"Master, Si Yangyun just said that the Si family is a middle-class ancient martial family. Did I get into trouble?"

In a training room of Lianyi Hotel, Zou Xun said with some remorse.

She has offended her boss, the galaxy group, and now she has offended a middle-class guwu family, which worries her a lot.

Middle guwu aristocratic family. It's a powerful family with more than ten strong people.

"Don't worry, since I didn't pay attention to Si Yangyun, it means that I didn't pay attention to the family behind him. Moreover, for some reasons, I would like to see my family take revenge on me. In a word, you don't have to care about it. I will solve it. "

He Feng comforted.

As a middle-sized ancient martial family, its financial resources must be quite abundant.

If you don't see other people's rice family, can you take out tens of billions at one time?

If you don't talk too much about this department, is it OK to make 10 billion yuan?

What's more, he still has a high-level ancient martial family to deal with, and he doesn't mind another family.

"There are some pills in this shopping bag. Take them out and I'll teach you a set of gas refining methods, which can help you refine pills quickly."

He Feng hands two shopping bags to Zou Xun and Chen Jian.

"Shifu, this Si Yangyun has also met with my old boss, Galaxy Group. I'm afraid he will tell galaxy group what happened to me here... And I'm not very clear about the strength of galaxy group. I only know that they are very powerful. Even Si Yangyun seems to be afraid."

Zou Xun took the shopping list, but his face was still worried. "The last time he chased me, he didn't embarrass me after I refused, because he knew that galaxy group was standing behind me. Now he must have known about my leaving Galaxy Group. "

"Galaxy Group, right? OK, I see. I'll investigate the galaxy group later. In a word, you don't have to pay much attention to these things. There are only two things you need to do now. One is to improve your strength as soon as possible. When you have enough strength, do you still need to care about the galaxy group and the company? 2、 Help me take care of the film and Television Department and copyright department of Fengyu Chinese network, and make more money. If you have money, you can buy cultivation resources, so that your accomplishments can be improved more quickly. Do you understand? "

He Feng looks at Zou Xun road.

"I know Master, I will try my best to do these two things well." Zou Xun nodded heavily.

"Well, let's take this Xuanyuan pill, which is at the primary level of human level."

He Feng took out two pills from the box and handed them to Zou Xun and Chen Jian, then began to teach them the method of refining gas.

His two apprentices were extremely serious and hardworking in their cultivation. They didn't need his supervision at all.

In terms of martial arts, he Feng hasn't been to teach them much now. The main thing is to let them improve their accomplishments first.

If you improve your accomplishments, your combat effectiveness will naturally increase.

When the later cultivation reaches the bottleneck, it's time to cultivate martial arts slowly.

After imparting the gas refining method to them, he Feng told them some details about their cultivation, so he drove directly out of the hotel and rushed to a position given to him on Ling Weiyu's wechat.

The hotel Ling Weiyu bought today is called Imperial Hotel. It is a five-star hotel with high specification and generous hand. It has the courage of a big company.

When he Feng arrived at Dihao, he saw a lot of vehicles parked outside, including ordinary cars and BBAS.

Unfortunately, there is no super luxury car that surpasses BBA.

"The development of Fengyu Chinese network is still a little slow, making millions a day. Well, we need to create more opportunities, at least let the authors make millions every year. What kind of annual meeting of authors will be held at that time, and let the authors drive their own luxury cars to attend. Only then will it be respectable. "

He Feng sighed in his heart.

Before Maple language, oh no, it should be called honey Chinese. Most of the authors of this website have an annual income of less than 100000, and few of them have an annual income of more than 100000. Let alone luxury cars, they can't afford to buy a car.

But now that he Feng is here, everything is different. As long as the authors still stay in Fengyu Chinese net, the lowest contribution fee this month has increased ten times.

Moreover, it is still growing rapidly.

Outside the gate of Dihao Hotel, there is a big banner on it, which reads: "the first group construction of Fengyu Chinese network, warmly welcome all guests.".

"It seems that in addition to the employees of the company, there are a lot of people coming."

He Feng murmured and walked towards the hotel gate.

"Hello, sir. Are you here to join the construction of Fengyu Chinese network?"

Outside the gate, a young male waiter stopped he Feng and asked with a smile.

Just now I saw that he Feng was driving a Lexus sports car. Although they didn't know exactly what kind of car he was driving, it must be very valuable. So I didn't see he Feng wearing ordinary clothes, so I was rude to him.

Before he Feng had time to answer, Weng Yiqin, who was not far away, came and said, "Hello, waiter, this is the boss of our Fengyu Chinese network."

"Boss?" The waiter blinked.

Isn't the boss the beautiful girl before?

"Ha ha, we have two bosses in Fengyu. This is another boss."

Weng Yiqin explained, looked at He Feng and said: "He Dong, come in quickly, I'll wait for you."

"All right!"

He Feng followed Weng Yiqin into the hotel.

Watching He Feng go in, the two waiters are all envious.

"Tut Tut, this guy is one of the bosses of Fengyu Chinese. Today, Fengyu Chinese is very big. It's estimated that he will have to eat 300000 or 400000 after a meal. I didn't expect that a novel company would have such money."

"It's true, I don't understand. I know a few friends who are good at writing novels, but they are poorer than each other."

"You say, will they spend money on face? Just for publicity? I see a lot of reporters coming in. "

"I think it's very possible. After all, what kind of sports car he drives is Lexus. I haven't seen any Lexus sports cars on the road. It must be hundreds of thousands of cheap goods, specially designed for loading and comparison."

Want to understand this, the two faces of the color of envy gradually faded, replaced by a trace of contempt.

"Mr. Weng, who are all here today?"

After he Feng entered the hall, he saw more than a dozen big round tables filled with people. There were many people from Fengyu Chinese net, but there were others He Feng didn't know.

"He Dong, you'd better call me Yiqin. You're the chairman of the board of directors. I'm very uncomfortable when you call me Mr. Weng."

Weng Yiqin said with a smile: "there are a lot of people coming today. Almost all the staff of our website are here. There are a total of 70 or 80 people, and there are more than 30 reporters and editors from various newspapers. This time, Mr. Ling invited too many people. "

"So much?" He Feng surprised way.

Although the profit of Fengyu Chinese network is very terrible now, few people know the specific sales volume, so people outside the circle are not very clear about the current energy of Fengyu Chinese network, especially those who care more about celebrities and current affairs reporters in the entertainment circle. They should be relatively unfamiliar with Fengyu Chinese network.

How like now Maple language Chinese network popularity seems to suddenly become very high?

"Yes, but I've heard from Mr. Ling that all this is thanks to Mr. He." Weng Yiqin said with a smile.

"My credit?"

He Feng is puzzled, oneself seem to have done nothing?

Come here today, he has nothing important to do, come here to make soy sauce.


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