"After all, Wang Dong is your wife!"

As soon as Bai Xiangrong's words spread, many employees of Fengyu Chinese network suddenly widened their eyes, and incredible colors appeared on their faces.

"What's going on? Does He Dong have a wife? "

"What's the matter? I heard right. Isn't He Dong and Ling Dong lovers

"Is it hard for him to do the same?"

Ling Weiyu's sensitivity is very sensitive. She can clearly feel the voices of the staff around her and the shocking eyes.

For a moment, there was anger in her eyes.

This hundred Xiangrong is too much.

It's obviously to tear down her and he Feng's platform!

He thought that if he did this, he and Xiao Feng could not get together?

Even if you can't become a husband and wife with brother Xiaofeng, you don't have any extravagant thoughts about Bai Xiangrong.

"Of course, Xiaoyu and my wife Wang Xiangyun must be very close."

He Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, a touch of coldness passed in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

Originally, he didn't want the staff of Fengyu Chinese net to know the relationship between him and Wang Xiangyun. But it doesn't matter if you know. He believes that Ling Weiyu doesn't mind the eyes of outsiders.

And he will not deny the relationship with Ling Weiyu or Wang Xiangyun in order to preserve his reputation.

A man, if even his own woman dare not admit it, is still a man?

Bai Xiangrong swept around his eyes. When he saw the eyes of the staff of Fengyu Chinese network, he immediately understood something.

Between He Feng and Ling Weiyu, it should be a relationship between lovers, and people of Fengyu Chinese net all know it.

But he Feng's relationship with Wang Xiangyun is unknown to these people.

His casual words seem to change the views of some employees of Fengyu Chinese network on He Feng.

After all, in most people's minds, marriage is sacred and inviolable. However, after he Feng got married, he and Ling Weiyu got together again, which will certainly arouse the disgust of many people.

However, Bai Xiangrong did not take this matter at ease.

Although he Feng's reputation has been damaged, this is not his goal.

"Since Miss Ling and Wang Dong are very close, Mr. He, you and Wang Dong are husband and wife. In this way, the background of Fengyu Chinese network is really big enough. "

Bai Xiangrong raised his cup and said, "Fengyu Chinese network has Yuncheng group as its support and Mr. He Feng as its commander. I believe that in a short time, it is bound to surpass millet, ZhangYue and even Yuewen and become the leader of the whole network culture."


When he Feng heard this, he finally understood Bai Xiangrong's meaning.

As soon as his topic is put forward, it will certainly be spread through the major media. At that time, millet, ZhangYue and Yuewen will certainly regard it as a thorn in the flesh and will probably find ways to curb the development of Fengyu Chinese network.

This Bai Xiangrong has some tricks.

But does brother Feng care about these things?

"Thank you for your kind words!"

He Feng raised his glass, "dry!"

"What are you doing?" The smile on the face of Bai Xiang Rong was slightly stagnant. He did not drink red wine with Hefeng, but instead of drinking Baijiu, it was because the wine had a great aftereffect and was drunk easily.

But the cup in their hands is still a goblet. Although it is not full, there are more than two or two.

He thought he Feng would drink with him slowly, and they would drink one or two bottles at most, but he Feng raised his glass and said it was dry.

Is he really thanking himself?

"Hum, I'm such an idiot. I thought you could be Wang Xiangyun's husband and let Ling Weiyu be your lover. It seems that nowadays women are more and more brainless. "

Hundred Xiang Rong heart disdain of cold hum a, and then with He Feng touched the cup, "OK, then I will die to accompany gentleman, accompany you to do!"

Then, the two men looked up and drank the 22 Baijiu in the cup.

Bai Xiang Rong is a wealthy two generation. He usually goes to some senior clubs, KTV, bars and so on with some rich people. He drinks a lot, and the liquor can drink about three jin.

What's more, he is very good at mixing all kinds of wine.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'll pour you wine!"

