"Aunt yuan, it's all because you taught me well when I was a child."

He Feng said with a smile: "these three houses are my present for Aunt yuan's 70th birthday. Aunt yuan, you have to take it. In the future, it's time for you and the children to have a good life. "

"A birthday present?"

Aunt yuan just reflected that today is her birthday, "OK, OK, I can take this gift, so that the children can live more comfortable. Xiao Feng, you have a heart. "

"Aunt yuan, just like it. If you don't feel used to living on the fifth and sixth floor, we can change it to a villa."

He Feng said with a smile: "in addition, just the two young girls, I will let them live on the fourth floor, dedicated to take care of the children, so that you can relax a lot."

"Ah? Isn't it good to let someone take care of the children? " Aunt yuan was a little worried about letting others take care of the children.

"Don't worry, aunt yuan. These two people are qualified to take care of the children after a lot of screening and assessment. I don't trust ordinary people to take care of them. " He Feng said with a smile.

These two people are Ji Xinyu's confidants. They are careful and considerate. With some Kung Fu, he Feng is really at ease.

"Oh, that's good!"

Aunt yuan was relieved.

But immediately, aunt yuan thought of another thing, "what about children's reading?"

"Aunt yuan, you don't have to worry about this. I've solved all the problems in kindergarten and primary school. As for Xiao Li, I will try to solve the problem of their middle school education in the future. " He Feng said: "in addition, outside the community, there are vegetable farms, supermarkets, very convenient."

"That's good!"

See he Feng arranged so properly, aunt yuan eyes finally revealed a touch of relaxed color.

For most of her life, she has been guarding the Jule welfare home, bringing up hundreds of children. She has never received half a cent from the relevant groups. Only a few kind-hearted people will donate a little money and materials.

It can be said that her whole life's energy is almost devoted to the children.

Isn't she tired?


However, she would never cry out, but gritted her teeth and insisted, because there were still a dozen children around who had not grown up.

Even though her body is getting worse day by day now, she also puts it behind her and doesn't care about it. Instead, she continues to take care of the children.

Today, he Feng prepared three houses for the welfare home, and found two caring young girls to take care of the children, and he could make so much money

Aunt yuan felt the burden on her shoulders as if she had been relieved.

Especially relaxed!

"Brother Xiaofeng, there seems to be a quarrel downstairs."

At this time, sensitive Ling Weiyu seems to notice something, looking at He Feng said.

Smell speech, he Feng to the window, look down, then see a middle-aged couple, is holding a teddy dog standing on the side of the road.

And the middle-aged woman, pointing at Xiaoming, yelled, and even wanted to start, but was stopped by the girl who looked after them.

"Feather, I'll go down the stairs first, you take aunt yuan and they take the elevator down."

He Feng face suddenly gloomy down, turned and ran towards the door.

"Feather, is Xiaoming in trouble?"

Aunt yuan also saw the following situation, immediately worried about the inquiry.

"Don't worry, aunt yuan. Xiaoming is not in trouble. It's the couple who are looking for trouble. Let's go down and have a look." Ling Weiyu said.

"Go, go, go."

Aunt yuan was very worried and quickly walked out of the house.

At this time, a middle-aged woman was pointing at Xiaoming on the path below the seventh building and yelled, "which family's child are you? It's too ill bred to kick my dog. Do you know how expensive my dog is? Can you afford to kick it?"

Although the middle-aged women in their forties are wearing simple household clothes, the fabrics are all made of silk, which is expensive. She also wore a green jade bracelet on her wrist and a thick gold chain around her neck. At a glance, she knew that the family conditions were very good.

The middle-aged man beside her looked at him indifferently, without interrupting. But when he looked at Xiaoming's eyes, he would show a touch of disdain from time to time.

Behind the two of them, a little brown teddy was playing in the grass. He didn't seem to feel any discomfort.

"It was your dog that scared me first. I thought it would bite me and kick him. Why do you blame me?"

Xiaoming hides behind a young girl arranged by Ji Xinyu and shouts out loud. He is not afraid. His courage is the biggest among these children.

