"He Feng, do you really want to fight with me

Seeing this, Cao Xiucheng's face turned black.

This He Feng is too ignorant.

"I'll fight you to death? Ha ha, you overestimate yourself too much

He Feng sneered, "you fish will die, but my net will not break!"

The sound of the moment, he Feng speed suddenly burst out, like a phantom, bullying near.

"Good speed, Xiao Lin, shoot and disturb him. Brother Feng, let's kill him together. "

Cao Xiucheng's eyes narrowed, and his inner strength began to work again.

As for Feng Tianrui, after he realized the crisis, he didn't need Cao Xiucheng to say much. He was on guard and worked hard.

Lin Zhiyi also took out his pistol, aimed at the front and prepared to shoot.


However, as soon as his pistol was taken out, he felt a pain in the middle of his brow. Then his whole strength was emptied, and his eyes became dark. He fell back.


Cao Xiucheng yelled angrily, and a black knife appeared in his hand, which gathered his whole strength and chopped forward.

It's a set of primary martial arts of the earth level, and it's also perfected by Cao Xiucheng.

Relying on this set of sabre techniques, supplemented by the intermediate soldiers in his hands, the ordinary top dark strength is not his opponent.

In Feng Tianrui's hand, a row of throwing knives appeared.

"Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew

With a wave of his hand, the knife with infinite strength flew out in the blink of an eye and shot at He Feng from four different angles.

In order to kill He Feng, they have no reservation.

"Well? Brother Cao, be careful... "

All of a sudden, Feng Tianrui, who had just shot the Throwing Knife, seemed to notice something. His face changed greatly and he exclaimed.


Cao Xiucheng is trying his best to kill He Feng. Suddenly he hears Feng Tianrui's warning and his face changes slightly.

Then, a strong sense of crisis rose from his heart.


Although he didn't know where the danger came from, Cao Xiucheng didn't have any hesitation after sensing the crisis. He made a fierce effort to stop his body, and then a force poured out from his waist step to move his body towards the edge.

This reaction seems complicated, but the whole process can't even blink. It can be seen that Cao Xiucheng's reaction is extremely rapid.


His action is still half a beat slow!


A bright silver light flashed in front of Cao Xiucheng's eyes. Before he could see what the silver light was, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

The next moment, he was still quite vigorous, plummeting.

Like a frustrated ball!

This is the phenomenon that Dantian is abandoned.

"Is Dantian abandoned?"

Feng Tianrui noticed the scene, his pupils dilated instantly, and then he turned around and was ready to run away.

Although he had a good relationship with Cao Xiucheng, he didn't plan to save Cao Xiucheng at all. Instead, he chose to run for his life for the first time.

Because now he is very sure that he Feng's strength is even stronger than they imagined. It's not a six fold exercise, but a seven fold exercise.

This is a master of horizontal training!

Master, far from the dark can imagine.

One master is enough to easily kill more than a dozen strong people in the dark.

This is the reason why even if the middle aristocratic family has more powerful people, it can only be the middle aristocratic family, not the higher aristocratic family.

If a guwu family has a master of Huajin, even if there are less than ten people in the family, it can be called a higher family.

There is a difference between the dark force and the melting force.


However, as soon as Feng Tianrui turned around, he heard a burst of low and inaudible wind behind him.

The sound is not big, but when the sound starts, Feng Tianrui, who is good at throwing knives, feels as if he is being watched by death. Life and death are no longer under his control.

A sense of despair, uncontrolled from the heart of Feng Tianrui crazy gush.

"Cao Xiucheng, you hurt me!" Feng Tianrui screamed.


As soon as the sound started, the knife went into the back of his head and stopped his voice.

Feng Tianrui, the top of dark power, is dead!

"Haiping, run away..."

Fu Gaowen now also realized that something was wrong. He Feng's strength was too strong to be compared with Cao Sanye.

Seeing he Feng seriously injure Cao Xiucheng and kill Feng Tianrui, Fu Gaowen shouts and pulls Fu Haiping to flee.

"Dad, he's too good for us to escape."

Fu Haiping did not leave, but looked at He Feng who appeared in front of them and said, "he, Mr. He Feng, what happened today has nothing to do with us. He forced us to come to you. They did it to set fire to the welfare home. You, you don't care about the villains. Will you let us go? "

Fu Gaowen thought of the terrible speed He Feng had just shown and knew that he couldn't escape. He quickly followed: "Mr. He Feng, as long as you don't kill us, I'm willing to pay for my life. a hundred million! I'll give you a hundred million yuan. Will you let go of our father and daughter? "

"Do you think I will be short of money?" He Feng looked at Fu Haiping and asked faintly.

"I, I didn't think so." Fu Haiping, with a thump in her heart, shakes her head in denial.

But she thinks so psychologically.

Because she heard Liang Wei say that he Feng grew up in a welfare home, and was abducted by human traffickers. Although he Feng's Kung Fu is very strong now, it doesn't mean he has money, does it?

At least, a hundred million is certainly not a small sum for him.

"No? No, you have! You look down on anyone who comes out of a welfare home. Not only he Feng, but also Liang Wei, who you like, and all kinds of people at the bottom of the society, you will not take a look at him. But what I'm going to tell you now is that not everyone who seems to be ordinary will be short of money. "

With that, he Feng took out a bank card from his pocket and said, "so it's a joke for me to say that one hundred million will buy your father and daughter's life. Do you know how much money I have on this card? I tell you, there are nearly 20 billion on this card. Do you know how long it took me to earn this 20 billion yuan? I'll tell you now that I made more than 10 billion the night before yesterday and more than 10 billion last night. "

"Ten billion a night?"

Fu Gaowen and Fu Haiping can't help but widen their eyes. Their eyes are full of disbelief. They think he Feng is absolutely bragging.

Even if the top ten people in China's rich list add up, it's hard to make 10 billion yuan a day, right?

"Believe it or not, I just want to tell you now that you think I'm short of money and you want to spend money to survive from me. Well, I'll give you a chance. "

He Feng collected the bank card in his hand, and then said to their father and daughter, "give me 10 billion yuan, you can leave alive. Otherwise, die


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