"Ha ha, he Feng, you are finished. Soon, the police will find you. By then, you'll be ready to stay in the dark room. At that time, I will certainly find the major media in Jiangbin city to give you the most detailed report, so that everyone in the country will think that you are a spy who steals state secrets. "

Xue jingzhuo laughs wildly, and his hands keep beating the keyboard.

All the cracked keyboards were broken, but Xue jingzhuo didn't realize it. Only his eyes were full of hatred and excitement.

"What if your wife is Wang Xiangyun? What if your guwu accomplishments are better than mine? What if you know Mayor Jin? If you make Xue jingzhuo disheartened and disgraced, I will be able to break you into the abyss with my hacking technology. "

Xue jingzhuo stood up with a smile on his face and left the dark and despairing room.

As for the information he stole from the Public Security Bureau, he did not check it.

As a result, his keyboard is broken and hard to operate.

Second, now he just wants to hear the news that he Feng was arrested by the police as soon as possible.

If he carefully looks at the information he has stolen, he will find that there is actually a very powerful hacker in Jiangbin city.

The hacker's name is Chu Yue.

She ranked 36 on the list of hackers in China.

And now she works for the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin city.

Today, work!

"Jingzhuo, are you down? Come on, go wash up and have a meal. I made your favorite squirrel, mandarin fish and braised pork

In the living room, Yang shuitao saw Xue jingzhuo coming down and quickly welcomed him.

Seeing his son's haggard face, he was worried at first.

But when she found Xue jingzhuo's face with a thick smile, she was relieved.

Anyway, I wish my son could cheer up again.

"Jingzhuo, are you done?"

Yang Mi Tao seems to guess what Xue jingzhuo has just done and asks carefully.

After all, it's against the law. Even in front of Xue jingzhuo's parents, she doesn't dare to say it directly.

"Auntie, thank you for your advice. I'm fine now."

Xue jingzhuo looked at his father Xue Fu and said, "Dad, didn't you bring two bottles of best red wine to Bali last time? Take it out quickly. I'm going to have a good drink with my aunt today. "

"All right, I'll get it right away. Honey peach, you successfully enlightened jingzhuo today. You must have a good drink. Don't go to class in the afternoon. " Xue Fu said happily.

"Well, I won't go to class in the afternoon. I'll have a good drink with you." Yang said with a smile.

Now Xue jingzhuo's parents' attitude towards her has obviously improved. Maybe she will get some benefits soon.

"I'll get the wine!"

Xue Fu said, quickly ran to his study to get two bottles of red wine, there are four exquisite goblets, will open two bottles of red wine, one by one full.

Four people also sat on the table, the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

"Jingzhuo, if you really don't want to say anything, your father won't force you to ask, but what your father wants to tell you is that there is no obstacle in the world. If there is one, then you can step on it and get through it naturally. "

Said Schaeffer, holding up his glass.

"I see, Dad, thank you!"

Xue jingzhuo also raised the cup and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, he Feng's heart is hard to pass.

Therefore, as Xue Fu said, if you step on this barrier, it will pass naturally.

In his opinion, he Feng has been trampled on.

This meal, four people drink very happy, two bottles of red wine in a short time, they were drunk.

"Dong Dong..."

When Xue Fu saw that Xue jingzhuo was drinking, he seemed to be in a good mood. He was going to take a few bottles of wine to drink. Suddenly, the villa yard was knocked.

"Someone is looking outside. I'll see who it is. Take the wine, Xue Fu. We'll have some later. " Said the carambola, and went to the yard.

Xue jingzhuo watched Yang shuitao go out and frowned slightly, feeling a kind of inexplicable confusion and tension.

"Jingzhuo, what do you think? Don't think about it. It's all over. Let's have a good drink now. Don't always think about something unhappy. " Yang Mi Tao raised the glass, and there was still some red wine left in it.

"Well, good!"

Xue jingzhuo reluctantly smiles and raises the glass to dry the remaining wine.

"Stop, why do you break into my house?"

At this moment, Yang shuitao's angry and anxious scream rang out the door, "jingzhuo, run!"

However, Yang shuitao's voice was slower after all. As soon as her voice fell, a group of members of the criminal police team, led by Tang Wen and Chu Yue, had rushed into the living room.

In addition, the criminal police also took out a pistol and aimed at Xue jingzhuo.

"Xue jingzhuo, this is an arrest warrant against you. You are under arrest."

Tang Wen and Chu Yue come to Xue jingzhuo. Tang Wen takes out an arrest warrant and says coldly.

"Arrest warrant? Why do you police refuse to arrest me? I'm not a criminal. I'm a law-abiding citizen. Why do you break into my house and arrest me? Believe it or not, I'll ask the best lawyer in China to sue you? "

Xue jingzhuo is not in a good mood. Tang Wen and others are inexplicably arresting him now, which makes him more angry and directly slap the case.

"Xue jingzhuo, please turn around and raise your hands, or I will shoot." Tang Wen behind Li Ping angry way, muzzle aimed at Xue jingzhuo's eyebrow, once the latter has a frivolous move, he will directly shoot.

"No! Don't shoot

At this moment, carambola also came back, quickly blocked in front of Xue jingzhuo, said: "police officers, even if you want to arrest my son, you have to give a good reason, right? Why do you want to arrest my son? Is he breaking any law? "

"He doesn't know whether he broke the law or not?"

Chu Yue looked at Xue jingzhuo and said with a sneer, "Xue jingzhuo, do you admit your crime of invading the network system of our Jiangbin Public Security Bureau and stealing important information of our public security bureau?"

"I intrude into the network system of your public security bureau? Are you mistaken? How could I invade your network system? Go and check it. There must be a mistake. The person who intrudes into the network system of your public security bureau must be someone else. "

Xue jingzhuo's face changed slightly, and he quickly defended himself.

This accusation, which is quite large, can not be admitted by him in any case.

But what he doesn't understand is that he used He Feng's IP address to invade. The police should go to Yuncheng group to catch He Feng. How could they come to his home to catch him?

What's going on here?

"Ha ha, you don't have to quibble. We didn't make a mistake. The person who intrudes into the network system of our public security bureau is you, Xue jingzhuo. "

Chu Yue took out the handcuffs from her pocket, "come with us, you are arrested!"


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