On one side, Ling Weiyu sees that he Feng's glass is dry, and he Feng's glass is filled with wine.

Then she gave Weng Yiqin a wink.

Weng Yiqin quickly understood Ling Weiyu's meaning, and immediately picked up another bottle of Maotai wine on the table, "Hello, Bai Shao, I'm the editor in chief of Fengyu. How about I pour the wine for you?"

She first said her identity, and then proposed to pour wine for Bai Xiangrong. If Bai Xiangrong refuses, it will be out of style.

"Well, thank you."

Bai Xiangrong naturally doesn't matter. He's afraid that he Feng will stop drinking all of a sudden. Then his plan will fail.

Today, he will certainly he Feng to drunk, let he Feng mercilessly lose face.

As for the others, he has already said hello to the people below. By then, he will be able to easily suppress the maple language Chinese network, so as to curb their development.

Not only Liu Han, his editor in chief, but he also said hello to other people just now, and some relationships were well managed.

In a word, it's just a dream to invite so many people from newspaper and media circles to participate in the construction of Fengyu Chinese website in an attempt to win fame.

"Mr. He, I think you have drunk a lot today. Can you continue to drink? If you can't drink it, you'd better go home early and have a rest. "

Bai Xiangrong looked at He Feng with concern. "After all, you are a literary man. Your drinking capacity is much worse than those of us. I should take care of you."

"Hundred, we Baijiu just began to drink, you want me to go back to rest, a little despise my brother."

He Feng took the angry look, and he put up a half cup of Baijiu's goblet. "This cup must be dried. I have to let you see the experience, your brother, my real drink."

He Feng drank all the wine in the glass.

"I admire you for your good drink

Bai Xiangrong also drank it all in one gulp, "Mr. He, you are making me look at you with new eyes."

"Ha ha, right? But I don't think highly of you yet. Let's go on drinking. Let's see if you're really good at drinking and brag here. Yiqin, pour the wine for Bai Shao. Pour more. Don't be petty. I haven't seen Bai Shao drinking vigorously. "

He Feng murmurs to Weng Yiqin.

"He Dong, I'm wrong. I'll pour more."

Weng Yiqin and Liang mang apologized and then continued to pour wine for Bai Xiangrong.

This time, pour a full cup, at least more than four Liang, almost half a bottle.

"Bai Shao, would you like to have a rest?"

He Feng is smiling.

On the surface of the 100 Xiang Rong, he drank generosity, but he drank two bottles of Baijiu in succession. He drank two bottles of red wine before, and he didn't eat much.

If I drink this way again, I'm afraid I can't support several cups. I can drink three Jin Baijiu not drunk at ordinary times.

Bai Xiangrong was about to nod his head and say rest, and he Feng's voice continued to ring, "no, how can I let you rest for a while and then drink? Isn't that contemptuous? Come on, let's keep drinking. As men, we can't admit it. "

Then he took his head up, and raised his neck, and drank the Baijiu in the glass.

"Damn, he Feng dares to drink like this. Is he really good at drinking? Or is he bluffing, trying to bluff me and make me lose face? "

Bai Xiangrong was surprised by He Feng's action, and for a time, he was a little tangled.

But when he saw that the eyes of the people around him all fell on him, he also knew that he couldn't admit his advice. There were many people in the newspaper and media circles around him. When it got around, how could he get along with Bai Xiangrong?

"Well, I'll be with you!" Bai Xiangrong clenched his teeth, raised his head and began to drink.

"Oh, in order to get brother Feng drunk, it's really hard. However, brother Feng is so easily drunk? "

He Feng looks at Bai Xiangrong with a smile, and then looks at Weng Yiqin.

Weng Yiqin quickly picked up Maotai and continued to pour wine for Bai Xiangrong.

Another full cup!

Bai Xiangrong starts to smoke wildly

Nima, this is a careless start to play with life, isn't it?

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