"Have you seen it? Are you sure? " Lin Zhiyi directly handed the mobile phone to Fu Hailian, "see clearly, don't make a mistake."

Fu halotus mobile phone, as like as two peas, and looked at him carefully, "he is the same as He Feng, and his name is also called". "

When there was a conflict with He Feng in the welfare home, Liang Wei called He Feng's name, so she was able to confirm.

"Do you know where he is now? How can we find him? " Lin Zhiyi asked.

"I saw him in a welfare home about half an hour ago, but I'm not sure if he's still there now." Said Fu Hailian.

"Go straight to the welfare home!"

Lin Zhiyi wants to ask more questions. Cao Sanye, standing behind him, speaks directly.

In Cao San Ye's eyes, there is a touch of indifference.


When he Feng and Ling Weiyu arrived at Xingyuan community, it was almost nine o'clock.

They went directly into the community, and then parked the car in the parking space of seven buildings.

"Xiaofeng, feather, isn't this a residential area? But it looks like it's a new neighborhood. What are you doing here with me and the kids? "

Aunt yuan got out of the car, looked around the community and asked suspiciously.

The children got out of the car and looked around curiously.

Soon, they saw a small open-air playground in front of them, in which there were slides, seesaws, swings and so on, all played by children.

"Tongtong, come on, there's a slide here. Go and play."

"And my favorite swing!"

Xiaoming and Tongtong ran over for the first time, and some other children followed.

In this regard, he Feng and Ling Weiyu didn't stop, because Ji Xinyu arranged people to take care of them, but they didn't worry.

"Aunt yuan, what do you think of the environment of this community?" He Feng looked at Aunt yuan and asked.

"This community looks very new and high-end. It also has villas. It must be very good."

Speaking of this, aunt yuan began to laugh and said, "Xiao Feng, do you have money now and move here with your feathers? Is your house rented or bought? Wait, you don't say, let me guess... Well, I guess it was bought. You bought it as a wedding house, ready to get married, right? "

"Aunt yuan, what do you say?"

Ling Weiyu's pretty face was suffused with a thick blush. "It's too early for me and brother Xiaofeng to talk about marriage. However, this house is really bought by brother Xiaofeng. Let me take you and the children to have a look. "

"Did you really buy it? That's good. I think you two are getting married soon. "

Aunt yuan's eyes were full of surprises and said, "hurry up, go upstairs and have a look at your house. As for the children, they don't have to go up, do they? They're very naughty. They're sure to dirty your new house. "

"Aunt yuan, look at what you said. Since I have brought them, I will definitely take them to have a look."

Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, if you want to go upstairs, take them with you." Looking at the playground in front of her, aunt Yuan said, "Xiao Li, go and ask the children who want to go upstairs with us to see the new house."

"Well, I'll go and ask."

Xiao Li runs over and asks Xiao Ming about them.

But Xiaoming and they are crazy now. Even under the sun, they are reluctant to leave. Only two or three introverts choose to go upstairs with Xiaoli to see their new house.

"Aunt yuan, Xiao Ming, they want to stay here to play and don't want to see the new house." Xiao Li came over with the two or three children and said.

"Let them play here. Let's go up first." I don't know why, aunt yuan is very excited now, even a little impatient.

"OK, I'll press the elevator."

He Feng walked quickly to the elevator entrance, pressed the elevator, and then took aunt yuan and Xiao Li into the elevator.

The elevator of the western style house is not big. Fortunately, there are not many children going upstairs to see the house, so it doesn't seem crowded.

Soon, the group went up to the fifth floor.

"Xiao Feng, did you buy it on the fifth floor?"

After getting out of the elevator, aunt yuan asked.

"Yes, aunt yuan, what do you think of the fifth floor?" He Feng takes out the key and asks with a smile.

"Of course, the fifth floor is good. I just took a look at it downstairs. The location of this building is the best on the fifth floor and the sixth floor. Your vision is really good. Your girlfriend chose such an excellent one and the house bought such a good one." Aunt yuan praised with a smile.

"Aunt yuan, why are you talking about me again?" Ling Weiyu blushed.

