"He Feng, how did you do it?"

Jiang youyou looks at He Feng in shock, "my cousin, who has no talent for cultivation, you can make him become an ancient warrior, and what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what. You... You're a mythical device. "


On one side of the river crazy knife smell speech, quickly drank: "excellent, don't talk nonsense. As for today's affairs, we, brother and sister, must keep it absolutely secret. Even if we die outside, we must never reveal anything to anyone. "

What he Feng shows today is really mysterious. Jiang crazy knife feel, he Feng body must hide a great secret.

A secret that will cause a great sensation if it is spread out!

He Feng will show the secret in front of them, it is their trust.

He Feng trusted them, and naturally they could not live up to his trust.

"I know. I'll just ask." Jiang youyou vomited his sweet tongue.

"Sister Youyou, you can't talk about this outside. It's going to be a big problem not only for me, but for you as well. "

He Feng smile, said: "after you really enhance the strength up, to a certain level, you will naturally understand."

"Well, I'll see." Jiang youyou said with a smile.

"Well, I knew brother he Feng that you had so many cultivation resources, and there was a special method of refining Qi that could make us refine pills quickly. At that time, we shouldn't let Qingyan leave."

Jiang crazy knife sighed, "next time Qingyan contact home, I immediately let her come back."

"Well, you can tell her then, but don't mention me. If I'm mentioned, I'm afraid she still won't come back. "

He Feng laughed a way.

"I understand!"

Jiang Kuangdao grinned.

"Dong Dong..."

At this time, he Feng's office door was knocked.

"Come in!" Hefeng road.

When the door opened, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi appeared outside.

"He Feng, are you busy? Sister yuan and I wanted to ask you to have dinner together, so you should be busy first. " Seeing so many people in the office, Gong Wei is ready to leave.

"It's OK. I'm almost busy here."

He Feng looked at Jiang crazy knife and other humanitarian: "brother Jiang, do you want to stay for dinner together?"

Jiang youyou is ready to nod, Jiang crazy knife even busy way: "don't have to eat, we are ready to go back to closed cultivation."

"Yes, it's time for us to shut up."

Jiang Yin quickly pulls Jiang youyou out, "Mr. He, we won't disturb you today. When you are free another day, our three brothers and sisters will invite you to dinner again."

"OK, then I won't send it."

He Feng smiles.

These two brothers are so understanding.

Seeing the three leave, he Feng says to Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi, "two beauties, let's have dinner together."

"Well, let's go!"

Immediately, the three left the office and came to the company canteen.

Now it's 12:30, and there are a lot of people eating in the canteen, but fortunately, the canteen is big enough and the location is enough.

He Feng they first occupied a vacancy, and then made a meat, two vegetables, one soup, and three bowls of rice.

"He Feng, who are the three people just now? I feel like they are all ancient warriors. " Yuan Yashi asked.

"They are all good friends. I'll introduce you when I have a chance."

He Feng explained casually, then looked at Gong Wei and asked, "Weiwei, your parents don't urge you to go on a blind date now, do they?"

Gong Wei said with a bitter smile: "I didn't urge her any more, but my mother is a little depressed now, because the relationship between her and Xue jingzhuo's aunt Yang Mitao is not as good as before. The night before yesterday, Yang Mi Tao also called to talk about my mother, saying that my mother was deliberately trying to make Xue jingzhuo lose face and make my mother depressed. "

"It's obvious that Xue jingzhuo put his face up and beat us. She also blamed others."

He Feng rolled a white eye, "that Gong uncle?"

"My dad's fine. He didn't say anything. However, he seems to have seen through our tricks and know that I deliberately pulled you to dismantle Xue jingzhuo's platform. "

Gong Wei said: "and my father also asked me, what is the relationship between me and you, and I don't know if he saw through the relationship between us."

"Er... He didn't ask you to stay away from me in the future, did he?"

He Feng is a little worried.

If Gong Wei's parents don't agree to be together, or reject him, it will be a bit of a problem in the future.

Gong Wei nodded: "well, he said that you have married yunyun after all, and I'm a bachelor. I'll try my best to stay away from you in the future, so as not to damage my reputation."

"Oh, no? What can we do? Your father doesn't think that I acted too much the day before yesterday and became disgusted with me? "

He Feng said with a speechless face.

Gong Wei's parents are both teachers. Their thoughts are more traditional and conservative. They must be stubborn. If they really dislike him, it will be difficult for him to change their ideas.


Yuan Yashi was amused by He Feng. "Weiwei, don't cheat him. I'll make him nervous."

"What do you mean?"

He Feng noticed something wrong, squinted and asked: "Wei Wei, are you fooling me?"

"Hee hee, I just want to see how you react. It's not bad. It turns out that the mythical strongman in the legend will also be nervous. " Gong Wei's proud way.

"It's itchy, isn't it? After a while, I'll go to my office to see if brother Feng doesn't teach you a good lesson. " He Feng stares at Gong Wei and says.

"I'm not going. If you call sister yuan, she said she wanted to see what you looked like when you were nervous."

Gong Wei said with a smile.

"Weiwei, you betrayed me..." Yuan Yashi widened her eyes.

"Two people acting together, right? Well, I'll come to your house tonight and clean up the two of you He Feng snorted.

"I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Gong Wei mouth up, especially sexy, make He Feng itch in the heart, want to kiss up directly.

"Come on, I won't tease you." Gong Wei said, "my father asked me to ask you if you are free this weekend. He wants to ask you out to go fishing."

"This weekend?"

He Feng thought, "this weekend should not be free, wait for the next weekend to see it."

This weekend, Xia Menglu is going back to her hometown to meet her mother. If he Feng has nothing to do, he plans to accompany her to see what a woman's hometown looks like.

"Well, I'll talk to him later." Gong Wei said: "but if you have time, I suggest you stay with my dad more and have a good relationship with him. At home, although my mother is strong on the surface, it's my father who decides what's going on. For example, if my father hadn't let go about my marriage, my mother wouldn't have brought a man to have a blind date with me. "

"Well! I see. I'll go to your father when I'm free. " He Feng nodded.

After dinner, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi go to work. He Feng has nothing to do. He Feng also goes back to the office and asks Xia Menglu and Yang Ying to come and get pills for cultivation.

Although the company is busy now, without Xia Menglu and Yang Ying, it will not have any impact.

The second daughter is practicing on the side, but he Feng is not in a hurry to practice. Instead, he turns on the computer, walks around the Chinese net and continues to help.

Now all the works of Chinanet add up, the daily sales have reached several million, the data is extremely terrible.

This is still because there are not many great God works on the website, otherwise the data may have to be more than a few percent.


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