Of course, the main reason is that someone is protecting him.

Ji Xinyu's two young girls are a pair of sisters. Her sister's name is Bai Shuang and her sister's name is Bai Xue. They are both very young, 23 and 22.

Bai Xue frowned and said, "Auntie, you..."

"What do you call me? Auntie? Am I that old? You did it on purpose, didn't you. You are really a family. You are all so ill bred and unqualified. "

As soon as Bai Xuecai opened her mouth, she was interrupted by the middle-aged woman angrily. With a face of questioning, she said, "how did you get into Xingyuan community? Are you the owners here?"


Bai Xue's face is angry, and she wants to get angry, but she is held by Bai Shuang.

White frost light way: "we are not the owners here, there is no need to explain to you.". But just now it was your dog that scared the children, so it kicked them. However, children's strength is not very big, although your dog was kicked by it, but not injured, why are you aggressive? Besides, you don't seem to have a dog chain, do you

"Well, what if I don't have a dog chain? If you are not the owners here, what qualifications do you have to enter the community? Is it clear to register in the property? If it's not registered, I can't blame my dog for killing you. "

The middle-aged woman snorted coldly, "fortunately my dog hasn't been kicked, otherwise you think I'll still stand here and talk to you? But even if my dog wasn't hurt, the little bastard had to apologize to my dog. "

"Little bastard? Apologize to the dog? "

Hearing the middle-aged woman's words, Rao Shi Bai Shuang's face became cold.

This middle-aged woman is too much!

"I'm sorry. Don't delay our time. I have to rush to the District Committee meeting today."

The middle-aged man said impatiently, "if I delay any more, I can only call the property manager and let them deal with it."

Smell speech, white frost not from frown.

Even snow white felt subdued.

They are very smart, from each other's words, they can guess that the other party is likely to be an official.

Moreover, to be able to go to a meeting of the district Party committee is not a small official position.

If they get into big trouble because of such a small matter, they really don't know how to explain to the leader.


"It seems that we can only ask Mr. He to come down and solve the problem. He is so capable that even the leader of the gang has been subdued by him. He must have a way." Bai Shuang thought.

As soon as she thought of He Feng in her mind, she saw he Feng come out from the first floor of the seventh building.

"Mr. He, you are here..."

He Feng immediately walked in the past, what happened here, simply told he Feng once again.

Finally, he Feng simply added, "this man just said that he would go to the district Party Committee for a meeting. He should be a civil servant of the district government. It's very likely that his official position is not small."

"OK, I see!"

He Feng nodded and went to Xiao Ming and said, "Xiao Ming, aren't you scared?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm ok." Xiao Ming is a little embarrassed and says that although he is brave, he is only afraid of dogs. "However, i... am I in trouble?"

Although she is young, she can see that she seems to be in trouble, and the other party is forcing him to apologize.

"Well, you did make some trouble, so you have to apologize."

He Feng nodded and touched Xiao Ming's head. "Xiao Ming, be good, let's apologize."

"Oh..." Xiao Ming is a little reluctant, but he still chooses to listen to He Feng and walk towards the Teddy dog on the lawn.

White frost and white snow sisters see this scene, are slightly frowned, obviously very dissatisfied.

They thought he Feng would have a good solution, but they didn't expect to ask Xiao Ming to apologize.

"Oh, young man, do you live here? Most of the people who live in Xinghui community are rich. I advise you to move to another place. This community is not suitable for you. "

The middle-aged woman looked at He Feng disdainfully and said that she wanted to drive him away.

A loser like character actually lives in the same neighborhood with them. If friends or colleagues outside see it, isn't it lowering their rank?

As for the middle-aged man, after seeing he Feng, he moved away. He didn't want to see more.

This kind of character is destined to have no intersection with himself.

Because he doesn't deserve it!

He Feng didn't pay any attention to them. He saw Xiao Ming walking towards the lawn. He immediately grabbed Xiao Ming, pointed to the middle-aged woman and said, "Xiao Ming, why are you going there? I want you to apologize to them."

