"Of course, I can go back. Brother Xiaofeng will soon rebuild the welfare home."

He Feng rubbed Xiao Li's head, changed a pair of slippers and went in.

"Xiao Feng, is our welfare home gone?"

Aunt yuan noticed the arrival of He Feng, and looked at him with a straight eye.

On the surface, she had a good chat with the children, as if she had really put down the burning of the welfare home. But in fact, she has been thinking about it all the time since she left the welfare home.

"Aunt yuan, you can rest assured that I have just contacted the people from the municipal government department, and tomorrow they will go through the procedures for us to build a new welfare home. Jiang Yin, the developer's boss of this community, whom we met before, I have met with just now. I have discussed the house type scheme with their designers. As soon as the procedures are completed, their construction team will be able to go in for construction immediately. "

He Feng went to Aunt yuan, took his hand and said.

"Really?" Aunt yuan was surprised.

"Of course, I dare to cheat aunt yuan, don't you? When the house starts to be built, I'll show you around. What's more, the house type and decoration plan are similar to those we used to live in, and there is no change. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Great! Thank you, Xiao Feng Aunt yuan's tears of Joy came down.

"Aunt yuan, stop crying. It's a good thing."

He Feng quickly reached out to help aunt yuan dry her tears, and said: "aunt yuan, it's not too early now. Although we have furniture and appliances here, we don't have pots and pans, rice, oil and salt. Why don't we take the children to a restaurant? So as not to starve them

"Well, let's eat out."

Aunt yuan was obviously in a better mood.

So he Feng took aunt yuan and they found a restaurant near the community to eat.

After dinner, he Feng did not leave. After returning aunt yuan and them to the community, he and Ling Weiyu drove to the supermarket to buy many household things.

There are too many people living here, and most of them are children. He Feng ran two or three times in an afternoon before he bought almost everything.

And in the evening, he cooks himself to make food for everyone. Fortunately, Ling Weiyu is there to help. Otherwise, he doesn't know how long he will be busy.

After aunt yuan and the children tasted He Feng's craftsmanship, they were all amazed, and Xiao Ming suggested that he Feng should cook the three meals a day in the future.

Of course, this proposal was rejected directly by He Feng without any room for negotiation, which made many children very sad, but he Feng didn't even bother to look at them

This scene made aunt yuan feel very warm. Today's depression was completely put down.

That night, aunt yuan coaxed the younger children to sleep, while she supervised several children who had already studied in the living room to do their homework!

And he Feng and Ling Weiyu two people, at this time is taking a mat, lying on the roof blowing the night wind, especially cool.

"Brother Xiaofeng, do you remember when we were young, when summer came, we would take a mat to sleep on the roof?"

Ling Weiyu looked at the stars in the night sky and said with a smile.

"Of course, I remember that there were only two straw mats at that time, but I had to sleep for ten people. You pushed me and I pushed you, but I never tired of it."

Thinking of the picture at that time, a smile appeared on He Feng's face.

"Yes, but now that everyone has left, you, me and Liang Wei, who used to be more than a dozen of us, will often come to the welfare home. By the way, there's Wang Tian. He used to come twice a year. I don't know what happened in the past two years. He hasn't been to the welfare home. "

"Wang Tian?"

He Feng thinks of the guy who once fought with him for some food, so that he was scolded by Aunt yuan and left the welfare home in a rage, so that he was abducted by traffickers.

"What did he do when he grew up?" He Feng inquired curiously.

"I don't know. I didn't ask him. I only know that after he graduated from junior high school, he went out to work alone. I heard from Aunt yuan that he started a business outside and made a lot of money. Two or three years ago, he came to the welfare home and wanted to donate some money to the welfare home, but aunt yuan didn't know why and didn't ask for his money. "

Ling Weiyu recalled: "since then, Wang Tian has never been to the welfare home."

"After that, he came back. Please contact me and I'll meet him."

He Feng said with a smile.

Although he often fought with Wang Tian when he was a child, the relationship between them was not bad. They were just hot tempered. When they were good, they were like brothers.

Now that he is back in China, he also wants to know what kind of situation Wang Tian is now.


Ling Weiyu nodded, leaning on He Feng's arms and looking up at the starry sky.

"Brother Xiaofeng, do you think we will be together all our lives?" Ling Weiyu asked suddenly.

"Little feather, you even ask this kind of question, is it itchy? Do you want brother Feng to clean up?" He Feng does not have the good spirit to stare Ling Weiyu to say.

"We are surrounded by people. How can you deal with me?"

Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes.

However, as soon as her voice fell, she was shocked to find that around her body, the air suddenly appeared a mass of white fog, which enveloped her and he Feng's body.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what's this?"

Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng in shock.

"This is the fog that I make by fusing the true Qi into the air. It can not only make the outside world see the inside, but also prevent the sound inside us from going out."

He Feng face with a bad smile, "that is to say, after a while you call how loud, people outside don't want to hear your voice."

"You, do you want to do something bad?"

Ling Weiyu also sensed that the voices of she and he Feng seemed to be blocked after they were passed out, so that there was an echo in their small space.

"So... Would you like me to do something bad?" He Feng looks at the woman with a smile.

"Be gentle!"

Ling Weiyu gives the man a white look.

"Of course it will be gentle, ha ha ha..."

He Feng laughs and kisses the woman's lips.


The next morning, after breakfast, he Feng and Ling Weiyu went to work together.

Ling Weiyu specially sent He Feng to Yuncheng group and left just now.

"Mr. He, there are three people who claim to be your friends and are waiting for you in the hall."

Just walk to the gate of Cloud City Group, meteor then welcomed to come up to say.

Now, he also knows that he Feng's real strength is a powerful master of Huajin. Therefore, he is extremely polite to He Feng, and he is no longer at ease at the beginning.

"All right!"

He Feng knows who they are. They are Jiang Kuangdao, Jiang Yin, and Jiang youyou.

Just now when he was in the car, he Feng received a call from Jiang Youyou, saying that the three of them had arrived at Yuncheng group and were waiting for him in the hall.

Obviously, they have put the matter of He Feng in the first place.

Came to the hall, he Feng saw is sitting on the sofa waiting for Jiang crazy knife and others.

"Curator Jiang, Dong Jiang and sister Youyou, I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road, which has kept you waiting for a long time." He Feng saw three people and walked quickly.

"Brother he Feng, are you here? It's OK. We haven't been waiting long

Jiang crazy knife brother and sister three people all stood up.

Jiang Kuangdao's temperament is obviously different now.

Before, he was a pure warrior, dedicated to cultivation, and only occasionally taught some disciples.

Now, in addition to teaching his disciples to practice, he has also become the executive vice president of Jiangbin Martial Arts Association, dealing with all kinds of social activities, and his temperament has become more smooth.

For a pure warrior, this is not a good thing.

He Feng naturally understands this!


"Curator Jiang, come with me to my office. I have something for you."

He Feng said, toward the elevator.

The three brothers and sisters of Jiang Kuangdao quickly followed up.


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