"Well, in fact, at the beginning, few media newspapers were willing to participate in the construction of our youth league, and only four or five of them agreed to come because they valued the huge amount of money from Mr. Ling."

Weng Yiqin explained: "but I don't know why. When Ling Dong and I contacted Qi Xun, the editor in chief of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, they casually asked who our boss was. Ling Dong said that the boss was her and you, and they immediately agreed to come to participate in the League building activities. Moreover, they not only brought the best reporters and editors of their newspaper, but also their president, Wang Bin, came here in person. In addition, President Wang also took the initiative to invite some media celebrities to participate. He Dong, President Wang, do you know you

"Wang Bin? Qi Xun

He Feng eyebrows a pick, in the heart immediately clear.

These two people had some conflicts with him before, but after he showed his terrible hacking technology, they immediately softened up, and almost took he Feng as an uncle to confess. Yuncheng group's recent fame is also due to some of their credit. It's because they are worried that they don't work hard enough, which causes He Feng's disgust.

They don't want to go through it again.

Before that time, they were criticized by the leaders above, and almost lost the newspaper.

"Well, I do know them."

He Feng nodded, he has seen Wang Bin and Qi Xun two people, toward his side came over.

Two people at this time are a suit, dare not have the slightest neglect, quickly walked to He Feng.

"Congratulations, Mr. He. I didn't expect that you bought such an excellent literature website quietly and developed it into a first-class website in the Internet literature industry in a short time. I believe that under your leadership, before long, Fengyu Chinese network will become the leader of the whole industry. "

Wang Bin quickly came to He Feng and gave him a thumbs up with a compliment on his face.

"He Dong, you are a legend in the business world. With your help, Yuncheng group's market value is rising rapidly, and now Fengyu Chinese network is developing rapidly. Tut Tut, admire, admire

Qi Xun is also flattering.

"Thank you very much. I'll drink to you later." He Feng replied with a smile.

"Ha ha, if He Dong wants to drink, we should respect you." Wang Bin said with a laugh.

The situation here also fell into the eyes of some other media and newspapers. When they saw Wang Bin and Qi Xun treat He Feng so politely, they were shocked. Then they gradually came to realize that no wonder Wang Bin would bring them to join the League building.

For Fengyu Chinese network, they did not pay attention to it at the beginning. They thought it was just a small company, and there was no news that could be disclosed.

But now it seems that, whether it is a small company or not, since there are big people in this small company, they should sell face.

Don't you see Wang Bin, a media tycoon in Jiangbin City, all respectful?

"I don't know what kind of identity that gentleman is. He should be treated so politely by President Wang."

At this time, people are full of curiosity about He Feng, and they also talk about it secretly.

He Feng did not pay attention to those media people, but said to Wang Bin: "then you sit first, I'll go to say hello to my friends, come to me whenever you have something."

"All right, all right, He Dong, you're busy." Wang Bin even busy way.

He Feng nodded and walked in the direction of Ling Weiyu.

Ling Weiyu is chatting with several high-level websites on the table at the moment. As soon as he Feng comes over, those high-level people greet him Feng one after another.

He Feng is to Ling Weiyu way: "how, think about how to publicize our website?"

"Well, we have a general direction. I just had a brief chat with President Wang. I told him about the general situation of our website and showed him our financial statements of the recent week. When we have a good drink, he will talk with those people."

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "brother Xiaofeng, today Wang Bin has invited a lot of media celebrities for us. Don't you go to say hello to them?"

"What can I do for you? Wang Bin will take care of them for me. "

He Feng shrugged.

"Are you familiar with President Wang?"

"It's not familiar either. It's because he once provoked me before, and then I almost lost my job. So now he doesn't dare to make me unhappy again."

"Pooh, that's it."

Ling Weiyu understood why Wang Bin was so polite to her and offered to help her.

He Feng is looking to the side of the river can be, "tomato God, millet there later threatened you?"

Jiang Kewei said with a bitter smile: "the threat is indeed a threat, but I don't care too much. Anyway, I didn't sign a contract with them."

Jiang Kewei is also a little upset with the other party. The sale is what you want. Although he verbally agreed to sign a contract with millet, the two sides did not formally sign a contract. Now he changed his mind and wanted to cooperate with Fengyu. Com, so he called their editor in chief immediately to explain the situation and sincerely apologized.

But the other party not only did not accept his apology, but even threatened him.

It's just, it's too much.

"Well, you don't have to pay attention to them. If they dare to trouble you, I'll help you solve them." He Feng said.

"Well, I understand!"

Jiang Kewei nodded.

Before in Nanjin city saw he Feng's fierce, he has absolute confidence in He Feng.

"By the way, haven't you been bothered by Yue Wen?" He Feng continued to ask.

"Yue Wen is just fine. He hasn't bothered me at present. But some of the following supreme gods complained to me that I had not found a family for so long after I left Yuewen. They even mocked me and said that I would return to Yuewen at last, licking Yuewen's toes and begging Yuewen to keep me. " Jiang Kewei said.

"You don't have a good relationship with them?"

"Well, not so good!"

Jiang Kewei said: "they are very rich. Every time the website goes out, they buy a lot of things. I'm very poor, so they think I don't pay much for my contribution, but they are as famous as them. They look down on me from the bottom of their heart. But it's OK. I'm not familiar with them. In the future, I don't want to take a fancy to wechat. Just focus on creation. "

He Feng knows that Jiang Kewei doesn't have the contribution fee, but the contribution fee is all given to his former girlfriend Wei Tong.

"Don't worry, before long, your contribution fee will hang them." He Feng patted Jiang Kewei on the shoulder and said.

"It's OK. I didn't worry about it."

Jiang Kewei shook his head.

He Feng said: "that's not good. You're the boss of our website. Even if you don't trust me, I'll build you up and let people outside have a look. Jiang Kewei not only found his family, but also developed much better than them."

"Thank you, Mr. He!" Jiang Kewei is grateful. He knows that he Feng is more about fighting for his breath.

"Well, the reporter will definitely interview you later. You should think about what to say first. Then pick a day to upload the book to the website. As soon as your book is uploaded, I will start to help you build popularity. "

He Feng tells Jiang Kewei that he seems to be aware of something and looks at Ling Weiyu in doubt.

Because he found that Ling Weiyu was frowning and looking out of the hotel.

"Feather, what are you looking at? What's the matter? " He Feng asked.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I seem to be in trouble again..."

Ling Weiyu said helplessly.

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