"What's going on? Jiang Dong and he Feng are brothers? He also apologized for this and said that he would send someone to beat Wan Junying? "

"Damn, am I right? Is this really Dong Jiang?"

"Tut Tut, this is definitely a bull. By the way, when Wan Junying was on the phone just now, the man named He Feng also seemed to be on the phone. Is it because of his phone call that Wan Junying was taken away by the economic investigation department

Seeing Jiang Yin's attitude towards He Feng, everyone on the field was shocked. They began to guess the real identity of He Feng one by one.

At this time, no one will feel that he Feng is really an ordinary loser.

Can ordinary losers make Jiang Yin a brother?

Can ordinary losers make Jiang Dong apologize to him?

Can ordinary losers let Jiang Dong say in front of the police that he will send someone to beat Wan Junying?

"I was taken away by the economic investigation department because of his phone call?"

Wan Junying also heard the comments of the people around him. He was full of disbelief and shook his head: "impossible! It can't be because of him. What qualification does he have for the economic investigation department to take me to investigate? Moreover, not only I was investigated, but also district chief Wang was abandoned by the Discipline Inspection Commission! Can he shake the head of the king's district? "

"Mr. Jiang, why are you so out of touch with me?"

He Feng waved his hand. Naturally, he would not treat Jiang Yin as an outsider.

Glanced at Wan Junying, he Feng continued: "as for the corrupt official, there is no need to start, save dirty hands."

"Well, you have a point. Let him go." Jiang Yin nodded his approval.

"Cut! There are people from the economic investigation department and the police station here. Do you still want to move me? How great are you? "

Wan Junying heard their conversation with disdain on her face.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, the mobile phone in Wu Hui's pocket suddenly rang.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Wu Hui!


Wu Hui took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. his face suddenly became very solemn. He pressed the answer button and said, "Hello, Zhao bureau!"

It was Zhao Enlai, director of the Public Security Bureau, who called.

"Wu Hui, right? I just heard that you are now in Xingyuan District, and you are going to catch a man named He Feng? " Zhao Enlai's indifferent voice came from the phone.

Just now, he received the news from Song Zhenggang that Wu Hui had brought a large group of police to catch him.

"Zhao Ju, i... I don't have it." Wu Hui was shocked.

"You are not in Xingyuan district?" Zhao Enlai asked.

"I, I'm in Xingyuan community, but I..."

Zhao Enlai interrupted him directly, "how many people did you take with you?"

Wu Hui's forehead was already in a cold sweat. He quickly dried the beads with his sleeves and said with a worried face: "I've brought nearly ten people! But I didn't catch him. I didn't even touch him. "

"Oh, you think I'll call you here if you catch me? I've already taken the criminal police team there. "

Zhao Enlai sneered, "now, you immediately go to apologize to He Feng, and then write a review to me. In addition, we are short of people in the bureau now. You should be ready to work in the Bureau in the future. The post of police station director is not suitable for you. "

"Zhao Ju, I..."

When Wu Hui heard this, he was in a hurry.

He doesn't care about apologizing, writing reviews or anything, but if he goes to the Bureau, he will definitely be assigned a casual job and has no power, which is equivalent to mixing up some wages.

It's like being beaten from heaven to hell!

"Come on, apologize to me, don't leave your mother's ink. Otherwise, you don't want to wear this uniform. What's more, don't think I don't know what you've done. "

Zhao Enlai said impatiently, then hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy voice on the phone, Wu Hui took a deep breath and was full of chagrin.

Later, he looked at Wan Junying with a resentful look on his face, "you killed me, my surname is wan."

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Wan Junying is very confused.

"Hum, if you have something special to do in the future, don't come to me again."

Wu Hui snorted coldly. He didn't want to see Wan Junying again. He quickly walked up to He Feng, bowed deeply, and apologized: "Mr. He Feng, I offended you earlier. Please don't blame me!"

"Damn, am I right? Director Wu even went to apologize to him? "

"Is this... Is this true or false?"

"Big news! This is absolutely great news

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that there was such a bull in our Xingyuan community."

This scene, immediately let many owners on the field, one by one stare big eyes, a face shocked, at the same time curious looking at He Feng.

They want to know, Mr. He, what's the origin of this?

Why can Jiang Dong, who is worth 3.4 billion, and Wu Hui, director of their district police station, apologize to him?


They have an intuition that the reason why Wan Junying and his wife were taken away by the economic investigation department is probably the work of Mr. He Feng.

What is sacred about this?!

"It doesn't matter whether you apologize or not. Anyway, director Zhao should have punished you already?"

He Feng said with a smile: "in fact, before I really should let you handcuff me, in that case, I'm afraid you don't have to apologize to me now!"

"Yes, I'm wrong. I promise that if I have another chance to go out to handle a case in the future, I will first understand the details of the case and then make a decision."

Wu Hui nodded repeatedly, not daring to argue with He Feng. At the same time, he felt a little lucky. Fortunately, the people from the economic investigation department came in time, and he didn't order to handcuff He Feng directly.


Now his end is definitely not a false job, but just like Wan Junying, he is taken away directly.

"Go away!"

He Feng lightly waved his hand.

"Yes, I'll get out of here!"

Wu Hui quickly turned away and did not dare to stay too much.

In front of him, he Feng is a more terrible figure than Zhao Enlai.

"Director Wu, what's going on?"

When Wu Hui passed by Wan Junying, Wan Junying, who was extremely confused, could not help asking again.

Wu Hui stopped, bit his teeth, and resisted the impulse of wanjunying's violent walk. He said coldly, "what's the matter with me? I'll tell you now that my position as a director has been removed just because of you. And the head of the District, you must also be hurt. You're Wan Junying. You're just a wet blanket! "

The whole audience was shocked by this remark.

A road startled incomparable vision, gathered to He Feng's body in succession.


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