"Dare to beat our young master, boy, you are looking for death!"

The name of big head is a middle-aged man. He is very tall, with a height of 1.9 meters. He is strong and strong, with hard muscles. His body exudes a terrible power.

Ancient warrior!

This big head is actually an ancient warrior.

Although his cultivation is not very high, it is just the appearance of Mingjin in the early days.

However, ancient martial arts are not popular in Jiangbin city. Every ancient martial arts person is rare. There is an ancient martial arts person around Bai Xiangrong who acts as a bodyguard. I don't know how he recruited him.

"Go to hell!"

When he Feng looks at the big head, the big head has rushed to him quickly, and he Feng's cheek is slapped with a wave of his hand.

"Hoo Hoo

The slap was so powerful that there was a rush of wind breaking around.

Obviously, the big boss did his best.

If this slap is solid, he Feng will not be hit by a concussion, but will lie in the hospital for two months.

It's tough enough.

"He Dong, be careful!"

"Mr. He, get out of the way..."

A series of startled voices rang out one after another.

Not far away, Bai Xiangrong, who was helped up by Liu Han, saw this behind the scenes, and his eyes showed a touch of ice cold.

Originally, he wanted to use the topic of "asking for experience" to trigger a conflict with He Feng. First he had a quarrel, then he had some physical conflicts, and finally his bodyguards dealt with He Feng.

But did not expect that the two sides did not even happen, he Feng attacked him, gave him a slap, let him eat a big loss.

Fortunately, the result is the same, the conflict between He Feng and him has been intensified, and his bodyguards also have the opportunity to attack he Feng.

"Big head, stop it!"

Seeing that the big head's slap is about to fall on He Feng's face, Bai Xiangrong just pretends to shout, looking very anxious and worried.


A crisp slap sounded.

Bai Xiangrong's mouth subconsciously appeared a sneer, this slap, how also have to put that he Feng into a concussion?

And all around, is worried to see he Feng.

Soon, the expressions on their faces were frozen.

Because it's not He Feng who gets slapped.

It's the man named big head.


The big head was directly pulled out and landed heavily on the ground. There was a bright red palm print on his face and two lines of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Cough, puff..."

Big head coughed and spat out blood mixed with broken teeth.

"How could it be that I was about to smoke him just now, but how could I be smoked by him instead?"

Big head didn't take care of the injury on his face, but stood up and thought doubtfully.

"Big head, what's the matter with you? Didn't I ask you to teach him a lesson? Why were you beaten by him? "

Liu Han is very unhappy looking at the big head said.

"Shut up

Big head glared at Liu Han one eye, "again nonsense, believe it or not, I smoke you!"

He is Bai Xiangrong's bodyguard, but he won't trust Liu Han as a chief editor.

In his heart, only the chairman and young owner of Baishi group, Bai Xiangrong, deserve his respect.


Liu Han's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to speak any more.

"Big head, what's going on?" Bai Xiangrong frowned and asked.

"Bai Shao, he Feng is also a warrior, and his strength is stronger than mine." Big head whispered back.

"What? Is he an ancient warrior

Bai Xiangrong frowned and said, "hum, no wonder you can get Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu. No wonder you dare to slap me in public. It's because you are an ancient warrior."

"Bai Shao, what should we do now?" Asked the big head.

"What else can I do? I'll think of a way to deal with He Feng later."

Bai Xiangrong said faintly, and then looked at He Feng, "Mr. He, what do you mean? I'm open-minded to ask you for experience. Why do you want to slap me? Now it's time to hurt my bodyguard. Are you too overbearing? "

With Bai Xiangrong's questioning, those in the media circles frowned.

But now he Feng has a conflict with Bai Xiangrong, the young owner of Baishi group, which makes them in a dilemma, because Baishi group is one of the top three big enterprises in Jiangbin city and even in Jiangshu province. They dare not offend half of them, otherwise they will be killed easily. At least they can't get along in Jiangshu province.

"Mr. He was really impulsive when he slapped me just now..."

Even Wang Bin is worried now.

But he Feng, the client, said innocently: "hundred little, didn't you say we were friends before, let me teach you experience? Now that I've taught you the experience, how can you turn the blame on me? What's more, your bodyguard even came to beat me, which obviously wronged me. "

"Wronged you?"

