Although Si Yangyun is not a genius in his family, he has a good life. He is a fish in water in the entertainment circle, and no one dares to offend him. For this reason, many third rate beauty stars can almost play at will. If they can't catch up with him, they will spend money, and they can always get each other.

In his life, it can be said that he has had a good time. Even if he occasionally encounters some troubles, it's not a big deal.

But it's the first time for him to be wounded today.

That loser actually dislocated his arm.

I'm looking for death!

As the voice of Si Yangyun falls, the three bodyguards behind him immediately step forward and surround He Feng in a triangle, ready to attack the latter.

"Oh, you're killing me?"

He Feng's eyes swept from the three people and said: "you can do it, but I also want to warn you that once you do it, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"He threatened me, thinking I was really afraid of you? Give it to me. I'll destroy his Dantian first, and then break his two arms. I'll kill him myself. "

Si Yangyun waved his hand and said angrily.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Three majestic breath emanated from the three people, and then they launched an offensive against He Feng at the same time.

Moreover, these three attacks complement each other, and they are a perfect set of martial arts.

Together, the three of them are enough to fight against the ordinary dark strength of the early ancient warriors.

No wonder this Si Yangyun, after seeing his strength, still dares to let his subordinates attack him.


Don't say that they can only slightly compete with the ordinary early strong of dark strength. Even if they are all the early masters of dark strength, their fate will not change.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A fist blows out, the shadow of the fist flickers, and it seems that thousands of shadow of the fist appear in front of the three people, enveloping them.

Three dull sounds sounded on them.

Then, the three of them flew upside down, spat blood and fell to the ground.

As for their breath, it is a drop.

"Damn, my elixir field has been abandoned!"

"Asshole, how dare you abolish our Dantian?"

"Yunshao, you must avenge us!"

Three people feel the change on the body, a face big change, angry roar.

Dantian is the foundation of a warrior.

Without Dantian, they are equivalent to become useless people, more cruel than killing them.

"What? How could he waste your elixir

On hearing this, Si Yangyun's face was very angry. He Feng glared at him and said, "smelly boy, who gave you the courage to abandon the Dantian under our Yang Yun's hands? Are you really tired of living?"

"One more word of nonsense, I'll waste your Dantian together." He Feng cold road.


Si Yangyun's face changed slightly. He Feng was too arrogant, but the opponent's strength was extremely strong. The combat effectiveness just showed was absolutely above the four levels of physical training.

He squinted, blinked a few times, and soon made a decision.

"I admit that you are very strong. I underestimated you before. But I warn you, our company Yangyun's face is not so easy to fight. Today you hit me in the face, I admit defeat, but you have to be ready for my revenge. Well, wait. I'll come to you soon. "

Si Yangyun said to He Feng and turned to leave.

"Did I tell you to go?"

He Feng's light floating voice came into Si Yangyun's ears, which made him pause.

Si Yangyun looks at He Feng, "how dare you leave us Yangyun? I tell you, even if you are a cross training master with four or more body training, I am not afraid of you. If you really dare to move me, there will be only one way out for you. "

"So confident?" Hefeng road.

"Oh, do you think our family is vegetarian? Since you are a master of horizontal training, you should know the energy of the middle guwu family very well. Our family is a middle-class ancient martial family. There are more than ten strong people in our family. Any one of them can easily kill you. " Si Yangyun said.

Si Yangyun is also quite clever. Considering that he Feng had the cultivation of master Henglian when he was young, he estimated that he had a certain influence behind him. Maybe he was a lower ancient martial family. If he didn't offend death, he would not offend death.

"Middle ancient martial family?"

He Feng frowned.

Seeing he Feng frowning, Si Yangyun thought that the latter was afraid of his family, and then he said with pride: "yes, our family is a middle-class ancient martial family in JIANGCHANG province. You can easily find out. What, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you should make an apology to me now, and then send your apprentice Zou Xun to me to be my woman. I can not care about today's affairs with you any more. "

"You think too much! I'm just thinking that since the Si family is a middle-class ancient martial family, you just know that you have the highest accomplishments. You certainly don't have a very high position in the Si family, do you? " He Feng light way.

"What's your business?" The way that Si Yangyun's face is ugly, feel he Feng is sarcastic oneself.

His cultivation talent is quite ordinary, and he can have the highest cultivation of Mingjin, which depends on the resources.

Even if you are a member of the guwu family, your status is limited.

This is the case with his company, Yang Yun. Although he is directly related, he is not very valued. If it wasn't for his father's desire to get it, he would have reached the peak of dark energy when he was less than 60 years old and had a very high status in the family, it would be very difficult for him to mobilize so many resources in the entertainment industry.

"Of course, it's none of my business, because your position is too low. If I let you go, your family may not agree that you come to me for revenge. After all, I'm also a famous person now. " He Feng said seriously.

If there is no big conflict with him, I'm afraid he won't be provoked at will.

"What do you mean?" Si Yangyun suddenly had a bad feeling.

"My meaning is very simple. If I scrap your Dantian and beat you to be disabled, your family will naturally come to me for revenge for you."

He Feng chuckles, and then walks towards Si Yangyun.

"Don't go too far!"

Si Yangyun quickly retreated and yelled: "if you dare to abolish my Dantian, my father will kill you."

"That's great. I want him to kill me."

He Feng said with a smile.

At the same time, he accelerated under his feet and came to Si Yangyun in an instant.


Shoot it!


Si Yangyun screamed in despair.



He Feng's palm falls on Si Yangyun's body, pats the latter on the ground, spits out a mouthful of blood, and the breath on the body is also rapidly withered.

Dantian is abandoned!

"You really abandoned my Dantian. You, you will regret it." Si Yangyun roared angrily.

"It's just the waste of Dantian, and the hand you hit my apprentice just now. I haven't waste it yet."

He Feng shook his head, then raised his foot and stepped down.



The sound of broken bones and the scream of Si Yangyun sounded at the same time.

"Remember, my name is He Feng. I work in the financial department of Yuncheng group in Jiangbin city. When you bring your father for revenge, just go to Yuncheng group to find me. "

He Feng said, did not pay attention to the division of Yangyun, turned to the hotel.

And Si Yangyun looks at the back of He Feng leaving, is a face chilly, "He Feng? You will die, you will


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