"What's the trouble?" He Feng asked.

At the same time, he looked out of the hotel and found three men walking into the hotel.

Ling Weiyu said: "the young man's name is Bai Xiangrong. He is the young owner of the most famous and powerful Bai's newspaper group in Jiangbin city. This morning, I went to a newspaper of their group and contacted their editor in chief. I wanted to talk to him face to face about helping us promote our website. He just met me. Then he wanted to invite me to lunch, and I refused. However, their editor in chief agreed to join us in the League building. It's just that I didn't expect that Bai Xiangrong should also come. "

"Well! It seems that after you become beautiful, you will have pursuers wherever you go

He Feng is very helpless caress forehead way.

Not long ago, in Lianyi Hotel, I just helped Zou Xun drive away a pursuer. Unexpectedly, not long after that, Ling Weiyu has another pursuer here.

If it goes on like this, brother Feng will become a public enemy of men sooner or later!

"Or shall I send him away?" Ling Weiyu suggested.

"It's not necessary to send them away. After all, there are so many people that we can't make them too ugly. Moreover, Bai Xiangrong seems to have a high prestige in the press. If you send him away, I'm afraid you will offend a lot of people. "

He Feng waved his hand.

Because he found that many people were walking towards Bai Xiangrong, with a look of compliment and worship.

Just as Wang Bin and Qi Xun had treated him before

Moreover, even Wang Bin and Qi Xun also went to say hello.

"Bai Shao, I didn't expect that even you came? How nice to meet you

"Bai Shao, it's a great honor to meet you. Here's my business card. Please accept it."

"Bai Shao..."

There are seven or eight media figures who think their identities are good. They respectfully come to Bai Xiangrong and hand out their business cards.

For these business cards, Bai Xiangrong didn't pick them up. Instead, he asked his followers to pick them up one by one.

"Eh, isn't this president Wang? You're here, too? Hehe, I heard that something happened to your newspaper a few days ago. Isn't it a big problem? "

At this time, Bai Xiangrong's eyes fell on Wang Bin and asked with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern, but there was a small accident at that time. It was because there was a technical problem. I have explained it to the relevant departments." Wang Bin smiles and feels hot on his face.

At that time, no one in the industry made fun of it, but we all talked about it in private and would never say it in public.

Bai Xiangrong doesn't give him any face.

However, Wang Bin also understands Bai Xiangrong's meaning. Jiangbin Xindu newspaper has been developing rapidly in recent years. It often publishes some explosive news, and the browsing volume is extremely terrible. Therefore, Bai Xiangrong's Bai's newspaper group takes a fancy to their newspaper and comes up with money to buy Jiangbin Xindu newspaper.

But Wang Bin refused because he didn't want to give up Jiangbin Xindu newspaper and the price offered by Baishi group was not very high.

Since then, several newspapers affiliated to the Baishi group have been looking for jobs in Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, which has brought a lot of troubles to Wang Bin and also reduced the development speed of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper.

"Ha ha, it's good to explain clearly, but don't go back to the last situation. Otherwise, it's a question whether your newspaper can continue to operate, let alone sell it. "

Bai Xiangrong stretches and ignores Wang Bin. His eyes sweep around. He soon notices Ling Weiyu and walks over.

"President, Bai Xiangrong has gone too far. He doesn't pay attention to us at all."

Qi Xun whispered in Wang Bin's ear: "look around. Some people's eyes have changed when they look at us."

"Don't worry about it. The newspaper industry depends on its strength. It doesn't matter how people outside see us. We just need to do our own thing well." Wang Bin said, but his face was still a little ugly.

"Well, I understand!"

After mocking Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, Bai Xiangrong didn't worry about Wang Bin any more.

Because his target tonight is Ling Weiyu.

"Hello, Miss Ling, we meet again. Don't you blame me for coming uninvited?" Bai Xiangrong came to Ling Weiyu and said with a smile.

"Of course not. You can take a seat. I have a lot of other things to do now, so I don't want to say hello to Bai Shao. " Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, OK."

Bai Xiangrong laughs, and then goes to the table where Wang Bin and others are.

The table is now full. Bai Xiangrong goes directly to a man beside Wang Bin and says to him, "brother, can you give me a seat? Can you find another seat? "

"Of course, you can sit down!" That man is a editor in chief, and usually he is a big man with a head and a face. But now Bai Xiangrong wants to grab his seat, but he feels more honored.

After Bai Xiangrong sat down, he took Wang Bin to chat, "President Wang, are you busy recently?"

"Ha ha, it's OK!"

Wang Bin replied casually.


Ling Weiyu looked at Bai Xiangrong sitting beside Wang Bin and frowned, "this Bai Xiangrong is not here to find fault, is it?"

"It's best to find fault. I'm afraid my rival will not find fault."

He Feng grinned: "anyway, I don't have anything important tonight, so I'll play with him."

"All right! Then you sit here and have a rest. I'll see if all the people are here. It's time to serve. "

Ling Weiyu said, then turned to work.

He Feng just sat down, next to Weng Yiqin said: "He Dong, that hundred little is also a big man, he began to pursue Ling Dong, why don't you have a sense of crisis?"

"It's very simple, because I have enough confidence in myself."

He Feng said with a smile: "how can a handsome man like me rob my girlfriend?"

"Cluck, you are so narcissistic."

Weng Yiqin teased, and then looked at Bai Xiangrong, "however, the origin of Bai Xiangrong is not small. Today, I specially investigated the Baishi group. It's the number one newspaper and media group in Jiangbin city. Even in Jiangshu province, it can be ranked in the top three. "

"Yes? That said, if Baishi group advertises and publicizes for Fengyu Chinese network, won't our website be famous soon? "

"Of course, I heard some netizens say on the Internet that there are a lot of stars, which are actually held up by Baishi group. They have a professional team and are very good at helping a person with hype and packaging. If they can do their best to help us publicize the maple language Chinese website, then our reputation will be in full swing soon, let alone in the network culture circle. Even in the whole China, we will become the most famous website. "

"Er... Is this Baishi group really so powerful?"

He Feng was shocked. He did not expect that there was such a powerful newspaper group in Jiangbin city.

"Yes, I checked the industry of Baishi group. They have eight newspapers, two magazines, six nets, three terminals, a mobile phone newspaper, fifty-two official account of WeChat public, and a total of seventy-two media terminals. By the way, there are also 13 business units, whose daily all media influence has reached nearly 50 million people. "

Weng Yiqin said confidently: "so if Baishi group is willing to do its best to promote our Fengyu Chinese network, we will not have to worry about fame and traffic in the future, just wait for a few money."

"Waiting to count the money?"

He Feng suddenly raised a strange radian on the corner of his mouth, "in that case, we really need to think of a way to let the Baishi group do its best to serve our Fengyu Chinese network."

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