Bai Xiangrong almost didn't vomit blood because he was angry, "how can I have wronged you? Do you still want to tell me that slapping is the reason why the red flag doesn't fall down at home and the colored flag flutters outside? "

He Feng shakes his head disappointedly, "hundred little, you don't understand well, what kind of experience is this?"

"Then why are you slapping me? You have to explain it to me today, or I'll never finish it with you. " Bai Xiangrong glares at He Feng.

"Well, I'll give you an explanation."

He Feng looked at Bai Xiangrong's face and said, "Bai Shao, have you found that although I just slapped you, you don't even have a slap on your face."

Bai Xiangrong looks ugly. "What does it matter?"

"It's a big deal. I slap you just to check how thick your face is. Only a thick skinned person can keep the red flag at home and the colored flag flying outside. "

He Feng said with a smile: "now, I already know the thickness of your face. From the thickness of your face, even if you get married, it doesn't matter to find a large group of women outside."

"Pooh, what's wrong with that?"

"He Dong is to want to measure the thickness of Bai Xiangrong's face, just slap his ear? This... This is too bad, isn't it? "

"I finally understand why he wanted Bai Xiangrong to put his ears in the past. It turns out that his real purpose is not to let Bai Xiangrong put his ears in the past, but to put his face in the past."

"Bai Xiangrong is asking for trouble, but I'm afraid He Dong has also offended him to death. It's a lot of trouble."

Some people are excited, but others are worried.

"Bai Shao, what he said is obviously humiliating you. You can't forgive him easily."

Liu Han pointed to He Feng and said.

In fact, there is no need for Liu Han to say that Bai Xiangrong also knows that he Feng is humiliating him.

First, slap him in the ear, then use words to humiliate him.

This is how not to put his hundred Xiang Rong in the eye?

But now he has nothing to do with He Feng.

Because he Feng is a more powerful ancient warrior than his bodyguard!

"Mr. He, your slap has measured the thickness of my face, but I also see your courage. Ha ha, it's the same as your drinking capacity. It's an eye opener for me. I'll make you a friend. "

Bai Xiangrong didn't pay attention to Liu Han. Instead, he laughed at He Feng and said, "I've heard that you Fengyu Chinese network is in urgent need of publicity to create popularity, right? Don't worry. I'll send my ignorant bodyguard to the hospital for treatment. Tomorrow I'll call some leaders of the company to have a meeting and focus on your website. "

"I'll thank you first. By the way, won't we continue to drink this wine?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

Bai Xiangrong waved his hand and said, "no, we are friends now. We have more chances to drink in the future. We don't care this time."

He Feng nodded: "OK, then I won't send it!"

"Well, goodbye!"

Bai Xiangrong pulls up the bodyguard and wants to leave the hotel.

Today, his goal was not really achieved, which did not disgrace He Feng, but the other two goals were achieved.

For this reason, he has planned to contact some high-level figures of Baishi group after he goes back, so that he can support his practice at the meeting tomorrow.

Not only that, but also he was able to persuade some of the people who came to the League building today.

He Feng looks at the figure that hundred Xiang Rong wants to leave, eyebrows subconsciously wrinkled up.

Just slapped Bai Xiangrong, would it be a little cheaper for him?

"Give him a night. If no one comes to me for revenge tonight, brother Feng can only blackmail your company."

He Feng thought.

Slap Bai Xiangrong in the face and beat his bodyguard. He Feng's purpose is very simple. It's to arouse Bai Xiangrong to be more angry with him. In this way, Bai Xiangrong will continue to come to him for trouble. If Bai Xiangrong can mobilize more people or more powerful experts, it's estimated that there will be action this evening.

And the next confrontation between the two sides will certainly not end so hastily.

In front of so many people, Bai Xiangrong doesn't want his bodyguards to beat him into a concussion. If there is a direct conflict in private, Bai Xiangrong will directly order to kill him.

At that time, he Feng had a reason to take Baishi group, a giant in the newspaper industry, into his own hands.

"Dong Dong..."

Just then, a group of people, five or six in number, burst in outside the hotel.

"Mr. He and Mr. Ling, I'm really sorry. There are several people outside, one of them is a senior official of our municipal government. It's hard for our hotel to stop them."

