"What did you say?"

When Aunt yuan heard Aunt Zhang's words, she shook her hand and almost dropped her mobile phone. "Is the welfare home on fire? How could there be a fire? There was no one in the welfare home. I left well and locked the door. Is it ah Huang? It's not right. Ah Huang is just a dog. How can he cause a fire? "

He Feng heard this, his heart is also a thump, he subconsciously thought of Fu Haiping and Liang Wei two people, can they bring people to revenge, did not find them, directly set fire to the welfare home?

If so, these two people, damn it!

"No one is good!"

Aunt Zhang was relieved and continued: "I don't know what's going on, but I saw some strangers standing outside the yard of the welfare home. I don't know if it has anything to do with them. But you'd better come back as soon as possible. Now the fire is gradually expanding. I asked several people to help put out the fire, but it's a drop in the bucket. Although the fire alarm was reported, I'm afraid we can't wait that long... "

"All right, all right, I'm going back."

After hanging up, aunt yuan was worried. "Xiao Feng, Aunt Zhang just said that the welfare home was on fire. What can I do? Oh, my God, how could it be on fire all of a sudden. "

Obviously, aunt yuan didn't think it was someone else who set the fire on purpose.

"Aunt yuan, don't worry. It doesn't matter if there is a fire. The children are OK. Anyway, we have a new place to live."

He Feng simply comforted, no matter how much she said at this time, aunt yuan must still be very strange, "little feather, you come to drive aunt yuan back, I'll rush to have a look first."

With that, he Feng stopped the car to the side.

"All right!"

Knowing he Feng's meaning, Ling Weiyu immediately opens the door and gets off the car.

He Feng gets off the car and watches Ling Weiyu drive away. He also runs his body method and rushes to Jule welfare home as soon as possible.


He Feng's speed is very fast, such as an arrow away from the string, but his control of power is extremely perfect. No matter how fast he is, there is no sound of breaking the wind.

Originally, it took him nearly ten minutes to drive to the welfare home, but now he directly performed his body method. It took him only two minutes to get to the gate of the welfare home.


Looking at the sky fire, he Feng's eyes also follow the fire, and Tengteng's murderous spirit.

It's hot summer, and there's a little breeze, which makes the fire more and more fierce.

In less than two minutes, the huge welfare home, except the yard, was almost all on fire.

Surrounded by crowds of onlookers, Aunt Zhang had taken a group of people to put out the fire with a bucket in her hand. Now she was forced out of the yard and looked at it anxiously.

In addition to Aunt Zhang and others, there are several people who are just watching the fun. One of them is Fu Haiping!

"Sure enough, it's that cheap woman. It seems that I slapped her lightly before. It was time to kill her! "

He Feng soon saw Fu Haiping standing behind the crowd, and her eyes narrowed immediately.

In addition to Fu Haiping, he also noticed Cao Xiucheng and Feng Tianrui.

The breath of these two men is obscure, but they are full of spirit. At first sight, they are not ordinary ancient warriors, at least they have reached the level of dark strength.

"No wonder you have the courage to set fire in the welfare home. It turns out that there are strong people behind you to support you. But... Today, don't say it's just dark energy. Even if you bring master Huajin, you won't be able to save your life! " He Feng walks towards Fu Haiping step by step.

"Woof, woof..."

At this time, a dog barked, ah Huang ran towards it, blocking in front of him, his eyes seemed to be a little worried.

"Ah Huang, go and watch. I can solve these people."

He Feng patted a Huang's head and said that he knew that a Huang must also be aware of the strength of the other party, worried that he would have an accident.

But, just two dark strength masters, still want to threaten him?

If it wasn't for too many people here, he would have killed them all now.

Ah Huang understood he Feng's words and cleverly let him drive to the side.

"Third Master, that person is He Feng, he came over."

At this time, Fu Haiping heard the dog barking, also found he Feng, immediately pointed to He Feng said.

"I see it!"

Cao Xiucheng said lightly.

Before he Feng's eyes turned to his side, he found that, but he was not in a hurry, but looked at the latter indifferently, "it's really young enough. It looks like it's only twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, isn't it?"

"It's true that those who can defeat the middle dark force at this age will not be far away even if they don't reach the late dark force. This kind of talent, even in the middle guwu family, can be regarded as the top

Feng Tianrui said.

Although is praising, but his tone is also indifferent, even looking at He Feng's eyes, just like looking at a dead man.

Genius, they've seen too much over the years.

The 26 year old dark strength late ancient martial arts, they have not seen, or even killed, so see he Feng, they have no inner waves.

There is only a cold intention to kill!

"Brother Cao, will I help you get rid of him later, or will you do it yourself?" Feng Tianrui continued.

"He abandoned two younger generations of our Cao family, and Wang Xuan was disabled by him. I'll kill him myself."

Cao Xiucheng said lightly, as if killing He Feng was as simple as eating and drinking water.

"Well, I'll watch the fun on the side." Feng Tianrui smiles indifferently.

"Well, after we get rid of He Feng, we will rush to JIANGCHANG province immediately. At that time, those who are strong at the top of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be able to run the grand array of masters, so as to find a way to break through the mystery of masters." Cao Xiucheng nodded.

"Ha ha, I can't wait."

Feng Tianrui laughs.

He and Cao Xiucheng are close friends. This time, Cao Xiucheng visited him face to face and told him a secret. Cao's family found a great array of great masters in their ancestral land. Once it runs at full speed, it can guide the power in the human body and make people understand the micro realm.

It's a sign of half stepping into the master.

By then, they will be able to break through the master's realm.

However, according to the ancient books of the Cao family, to run the grand array, it would take 18 strong men at the top of the dark force to do it at the same time.

Today's Cao family, after smashing up all the cultivation resources, has only gathered 17 strong people at the top of the dark strength. It will take at least half a year for them to use the resources to smash the last dark strength peak.

The Cao family didn't want to wait any longer, so they sent Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of Cao, to invite Feng Tianrui to come, because Feng Tianrui and the Cao family are close, and they are also scattered practitioners, so they are trustworthy.

"Don't worry. Now that he Feng appears, we will soon be able to solve him and rush to JIANGCHANG province." Cao Xiucheng smiles.

"Yes, too!"

Feng Tianrui nodded.

And at this time, he Feng has come to their side, "this fire, you put it?"

"Yes, I did, to force you to show up as soon as possible." Cao Xiucheng looked at He Feng and said faintly, "but I really put the fire right. It's just less than five minutes since I started the fire. You've appeared in front of me."

"Ha ha!"

He Feng grinned and showed his white teeth. "If you don't have this fire, you'll come to me for trouble. Maybe I'll consider sparing your life. But because of this fire, you can't get out of Jiangbin today. "

Cao Xiucheng was not angry, but laughed! Sure enough, it's the same as the information. It's really arrogant and arrogant. However, the more arrogant you are, the more I like it. Because I like to see arrogant people kneeling in front of me and kowtowing for mercy

He Feng swept an eye all around, "here are people, we change a secluded place?"

"As long as you don't run away, I don't mind wasting more time."

Cao Xiucheng shrugged.

"Come with me. I know there's a place where there's no one."

He Feng immediately went to a remote place.

"Come on, keep up with him. Don't let him escape. Kobayashi, if he runs away, you should shoot at the first time. Don't worry about it. "

Cao Xiucheng immediately followed up, and told Lin Zhiyi at the same time.

"Third Master, don't worry, I understand!" Lin Zhiyi nodded.

Immediately, a group of people are closely behind he Feng.

Fu Haiping was the closest to him. "Today you slapped me. After the third master killed you, I'll slap your body!"

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