"Secretary Wan, you don't need to explain anything to me now. We are only limited to the period of investigation, and we haven't officially issued an arrest order. But please come with us first

Song Zhenggang said lightly.

When people around heard the words, they all opened their mouths.

What's going on here?

Didn't Secretary Wan call the director of the police station to arrest the loser?

Why is it that a group of policemen have come to say that they are from the economic investigation section of the Public Security Bureau, who publicly say that Secretary Wan is suspected of corruption and bribery, and want to take him to investigate?

Is the script changing too fast?

180 degree change!

"Hoo! Fortunately, fortunately... "

Wu Hui was relieved to see this scene.

Fortunately, his wit, did not order the handcuffs of He Feng up, or I am afraid that they will play out.

I don't know how that loser can have such a huge amount of energy that even the leader of the economic investigation section of the public security bureau can be mobilized.

"Aunt yuan, do you see that? Brother Xiaofeng has a lot of skills. He'll be fine. " Ling Weiyu smiles beside aunt yuan.

"It's true that the little guy has really grown up." Aunt yuan nodded happily.

Here, Wan Junying's wife, Ying Hongxia, saw that the economic investigation department was going to take her husband away. She was so anxious that she began to mutter loudly, "I said, are you mistaken? How can my husband take bribes? We didn't know how much money we made when we started a company. Now I work in a bank and have tens of thousands of salary every month. We are not short of money at all. Can you make a clear investigation and talk about it again? Do you know that your actions will affect our reputation? "

"Director Ying, right? We also have an investigation order for you. You'll have to come with us later. "

Who knows, Ying Hongxia voice just fell, song Zhenggang took out an investigation order.

In black and white, in front of Ying Hongxia.

Seeing this, Ying Hongxia's mouth can't help expanding, and she no longer has her strength. Instead, her cheek turns pale, and her strength is exhausted. She can't stand steadily.

On the surface, her monthly salary is tens of thousands of yuan, but she knows very well what she has done in the bank these years.

In this regard, because the above people dare not offend her husband Wan Junying, they turn a blind eye.

But once the investigation starts

Ying Hongxia is very clear that she will not only confiscate all her assets, but also face various penalties, even

be in jail!

"Captain song, right? Don't hurry to take me. I have to make a phone call with our district head first. I'll ask him to tell your director. You must have made a mistake. "

Wan Junying is also in a hurry now. He quickly takes out his mobile phone to make a call.

Song Zhenggang didn't stop him, but he shook his head secretly.

Tell our director?

This order is issued urgently by our director, OK?

"Come on, Junying, call district chief Wang. He must have a way to help us."

Ying Hongxia is also hastened up.

District Chief Wang is their biggest backer, and now he is the red man in front of the new mayor. There must be a way to keep them.


Wan Junying's phone was quickly dialed out, but the ring rang for a long time, but no one answered.

"Pick up, pick up the phone quickly!" Wan Junying was very worried.

If district chief Wang can't help him in time now, he will be taken to investigate, which will have a great impact on their reputation, and the future will be rather difficult.


Fortunately, after ringing for some time, the mobile phone was finally connected, and a middle-aged man's voice came from it.

"District chief, I'm Xiaowan. I have something wrong here. I'd like to ask you to help me solve it. Aren't you busy?" Wan Junying asked cautiously.

"Wan Junying, right? In the future, you don't have to contact your magistrate any more. "

There was a middle-aged man's voice on the phone.

Wan Junying's face suddenly changed!

Because the master of this voice is not the magistrate.

"Who are you?" Wan Junying asked subconsciously.

"Discipline Inspection Commission's!"

With that, the middle-aged man hung up.

"Discipline Inspection Commission..."

Wan Junying felt a bolt from the blue, echoing in his mind.


At this moment, Wan Junying is completely confused.

He clearly remembers that these Tianwang district heads are at their best. Some vice mayors are very polite to him because they are valued by the new mayor.

But now, why did Wang end up like this?

Looking at this, it is obvious that it was abandoned by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

What's going on?

Before going to bed last night, didn't district chief Wang still feel well?

"Wan Junying, can you come with me now?"

At this time, Wan Junying's ears rang out song Zhenggang's impatient urging voice.


Wan Junying opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

It seems that the head of Wang district is finished. He is only affected by the fish in the pond.

"I'm Wan Junying. It's not good luck."

Finally, Wan Junying sighed heavily, then shook his head, "I'll go with you!"

Then he walked away with song Zhenggang.

Ying Hongxia is also a face of ash with the side!

They know that the head of the king's district has fallen, and those of them who follow the head of the king's district will certainly not have good fruit to eat.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

As they were about to leave, there was a sudden sound of brake in front of them. Then a middle-aged man came running towards them.

Wan Junying saw clearly who was coming. He stopped and called out subconsciously, "Jiang Dong..."

It is Jiang Yin, chairman of China Cloud group, who is worth more than $3 billion. It is said that recently, for unknown reasons, the market value suddenly began to soar. In just one week, it rose to nearly $4 billion.

He is quite familiar with Jiang Yin. If Jiang Yin is willing to take some money and help him, at least he can suffer less.

"Wan Junying? You're not a coward. Even Mr. He Feng, my guest of Jiangyin, dares to be provoked. This time, you'll wait to get through the prison. "

When Jiang Yin ran to Wan Junying's side, he stopped and said with a cold hum.

Then, he quickly walked up to He Feng and said with a face of repentance: "Mr. He is really sorry. In my community, someone called the police to arrest you. Why don't we send someone to teach him a lesson before he is taken away by the police? "


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