A manager of the hotel seems to have received the news. At this time, he Feng and Ling Weiyu have come to their side and apologized to them, "we will give you a 20% discount on all the consumption of your website in this hotel tonight. How about that?"

"It's OK. We know these people. Thank you, manager."

Ling Weiyu nodded, but his eyes were looking at several people entering the hotel.

Two of them, she not only knew, but also quite familiar with.

Yang Cheng, Liu Bi.

They went out and set up a literature website by themselves. It is said that they have obtained a huge investment, attracted many senior editors and excellent authors in the industry, and even dug up a number of three digit gods.

For these, Ling Weiyu is not very concerned.

What she cares about is that Yang Cheng and Liu Bi used all kinds of means after they started their own business.

From the editor in chief and the excellent authors of the website to the editor in charge and the ordinary authors, almost all of them offer double salaries and double contributions.

Because of this, they poached many people.

This kind of means is not mean, but it also makes Ling Weiyu feel angry, because it is obviously revenge and provocation!

"Eh, brother Xiaofeng, Yang Cheng, seems to know Bai Xiangrong."

At this time, Ling Weiyu seems to notice something and says to He Feng.

"Well, let's hear what they're saying first." He Feng nodded.

Bai Xiangrong was going to leave directly, but just as he was about to leave, he saw Yang Cheng coming in with a group of people.

He is quite familiar with Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng is more familiar with him.

Therefore, when Yang Chengyi saw Bai Xiangrong, he was stunned at first, and then immediately went forward to respectfully say hello, "Bai Shao, are you here?"

Although Yang Cheng has a smile on his face, there is a touch of worry in his eyes.

He brought people to look for trouble, but he didn't expect that Bai Xiangrong was also there, which completely disrupted his plan.

Then his plan for today can't be carried out at all.

Because of this plan, he did a lot of work.

But he wondered?

"Ha ha, I didn't specially come to participate in their league building activities, but I didn't have anything to do in the evening. I was invited again, so I came to have a look. No, I've had a few drinks and I'm going to leave. "

When Bai Xiangrong sees that Yang Cheng and others are coming, he vaguely understands that Yang Cheng is here to find fault.

So he answered quickly.

He didn't say much, but it was enough to show his position.

"That's good!"

Yang Cheng was relieved. "Bai Shao, since we are members of Zhang Yue, do you think we should find a way to beat them?"

Yang Cheng didn't know Bai Xiangrong for a long time!

Not long ago, he raised tens of millions of yuan, and his boss was Zhang Yue.

This Bai Xiangrong is a major shareholder in ZhangYue.


Bai Xiangrong hears Yang Cheng's words and looks back at He Feng.

Today, although he has achieved two small goals, he has lost a lot of face. Someone must have laughed at him secretly.

If not because he Feng is a warrior, and his strength is stronger than his subordinates, he will definitely find he Feng on the spot.

"What can you do?" Bai Xiangrong asked faintly.

"I don't think there's any need to think of another way at all. He Feng and their literati style now can't be beaten directly?"

Yang Cheng grinned, then pointed to a middle-aged man beside him and said, "Bai Shao, I'd like to introduce you to Vice Mayor Xiong, who is in charge of culture, publicity and organization in Jiangbin city."

"It's vice mayor Xiong. Nice to meet you!"

Bai Xiangrong nodded to Vice Mayor Xiong Deyu.

Naturally, he knew Xiong Deyu, vice mayor, and he was also an executive.

"Young master Bai, just wait for a good play."

Xiong Deyu said to Bai Xiangrong, then went straight to the direction of He Feng and others.

Yang Cheng and others followed closely.

Bai Xiangrong did not follow in the past, but stood in the same place and looked at it with a touch of coldness in his eyes.

Xiong Deyu, such an executive vice mayor, certainly can't do it in a short time.

But if it's just a knock, it's a matter of one or two words.

"Ling Weiyu and he Feng haven't seen each other for a long time. I didn't expect that under your leadership, Fengyu Zhongwang has done a good job."

Yang Cheng goes straight to He Feng and Ling Weiyu and opens his mouth directly.

In his eyes, he was full of jealousy.

But he has heard that, now the maple language China net, I do not know why, suddenly traffic soared, it is said that because he Feng is a computer hacker, through some extraordinary means, to the website brought terrible traffic.

