"Come with us, you're under arrest!"

Chu Yue's indifferent voice rang out in Xue jingzhuo's ear, which made Xue jingzhuo's face extremely ugly. He kept shaking his head, "how can this happen? How did your police investigate me? It's impossible. The police are very efficient. They should not investigate me... "

Xue jingzhuo is extremely confident in his hacking technology. With his technology, even if he rushes into the top 100, there is no problem.

In the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin City, as far as he knows, there are no powerful hackers at all.

How can you investigate yourself so quickly?

"Didn't you steal some information from our police station? Didn't you go to read the information? " Chu month light asks a way.

Xue jingzhuo subconsciously replied: "I'm not very interested in your data. What do I do with those data?"

"Jingzhuo, don't talk nonsense."

"Jingzhuo, what are you talking about?"

"Officer, you are obviously misleading."

As soon as Xue jingzhuo's voice fell, Xue Fu and others immediately exclaimed.

Xue jingzhuo's brow is also wrinkled, knowing that he just said something wrong.

"Yes? But even if you don't admit it, it doesn't matter, because our police do have evidence that you intruded into the public security system to steal important information. " Chu Yue scoffed at Xue jingzhuo and said, "do you think our police have no hackers, and their technology is very powerful, so you think no one knows what you have done?"

Xue jingzhuo squinted and didn't speak!

What Chu Yue said was exactly what he thought.

But why did the police go to arrest Xue jingzhuo instead of He Feng?

"By the way, don't you know who I am?"

Chu Yue asked with a smile.

"Aren't you a policeman?" Xue jingzhuo said lightly.

"I am indeed a policeman, but I have another layer of identity registered in the information you stole. My name is Chu Yue, and I'm also a hacker. " Chu Yue said with a smile.

"Chu Yue? Hackers? "

Xue jingzhuo was a little stunned. The name gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

Soon, Xue jingzhuo seemed to think of something and exclaimed in disbelief, "are you Chu Yue, who ranked 36th in the list of hackers in China?"

"Yes The light way of Chu Yue.

It seems that the other party didn't read the information.

The purpose of Xue jingzhuo's stealing police information is very simple, that is to frame He Feng.

Unfortunately, he did not expect that in the Public Security Bureau, there is a person whose hacking technology is much more powerful than him, that is, Chu Yue, the 36th best hacker in China.

"I see. If you lose, I won't be wronged." Xue jingzhuo stretched out his hands with a dispirited face, without any resistance.

Let's not say whether he can escape. Even if he does, he will be wanted all his life, just like a mouse in the dark.

As for reputation, it will be completely destroyed.


Li Ping immediately stepped forward, handcuffed Xue jingzhuo, and then walked out with another colleague.

"Xue jingzhuo, you are not defeated by me."

Chu Yue walks beside Xue jingzhuo to prevent him from suddenly hurting others, and then runs away, "the one who really beats you is actually the one who wants to deal with you. You want to control other people's IP to invade our public security system, but you didn't find it. In fact, your IP was already controlled by the other party at that time. "

"You mean he Feng? How can he control my IP address? What is he, and on what basis is he? "

Xue jingzhuo stopped and roared in disbelief. His face was full of madness.

He can accept being defeated by Chu Yue, but he can't accept being defeated by He Feng.

Hacker technology is what Xue jingzhuo is most proud of. How can he Feng, a loser with bad luck, beat himself in hacker technology?

Are you kidding?

"Oh, that's what happens when you look down on others."

Chu Yue looked at Xue jingzhuo pitifully, "I tell you the truth, he Feng's hacking technology is not only better than you, but also worse than me."

It's far from enough. Can't it be better?


Xue jingzhuo's eyes widened as if struck by lightning.

The person he despised most easily defeated him in his proudest field?

At this moment, Xue jingzhuo was as pale as ashes.


"Dudu, Dudu..."

He Feng has been practicing until five o'clock in the afternoon, a phone call to his mobile phone.

He Feng stops practicing and looks at the caller ID. It's Ling Weiyu.

"Little feather!" He Feng answers the phone.

"Brother Xiao Feng, are you free tonight? We have a five-star hotel in the evening. All the staff of the company will take part in it. We have invited many reporters from Jiangbin city and tomato Dashen. Do you want to come? " Ling Weiyu asked.

"OK, when will it start?" He Feng asked.

"It starts at eight o'clock, but it doesn't matter if you come early. You can guide everyone's work. After all, you are the leader." Ling Weiyu said.

"I'm just a fake leader. I'd better leave such an important thing as guiding work to Xiaoyu. You can finish it yourself."

He Feng grinned and said, "I'll be there in the evening, but it may be a little late. You'll play first."

"Well, I'll send you the location on wechat later."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng sees that Xia Menglu and Yang Ying are still immersed in their cultivation and do not disturb them. He carries a few shopping bags filled with pills and goes out of the office to the door of the director's office of the propaganda department.

"Dong Dong..." He Feng reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in, please

Inside came the sound of Ning Cai bamboo.


He Feng pushed the door in, "bamboo, still busy?"

Ning Caizhu is sitting at her desk and working in front of the computer at the moment. As usual, she is wearing a silver gray hip skirt. Even if she is sitting, her charming charm is suffocating.

When Ning Caizhu heard he Feng's voice, she raised her head for the first time. When she saw that he Feng was coming, her face suddenly changed, "is it you? You rascal, how dare you come to me? Do you think I dare not do anything to you in my office? Do you believe I've cracked your salty pig's hand? "

Speaking, in her hand, suddenly appeared a pair of scissors for work, flashing cold light.

Although Ning Caizhu said to snap his hand off, he Feng subconsciously pinched his legs


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