The young man's attitude is very sincere and seems to be very sincere.

What's more, he is very handsome and has temperament. In addition, he drives a Ferrari and wears a Patek Philippe watch. At first sight, he is a super rich man.

Under such circumstances, few women can resist his charm.

However, Zou Xun looked into his eyes as if he were looking at a buzzing fly. He was extremely tired of it. "Siyang Yun, did I not express clearly to you two times before? It's impossible between us, and Zou Xun is now working with all his heart and has no heart to talk about emotional matters. Please don't bother me any more, OK? "

Then Zou Xun ignored the young man and looked at He Feng and said, "master, let's go."

"Master? How can you have a master? "

Si Yangyun looked at He Feng in surprise and said in a cold voice, "boy, where did you come from? What qualifications do you have to be master of Mr. Zou? Get out of here now, and never show up in front of Mr. Zou again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you. "


As soon as Si Yangyun's voice fell, a sharp wind broke out in front of him. Chen Jian attacked him for the first time and slapped him in the face.

Now in Chen Jian's mind, he Feng's status is extremely high, which can be regarded as his only relative in the world.

How can he tolerate insults from others?

"It's you who are presumptuous!"

Siyangyun disdained cold drink, random blow out a punch, fell on the palm of Chen Jian.


A dull voice rang out, and then Chen Jian's body retreated, his palms numb.

He didn't exert all his strength in this slap. He was afraid that a slap would kill Si Yangyun, but it was also very powerful, which was equivalent to the ordinary strike of ordinary people in the early Ming Dynasty. But for ordinary people, this slap was also very powerful.

But Si Yangyun beat him back with one punch!

And it's a random punch!

The latter's cultivation is far above him.

"The peak of Mingjin?" Chen Jian felt the inner strength of the other party's body, and Wei Wei frowned.

This kind of cultivation is really not something he can fight against.

"How dare you do anything in front of me? Go back and Practice for a few years. "

Si Yangyun glanced at Chen Jian sarcastically.

Chen Jian said angrily, "you..."

"What are you doing? If you were not a friend of Mr. Zou, I would have abandoned your hand just now. "

Si Yangyun sneered, and then looked at He Feng, "boy, I think you can see my strength, too? Get out of here. I can let you off today. Otherwise, next time I see you, you won't be so lucky. "

"Ha ha, no wonder you are so strong. You are the best of Mingjin. I have such accomplishments since I was young. I really have the ability. "

He Feng light smile, looking at Zou Xun asked: "small Zou, when did he start to pursue you? Is it bothering you all the time? "

"Master, I know a well-known director in Jiangbin city. He has worked with me before and has a good relationship with me. He is also very capable. So I went to him last Friday to ask him to help me shoot the new book of yetingfeng. For the time being, I'll make a big online movie for promotion. If the effect is good, I'll make TV series and cinema movies."

Zou Xun explained: "but that night, this Si Yangyun also appeared. He is a part-time filmmaker, but he is very famous. He is a first-line star, and seems to have a great future. This is Si Yangyun. He knows me. I used to make a play with him. At that time, he pursued me once, but I refused. After seeing me this time, he came after me again. After I refused him, he didn't give up and came to me again and again. "

"I know!"

He Feng nodded.

Now Zou Xun has become more and more beautiful and has more and more temperament. Ordinary people can't resist her charm at all.

Even he Feng, if not a little control, I'm afraid all want to make this girl her own woman.

After all, it's so beautiful and charming.

Therefore, no matter how rich Si Yangyun is, he will not give up his pursuit of Zou Xun.

"Boy, what are you talking about? I told you to get out of here. Didn't you hear me clearly?" Si Yangyun said impatiently.

"Do you think that Mingjin's highest cultivation is strong enough to yell at me?" He Feng light looking at Si Yangyun.

"Mingjin peak is not strong enough, but it's more than enough to deal with you."

Si Yangyun snorted coldly: "why, do you want to taste my power?"

He Feng nodded and said, "just now, you hit my apprentice. Now, you have to take my punch, too. "

Si Yangyun said: "take your fist? What are you? "

"Hoo Hoo

In response to him, he Feng is free to blow a punch.

It's just like the fist he used to blow at Chen Jian.

No fancy, looks like soft, no power.

"To die!"

The division Yang cloud sees he Feng to really dare to do to oneself, the complexion is very angry, direct a punch to blow up.



Two fists collide, and a clear sound of bone dislocation spreads.


The division Yang cloud pain called a, the body shape repeatedly retreated, shocked looking at He Feng, "how possible, your strength how can, how can be so strong?"

When he just met he Feng, he thought he Feng was just an ordinary man. He cheated Zou Xun with his sweet words and asked Zou Xun to call his master. He never thought he Feng would be a powerful ancient warrior.

But now he found that he was wrong. He Feng was not only an ancient warrior, but also a powerful ancient warrior.

Horizontal trainer!

At least, he is a horizontal practitioner of triple training, which is equivalent to a strong one at the peak of Mingjin.

"If I don't have some strength, how can I become Xiao Zou's master?" He Feng said.

"Yunshao, are you ok?"

"Reckless, dare to hurt us Yunshao, do you want to die?"

"Paralyzed, you must be abandoned today."

At this time, not far from a Touareg SUV, three young men jumped down, quickly ran to Si Yangyun's side, and angrily pointed to He Feng Road.

These three people are the bodyguards of Si Yangyun. At first, they didn't think Si Yangyun would be in danger, so they stayed in the car and didn't come out.

But don't want to, Si Yangyun was hit by a loser like man. How dare they see it.

And, at this moment, the three people, one by one sent out a strong fluctuation of internal strength.

These three people are all the best!

"Boy, I admit I just lost my eye. You really have some strength. But what about that? Now that you hurt me, I'll ask you, "how do you want to die?"

Speaking, the Department of Yang Yun arm shaking, dislocated bone immediately reset, and then cold to see he Feng.

In the eyes, murderous!

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