"Wu Wu Wu..."

In less than ten minutes, there was a piercing siren outside the community.

"Here comes the police!"

Hearing the sound of the siren, everyone's eyes moved. Subconsciously, they looked at Wan Junying and his wife waiting in a shady place, with a look of respect in their eyes.

Although Secretary Wan is just an ordinary secretary of the district head, his energy is quite high. It seems that the district head really has great hope to be promoted to the municipal government, and Secretary Wan has a very high position in the district head. Otherwise, it is impossible to invite people from the police station so soon.

"Well, when the police want to handcuff you later, I'll see how you kneel down and beg for mercy." Wan Junying stares at He Feng coldly.

However, he Feng seems to be a nobody. He doesn't even look at him, as if he didn't hear the sound of the siren. He is chatting with some children there.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Finally, a dense and rapid sound of footsteps came, and a group of policemen in police uniforms ran to them, with nearly ten people.

The leader is a middle-aged man, licking a beer belly and wearing high myopia glasses. It is Wu Hui, director of Chaoan district police station.

"Brother Wu, I'm so sorry. I'd like to trouble you to go there in person on this hot day."

Wan Junying rushed to meet him and held out a hand.

"Brother Wan, why are you so polite to me. I'm here to do what I should do? Who in your community is so unqualified, kicking your dog and scolding you? I have to take this kind of person back to the police station and educate him well. "

Wu Hui reaches out his hand and shakes hands with Wan Junying. They seem to be very close, even closer than their brothers.

Over the years, Wan Junying has benefited him a lot.

"Brother Wu, that's the man. Take him away quickly. I'm angry when I see him now."

Before Wan Junying spoke, his wife Ying Hongxia spoke first.

"Come on, take him first." Wu Hui waved.

Immediately, there are two police, toward He Feng walked in the past.

One of them took out the handcuffs directly.

"Are you sure you'll take me away without asking the details?"

He Feng casually looked at Wu Hui, light mouth: "now if you are ready to take me away, I will go with you. But... "

Speaking of this, he Feng's tone was a little, "I'm afraid you can't afford to take me away!"

"What did you say? It's threatening me, isn't it? " Wu Hui looks angry and stares at He Feng.

When this guy said this, he made it clear that he was threatening him, and it was still in front of so many people. If Wu Hui retreated, what face would he have?

"No? Come and handcuff me

He Feng shrugged and stretched out both hands.

Wu Hui looked at He Feng's face, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

This guy is fearless!

Does he really have any confidence?

But from the other party's dress and temperament, it doesn't look like a noble person at all.

The people standing beside him were also dressed in ordinary clothes. Even the old man and the children had patches on their clothes.

What can such a person be? What can he have?

"Well, I'm glad I've observed carefully, or I'll be bluffed by him."

Wu Hui, with a cold snort of disdain in his heart, would open his mouth and give an order to handcuff He Feng directly. He decided to wait until he was in the Institute and "educate" him first.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

But just at this time, there was a rush of sirens outside.

Wu Hui could hear the voice almost every three days. He was too familiar with it, so as soon as the voice sounded, Wu Hui's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

About to blurt out the order, but also raw swallow back.

"Why? There seems to be another siren. Are there two groups of people coming to the police station? "

"No? It's just catching a loser. Do you need to send two police? It's too much of a fuss, isn't it? "

"It's hard to say. After all, it's early in the morning, and the police don't have much to do. It's normal for them to go out for a walk."

"If that's the case, I'm afraid the loser will end up a little miserable."

They all shook their heads and sighed.

Wan Junying looks at Wu Hui with some doubts. Has director Wu paid so much attention to himself?

"Brother Wu, it's not too early now. Why don't you take people away first? Otherwise, it will not have a good effect if someone sends out a circle of friends in a short time. "

Wan Junying also didn't want to make things too big. He immediately went to Wu Hui's back and whispered a warning.

"Wait and see!"

Instead of listening to Wan Junying, Wu Hui shook his head.

Because he found that the sound of the police siren was getting closer and closer, and it was most likely towards the Xingyuan community.

But he clearly remembered that he did not order more people to come.

Moreover, when he set out for Xingyuan community, many people in the Institute were busy with other cases. It was impossible for anyone to come here.

Looking at the loser's calm face in front of him, Wu Hui had a bad feeling in his heart, so he decided to slow down for a few minutes.

"Brother Wan, please tell me the details of the matter first. After all, it was just on the phone. I can't hear it very clearly. If he doesn't mean to contradict what he says to you, I can take him directly. " Wu Hui looked at Wan Junying and said that he decided to delay for a few minutes.

He has to make sure that the police outside are coming to Xingyuan community.

"Well, I'll go over it again."

Wan Junying frowned and was a little displeased, but Wu Hui spoke, and he didn't give face. "Well, my wife and I were walking the dog here, and my dog was walking well. The man's brother kicked my dog for no reason, so I asked him to apologize to my dog. They didn't want to apologize at first. Then the man came and asked him to apologize. However, he was not apologizing at all, he just called me and my wife dogs. Do you think such people need a good education? "

"Well, education is really needed."

Wu Hui nodded, glanced at Liu Kuan and the two security guards beside him and asked, "what happened then?"

"Later, I wanted the property to be coordinated, but the property didn't do anything. I had to call the police." Wan Junying hates Liu Kuan. Liu Kuan doesn't give him face. When he is going to drink with Jiang Yin later, he should speak ill of Liu Kuan. It's better to let Jiang Yin take away Liu Kuan's position as manager.

"I see, then I know!"

Wu Hui squinted.

Although Wan Junying is simple, Wu Hui has an intuition that Liu Kuan's inaction is most likely due to knowing that the other party is not easy to provoke.

Wu Hui can become a police station director, but he has a little brain.

While they were talking, the siren had stopped.

"Brother Wu, now that you know what happened, can you take him away?"

Wan Junying points to Hefeng road.

"Wan Laoge, you wait a moment, I'll go and say hello to those colleagues."

Wu Hui smiles and immediately turns to walk in one direction.

In that direction, a wave of police is coming towards them.

There are only six people.

The leader was a thin middle-aged man with a straight face.

"Captain song, what a coincidence. Are you here to investigate a case in Xingyuan community?" Wu Hui walked over with a smile.

"Hello, director Wu. I have something important to do now. I'll chat with you when I'm free."

Song Zhenggang nodded and immediately passed him. He came straight to Wan Junying, "is it Wan Junying's secretary, please?"

"I am. Who are you?"

Wan Junying looks at each other suspiciously.

Judging from Wu Hui's polite greeting with the other party just now, the identity of the other party is obviously not simple.

"Hello, I'm song Zhenggang, leader of economic investigation section of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau."

Song Zhenggang took out his certificate and handed it to Wan Junying.

Later, he took out a letter of investigation, "we suspect that you are suspected of corruption, bribery and abuse of public power. This is the letter of investigation. Please come with us and accept the investigation."

"You, what did you say?" Wan Junying's pupils suddenly widened, and her breathing became short.


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