After another two minutes, the firemen finally arrived, and then it took half an hour to suppress the fire.


At this time, the welfare home has been burned into ruins!

"The Cao family? Hum, dare to burn my "home" of He Feng. Don't let me see your Cao family in the future. Otherwise, I'll see one and kill one! "

Looking at those black buildings, he Feng felt very uncomfortable.

If he didn't want to attract too much attention and cause more trouble, he wanted to go directly to the Cao family and destroy the whole Cao family.

But he can't do it now. The Cao family is a middle-class ancient martial family. Once they are destroyed, they will make a clear investigation. Once they pay attention to him, he will be labeled as a "dangerous element" and will be unable to move in China.

Not only that, he is likely to attract the attention of many foreign forces, and huge troubles will follow one after another.

If he's just a loner, he can't do anything with so many relatives and friends around him.

"It's really special. If brother Feng has the strength to be the first in the list and can resist the strongest super bomb, he still needs to be afraid of these things? strength! My strength is still too weak! "

He Feng took out his cigarettes and smoked them one by one. Looking at the miserable ruins, he thought about how to improve his strength next.

"Honey, are you here? How did you turn off your phone? "

At this time, a beautiful shadow suddenly came to He Feng and asked with concern.

He Feng partial head saw an eye, come person is Chu month, stature tall sex appeal, sending out a silk different charm.

Today, she was practicing at home, but she suddenly got the news from the bureau that the Jule welfare home was burned, so she needed to send someone to understand the situation, so Chu Yue took the task without hesitation.

Then Chu Yue rushed to the welfare home for the first time and saw he Feng here.

Although the man stood there peacefully, Chu Yue could feel the suppressed anger and sadness on the man.

Chu Yue soon realized that he Feng had told her before that he had never seen his family since he grew up in a welfare home. This welfare home is his "home.".

Now, the house was set on fire, how can he Feng be calm?

"The cell phone is dead and turned off!"

He Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He laughed. "I didn't charge it last night. I made several calls this morning, and the power has been exhausted."

"Oh, well!" Chu Yue looked at the ruins in front of her and said, "who set the fire?"

If other police asked this, he Feng would not say.

But between him and Chu Yue, there was not much secret, so he said directly: "Cao family in JIANGCHANG Province, a strong man at the top of dark strength."

"The Cao family of the middle ancient martial family?"

Chu Yue's brows are slightly wrinkled. This force is as powerful as the Chu family behind her.

"Did you kill this man?"

"Well, the body has also been disposed of."

"All right!"

Chu month wry smile a, but didn't feel surprised, this is He Feng's acting style.

"What is the strength of the Cao family? Do you know? " He Feng asked.

"Are you ready for revenge?" Chu Yue said.

"Cao family, it's only a matter of time that we must destroy it." He Feng nodded directly.

"OK, I know. I'll go to investigate the Cao family later and give you the most detailed information." Chu Yue didn't ask any more.


He Feng takes back his eyes, then throws the cigarette butt on the ground and tramples it out. "Yueyue, I'm going to accompany aunt yuan. What about you?"

"Go ahead. I have to deal with some related work here. The welfare home was burned down. I'm here to investigate the situation. I'll write a report later. "

Chu Yue patted He Feng on the shoulder, "husband, don't be sad. If you are really unhappy, you can go to destroy Cao's family directly after I provide you with the information of Cao's family."

He Feng shook his head, "Yueyue, you know that my identity is sensitive. If I destroy the Cao family, the high level of China will definitely investigate me. I'm afraid my life will not be as peaceful as it is now. And you, I'm afraid, will be more dangerous. "

"It's not that complicated, is it? If it's not convenient for you to do it yourself, you can send some powerful men to deal with the Cao family, or pay for the killers. Anyway, don't do it yourself. " Chu Yue said.

"Don't do it yourself?"

Smell speech, he Feng immediately in front of a bright, "I understand! Yueyue, you should investigate the information of the Cao family as soon as possible, especially the enemies of the Cao family. You must investigate them clearly. "

"Hee hee, don't worry. I'll take care of it for you." Chu Yue smiles.

"Then I'll go to Xiaoyu and aunt yuan first. If you have something to do, please contact me."

After saying goodbye to Chu Yue, he Feng takes a taxi and takes ah Huang back to Xingyuan community.

However, after returning to Xingyuan District, he did not immediately go to find aunt yuan and Ling Weiyu, but went to the sales office.

On the way, he called Jiang Yin and asked him to talk about rebuilding the welfare home.

Jiangyin's zhongyun group has a real estate subsidiary with a professional construction team. With their help, the welfare home will be built soon.

For this matter, Jiang Yin naturally did not hesitate to take over, and called a top designer of his company on the spot to discuss the house type with He Feng.

In the reconstruction of welfare homes, he Feng does not intend to do too luxurious, luxury, but with memory, try to restore the style before.

Although this style looks rather old-fashioned.

It took more than an hour for the plan to be finalized. At the same time, he Feng called Jin Xi, the new mayor, and asked him to help open the back door and deal with the procedure of building new houses.

In this regard, Jin Xi promised to ask the following people to deal with it as soon as he went to work tomorrow Monday.

When Jiang Yin learned of this, he also made a promise that after all the procedures were handled, he would immediately start the work of rebuilding the welfare home.

"Dong Dong..."

After finishing this matter, he Feng said goodbye to Jiang Yin and came to the fifth floor of the seventh building and knocked on the door.


The one who opened the door was Xiao Li. When she saw he Feng, she immediately laughed, "brother Xiao Feng, are you here?"

"Well, is aunt yuan OK?" He Feng asked in a low voice.

"Xiao Ming, they are chatting with aunt yuan. Aunt yuan is in a stable mood. Brother Xiaofeng, can't we go back to the welfare home in the future? " Although Xiao Li asked with a smile, her eyes were red.

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