"Oh, it seems I'm wrong. Xiao Feng should choose a better one." Aunt yuan narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

"Aunt yuan, let's go in and have a look at the house."

Ling Weiyu, with a helpless face, hurried aunt yuan into the room and said, "look, do you like it or not?"

When Aunt yuan entered the room, she began to look at it.

The house was originally finely decorated, and there was no smell. Aunt yuan was quite satisfied with this.

But when she saw the furniture in the room, she wondered, "Maple, feather, why is your dining table so big?"

Because he Feng was thinking about all the children eating in this suite, he made a large round table, which could easily seat more than ten people.

"Aunt yuan, leave the dining table alone. Look at the others. Is there anything else you're not satisfied with?" He Feng grinned.

"All right, I'll see."

Aunt yuan wandered around the room again.

"Well, yes, Xiao Feng, you really have a good eye. I can't find anything wrong with this house. It's sunny, sunny, and windy. It must be warm in winter and cool in summer to live here."

After watching it for a few minutes, aunt yuan was very satisfied and said, "but aren't you rich now? Since this house is intended to be your wedding house, why don't you decorate it more beautifully?"

"Aunt yuan, who said that we are going to use this house as a wedding house?"

Ling Weiyu looks depressed. She has long known that she has not told aunt yuan that she and he Feng have come together. Now aunt yuan knows that she is urging them to get married, but brother Xiao Feng is already married.

"Not a bridal chamber? what do you mean? Are you not going to get married yet? "

When Aunt yuan heard Ling Weiyu's words, she immediately said, "Xiao Feng, tell me quickly, don't you think feather doesn't want to marry you now? Is there anything else she asks you to meet before you marry you? If that's the case, tell Aunt yuan that I'll make the decision and let her marry you right away. "


He Feng was choked by Aunt yuan's words, and even said: "aunt yuan, you misunderstood feather. We don't want to get married, but we are too busy at work recently. We don't have time to think about marriage at all."

"That is, aunt yuan, brother Xiao Feng and I are not very old. Don't worry about it now." Ling Weiyu said with a speechless face.

"Young? Feather, you are all twenty-four or twenty-five years old. When I was your age, my children were six or seven years old. " Aunt yuan stares at Ling Weiyu and says, "so you and Xiao Feng have to hold on."

"Yes, I know about Aunt yuan. But let's come to see the house today. Let's not talk about it. I'll show you the house. "

Ling Weiyu didn't dare to let aunt yuan talk any more. He pulled her and walked out of the room.


"Feather, haven't you seen all the houses? What else do you want to see? " Asked aunt yuan.

"Aunt yuan, we are looking at the houses on the fifth floor, but we haven't seen the houses on the sixth floor. Now, I'll show you the house on the sixth floor. " Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "anyway, it's going up one floor, so we don't have to take the elevator, just take the stairs?"

"It doesn't matter, but what's good about the house on the sixth floor?" Aunt yuan felt that something was wrong.

"You'll see in a moment."

Ling Weiyu smiles mysteriously and carefully helps aunt yuan to go upstairs. He Feng is in front of him and opens the door of the two houses.

"Well... How come you have the keys to these two houses? Is it difficult, Xiao Feng? Did you buy these two suites? " Aunt yuan asked in shock.

"Aunt yuan, don't ask about these. Take the children to have a look at these two houses first." He Feng did not answer aunt yuan's words.

"It seems that I underestimated you too much. I've made so much money these years, and I should have suffered a lot, right?" Aunt yuan looked at He Feng with some heartache.

"What I suffer from is to be busy and tired. Everything else is OK."

He Feng naturally won't tell Aunt yuan what she is doing abroad. She immediately says to Xiao Li, "Xiao Li, take the children into the house to see if you like it or not."


Xiao Li was very clever and soon rushed into the house with the children.

The two suites upstairs are also finely decorated. Like the decoration style downstairs, the furniture and household appliances are almost the same. However, the two suites upstairs are filled with many toys, so the children's eyes shine and play directly as soon as they go in.

"Xiao Feng, how can you put so many toys in this room?"