"Apologize to them? All right

Xiao Ming listens to He Feng very much. At first, he thinks he Feng is asking him to apologize to Teddy dog, so he is going to apologize to Teddy dog.

Now he Feng holds him and says that he wants to apologize to the two adults. He doesn't think much about it. He says to the two humanitarians: "I'm sorry!"

"What's the use of apologizing to us? I want you to apologize to my dog! Do you have any brain problems that you can't understand me? " The middle-aged woman scolded coldly.

"Hurry up and apologize!" The middle-aged man was also very impatient to reprimand, the voice was full of dignity.

"We have no brain problems. I think you have."

He Feng looked at them like an idiot. "Just now you said, let my brother Xiaoming apologize to the dog? Now, my brother, hasn't he apologized to you two dogs? "

"What are you talking about, asshole?" The middle-aged woman burst into a rage.

"You have to explain it clearly, or I promise you will come to a terrible end." The middle-aged man's face became gloomy.

At the same time, while he was talking, he took out his cell phone from his pocket, which was ready to call someone.

"Wow, Mr. He is too overbearing. I thought he was ready to compromise with each other. I was wrong about him Bai Xue is a little stunned, and then looks at He Feng's eyes, full of a strong color of worship.

Even Bai Shuang laughed, "now I finally understand why he can conquer our boss. However, the other party is likely to be an important member of the district government. Is Mr. He not afraid of causing trouble? "

At this time, Ling Weiyu and his wife came to help aunt yuan.

They noticed that the atmosphere on the scene was a little tense, and then quickly went to He Feng.

Ling Weiyu is better, but aunt yuan is very worried, "Xiao Feng, what's the matter? Is Xiao Ming in trouble? "

"Aunt yuan, Xiaoming didn't make trouble. Don't worry. I can solve the problem well." He Feng patted aunt yuan on the shoulder and said.

"Aunt yuan, you believe brother Xiaofeng, it must be OK." Ling Weiyu also said.

"All right!"

Aunt yuan nodded.

He Feng looked at the middle-aged couple and said, "I don't want my elders to be disturbed. If you still want to live in this community, leave now."

"You, how dare you threaten me? Junying, please call manager Liu here and let him bring people here. This boy is too arrogant. " The middle-aged woman glared at He Feng angrily: "a real group of uneducated people, I will let the property contact your landlord, and then let your landlord drive you out."

"OK, I'll call now."

Wan Junying took out his mobile phone and went up to make a phone call.

After the phone was connected, Wan Junying immediately said, "manager Liu, I'm on the ground floor of unit 2, building 7. Please bring some security guards. Someone insults me. I hope you can help me deal with it, so that I won't go to the police station to call someone and cause you trouble. "

At the same time, in the manager's office of the property building, Liu kuanzheng was eating breakfast while answering the phone. After hearing Wan Junying's words, he frowned, "unit 2, building 7, isn't it? OK, I'll go now! "

After hanging up, Liu Kuan quickly walked out of the office and said to the two security guards outside: "Xiao Tang and Xiao Hui, you two go with me to unit 2, building 7. Something happened there."


Xiao Tang immediately followed.

Xiaohui also followed him, but he was puzzled and said: "unit 2, building 7? Isn't that the building where Mr. He lives? It shouldn't involve Mr. He? "

"Mr. He?"

Liu Kuan remembered that the mysterious Mr. He really lived in unit 2, building 7.

As for the so-called Mr. He, they don't know much about him, but they know very well that Mr. He is a friend of their boss Jiang Yin. Jiang Yin also specially told them that in the future in Xingyuan community, we must pay special attention to anything about Mr. He. If Mr. He orders them to do something, we must do our best to make it perfect.

If it is Mr. He who is in conflict with Wan Junying, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

Liu Kuan thought about it and said, "let's go ahead first. If it's Mr. He, you should keep a good attitude and never offend him. In addition, I'll give you the phone number of Mr. Jiang's office. If things are rather difficult, you must find an opportunity to contact Mr. Jiang and report the situation here to him. "

With that, Liu Kuan reported a number for two security guards to write down, and then quickly rushed to unit 2, building 7.


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