Office of finance department.

He Feng takes out three shopping bags from under the table and hands them to Jiang Kuangdao.

"Curator Jiang, Dong Jiang and sister Youyou, this is what I gave you. You can open it now."

He Feng bought a total of four pills from Xi Zhenxing. Each pill can help three ancient warriors in the early Ming Dynasty to upgrade their accomplishments to the peak of Ming Jin.

So he divided the pills into 12 parts, packed them in boxes, and then put them into the shopping bag for easy carrying.

"Are you shopping in the supermarket? I thought it was more valuable. "

Jiang youyou took the shopping bag and said with a white eye.

Jiang Kuangdao and Jiang Yin were also quite surprised. He Feng asked them to come to Yuncheng group when they were free this morning and said they had something to give them. They thought he Feng was going to give them something precious, so they rushed to Yuncheng group early in the morning, waiting for He Feng here.

But don't want to, the latter actually took a supermarket shopping bag to them.

What good things can be packed in shopping bags?

"Just open it and see!"

He Feng went to the table, opened a cupboard and took out some disposable cups, "do you drink water or coffee? I have them all here! "

"I don't have to, thank you!" Jiang said.

"Neither do I!" Jiang yindao.

"I'll pour it myself!"

Jiang youyou now has no desire to open the shopping bag, took the cup from He Feng's hand and poured the water.

Jiang Kuangdao is OK. He doesn't get along with He Feng as well as Jiang youyou and he Feng. Naturally, he doesn't dare to be too casual.

After taking the shopping bag, he slowly untied a knot on it, and then took out a metal box inside.

The box is completely closed. You can't see what's inside or smell it, but Jiang Kuangdao feels quite light.

"I said he Feng. I heard Lulu say before that you went to Nanjin? Did you bring me some local products from there

Jiang youyou looks at the box on Jiang Kuang's knife hand and says with a smile.

"Local products?"

He Feng blinked, "this thing is not a local specialty, but it can also be said to be, because in our Jiangbin City, even if you have money, you can't buy it."

"Yes? Is that food? Can I eat it directly? Is it delicious? "

Jiang youyou went with a glass of water and looked curiously at the box on Jiang Kuang's knife. "Brother, open it quickly. It happens that I'm not full for breakfast. If it's delicious, I can have some now."

Jiang Yin glared at Jiang you, "how do you always want to eat, hurry to lose weight, or you won't get married."

"Screw you. Who says I can't get married? I can't find the right man, OK? " Jiang youyou rolled his eyes and said, "He Feng, can I get married if I want to?"

He Feng said with a smile: "that must be able to ah, if youyou elder sister you give a shout, Jiangbin city do not know how many men will bow down in your pomegranate skirt."

Although Jiang youyou's appearance is much worse than his girlfriends, she is actually a beautiful woman. In addition, she has a good family background. As long as she gives a gift, it's really not difficult to find a boyfriend.

Unfortunately, Jiang youyou seems to have a high demand for men. It's hard for ordinary men to get into her eyes.

"Do you hear me? You don't have to worry about my life. "

Jiang youyou complacently said to Jiang Yin, and then looked at Jiang crazy knife: "brother, open the box quickly!"

"Well, good!"

Jiang Kuangdao nodded, then with a little effort, he opened the box.

The box is not very big. It's full of black things. There are dozens of them. It looks like

"Why, is this chocolate? Or black chocolate? "

Jiang youyou looked at the black object and without hesitation reached over and picked up one. "I'll try one first!"

"Youyou, put it down. It's not chocolate. It's elixir."

Jiang's crazy knife is so scared that sweat beads come out. If Jiang youyou really swallows this thing, he will play big hair.

The energy contained in the pill is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Pills? What pill? "

Jiang youyou gradually responded, looking at the black ball in the bag on his hand in shock, "this... This is not the elixir you told me before that can help the ancient warrior to improve his cultivation?"

"Yes, it's the elixir used to improve cultivation!"

The river crazy knife nods a way.

He used to buy pills at a high price in order to break through to the middle of Mingjin, so he smelled the smell just now.


This box contains dozens of pills, it seems that most of the level is not low.

"So many pills, how much is it?" Jiang Yin also swallowed. This is the first time he has seen so many pills.

"Brother he Feng, you you and I can't accept these pills!"

Jiang Kuangdao immediately covered the box, put it back into the shopping bag, and then handed it back to He Feng.

"Brother Jiang, take this first. If you don't accept it, you look down on me, he Feng, and don't treat me as a brother. "

He Feng slowly sat down, "first sit down and say, don't be polite with me."

"Brother he Feng, if it's something else, I won't be polite to you. But these pills are real gold and silver. I also know about the price of pills. It seems that you don't have many pills in this box, but I believe that if you buy them in the market, you will have to spend more than one billion? "

"More than one billion? So much? "

Jiang you subconsciously exclaimed.

Just now, she thought these things were local products and could be eaten.

But now Jiang Kuangdao tells her that these things are pills used to enhance the strength of the ancient martial arts. It takes three or four billion yuan for a box to come down.

You know, her cousin Jiang Yin's zhongyun group has a market value of more than 3 billion not long ago.

"Brother Jiang, in fact, these pills are not so expensive, so there's no way for them to be attacked by all kinds of people. The powerful ancient martial arts can buy these pills at a cost of $700 million. And I, with a closer relationship, only spent more than 200 million to buy your pills. "

He Feng said with a smile.

He bought four pills from Xi Zhenxing, one of which was 800 million yuan. Each pill was divided into three parts and packed in three shopping bags.

Together, the three brothers and sisters of Jiang Kuangdao cost him 800 million yuan.

Jiang Kuangdao shook his head and said, "well, there are a lot of them. We can't take them for nothing, can we?"

Jiang Yin then said, "yes, and youyou and I haven't even gathered our inner strength. Especially for me, I haven't cultivated my Qi sense. It's useless to ask for these pills. So, you just give our elder brother a share. You'd better take back my share and youyou's share. "

"Since I said I would give it to you, you should take it first." He Feng didn't mean to take it back.

"Even if we want to take it, but it's so valuable, we have to pay you?" Jiang said.

Jiang Yin suggested: "brother he Feng, I don't think so. How much are your three pills worth? Shall we pay you? I can't let you suffer for nothing. "

"So many pills are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. We really need to pay for them."

Jiang You agrees now.

It's worth hundreds of millions. I'm sorry if I don't give you money!


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