Aunt yuan also went in, looking at so many toys in the room, she asked a question.

He Feng grinned: "aunt yuan, to tell you the truth, these three houses are not for me and feather. I bought these houses for you and the children. "

"What? What did you say? "

Aunt yuan thought she had heard wrong.

He Feng said with a smile: "aunt yuan, you heard me right. I bought these three houses and gave them to you and your children. Now the human traffickers outside are quite rampant. I think you are also worried about this kind of thing. But in the community, you don't need to worry too much about this. The security of the community is very professional, and the security problem is much better. "

"Xiao Feng, don't tell me that. I can't take you for these three houses. Don't think I don't have any culture, just don't know anything. I've heard people say that the house price in Jiangbin city now is two or three thousand square meters. If you get these three houses down, it's better than millions. I can't ask you for so much money. "

Aunt yuan shook her head again and again, "besides, you and feather are not married yet, because you have just returned to China, and your career is still in the initial stage, and you will definitely use a lot of money in the future. These three houses are your own investment. When the right opportunity comes, you can sell them directly. If you give it to us, you'll be wasting millions. No, absolutely not

Aunt yuan's attitude seems very firm!

Xiaoli is also shocked to see he Feng and Ling Weiyu. At the beginning, she didn't know what was going on, but now she knows that the three houses were bought by Xiaofeng and given to them.

At this moment, she was deeply shocked and moved.

She secretly vowed in her heart that she would study hard and enter a good university.

"Aunt yuan, don't be in a hurry to refuse. Feather and I are not short of money now. "

He Feng chuckled and patted aunt yuan on the shoulder and said, "if you don't believe me, you can ask feather. She won't lie to you, will she?"

Without waiting for Aunt yuan to ask, Ling Weiyu said directly: "aunt yuan, brother Xiaofeng didn't cheat you. We are really not short of money now. Even I, with the help of my brother Xiaofeng, bought the Internet company that I used to work for. Now I'm a big boss. "

"Acquisition? Is he a big boss Aunt yuan looked at them with a puzzled face.

She remembers that not long ago, Ling Weiyu was just a small employee. How did he become a big boss after so many days?

"It's all thanks to my brother Xiaofeng. Because I was bullied in that company before, he bought that company directly. My brother Xiaofeng and I have become the boss of this company."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "moreover, the company is making a lot of money now. It can make millions every day."

It's true that Ling Weiyu's words are true. The company's traffic is soaring now, and the daily increase is extremely terrible. Now all the books in the company are sold by millions every day. Even if a part of them is given to the author, and the employees' wages and other expenses are excluded, the daily profit will remain at more than three million.

Moreover, the profit is still growing rapidly.

"This, this is true?" Aunt Yuan said in disbelief.

Xiaoli also opened her mouth wide. For them, millions of RMB is astronomical.

But now Ling Weiyu says that the company's net profit in one day is several million.

How many in that month?

How many in a year?

"Of course it's true!"

Ling Weiyu nodded and said: "aunt yuan, when you are free, I will take you to the company to have a look at the situation of the company. Then you will know if I am cheating you. In addition, brother Xiaofeng and I are going to find some large media newspapers to do some publicity for the company. You can see it on TV at that time. "

"Good, good, good..."

Aunt yuan even said the word "good" three times. Her muddy eyes were all slightly red. She was obviously too excited.

"Aunt yuan, in fact, it's all thanks to brother Xiao Feng. He's very capable."

Ling Weiyu looked at the man with pride on his face. "Not only that, brother Xiaofeng is very familiar with the developer boss of this community. You may not know that although the market value of these three houses is several million, the boss is only willing to accept a dollar from brother Xiaofeng, but no more than one point. It's equivalent to giving these three houses to brother Xiaofeng for nothing. "

"What? These three multi million houses are sold for only one yuan? " Aunt yuan was shocked.

"Aunt yuan, in fact, because I helped them a lot, so he gave me these three houses." He Feng explained a sentence.

"Promising, promising. Xiao Feng, aunt yuan is proud of you. " Aunt yuan had a happy face.


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