"I'll go, Zhuzhu beauty. I'm kind enough to send you good things. How can you welcome me with scissors?"

In addition to clamping his legs, he Feng subconsciously took a step back and was ready to leave at any time. "If you don't welcome me, I'll leave now."

"What good things can you give me?"

Ning Caizhu glanced at the shopping bag on He Feng's hand, "did you buy it in the supermarket? Snacks? Oh... Do you think I'd rather pick bamboo with just a little snack? Put it on the table first and let me see if it tastes good? If it's not delicious, be careful... "

He Feng a little regret, what pills to send, should send snacks.

"Beauty bamboo, it's not a snack, but it's much more expensive than a snack. If it wasn't for you being my woman, I wouldn't have given it away."

He Feng put one of the shopping bags on the table.

"Not snacks? What the hell is that? "

Ning Caizhu opened the shopping bag and took out a box from it? I'll see what you've given me. "

Then she opened the box and smelled the fragrance inside. Her eyes lit up. "What's this? Why do I feel as if it makes the inner strength of my body work by itself? Now I have a desire to swallow these things directly. "

"It's a pill that can help you improve your strength."

Seeing that Ning Caizhu put down the scissors, he Feng went forward and took out a Xuanyuan pill from the box. He handed it to Ning Caizhu and said, "Zhuzhu, this is Xuanyuan pill of human level. Take one first. I'll teach you a set of gas refining methods."

"It's really a pill, not a toon?" Ning Caizhu stares at He Feng suspiciously.


He Feng mouth corner mercilessly drew to draw, "I seem to be that kind of shameless person?"


Ning Caizhu shook his head, "because you are shameless!"

"Do you want to take this pill? If I don't, I'll give it to Wang Xiangyun. She's just short of it. " With that, he Feng reached for the pill.

"It's all in my hands. Do you want to take it back? If you don't have enough daughter-in-law, you can buy it by yourself. It's estimated that it won't cost you much. " Ning Caizhu quickly retracted his hand.


He Feng choked very hard. "I said, little ancestor, do you know that you spent more than 200 million yuan on such a small box in your hand? What do you mean you don't have much money? Brother Feng is very hard to make money! "

"More than 200 million? So expensive? "

Ning Caizhu opened his mouth and was obviously frightened by the number.

She knows that there are pills in the world, but she doesn't know the value of pills.

I didn't expect that this box would cost 200 million.

"Since it's so expensive, I can't let you take it to Wang Xiangyun. I'll keep it for myself." Ning Caizhu gave the box to Wang and held it tightly.

"OK, I'm joking with you. OK, you put down the box first and take this Xuanyuan pill. I'll teach you the method of refining Qi, so that you can refine the power of the pill in a very short time and improve your strength." He Feng said.

"Well, not toon medicine."

Ning Caizhu took the Xuanyuan pill, which was the primary of the human stage, sat on the sofa, and then put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

And he Feng is a quick way to teach her the refining method.

After that, Ning Caizhu obviously felt that his strength had been improved to a certain extent.

"I didn't expect that the pill is so magical. It can really help me improve my strength."

Ning Caizhu said excitedly, "smelly rascal, if you have nothing else to do, go and help yourself. I'll continue to practice first."

"When did I become a rascal again? I didn't take advantage of you today, OK? " He Feng depressed way: "hurry to call a husband, or I will not go."

"Oh, threaten me?"

Ning Caizhu sneered scornfully, went to the desk, picked up the scissors just put down, "are you sure you don't go?"

"Damn it, you are cruel! See how I'll deal with you next time! "

He Feng put down a cruel words, turned and ran.

Now he regretted it again. He should have mixed a Chinese toon medicine in the pill, and then followed Ning Caizhu for 24 hours.

"Hey, I can't deal with you? I really think your daughter-in-law is very powerful. I'd rather pick bamboo than be a vegetarian, right

He Feng scared away, looking at the man's embarrassed appearance, Ning Caizhu's face was full of pride, and then put the scissors into the drawer, "the scissors can't be used again next time, otherwise, the rascal would not dare to see me. Well, in fact, we shouldn't scare him with scissors today. "

After shaking his head, Ning Caizhu didn't think about it any more. Taking advantage of his busy work, he began to swallow pills again.

After he Feng left Ning Caizhu's office, he did not return to the finance department. Instead, he went directly to the garage and drove Lexus to Lianyi hotel.

He has just called Chen Jian to confirm that Chen Jian is in the hotel at the moment, and Zou Xun will be there after work.

Sure enough, when he Feng came to Lianyi Hotel, Chen Jian and Zou Xun were both there.


See he Feng, two people respectfully called a.

Now they are extremely awed by He Feng. He Feng is not only powerful but also mysterious in their eyes. Naturally, they dare not neglect him.

"Little Zou, the more you practice, the more beautiful you will be. After that, when you become a master, isn't it like a fairy? "

He Feng looked at Zou Xun, surprised said.

Zou Xun gave him a sense of water spirit from the beginning. Now he has cultivation, and his temperament is more outstanding. Even if he stands there at will, he can make any man fall for him.

"Master, I'm flattered. Appearance is just a vulgar thing. It's a real thing only when one's cultivation is improved. I think master thinks so, too." Zou Xun said seriously.

Now she doesn't want to do anything, just want to improve her strength, and then go to save her sister.

Therefore, she hardly does anything else these days except Practice and work.

Even the makeup has become a lot more casual.

"No, I think appearance is the real thing. Especially for a girl, grounding is more important. As for cultivation, of course, the stronger the better, but this thing is too illusory, there is no need to force. Otherwise, when you become strong enough, it's not you who control power, it's power who controls you. "

He Feng patted Zou Xun on the shoulder and said, "when I go to work in the company, I'll dress up a little more attractive. Just think it's for me, OK? "

"I see. Thank you for your advice." Zou Xun road.

"Shifu, the elder martial sister is very beautiful now. If you dress up again, few people can bear her temptation." Chen Jian on one side said suddenly.

"Why, are you fascinated by your elder martial sister?"

He Feng frowned slightly.

"How can I? I only respect my elder martial sister, but I dare not be half hearted."

Chen Jian quickly explained that he was all about martial arts, let alone women, and even power could not interest him at all. "I mean, if the elder martial sister is too beautiful, it's easy to attract people's attention when she walks outside. In this way, someone will come after her, which may cause some trouble. "

"What do you mean?" He Feng always feels that Chen Jian has something to say.

"Chen Jian, don't tell my master about my affairs. I'll solve them myself." Zou Xun frowned.

"Buzz! Hum... "

At this time, a sharp sound suddenly sounded, a silver Ferrari sports car, parked on the edge of Lexus.

Immediately, a handsome young man in his twenties came to Zou Xun with a bunch of red roses. "Mr. Zou, it's a great honor to see you again. I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight. I hope you can give me another chance."

With that, he handed the rose in his hand to Zou Xun.

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