No matter what the means, the net profit of Fengyu Zhongwang is over one million a day, which is true.

Outside rumors, maple language network is expected to surpass millet, and palm more, Yue text these two network giant, tripartite confrontation.

Yang Cheng is about to vomit blood jealously!

Because of this, as soon as he heard that Fengyu Zhongwang was engaged in league building today, he immediately mobilized the relationship without saying a word. Even Xiong Deyu was invited to come here. The purpose was to beat Fengyu Zhongwang and safeguard ZhangYue's interests.

He didn't want to do it alone. After all, with his energy, Xiong Deyu can't be moved.

Ling Weiyu and he Feng have noticed Yang Cheng for a long time, and Xiong Deyu, who came with Yang Cheng, has also noticed.

Therefore, when Yang Cheng's voice rang out, they both stood up and did not look at Yang Cheng. Their eyes fell directly on Xiong Deyu.

"Hello, vice mayor Xiong, are you here to guide the work of Fengyu Zhongwang?" Ling Weiyu replied with a smile.

She can see that Xiong Deyu was brought by Yang Cheng to find fault, so although he spoke with a smile on his face, his tone was actually very stiff, with a trace of rejection.

He Feng looks at Xiong Deyu and doesn't speak.

When he was drinking with Jin Xi and others in the atrium hotel the day before yesterday, he didn't see Xiong Deyu, so he didn't go.

Otherwise, where does he dare to come to Fengyu Zhongwang today?

"Miss Ling and Mr. He, I'm really sorry to bother you."

Xiong Deyu said indifferently: "the reason why I came here suddenly is that I heard that you are doing League building in Fengyu Zhongwang. Originally, there was nothing wrong with Tuan Jian, but I heard people say that you Tuan Jian were extremely extravagant and contracted the next five-star hotel, and the drinks were all sold for thousands of yuan a bottle. Miss Ling, I want to ask you, as literati and workers of spreading culture and spirit, is this really suitable? "

These words are neither light nor heavy.

But when it comes from a vice mayor in charge of culture and publicity, it's a dirty hat.

People in the media circle were shocked to see this.

Some people even look at Ling Weiyu's eyes, showing sympathy and compassion.

It seems that many people do not want to see the rise of maple language in the net, ah, even vice mayor Xiong came forward, they beat it.

"Bai Shao, when I get back, I know how to write a report. As soon as these reports are published, the reputation of fengyuzhongwang will soon stink. In the future, we don't want to become a first-class website in the Internet world. " Liu Han behind Bai Xiangrong said.

The development of literature websites is basically watched by the relevant departments, which is afraid that you will spread some content that will have adverse effects.

And if a website has not yet developed, it will be watched by the major departments, and will try every means to suppress, then the website can develop?

Bones can be found in eggs, not to mention a literary website that tells all kinds of stories.

"Well, in addition to stinking Fengyu china.com, there is He Feng. You should also take care of him. His high-definition photos should also be sent out. I want him not to go out in the future."

Bai Xiangrong's vicious way.

"I understand!" Liu hanlian nodded.

Ling Weiyu narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiong Deyu coldly, "Vice Mayor Xiong, now Netcom Company is engaged in league building, annual meeting, author gathering and so on. Basically, they all go to five-star hotels. Some of them are higher than us and cost more. Is this not too much for us?"

"Do you want to do what others do?"

Xiong Deyu frowned and said, "in a word, since you fengyuzhongwang are under my jurisdiction, I will take care of this matter. Some styles of work must be curbed. We can't publicize them wantonly. Otherwise, how can the outside world view us as cultural people? "

Ling Weiyu said: "Vice Mayor Xiong, you insist that we are spreading bad work style, I have nothing to say. But I insist on my point of view. My employees have worked hard. Now that the company is profitable, I naturally want to take them out to relax and have some good food and drink. "

Around many people in Maple language network smell speech, are extremely moved.

Their Ling Dong, for their sake, even the vice mayor dares to fight.

"Well, relaxation is relaxation, extravagance is extravagance, which is totally different. This style of work should be eliminated in our cultural communication circles. "

Xiong Deyu is very dissatisfied with the cold hum, and then looked at He Feng, "Mr. He, I heard that you are also one of the boss of maple language net, I don't know your opinion, is it consistent with Miss Ling?"

