"Did you hear me right?"

Liu Kuan asked subconsciously.

Wan Junying is the Secretary of the district head!

Liu Kuan remembers that when Wan Junying came to buy a house, Jiang Yin also received him personally. Afterwards, they had a good time drinking and getting along well.

It is because of this that Liu Kuan is so polite to Wan Junying, because he thinks that even Jiang Dong should be more polite to the people he treats.

But now, Jiang Yin tells him to listen to He Feng. Even if he Feng asks him to beat Wan Junying, he can't save energy.

This is obviously not a joke!

What's the identity of He Feng? Can let Jiang Dong make such a decision!

Behind Wan Junying stands the district head. Is He Feng much more energetic than the district head?

"Manager Liu, you are not going to cooperate with me to solve this problem, are you?" Wan Junying see Liu kuanleng in situ, is very unhappy to repeat.

This Liu Kuan is really not witty, he has given him a solution, what else does he have to hesitate?

Did he forget that he was the Secretary of the district chief?

Liu Kuan takes a look at Wan Junying. Instead of answering, he goes straight to He Feng.

He is Jiang Yin's subordinate after all. At this critical juncture, he chooses to trust his boss.


Wan Junying's face turned ugly.

Many onlookers around also look surprised. Does manager Liu give Secretary Wan too much face?

"What's your problem, Mr. He?" Liu Kuan ignored people's eyes, went to He Feng and asked.

When asked this sentence, Liu Kuan had already made a decision in his heart.

If he Feng really orders him to beat Wan Junying, he can only stick to his head.

"What's that man's name and what does he do?"

Fortunately, he Feng just casually asked him a question, and did not ask him to do it to Wan Junying.

This made Liu relaxed and said: "Mr. He, his name is wan Junying. He used to be in business, but because of poor management, the company went bankrupt. Then I didn't know what the reason was, I turned to politics, got into a civil servant, and soon became the Secretary of the district head. Now he is the red man of our district head. "

"It turned out to be the Secretary of the district head. No wonder he is so arrogant."

He Feng suddenly, then lowered his voice and continued to ask, "do you know this man? Do you think he has the possibility of corruption?"

This kind of problem is very sensitive, it is to offend people to death, but also involves the district head.

If ordinary people ask him this question, Liu Kuan will definitely leave without hesitation.

But when he thought of Jiang Yin's explanation to him, he thought about it and nodded: "Liu Kuan is very arrogant. He is extremely overbearing with some ordinary businessmen. Only when he treats such a rich person as our chairman who is more than one billion, he will be polite. If an ordinary businessman doesn't get enough red envelopes, he won't even have a chance to eat with him alone. If you want him to help you with a better project, don't even think about it if you don't have a five digit red envelope. In addition, his wife also entered a riverside bank under his arrangement. I heard that she didn't have to do too many things in the bank, and she had tens of thousands of dollars in a month. "

"Tens of thousands a month! No wonder you dare to wear more than 100000 pieces of jewelry

He Feng looks a little ugly.

"OK, I see. Go ahead and do your work. I'll make a call." He Feng felt out the mobile phone.

"Mr. He, Wan Junying, seems to be familiar with the people in our district police station. If I call the police, I'm afraid you'll have some trouble."

Manager Liu reminded: "otherwise, you should avoid it first and discuss with Mr. Jiang how to solve the problem when Mr. Jiang comes here?"

"No, you just watch. You don't have to worry about anything for a while, so you won't get into any trouble." He Feng waved his hand.

Smell speech, Liu Kuan had to go to the edge, but still some worry, afraid he Feng stay here will suffer.

After all, people in the police station are not easy to provoke.

On this side, Wan Junying was impatient. Seeing Liu Kuan coming back, he asked Liu Kuan, "manager Liu, you've made a decision now, haven't you? You're not going to take care of this, are you? "

"Secretary Wan, I'm really sorry. This is your private conflict. It's better for you to mediate with each other." Liu Kuan said with a smile, trying to be a peacemaker.

"He called me and my wife dogs, and I adjusted with him? How do you want me to work in the District Committee? How do you get along with the municipal government in the future? " Wan Junying scolded.

"City government? What Secretary Wan means is that the head of the district has a chance to be promoted? "

"No wonder he is more powerful now than before. The reason is that the district head is expected to be promoted."

"However, that guy insults others as dogs, and his quality is really poor. This kind of person has to teach a good lesson."

Everyone was shocked and envied to see Wan Junying.

Once the head of the district is promoted to the municipal government, Wan Junying's future will be even greater.

As for He Feng

I'm afraid it's a big trouble this time!

"Secretary Wan, you can solve it yourself."

Liu Kuan said nothing more and went to the side.

Although he doesn't know what kind of background he Feng has, Wan Junying doesn't pay attention to people, and Liu Kuan doesn't like this attitude.

"Well, I should have solved it by myself, and I would not have wasted so much time with you."

Wan Junying snorted, immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone, "Hello, director Wu? I'm Wan Junying. Are you free now? Something happened here. Someone kicked my dog and called me a dog. I asked him to apologize, but he didn't. I hope you can help me mediate. Well, I'm in Xingyuan community, where you came to have dinner last time. OK, I'll send you a navigation position

After hanging up, Wan Junying looks at He Feng with a sneer on his face.

"Junying, is director Wu coming soon?" Asked Ying Hongxia, Wan Junying's wife.

"Of course, the loser will be taken to the Institute to have a good education." Wan Junying's proud way.

"That's good. This kind of person really needs a good education. However, it's better to find a way to drive him out of the Xingyuan community. This kind of people living with us in the Xingyuan community simply reduces our identity. " Ying Hongxia looks at He Feng with disdain.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to Mr. Jiang later. He will certainly sell me this face."

Wan Junying nodded, confident, as if Jiang Yin would promise him to drive He Feng out of Xingyuan district.

Around the people smell speech, one by one looking at He Feng's eyes show the color of pity.

It's not good for this guy to offend anyone, but he offended Secretary Wan. Moreover, after offending other people's secretary Wan, he is still so ignorant. If he doesn't apologize quickly, I'm afraid it will be bad luck.

Aunt yuan is also a little worried, looking at Ling Weiyu asked: "feather, people have called the police, the police should also come soon, Xiao Feng really nothing?"

"Aunt yuan, you can take a hundred heart. Brother Xiaofeng will be fine. He has a lot of energy."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

She is very clear, these people in the small maple brother's eyes, and grasshopper no difference, nothing more than can jump a few times.

"Well, what shall we do now?"

Aunt yuan asked.

Ling Weiyu looked at He Feng who was not far away and said in a low voice, "I think brother Xiao Feng should be building momentum. Most of the people who live in this community have high vision. Xiaofeng brother in order to avoid the future will not happen again similar to today's things, will certainly be a little high-profile. Aunt yuan, don't be too surprised for a moment. Brother Xiaofeng's energy is really high. It can't be compared with the Secretary of the district head or the director of the police station. "

"That's good!" Aunt yuan was relieved, "Xiao Feng, I know he's good at it, but I feel more and more mysterious about him. I can't see through him at all."

Ling Weiyu laughed and said, "aunt yuan, don't think about these things. All you need to know is that brother Xiaofeng is still the old brother Xiaofeng. He will always be good to us

"Well, you're right. But I hope you both have a good time, too! "

Aunt yuan looked at He Feng with a touch of satisfaction in her turbid eyes.


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