"10 billion? Why don't you rob it? " Fu Haiping roared directly.

She is quite familiar with her father's assets. Although she has a lot of money, it is impossible for her to spend 10 billion.

Don't say it's 10 billion, even if it's one billion, it can't come out.

"He Feng, I warn you that it's against the law to kill people. If you kill us, you'll be shot." Fu Gaowen also said in a cold voice, pretending to be calm.

"Before I saw you so arrogant in our welfare home, I thought your family was really rich. Now, it seems, that's all. If I had known that, I wouldn't have wasted saliva with you. Next life, remember to make more money. Because if you are willing to give me 10 billion yuan, I will really consider sparing your lives... "

Speaking, he Feng's palm, there are two throwing knives.



The rich gawains cried out.

"Whew! Whew... "

Flying knife shot out, instantly disappeared into their eyebrows, took their lives.

Fu Haiping's eyes are full of shock and deep regret.

She really couldn't understand how a person who went out of the welfare home could have such a strong strength.

And this kind of big man, but she was provoked.

If you give her another chance, she will not enter the Jule welfare home.

"He Feng, my Dantian has been abandoned by you. Can you spare my life and let me go?"

Cao Xiucheng, who was lying on the ground, said with some trepidation, "if you are willing to let me go, I can't give you 10 billion yuan, but I can give you 1 billion yuan, and I can give it to you right away. And I promise you that our Cao family will never trouble you again. "

If he was given enough time, Cao Xiucheng would be able to mobilize 10 billion yuan of funds. But afterwards, he would become a sinner of the Cao family and be ridiculed by everyone. It would be hard for his immediate descendants to raise their heads in the Cao family.

Therefore, he can only give a billion to He Feng.

He thinks he Feng will agree to buy his own life. After all, his elixir fields have been abandoned, which is equivalent to a useless person, and he Feng is no longer threatened.

And once he left alive, he would tell the Cao family for the first time that no one could take revenge on He Feng.

He Feng's fighting power just now is stronger than he expected. It's not a six weight training, but a seven weight training master.

A 26 year old strong master, not to mention the high ancient martial family, is extremely rare even among the four royal families?

This kind of person is not something the Cao family can afford to offend.

Cao Xiucheng even considered that once he returned to the Cao family, he would expel Cao Xin and Cao Rui from the Cao family.

After the Wang family's affairs in Nanjin city are settled, Cao Zhiyan and his son Wang Xuan are not allowed to enter the Cao family.

However, he soon found that he Feng would not give him a chance to realize these ideas in his heart.

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to let you go. It's because you set the welfare home on fire. I don't want you to die too comfortably. "

He Feng light smile, and then squat down the body, picked up Cao Xiucheng in the hands of the black knife.

"Pooh! Poof! Poof! "Pooh..."

After several successive strokes, Cao Xiucheng's limbs were cut off.

Not waste, but raw bone and meat, all cut down.



Rao Shi Cao Xiucheng had strong willpower, and now he couldn't help screaming in pain.

"He Feng, you have to die!" Cao Xiucheng screamed with resentment.

"At least you will die before me."

He Feng coldly glances at Cao Xiucheng, and cuts him with a short knife in his hand. A sharp knife gas goes into Cao Xiucheng's throat and kills him directly.

"I..." Cao Xiucheng widened his eyes, which were full of regret and worry.

Cao family, I'm afraid it's dangerous!

He Feng threw his knife on the ground, and then called out behind him, "come out!"

"Mr. He!"

A figure came over. After arriving at the welfare home, she noticed that there was a fierce fight here, so she came to check the situation for the first time.

At this time, the eyes of the female killer are full of strong shock.

"It seems that the news from the captain is true. Mr. He really has the strength of master Huajin. No wonder at the public security bureau last night, so many people shot at him, and the bullets failed to hit him. Today, he shows the power of a great master. Moreover, according to the information, he is only 26 years old, worthy of the attention of Mr. crocodile

The female killer looks at He Feng's eyes, showing a hint of worship.

"Call your partner, find a place where there is no one, and burn these bodies for me. Remember to clean it up and leave no traces. "

He Feng ignores the female killer and goes to the welfare home after giving orders.


Female killer respectfully watched he Feng leave.

When he Feng returned to the welfare home, aunt yuan and Ling Weiyu had arrived. Looking at the welfare home shrouded by the fire, aunt yuan burst into tears. Ling Weiyu also looked sad and angry, but they were all suppressed by her, trying to comfort aunt yuan.

"Aunt yuan, don't be sad. Although the welfare home was burned down, fortunately, the children didn't get hurt."

He Feng also went forward to comfort: "now the children are on the side, they see you cry so sad, will also be very sad."

"Don't cry, aunt yuan. I promise I won't be naughty any more." Xiao Ming took aunt yuan's hand and said.

"Aunt yuan, I will study as hard as sister Xiaoli in the future. Will you stop crying?" Tongtong followed.

The rest of the children, also around aunt yuan, tearful.

Seeing this, aunt yuan controlled her emotions and gradually stopped crying, but her old face was full of sadness and fatigue.

"Xiao Feng, I saw a few strangers standing there before. I suspect the fire has something to do with them, but now they don't know where to go. Do you want to call the police and check the monitoring? See if you can find something out? "

Aunt Zhang went to He Feng and said.

He Feng said: "Aunt Zhang, thank you. I'll talk to a friend of mine in the Public Security Bureau and ask them to help investigate."

"Well, how can you comfort elder sister yuan? Only you young people can comfort her. Now that the welfare home has been burned like this, it will be difficult for children to settle down in the future. There is no place for these ten people to sleep! "

"Thank you for your concern, but don't worry. I've found a new place for Aunt yuan and the children. I'm just ready to move this afternoon. Alas

"Have you found a place to stay? That's good! That's good! "

Aunt Zhang was relieved, but she didn't ask much.

He Feng looked at Ling Weiyu and said, "little feather, please send aunt yuan and the children back to Xingyuan first. I'll deal with the follow-up here."

"Well, after you've dealt with the affairs here, you should go back to Xingyuan as soon as possible."

Ling Weiyu nodded and left with aunt yuan and the children.

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