Xiong Deyu's goal is very simple, that is to force he Feng and Ling Weiyu to admit their mistakes, and then let the media report them, criticize their style, and suppress their momentum.

If they don't admit their mistakes, it's better. As soon as this attitude is publicized and some water forces are invited to make a large-scale hype and criticism, the reputation of maple language China net will soon stink.

See Xiong Deyu began to question he Feng, everyone's eyes also fell on He Feng.

"Of course not! My little feather is a girl, but I'm a man. Sometimes it's hard to unify my views on things. "

Under the gaze of the crowd, he Feng sighed: "today she shouldn't order these drinks worth more than 1000 yuan!"

"What's the situation? Is it hard for him, who has always been strong, to be soft?"

"Well, after all, they are vice mayors, and they are executive. He Dong really needs to be more rational at this time."

"Although hold back bend, but also can be like this, otherwise suffer loss or our website."

Maple language net people are helpless, although unhappy in the heart, but there is no way, who let Yang Cheng please move Xiong Deyu?

"Hey, what if you're a good boxer? In front of the vice mayor, is it still necessary to bow down? When your reputation is bad, I will find someone to play with you. " Bai Xiangrong heard he Feng's words and sneered.

"Does fengyuzhongwang want to develop into a first-class website comparable to ZhangYue and Yuewen? What a fool's dream! Vice Mayor Xiong's random words can make you never look up. "

Yang Cheng is a face of madness and excitement, "dare to drive me out of honey net? That's what happens to you

Liu Bi, who is behind him, is just as proud.

"Manager, please come here."

At this time, he Feng's voice rang again.

He waved to the manager, and when the manager came, he continued, "manager, what's the best Baijiu liquor you have here? How much is a bottle? "

Manager Lian said: "it's a treasure version of Wuliangye, 29999 a bottle."

"Oh, what about the best wine?"

"It's Lafite in the early 1990s. It's cheaper than Wuliangye, 18888 a bottle."

"OK, I see!"

He Feng nodded and said, "please, everyone here has a bottle of rare Wuliangye and a bottle of Lafite red wine. What's more, all the dishes on our table have been changed. You can serve the most expensive dishes! "


As he Feng's voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"What? What does He Dong want to do? "

"Damn, don't he want to be soft? What's so special about being soft? "

"He Dong, this... This is the rhythm of doing things!"

"Tut Tut, I'm so blind that I thought he would be soft? What kind of person is He Dong? "

At this moment, all the employees of Fengyu Zhongwang were shocked with their mouths wide open.


It's so domineering!

"He Feng, what do you mean? Do you mean to hit me in the face? "

Xiong Deyu's face suddenly became gloomy and ugly.

Since he became executive vice mayor, few people in Jiangbin City dare not give him face.

But now, a person who runs a literature website dares to fight against him in front of so many people.

He thought that he was the husband of Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group, and he did not dare to do anything to him?

Even if Xiong Deyu can't kill Yuncheng group, he can kill just one Maple language China open. Isn't it just a matter of a few words?

"He Feng is really arrogant. He just doesn't pay attention to Bai Xiangrong. Now he's fighting with the vice mayor in public. It's obvious that he's pushing Fengyu Zhongwang to the pit of fire." Bai Xiangrong shakes his head and sighs. Looking at He Feng's eyes is like looking at an idiot.

"Hey, this time, maple language net is finished!" Yang Cheng is also Leng under, immediately appeared on the face of a thick proud.

He Feng looked at Xiong Deyu and grinned, "no, vice mayor Xiong, you misunderstood me. I just said a few words to the manager and told him to serve us some drinks and good dishes. How can I just hit you in the face? But... "

Speaking of this, he Feng's tone slightly, raised his hand, "now I really feel a little itchy. If vice mayor Xiong puts your face in front of me, I think I can't help smoking."

"You... You are too presumptuous!"

Rao Shi Xiong Deyu usually has a good control over his own emotions. At this moment, he Feng also angered him and said in a gloomy way: "He Feng, you wait for me. I can't cure Yuncheng group, but it's just Fengyu. Com. I still have the ability to rectify it. Your website, just wait for me to shut down. "

Leaving this cruel remark behind, Xiong Deyu turned around and left.

