Five minutes later, they came to an alley about 200 meters away from the welfare home.

The location of the welfare home is remote, and there is no one here.

"He Feng, now I'll give you another chance. If you kneel down in front of me and kowtow and beg for mercy, I'm willing to spare your life. I'll only abolish your elixir field, break your limbs and let you linger for a few years."

Cao Xiucheng looked at He Feng not far away and said with a sneer.

Fu Haiping's eyes brighten when she hears the speech. If Cao Sanye really only cripples He Feng, then she can kill him as much as she wants.

"Where is all that nonsense? I don't want to waste saliva with you

He Feng said coldly.

The welfare house was burned, and now he just wants to kill.

Moreover, it is the owner of Cao Xiucheng's side.

As for the identity of Cao Xiucheng and others, he is too lazy to ask now.

"Well! Then I'll abolish your elixir field first, cut off your limbs, and then take your dog's life. "

Cao Xiucheng snorted with disdain, then took a step, and his whole body exuded a breath of terror and ferocity. Like a giant beast, he rushed to He Feng with great power.

"Deng Deng..."

There was a distance of six or seven meters between them. He only took two steps to cross over. Each step would leave a footprints two centimeters deep on the bluestone ground.

"Break it for me!"

Cao Xiucheng waved out his right hand and swept out the dark force, which gathered in the palm of his hand and roared to He Feng's belly.

That's where Dantian is.

"Brother Cao's control of power is more and more exquisite. If you give him another ten years, he will be one step ahead of the Cao family's master and the second master, understand the secret of going in and out, and step into the realm of the great master respected by tens of thousands of people. "

Feng Tianrui exclaimed.

Fu Gaowen and Fu Haiping's father and daughter are also shocked to see Cao Sanye.

It's worthy of being a great figure of the Cao family. This kind of strength is terrible. What's the difference between ordinary people and mole ants?

"After a while, I'll see how arrogant He Feng is." Fu Haiping's eyes are full of cold light.

Lin Zhiyi, who is also quite familiar with Cao Xiucheng, is embracing his chest with both hands, looking like a spectator.

In his opinion, the young man can't escape now that third master Cao has done it himself.

"The peak of dark energy? No wonder you dare to trouble me! "

Feel Cao Xiucheng body that powerful breath, he Feng see each other's cultivation.

He has shown enough strength to defeat the middle-term strong of dark strength in Nanjin market. Even the ordinary late Gu Wu of dark strength will not deal with him easily.

Only those who are strong in the dark will have the confidence to kill him.


Is it really strong?


A dull voice rang out, and then everyone was shocked to find that Cao Xiucheng, who was still full of momentum, such as a terrifying beast, was directly kicked out and smashed in front of them.


Where Cao Xiucheng's body fell, the bluestone broke and the crack spread like a spider web.


A mouthful of blood came from Cao Xiucheng's mouth.

The original powerful breath of his body immediately withered down, and his face was very pale.

At the same time, in his eyes, there is a strong shock and doubt.

"How can I... how can I be defeated by you?"

Cao Xiucheng looks up at He Feng in front of him and mumbles in disbelief.

He did his best, and he Feng's every move was under his gaze.

In his opinion, he can easily scrap He Feng Dantian.

But how can you be kicked away now?

He didn't even see how he Feng made his move. He felt a sudden pain in his chest, and then a huge force poured in, and he flew back.

I don't know how many ribs were broken in front of my chest. Even the viscera were severely shocked and the injury was not shallow.

"Brother Cao, what's the matter? You, how did you get hurt by him? "

Feng Tianrui came forward for the first time and helped Cao Xiucheng up. He asked doubtfully.

"Brother Feng, he Feng's strength is very strong." Cao Xiucheng carefully recalled the strength of He Feng's leg just now, and said: "according to the previous data, his strength is only four times of physical training, because he has a strong will to defeat the ancient warriors in the middle of the dark force. But just now, the strength he showed clearly reached the sixth level. He Feng, he concealed his strength! That's why I was able to sneak on me when I wasn't prepared. "

"Refining the body six times?"

Feng Tianrui's eyes widened. "How can it be? His strength has reached the sixth level? He... Isn't he only twenty-six? "

"He Feng is a real genius. No wonder, no wonder that even the one in Nanjin military region is against the Lin family because of him! "

Cao Xiucheng's mind suddenly changed. A moment later, he seemed to have made a decision and said to He Feng, "He Feng, we Cao family should not have provoked you before. But as far as I know, you haven't suffered a loss in our Cao family. On the contrary, you beat two of our Cao family's children and disabled Wang Xuan of the Wang family. Today, I was also injured by you. Therefore, on behalf of the Cao family, I now propose a settlement to you to ensure that our Cao family will not trouble you any more. I don't know if you can agree? "

He Feng's strength makes Cao Xiucheng understand that if he Feng can't be killed today, the Cao family will be in trouble in the future.

Cao Xiucheng is not sure that he Feng can be killed. At this point, even with a gun, people can avoid bullets as long as they are careful, unless they are really top masters or masters.

Therefore, he plans to throw a smoke bomb at He Feng first, and then the master will kill He Feng directly after the appearance of master Huajin in Cao's family.

At that time, he Feng will not even have the chance to escape.

When Fu Haiping heard Cao Xiucheng's words, her face suddenly changed, and she said: "Third Master Cao, he Feng can't forgive. Don't we have guns? We can shoot him."

Today, she brought people to kill He Feng and burned the welfare home. It can be said that she offended him to death.

If she doesn't kill He Feng today, she doesn't think he Feng will let her go.

So she hopes that Cao Xiucheng can shoot He Feng with a gun. In her opinion, how can a person avoid bullets?


However, as soon as her voice fell, Cao Xiucheng slapped her in the face and turned her to the ground. He screamed loudly. He didn't know how many teeth he had lost. He was bleeding.

"He Feng, what do you think?" Cao Xiucheng looks at He Feng again.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that's a good proposal. Because all of you are going to die today! "

He Feng said with a smile, and then walked toward Cao Xiucheng and others.


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