Before long, all kinds of dishes were served one after another.

At the same time, there are also red wine, drinks and some Moutai baijiu.

A table down, how also have tens of thousands, plus charter fees, this meal nearly 300000.

However, everyone was very happy to eat and drink, especially the staff of Fengyu. Com.

Today's Fengyu Chinese network is developing extremely fast and terrifying, especially the exciting sales, which makes them unable to sleep every night.

When the author, all hope that their books can write fire.

As an editor, he hopes that his books will be popular.

Even if it's just one or two books, it will be of great help to their career.

Nowadays, as long as there are more than one million words of books in their name and the quality is not bad, almost all of them sell more than ten thousand a day, and more than one hundred thousand

They will only be happy with the data of a book.

But if you have several or even a dozen of these books, can you just be happy?

And today, Ling Weiyu also announced a news to the website that "I eat tomato", the supreme god of online literature, will join Fengyu Chinese website with a new book.

People outside the cyber circle may not quite understand the gold content of the Supreme God, but they do. When they learned that the news was true, everyone was in a frenzy and excited.

The Supreme God I eat tomato to join Fengyu Chinese network, which is no less than a 10 magnitude earthquake in the network circle.

Under such circumstances, they must have a good drink.

"He Dong, I'd like to toast you to this glass of wine. It's you who have brought the rise of our Maple language Chinese network and our Wang mountain. I'll do it, whatever you want! "

A male editor stood up, holding a large glass of red wine, raised his head to He Feng, and then drank it.

"He Dong, I also respect you!"

"And me!"

"Ling Dong, here's to you."

Editors all stood up and toasted He Feng and Ling Weiyu.

At this moment, all the people of Fengyu Chinese network are very excited. Their eyes looking at He Feng and Ling Weiyu are full of gratitude.

Jiang Kewei was shocked to see this scene.

"How can these editors be so grateful to Mr. He? It's like Mr. He is their rebirth parent. My God, what a great contribution Mr. He has made to Fengyu Chinese network? "

Sitting next to He Feng, I eat tomatoes. Seeing this scene, my heart is shocked. "It must be a matter of time for such a group of employees, such two leaders, to surpass ZhangYue and Yuewen and become the industry leader."

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's have a drink with you."

Ling Weiyu raised the cup and said, seeing everyone so excited, in fact, she is also very excited. At the same time, her eyes looking at He Feng are full of pride.

The man who makes Fengyu Chinese network to the top

It's Ling Weiyu's man!

"Well, good!"

He Feng raised his glass and cheered to many editors.

Not far away, Bai Xiangrong looked at the scene indifferently, then looked at a chief editor of their Bai group and asked, "Liu Han, do you know who the person surnamed he is?"

At the beginning, when Bai Xiangrong saw he Feng standing beside Ling Weiyu, he thought he Feng was just an ordinary editor of Fengyu Chinese net, and he didn't pay attention to it at all. He didn't even look at it.

But now he knows that the other editor is not an ordinary editor at all. Other editors call him "He Dong", which means that this person should also be one of the bosses of

Moreover, from the intimate appearance when he stood with Ling Weiyu

I'm afraid the relationship between this man and Ling Weiyu is not simple!

"Bai Shao, I haven't heard of this person called He Feng. I didn't expect that there was such a number one person in Fengyu Chinese net before. Do you want me to investigate him?" Editor in chief Liu handao.

"We don't need to investigate. Someone must have investigated before us."

Bai Xiangrong smile, eyes fell on his side of Wang Bin, "President Wang, this He Feng, you should know?"

"Well, I do know!"

Wang Bin did not deny the relationship with He Feng.

"I don't know if it's convenient to talk to me about the origin of He Feng?" Bai Xiangrong asked.

"Why, Bai Shao wants to investigate Mr. He?" Wang Bin light smile.

When it comes to He Feng, he doesn't dare to be careless.

"It's not an investigation. I just want to know about it. Isn't president Wang willing to say? If you don't want to, forget it! " Bai Xiangrong looks like a good speaker.

But Wang Bin is very clear that Bai Xiangrong talks to you very well on the surface, but if he doesn't disclose the situation of He Feng to him today, Bai Xiangrong will surely take fierce revenge on him afterwards.

"Mr. He is actually the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group and the husband of Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group. Besides, he has good computer skills. " Wang Bin said.

As long as Bai Xiangrong investigates the information he said, he can find it.

So, he has nothing to hide.

"What? Married? And his wife is Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group? "

Bai Xiangrong smell speech, eyebrows suddenly pick, continue to ask: "that he and Ling Weiyu and what is the relationship?"

Wang Bin said: "I asked an employee of Fengyu. Com, and they said that they were not very clear. They only said that he Feng and Ling Weiyu were the owners of Fengyu. Com."

"He Feng is the husband of Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group. Now he is the boss of Fengyu Chinese network. Is there a shadow of Yuncheng group behind the maple language Chinese network Bai Xiangrong asked casually.

"Well, I don't know."

Wang Bin shook his head.

This can relate to the trade secret, how can he know, even dare not inquire, lest cause he Feng not happy.

"Not clear? You should be clear about the recent development data of Fengyu Chinese network? " Bai Xiangrong picked up the cup and raised it to Wang Bin, with a friendly face.

Bai Xiangrong took the initiative to offer his wine, but Wang Bin didn't dare to refuse. He took a drink from the cup and said, "I do know some data. Recently, Fengyu Chinese has been leading a lot on the pirated website. I don't know what's going on. Those pirated websites suddenly help Yuncheng group promote the genuine edition, and I don't know how their cooperation is achieved. And the flow of Cloud City Group, it is instantly skyrocketing. And some time ago, Fengyu Chinese launched a reading app. I read the comments of the staff of Xiawang culture circle on this app, saying that its user experience is first-class, which is no worse than that of ZhangYue and Yuewen apps. In this week, the daily active number of this app has been close to that of ZhangYue and Yuewen. The average daily download volume is close to millet. "

"What about paying users? How about sales? "

I don't know why. Bai Xiangrong's face was a little cold when he heard this.

"The sales are also terrible. Now the daily sales of all the works on their website add up to several million, and the daily profit of the website is more than three million."

Wang Bin continued: "moreover, the data is still growing every day!"

"Just a maple language Chinese network, has it developed to such a scale? In accordance with this trend, if he surpasses Zhang Yue, isn't it a matter of time? "

"Indeed! In terms of traffic, it can definitely surpass palm Yue. As for the top-quality authors, Fengyu now has one of the most important gods in the field of online literature. I eat tomato. Once the news gets out, it will attract more top-quality authors. At that time, the momentum of Fengyu Chinese network will be at its best

"Like the sun at its best?"

Bai Xiangrong heard this, put a hand under the table, secretly pinch up, "dream!"

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