Yuncheng group, finance department.

He Feng for maple language Chinese network diversion after the end, then open the night to listen to the wind of the book to read.

Recently, the website has been heavily diverted, mainly pushing his new book. Ling Weiyu also talked with him personally to let him update as much as possible.

This guy is very cooperative. Recently, he often broke out, and it's just ten chapters a day. Even he Feng was scared.

However, as a reader of night listening to the wind, he is quite happy in his heart.

No, as soon as he had time, he opened the book and began to read it.

"Didi didi..."

But just then, a warning light suddenly flashed in the lower right corner of his computer desktop.

"Well? Is someone attacking the network security system of Cloud City Group? "

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "is, before want to steal cloud city group data hacker?"

He Feng heard Wang Xiangyun mention this before. He said that a man with extremely strong technology had intruded into the network system of Yuncheng group and stolen some information. Fortunately, Wang Xiangyun didn't save too many important things on the computer at that time, so he didn't cause too much loss.

Unexpectedly, now the other party is coming again.

Is Yuncheng group a bully?

"Hum, since you're here, brother Feng will find you out this time. I want to see who you are. You are so brave. Even brother Feng's wife's company dares to move."

He Feng snorted, but he didn't rush to fight back.

Cloud City Group's network security system, just he casually designed, not very complex.

He estimates that any one of the top ten hackers in China can invade.

Of course, some high-level computers are encrypted by two layers. Only the top ten hackers in the world can invade them.

Wang Xiangyun's computer, however, has been taken special care of by him. If the global hacker list is not in the top three, there is no way to invade it.

Moreover, it will take enough time for him to react.

"Well? I've been waiting for you for ten minutes, but I haven't come in yet? Isn't that bad? "

He Feng is waiting while reading a novel, but now he's finished reading the latest chapter of listening to the wind, and the other party hasn't broken the defense system, which makes he Feng impatient.

He is also going to accompany Xia Menglu and Yang Ying to practice together after reading the novel.

Fengge time is precious, OK?

"Forget it, let's open a channel for him."

He Feng shook his head and sighed, tapping on the keyboard at will.

I don't know how the hacker came in last time.

Isn't wang Xiangyun saying that the hacker's technology is very powerful?

It was Zhou Heng, the former Minister of Technology Department, who deliberately boasted because he was useless, right?

Finally, when he Feng opened a channel, the other party finally succeeded in invading.

"I don't know who the target of his invasion is. Isn't it Wang Xiangyun? If he wants to break through Wang Xiangyun's computer, with his technology, when will he have to wait? "

He Feng touched his nose, but he didn't worry. He waited patiently.

After waiting for a few minutes, his expression gradually became wonderful

"I'll go. That guy's target is not Wang Xiangyun, nor other senior executives of the company, but Fengge me?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of He Feng's mouth.


"I'd like to see who you are. You've come to my head."

He Feng quickly hit the keyboard and began to check each other's IP.

Soon, he was surprised to find that the other party's address was in Jiangbin city.

"Hackers in Jiangbin? Is it the moon? No, Yueyue should still be working in the bureau at this time. The location of this IP is in a residential area. Oh, no, it's in a high-class villa area. "

He Feng continued to check, and soon locked the other party's specific location.

Then, he secretly turned on each other's computer cameras.

A rather familiar face appeared in his sight.

"This is... Xue jingzhuo?"

He Feng dumbfounded smile, "this is the feeling I hit the face, intend to come to me trouble?"


"Well, I finally locked your computer. I don't work well in the company. I'm reading novels. A loser is a loser. What qualifications do you have for what you are now? "

Xue jingzhuo snorted coldly, and the speed of tapping the keyboard became faster and faster, and he also exerted more force.

A moment later, he finally took control of He Feng's computer, then switched to a screen and began to find the location of the Public Security Bureau.

"Next, you wait for the police of the public security bureau to come to you in the company."

Xue jingzhuo's eyes filled with resentment and madness, and began to attack the network system of the Public Security Bureau.

However, what he uses is not his own IP address, but he Feng's.

As far as he knows, there are no decent hackers in Jiangbin city. Even if there are some good cyber policemen in the Public Security Bureau, they will not be able to resist his sudden attack.

At that time, as long as he uses He Feng's IP to break into the network system of the Public Security Bureau and steal some important information, the network police will soon investigate He Feng's head.

At that time, what he Feng needs to face is absolutely the disaster of imprisonment.

No one can save him!


"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng is now quietly looking at his computer, with a sneer on his face, while his mobile phone beside him is shaking.

Caller ID, Chuyue.

"Hello, Yueyue!"

He Feng picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the office to answer the phone.

"He Feng, what's the matter with you? How to attack the defense system of our public security bureau? And still so aboveboard, even if other net police don't feel, I can also find out

Chu Yue was very depressed and said: "besides, even if you want to know what information, you can directly ask me. You make me very embarrassed. When the internet police investigate you, I don't know how to explain to the director."

"Yueyue, you look down on me, don't you? Do you think if I want to break into the defense system of your public security bureau, I will make you aware of it? " He Feng rolled a white eye, also did not hide, explained: "there is a self considered hacker master, want to frame me, put a virus in my computer, control my IP, and then attack your public security bureau network system."

"Ah? Do I want to stop right now? " Chu Yue was surprised.

"Don't, don't stop him, just let him in."

He Feng said hastily: "if you stop people, won't he work in vain? We have to respect the fruits of other people's work, right? "

"What do you mean?" Chu Yue doubts a way: "how do I feel you have a little bad intention, want to do bad things?"

"Hey, since someone wants to ride on me, I'll give him that wish."

He Feng grinned and said, "however, it's OK to ride on my head, but he has to be prepared to be killed."

"I see what you mean. That's bad enough. However, this kind of person is really hateful. He wants to frame you up and put you in prison. I will lead the team to arrest you in a moment. "

Chu Yue hummed softly.

"Well, be careful when you catch people. You'd better take Wenwen beauty with you, and then take the gun with you. The other party is an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. Don't be careless." He Feng told.

"Yes, I see."

Chu Yue hung up.

He Feng returned to the office, sat in front of the computer, opened other novels and continued to read, as if he didn't know anything.

Half an hour later, he began to laugh and stretch.

"It's finished at last. It's too late for brother Feng's cultivation."

He Feng forked off the computer, turned it off, and began to practice.


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