At this time, in the Jule welfare home, a few uninvited guests came.

The leader is Fu Haiping, who came here not long ago.

Beside her are her father Fu Gaowen and Lin Zhiyi.

Of course, there are Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of the Cao family, and his best friend Feng Tianrui.

"Third Master, this is the welfare home."

Fu Haiping pointed to the welfare home in front of her and said.

"It's been a long time. It seems that they haven't come back yet. Go ahead and have a look." Cao Xiucheng glanced at the welfare home dozens of meters away, frowned and said, and immediately walked toward the welfare home.

Everyone hurry to keep up!

When Fu Haiping came to the front of the welfare home, she saw that the door was locked. She looked at Cao Xiucheng and said, "Third Master, the door is locked. I'll find someone to unlock it."

The first thing she thought of was Liang Wei, because he had the key.


Who knows, Cao San Ye is to walk past, one foot kicked on the door.


Suddenly, the wooden door wrapped with a layer of iron sheet flew out directly and hit the ground heavily, splashing a burst of dust.

"Hiss, what a power."

When Fu Haiping saw this scene, she was shocked, even in ecstasy.

She has just learned that the reason why Cao San ye came to find he Feng is to deal with He Feng.

At the beginning, she was a little worried that Cao Sanye was not his opponent, but she didn't dare to talk and just led the way.

Now, seeing the skill of Third Master Cao, where would she worry?

In her opinion, if he Feng is kicked by Cao Sanye, how can he lie in the hospital for several months?

"Woof... Woof..."

As soon as the door was kicked open, several barks came from the yard.

A few people looked away, and saw a tall local dog roaring at them. It looked fierce.

It's ah Huang!

Before he Feng came, ah Huang saw that he Feng was not looking for him, so he lay in it and didn't come out. After all, the weather was too hot. The city was full of tall buildings, not as cool as the countryside.

Now someone broke into the welfare home, and ah Huang appeared for the first time.

"Xiao Lin, kill this dog!"

Cao Xiucheng looked at Lin Zhiyi and said.


Lin Zhiyi nodded and reached into his arms.

"Woof, woof..."

Ah Huang barked twice. On these people, he felt a strong sense of crisis, so he did not dare to rush up.

Now seeing Lin Zhiyi's action, his hair stood up.

Then, without any hesitation, it stepped out on all fours and rushed towards the courtyard wall.


When it was about to get close to the courtyard wall, its two hind legs pushed hard, but it flew away directly. The two meter high courtyard wall was overturned by it, and then quickly disappeared.

"Well? How can this dog run so fast and jump so high? "

Lin Zhiyi's face was shocked. He just took out his pistol now.

He quickly bowed his head to Cao Xiucheng and apologized: "sorry, Third Master, this dog is running too fast. I didn't react for a moment."

"This dog should be He Feng's pet. Let's go. It's just a dog anyway."

Cao Xiucheng waved his hand and didn't care, "you go to take two stools and put them in a cool place. We'll wait for He Feng in this yard for a while. If he doesn't show up in half an hour, he'll let the welfare home burn down. I think he'll come back as soon as he gets the news of the fire. "


Lin Zhiyi hurriedly went to find a stool.

At the same time, he Feng is driving, carrying aunt yuan and others to the market.

"Aunt yuan, what would you like to eat at noon today? I'll get you more. " He Feng said with a smile.

Although he has excellent cooking skills, he seldom cooks. Today is aunt yuan's birthday. He definitely wants to make a very rich dish for Aunt yuan and the children to eat together.

"I can eat anything I like. Just don't be too greasy. If it's a little greasy, it can be given to children. They usually follow me, and I don't dare to put more oil in my cooking. " Aunt yuan sighed and said, with a trace of guilt in her eyes. She felt sorry for the children and let them suffer a lot with herself.

"Aunt yuan, it's a blessing for the children to follow you. For example, Xiaoyu and I would have been taken away by a wild dog if it hadn't been for you. " He Feng grinned.

Aunt yuan was amused by He Feng's words, "cluck, that's not as good as that, you're not what I picked up from outside, but one night, I don't know who sent you to the welfare home."

"I was sent to a welfare home?"

He Feng surprised way: "aunt yuan, can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

Aunt yuan thought about it and said, "in fact, the situation was not complicated at that time. It was winter and most of the country was snowing heavily. That night, at about one o'clock in the morning, I was sleeping well when I heard a burst of children's crying outside the door. I thought it was one of the children in our welfare home who got up and checked. But after I went out, I found that the cry came from the yard of the welfare home. So I opened the door of the yard and found that you were wrapped in bedding and lying on the ground. "

"That's all?" He Feng see Aunt Yuan said here to stop, can't help asking.

Aunt yuan hesitated and said, "well, I wanted to keep it from you, but now that you have the ability, I'll tell you about it. At that time, besides you, I saw a little blood on the snow in the yard. It's likely that the person who sent you here was seriously injured. As for the rest, I'm not very clear. "

"Blood, hurt!"

He Feng heard this, I don't know why, he felt as if his heart was pinched by a palm.

It's hard!

Are the people who sent him to the welfare home his parents?

Their situation at that time should have been extremely difficult, right?

When they sent their own son to the welfare home, they must have been heartbroken, right?

"Mom and Dad, you wait. I will improve my strength as soon as possible and rescue you." He Feng secretly clenched his fist.

"Brother Xiaofeng, shall we let the children move to Xingyuan today? Or do you want to move later? "

Although he Feng hides his emotions very well, he is still detected by sensitive Ling Weiyu.

The woman is very sensible, did not speak to comfort him, but smile to shift the topic, gentle tone.

He Feng came back and thought, "I suggest aunt yuan move today while we have time. But it's up to Aunt yuan. If he doesn't want to move today, it's OK to move later. "

"Aunt yuan, what do you think?" Ling Weiyu looks at Aunt yuan.

Aunt Yuan said with a smile, "it doesn't matter to me. I'm afraid the children will have trouble picking up and taking them off in the future. Although there are not many children studying now, they all know the route from the school to the welfare home, and suddenly change places to live. Is it more troublesome to go back and forth? "

"No trouble. Anyway, the children are studying in the same school. I'll let snow white and frost send someone to pick them up." He Feng waved his hand and said: "and in the second half of the year, we can transfer to this side to study, which is more convenient."

"All right, I'll listen to you." Yuan said.

"OK, let's move in the afternoon after lunch. I'll call more people back to help and try to do it all at once." He Feng grinned.

After buying vegetables in the market, he Feng and others quickly returned to the welfare home.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, aunt yuan's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

She took out the phone that Ling Weiyu gave her, looked at the caller ID, and said, "it's our neighbor Xiao Zhang!"

This little Zhang, he Feng, has also heard from Aunt yuan that he Feng is a native of Jiangbin city. Now he Feng is in her fifties. They call her Aunt Zhang, who lives beside the welfare home. She is very warm-hearted. She usually comes to the welfare home to help, and often sends some vegetables, clothes and cloth, which helps the welfare home a lot.

"Then take it quickly!" Ling Weiyu said.

Aunt yuan pressed the answer button and was about to speak when Aunt Zhang's worried voice came from the phone, "sister yuan, where are you now? The welfare home is on fire


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