He Feng and Bai Xiangrong drink very fast. They drink one cup for each other. On the surface, they are both in good condition and are willing to drink. No one is drinking.

"Mr. He, you drink too much, don't you? In less than an hour, they drank two bottles of Maotai respectively. This is the third bottle... "

Wang Bin not far away to see this scene, for He Feng worried.

He thought about it. When he saw Ling Weiyu beside him, he had an idea in his heart.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ling Weiyu.

The content is very simple: Bai Xiangrong is drinking Mr. He to tell him not to drink.

Soon, Wang Bin received a reply: "thank you for reminding, it's OK, don't worry."

"Is it OK to drink so much?"

Wang Bin couldn't help wondering.

But since Ling Weiyu has replied to him like this, he will not say anything more.

"Wang Bin, what are you doing with your mobile phone?"

At this time, the edge of Liu Han seems to be aware of Wang Bin's action, coldly asked a sentence.

Wang Bin put the mobile phone back in his pocket and faintly said, "nothing!"

"Well, you'd better not make trouble at this time, or you won't have any fruit to eat." Liu Han warned.

"Ha ha, I'd better advise you to go to your family. He has drunk a lot of wine today. Can he support himself if he goes on drinking?" Wang Bin sneered.

"Can you imagine how much we drink?"

Liu Han sneered.

Wang Bin shrugged and ignored Liu Han.

Anyway, I've been kind enough to remind you. I'd like to hear it or not. I wish you wouldn't listen.

If he didn't worry about the conflict between He Feng and Bai Xiangrong, he would not even remind him that Bai Xiangrong would be drunk and disgraced.

"Bai Shao, you obviously can't do it. If you can't drink it, don't drink it. How can you drink two bottles of red and two bottles of white? Even if you really can't drink it, your drinking capacity is enough to get my approval."

And here, he Feng embraces Ling Weiyu and looks at Bai Xiangrong.

Bai Xiangrong's drinking capacity is really OK. After drinking two bottles of red wine, now he drinks two bottles of white wine. Even before he falls down, his eyes seem to be wandering. It seems that he has to drink one more bottle to support him.

Of course, after drinking so much wine, there is stamina, but if you want to make stamina attack, you have to spend dozens of minutes.

"Ha ha, Mr. He, you look down on me? How can I be inferior to you as a scholar in drinking? "

Bai Xiangrong said with a laugh.

However, looking at He Feng embracing Ling Weiyu, a very intimate appearance, his heart is very angry.

Why is such a loser holding such a beautiful woman?

And it's still married.

The young owners of the Baishi group have never received such treatment!

"Mr. He, now we've had a drink together. Should we be friends?" Bai Xiangrong asked with a smile, and an idea came into his mind.

"Of course!"

He Feng nodded.

"Since I'm a friend, I'd like to ask Mr. He a question, OK?"

"Go ahead, please

"Mr. He, my question is, since you are married to Wang Xiangyun, how can you still hold other women so openly outside?" Bai Xiangrong's thirst for knowledge on his face said, "please let me learn some experience from Mr. He."

This topic, which has faded down, was once again put forward by Bai Xiangrong.

For a moment, the whole hall seemed to be quiet, and everyone looked at them one by one.

Fengyu Chinese network people now do not care about this matter, because this is He Feng and Ling Weiyu private things, they do not need to manage too much.

They just need to follow in the footsteps of He Feng and Ling Weiyu, and concentrate on the maple language Chinese network.

But Bai Xiangrong seems to be picking things up

Therefore, when people look at Bai Xiangrong's eyes, they all show a trace of unhappiness.

However, what can we do if we are not happy?

When Bai Xiangrong first entered the hotel, they could see clearly. Almost all the big names in the newspaper and media circles went to greet him and offered him their business cards.

Bai Xiangrong is a real big man in Jiangbin city.

And also a big boss in the press!

Now Fengyu Chinese network just needs the help of people in the newspaper and media circles to promote and build its reputation. How can he offend this hundred little girl?

Today, they may lose face!

Even Ling Weiyu frowned.

She knows that he Feng is married and that he Feng has to have a baby with Wang Xiangyun, but she is willing to follow him and doesn't care what others think of her.

But now repeatedly by others in public to discuss, also said what to let he Feng impart experience, this is simply humiliating her!

"Bai Shao, ordinary people can't learn my experience. Are you sure you want to?" He Feng looks at Bai Xiangrong in some embarrassment.

"Hey, Mr. He, don't tell me. I'm not an ordinary person. I dare to do many things that others dare not do, and I often succeed. So, Mr. He, just pass on the experience to me. "

Bai Xiangrong said triumphantly.

He wants to see how he Feng explains.

Because no matter what he Feng said about this kind of thing, it must be disgraceful.

Looking back, as long as he let the following newspapers to publicize casually, he Feng and Ling Weiyu's reputation will be defeated. As for the maple language Chinese network under their name, it will not be developed in the future.

"Well, since Bai Shao really wants to learn experience, I'll teach you some."

He Feng nodded and looked at Bai Xiangrong and said mysteriously, "Bai Shao, you should put your ears together first!"

"Well... All right!"

Bai Xiangrong originally wanted he Feng to say it in public, but he Feng wanted to tell himself secretly, and he didn't mind. Anyway, he could write the propaganda manuscript as he wanted.

Therefore, he put his ear close to He Feng and listened carefully.

First of all, it was not He Feng's voice that penetrated into Bai Xiangrong's ears, but a rather hasty breaking wind.


Bai Xiangrong immediately noticed that something was wrong, and quickly dodged away. At the same time, he said, "He Feng, how dare you?"


His response was a clear slap.


Bai Xiangrong's body, which was still sitting on the stool, was directly pulled back and flew out. It was only two or three meters before it fell to the ground.

"Hiss! He Dong, he actually took the young owner of the Baishi group? "

"My God, He Dong, this is too... Too domineering, isn't it?"

"Am I right? Not only did he not please the young owners of the Baishi group, he also slapped him in the face? "

"But the slap was so loud that I was scared."

In addition to shock, there is excitement and excitement.

Wang Bin saw that he Feng smoked Bai Xiangrong. At first, he was a little shocked, but after the shock, he worried, "Mr. He even smoked Bai Xiangrong, which is too irrational. Although Yuncheng group is huge, it is not suitable to offend Baishi group now! They do propaganda. If you send out one or two negative reports of Cloud City Group, your market value will drop sharply. "

"This time, something big is going to happen!"

Other editors in chief and ACE reporters in the media circle have also opened their eyes.

"Bai Shao! Bai Shao, are you ok? Son of a bitch, you've beaten a hundred young people, big head. Don't you teach him a lesson? "

Liu Han rushed forward for the first time to help Bai Xiangrong up, and then yelled at another person who Bai Xiangrong brought.

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