In a villa in a villa district of Jiangbin City, a red Buick car drove into the yard.

Walking down from the car, it is the peach.

"Honey peach, go and have a look. Jingzhuo has been shutting himself up in his room since he came back the day before yesterday. No matter how I yell at him, he won't come out, and he won't go to the company today. What's the matter? Even if he was in a bad mood before, he would not be like this. "

A middle-aged couple came out from the villa. They were very luxurious in dress and temperament, but now they were worried and worried.

These two people are exactly Xue jingzhuo's parents.

Because there is a big gap between the family conditions of both sides, Yang shuitao's eyes are higher than the top, so he usually doesn't pay much attention to his sister.

But what makes her helpless is that her son Xue jingzhuo is close to Yang Mitao, so now that Xue jingzhuo has an accident, she can only invite Yang Mitao.

"Brother in law, elder sister, don't worry. I will advise Jingzhu."

Yang Mi Tao said quickly, and then walked towards the villa.

"Yes, jingzhuo listens to you. Go and persuade him." Xue Fulian said busily.

"Honey peach, what happened when jingzhuo went out on a blind date the day before yesterday? Can you tell us first and let us know about it Yang shuitao asked.

"Elder sister, what happened the day before yesterday is quite complicated, which may have really caused a certain blow to jingzhuo. But don't worry about it. I believe a man as good as jingzhuo will come out of the attack. You wait downstairs. I'll go up and talk to jingzhuo. "

Yang did not say much and went straight to the second floor.

Xue Fu and Yang shuitao were waiting downstairs.

"Dong Dong..."

Carambola came to Xue jingzhuo's room and knocked on the door, "jingzhuo, it's me, your aunt. Can you open the door first and I'll talk to you. "

However, there was no movement in the room.

Seeing this, Yang Mi Tao sighed, "Alas! Jingzhuo, why do you have to? He Feng just stepped on a piece of bad luck. He met Mayor Jin and married a woman like Wang Xiangyun. That's why he looks excellent. But actually, can he match you? You are a top student, an entrepreneurial genius and a first-class hacker. What does he Feng compare with you? "


Suddenly, the door was opened, Xue jingzhuo's haggard face appeared in Yang's sight.

"Jingzhuo, how can you make yourself so haggard? Because of He Feng? Do you have to? "

Yang Mi Tao said angrily: "if you are really unhappy with He Feng, you can think of a way to teach him a lesson. And that Gong Wei, since she is so illiterate, you should ignore her in the future. What kind of woman can't be found on your terms? "

"Auntie, you don't understand my mood. Woman, I don't care now. What makes me sad is that I tried very hard the day before yesterday to suppress He Feng's limelight, but why did I end up making a mess of myself? Is Xue jingzhuo not as good as a loser in all his efforts over the years? "

Xue jingzhuo said with a look of pain, "you said that I am so excellent, but how can I feel that I am a failure? Can't I really compare with He Feng at all? "

In fact, Xue jingzhuo also wanted to find someone to teach him a lesson, but he also saw the strength of He Feng. He was stronger than the ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty, and he couldn't teach him a lesson at all.

Because of this, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He felt like a piece of shit. No matter how hard he tried, he was not as good as a loser.

They don't need to do anything. They don't need diplomas or skills. They just need to know a few powerful people to trample Xue jingzhuo under their feet and make him lose face.

He hates it!

Hate yourself not strong enough!

Hate each other why so good luck!

"How can it be? How can you be inferior to He Feng? The day before yesterday, he was in the limelight because he knew Mayor Jin. But without Mayor Jin, vice mayor yuan would have been so polite to him? "

Yang Mitao sneered: "even I think that the reason why he married Wang Xiangyun was because of Mayor Jin. If he He Feng's reputation is bad and Mayor Jin dislikes him, who will compliment him? Even Wang Xiangyun, I'm afraid, will gradually ignore him and finally abandon him? "

"Bad reputation?"

Hearing this, Xue jingzhuo's dispirited eyes gradually brightened up.

"Even if jingzhuo doesn't want to wait too long, we can use another method, that is, let he Feng commit a crime. Once he Feng is arrested and charged, even Mayor Jin, I'm afraid it's not easy to help him? At that time, he Feng will be in prison. Then he is a piece of shit. In the future, no one will even step on him. "

Yang Mi Tao sneered: "He Feng is not qualified to compare with you. Jingzhuo, do you want me to help you plan how to deal with He Feng? "

For Xue jingzhuo, carambola was highly valued.

Although Xue jingzhuo's parents don't approve of her very much, Xue jingzhuo cares about her little aunt very much.

Now Xue jingzhuo has returned to China for development. If she started a company, she would be able to find a good position, much better than being a teacher.

Therefore, Yang Mi Tao really wants to help Xue jingzhuo and cheer him up.

By any means!

"Auntie, I know what you mean. Well, you haven't had lunch yet, have you? Go downstairs and have dinner with my parents. I'll be busy now. When I'm finished, I'll go downstairs and have dinner with you immediately. "

Xue jingzhuo's eyes turned. He had an idea in his mind. His eyes were slightly cold.

"Well, your parents and I will wait for you downstairs. If you need any help from my aunt, please don't be polite to me."

Carambola nodded happily, then turned and went downstairs.

Xue jingzhuo, on the other hand, closed the door and locked it. Then he came to his computer desk and opened it.

"He Feng, you forced me. After you go to prison, I'll help you take good care of Gong Wei!"

Xue jingzhuo gritted his teeth and said, especially when he talked about the word "care", his eyes were very cold.

At this moment, in his eyes, flashing a strong sense of madness.

When the computer is turned on, Xue jingzhuo quickly opens a software developed by himself, and his fingers tap on the keyboard quickly.

Every time his fingers fall, the keyboard makes a clear and loud sound, as if the keyboard has a grudge against him.

In particular, the space bar, there have been cracks.

"Is this the security system of Yuncheng group? There are two things to do, but with my skill, it's a piece of cake to invade. "

Xue jingzhuo sneered and quickly launched an offensive.


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