Look at this, is ready to start today to deal with the maple language in the net.

An ordinary literary website has not very high influence in the society. If we want to kill this kind of website, it will be very important for the executive vice mayor of this hall

It's not too difficult.

One night, enough.

Bai Xiangrong, Yang Cheng and others gloat at He Feng and then leave the Imperial Hotel.

The eyes of those in the press changed when they saw this scene.

Although they agreed to help Fengyu Zhongwang carry out publicity, now Fengyu Zhongwang is obviously on the opposite side of Baishi group and Xiong Deyu. How can they dare to carry out positive publicity?

It is estimated that in a short time, they will receive the above news and let them have some negative news from maple language China net.

However, he Feng, the boss of maple language China open, is really dead. No wonder they are.

"Mr. He, are you... Are you too aggressive? How can you offend vice mayor Xiong after offending the Baishi group? "

Wang Bin is very speechless came to He Feng, "you do this, it is easy to push the maple language network into the fire pit, but I heard, in recent years, the literature website was killed, not a few ah."

The rest of the many maple language network employees, are also looking at He Feng with a worried face.

Ling Weiyu looks calm.

Just now Xiong Deyu also let her feel uncomfortable, she also expected that he Feng would not be soft.

As for whether he Feng's behavior will bring big trouble to Fengyu. Com

She's not worried at all!

He Feng's energy is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

"Manager, go and help us serve the drinks and good dishes first!"

He Feng did not immediately answer Wang Bin's words, but directed to the manager.

"All right!"

The manager can't manage so much. Now he has a big business. It's too late for him to be happy.

"He Dong, will it really be ok?"

Weng Yiqin asked anxiously.

"Yiqin, colleagues, just open up to eat and drink. Don't worry. I can assure you that we will not have any trouble, and the future development will only be better. If you don't believe it, you'll see tomorrow. "

He Feng said to many employees on the scene, with a relaxed face.

Seeing this, they were a little relieved and guessed that their Mr. He should have a way to deal with it.

However, more people are still worried. After all, it's the vice mayor, and it's still executive and powerful.

Now that He Dong has offended others to death and made each other lose face, is it really good?

Although he Dong has great computer technology and a lot of money, how can these things compare with other vice mayors?

Ling Weiyu obviously felt the people's deep worry. She hesitated a little, and then said: "you believe in He Dong. He Dong's ability is far stronger than you think. In addition, you certainly don't know about the other identity of He Dong. I'll announce it to you today. In fact, he is also a director of Yuncheng Group.... "

"Yes, in fact, I am one of the directors of the board of directors of Yuncheng group."

Before Ling Weiyu finished, he Feng interrupted him.

He Feng knows what Ling Weiyu wants to say. He wants to tell you that he is actually the husband of Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group. In this way, you will feel that Yuncheng group is the backer of Fengyu Zhongwang.

Today's Yuncheng group is in the ascendant in Jiangbin city. It has great hope to surpass Guangming group and song group in the future.

With such a big backer, it's not so easy for an executive vice mayor to move Maple language China open.


Even if the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun has to be announced, he doesn't want it to come from Ling Weiyu.

And it's just to appease employees.

"What? Is He Dong a director of Yuncheng group? "

"Yuncheng group, I know, recently, their shares have gone up horribly."

"No wonder he dares not to take Xiong Deyu seriously. It turns out that he is the chairman of Yuncheng group."

"Haha, now it seems that we have a backing website in Fengyu Zhongwang."

For a moment, the worry in people's hearts was almost dispelled.

Ling Weiyu looked at He Feng, with a touch of gratitude in his eyes, and then raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Her little brother Feng, just like when she was a child, took care of her feelings.

"Mr. He, it's not that simple."

Wang Bin has known the identity of He Feng for a long time, and even the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun. However, he is still very nervous and can't help whispering: "Xiong Deyu is not only the vice mayor, but also I heard that he is very familiar with Secretary Wang Tang. If he's really determined to start Maple language China open, I'm afraid... "

He Feng patted Wang Bin on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, he doesn't dare to do our Maple language China open. If he really dares to do something... Then I think he is tired of doing it as a vice mayor! "

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