fun. He's not qualified for such an important occasion. "

"Oh, I see. I'll be at the airport soon."

Fu Haiping said and hung up.

She looked at Liang Wei beside her and saw that he was embarrassed. She knew that Liang Wei had heard her father's words. She immediately patted Liang Wei on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Wei, don't worry about what my father said. As long as we have a good relationship, he will support us in the future."

"Well, I understand!"

Liang Wei just laughed, "I will love you more and love you more in the future, so that your father can trust you to me."

"Xiao Wei, you are so kind to me." Fu Haiping smiles gently, and her hand falls on Liang Wei's leg. "Xiao Wei, I'm a little hungry now..."


Liang Wei opened a curtain on the side to completely separate the front and rear rows, and then untied the belt.

The two bodyguards in the front row listened to the voice coming from the back row and looked at each other, with a trace of envy in their eyes.


About 20 minutes later, Audi Q7 stops at the airport, and Fu Haiping gets out of the car alone.

Originally, she had a palm print on her face, but because of a thick layer of makeup, she couldn't see the palm print.

Soon, Fu Haiping came to a middle-aged man, "Dad!"

The middle-aged man is in his early fifties. He has a big belly, Mediterranean hairstyle and ugly facial features. However, his clothes are very luxurious. He also wears a valuable gold watch on his wrist. You can know his status at a glance.

"Haiping, we're going to meet you later, but you're a real big shot. You should pay attention to your attitude." Rich Gao Wen exhorts a way.

"Big man? What's the big deal, dad? " Fu Haiping asked suspiciously: "is it a big man in the political and business circles?"

"No! This man is from JIANGCHANG province. We can make so much money these years thanks to their support. " He said.

"JIANGCHANG province? Is it the Cao family Fu Haiping is shocked.

She knew her father well and didn't have much ability, but because of the help of the Cao family, her business was almost smooth. She easily became a rich man with a value of more than one billion, and also a dignified upper class person in Jiangbin city.

"Yes, it's the Cao family!"

Fu Gaowen nodded and said, "what's more, this time, it's a big man of the Cao family. When they came to Jiangbin City, they had a matter to deal with and wanted us to help. If we can help them do this well, the Cao family will certainly give us more support. In the future, we are even expected to make the company's market value exceed 10 billion yuan. "

"Really? That's great

Fu Haiping surprised.

"Here they are

At this time, a group of people came out of the exit of the airport. Fu Gaowen soon saw three figures coming towards them. In front of him, he quickly took Fu Haiping to welcome them.

Among the three, the first is a middle-aged man named Lin Zhiyi, who is in charge of contacting Fu Gaowen and is also the confidant of the Cao family.

Fu Gaowen looks back at Lin Zhiyi. They are two old people. They both look like 70 years old, but they both look energetic, tough, and brisk. They don't look old at all.

"The Cao family is really the land of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon. Even for us, who are worth more than one billion, it is also a holy land. "

Fugaowen's heart is full of yearning and longing.

But on the surface, fugaowen is still calm.

He went up to Lin Zhiyi, reached out his hand and said, "Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for many years. Are you all right?"

Lin Zhiyi reached out to shake hands with him and said, "Mr. Fu, you look like you're living a good life in Jiangbin city."

"Thanks to the care of Mr. Lin and the Cao family, I am rich today." Fu Gaowen said quickly, and then his eyes fell on the two old men behind Lin Zhiyi.

"Mr. Fu, let me introduce you. This is the third master."

Lin Zhiyi introduced him directly, pointed to one of the skinny old men and said respectfully, then pointed to another short old man and said, "and this one is a good friend of the third master. Just call him Fengye."

"Three ye, Feng Ye!"

Fugaowen called respectfully.

Although I don't know the position of the Third Master in the Cao family, Lin Zhiyi is so respectful. It can be seen that the other party must be a big man in the Cao family.

"This time the third master came to see you in Jiangbin city to ask you to help find someone out."

Lin Zhiyi said, took out his mobile phone, opened a photo and handed it to Fu Gaowen to see, "his name is He Feng. He is also a celebrity in Jiangbin city. It should not be difficult for you to find him?"

"He Feng?"

Fu Gaowen looked at the photo and recognized he Feng's identity. "It turns out that he is the husband of the chairman of Yuncheng group. He is really a celebrity in Jiangbin city. I will start some relations now to see if I can find him out as soon as possible. "

"When he came to Jiangbin, he just got rid of him. He was in a hurry. So you need to find him as soon as possible. In addition, you should do it in secret and not let outsiders know. Otherwise, everything you have now, including your life, may be lost. "

Lin Zhiyi said, glancing at Fu Hailian beside Fu Gaowen, full of warning.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. I will keep it a secret." Rich Gao Wen's uneasy way.

Fu Hailian was close to Fu Gaowen, squinting at the photo on her mobile phone and saying, "Mr. Lin, i... I just seem to have met the person in this photo."

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