"Hello, Mr. He. I'm Hong Hai, chief editor of Huaxi magazine. Here's to you."

"He Dong, I'm He Jin, editor in chief of Jiangbin express, and I'd like to respect you."

"He Dong..."

As the atmosphere of the dinner party became more and more active, people with good status came to He Feng one after another and took the initiative to drink to him Feng.

At the beginning, these people were not very confident about Fengyu Chinese network, because in their view, this is a company with dozens of employees.

But as Wang Bin exposed some information of Fengyu Chinese network, they all understood immediately.

Nima, a company with a net profit of three million yuan a day, is not a good company?

Even the top ten group enterprises in Jiangbin city are just like this?!

Moreover, one of the bosses of Fengyu Chinese network is the husband of the chairman of Yuncheng group, so they can't help ignoring it.

Today's Yuncheng group is a real new star in Jiangbin city. In the future, it is expected to become one of the top ten in China and one of the world's top 500 super groups.

"Thank you. We are in the initial stage of development now. In the future, I would like to ask you to give more support and help." He Feng said with a polite smile.

"Yes, yes!"

"We should have helped to publicize literary websites like maple language."

"Yes, literature websites spread culture and spirit. If we don't publicize this kind of company, what else can we publicize?"

Many editors in chief and gold medal journalists in the newspaper and media circles are all full of righteous words. It seems that it's natural to help Fengyu Chinese network carry out publicity.

"OK, I'll do it first."

He Feng smiles and drinks the red wine in his glass.

"Congratulations, Mr. Dong



Everyone flattered.

"He Dong, you have a good drink. I'll give you a toast, too. How about that?"

At this time, Bai Xiangrong came to He Feng with a glass of red wine in his hand and asked with a smile.


He Feng winked at Ling Weiyu.

Ling Weiyu understanding, picked up the side of the red wine glass, to He Feng will cup full.


Bai Xiangrong raised his glass and drank all the wine in it.

He Feng see this, also no hesitation, once again drink.

This Bai Xiangrong suddenly comes to propose a toast to him, which must be unkind. He Feng can clearly feel each other's seemingly smiling but hostile eyes.

But he is not in a hurry. The banquet is just boring. Since Bai Xiangrong wants to find trouble, he might as well play with him.

"Tut, Mr. He's an amazing drinker. Why don't we have a good drink together? I don't know if Mr. He will give me a compliment? " Bai Xiangrong said with a friendly face, it seems that he Feng is regarded as a confidant.

"You want me to drink?"

He Feng immediately understood Bai Xiangrong's means.

However, you don't even know how much alcohol brother Feng drinks, so you come to irrigate brother Feng, aren't you afraid of regret?

"Oh, of course. Feather, go and get another chair

He Feng agreed with a smile.

Bai Xiangrong's attitude is very sincere. If he refuses at this time, it's a bit unreasonable.

"Mr. He, let him sit in my seat. I'll get another chair to sit on."

Jiang Kewei took the initiative to stand up.

Previously, through the dialogue between Ling Weiyu and he Feng, he vaguely guessed that Bai Xiangrong was obviously coming to find fault, and he Feng also took the call, so he was happy to watch the excitement and see how he stepped on people, so he could accumulate some writing skills.

"Is this tomato God? Ha ha, I've seen your masterpiece before. It's really good. I didn't expect you to join Fengyu Chinese. There will be a bright future in the future. "

Bai Xiangrong directly sat on Jiang Kewei's seat, praised Jiang Kewei, and then continued: "thank you for your seat!"

With these words, he didn't give Jiang Kewei a chance to reply, and his eyes fell on He Feng again. "Mr. He, your website is really powerful. Even I can dig up tomatoes. I admire it."

Although he kept saying that I was a God when I ate tomatoes, in fact, he didn't pay any attention to me when I ate tomatoes, and even made me feel embarrassed when I ate tomatoes.

"In any case, digging God is just a resource reserve. Whether the reputation of the website can really be fought depends on the help of you."

He Feng raised his glass with a smile, "in the future, a hundred little can have a lot of help under our Maple language Chinese network ah."

"Ha ha, don't worry. It's all small things."

Bai Xiangrong see he Feng's action, not from a Leng, immediately raised the cup with laughter.

He is thinking about what reason to keep pouring wine to He Feng, but the latter actually raised his glass to himself.

Just what he wants!

Two people you a cup, I a cup, do not deliberately toast, very interesting are toast each other, as if known for many years of friends, coincide with confidant.

This scene makes people in the press envious!

In their opinion, Fengyu Chinese network is strong enough. Now their boss, he Feng, and Baishao of Baishi group are so close to each other that they will surely get full publicity from Baishi group.

At that time, the strength of Fengyu Chinese network will be further improved.

Only Wang Bin frowned slightly.

He knew it was not that simple.

Because Bai Xiangrong is not a good talker.

Imperceptibly, he Feng and hundred Xiang Rong two people have drunk four bottles of red wine altogether, now in their cups, it is already Moutai baijiu.

"Mr. He, I venture to ask, what's the relationship between you and Miss Ling? I heard that you and Miss Ling bought the maple language Chinese website together, so you should have a good relationship? "

Bai Xiangrong asked with a smile.

Bai Xiangrong's voice is not big, but now many people on the field are paying attention to their side, so when he asked this question, these people raised their ears, waiting for He Feng's answer.

And the staff of Fengyu Chinese network, is laughing but not speaking, but they are very clear about the relationship between the two bosses.

Because he Feng and Ling Weiyu are walking hand in hand when they are on fengyu.com.

Isn't this a couple?

However, their eyes are still looking at He Feng, waiting for He Feng's answer.

Although they are lovers, they don't seem to have admitted their relationship in public, do they?

"Bai Shao, you may not know. In fact, Xiaoyu and I used to grow up together in a welfare home."

He Feng said with a smile, "if you want to talk about our relationship, you can understand it as childhood."

"So it's childhood?"

Bai Xiangrong unconsciously laughed, "that Miss Ling and Wang Dong should also be very close, right? After all, Wang Dong is your wife! "


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