"Vice Mayor Xiong, you can rest assured that he Feng is working as a literary disseminator of culture and spirit. His bad work style today will be criticized by Baishi group. And this Maple language Chinese website, we will certainly focus on criticism. If they want to develop, they won't think about it! "

At the moment, outside the Imperial Hotel, as soon as Xiong Deyu and others went out, Bai Xiangrong immediately began to say.

Xiong Deyu didn't reply immediately, but looked at Yang Cheng and Liu Bi and other humanitarians: "Yang Cheng, you go back first, and I'll talk to He Dong who is on your palm."

"Well, vice mayor Xiong and Bai Shao, I'll go first."

Yang Cheng quickly said, and then left with Liu Bi.

He knew that he didn't want him to hear what Xiong Deyu had to say to Bai Xiangrong. After all, he was just a small man, and Xiong Deyu didn't know him well. Today, he just came to be an errand.

Seeing Yang Cheng and others driving away, Xiong Deyu patted Bai Xiangrong on the shoulder with a friendly look on his face. "Xiangrong, you'd better send the news later. I'm going to deal with the matter of Fengyu Chinese website by myself, and then our official newspapers and periodicals will publish it. After our message is sent out, you can follow it when you have the result. However, at that time, I hope you can not only point the name of Fengyu Chinese network, but also point the name of Yuncheng group! "

"Cloud City Group?"

Bai Xiangrong's pupil shrinks.

Now the cloud city group is a giant in Jiangbin city.

"Of course!"

Xiong Deyu said coldly: "the reason why he Feng dares to be so arrogant and arrogant now is that he must have relied on the power of Yuncheng group. In that case, we should also remind Yuncheng group. "

"No problem, then I will also talk about the cloud city group."

Bai Xiangrong thought of He Feng's slap in his ear, and he agreed.

Although Yuncheng group is not easy to provoke, but he and Yuncheng group have no industrial competition, there is nothing to worry about.

"Well, I'll go back to work first. I'll let Yang Cheng contact you later."

Xiong Deyu said and walked towards a Volkswagen Passat that was not far away.

However, just a few steps away, his eyes suddenly looked at a maiteng not far away, and his steps stopped.

Maiteng is not a good car, but he often sees the license plate number on maiteng.

The people in maiteng's car obviously found him, and when he was about to pour into the garage, he stopped.

The back door opened and two people came down from the car.

One of these two people, Xiong Deyu, not only knew each other, but also knew each other very well.

"Secretary Wang, how are you? Are you here for dinner so late?"

Xiong Deyu rushed up.

Here comes Wang Tang, the party secretary of Jiangbin city.

"Well, I just talked with Jiang Dong about his work in real estate. He talked very late. Then he forced me to come here for dinner. Originally, I didn't want to come. By the way, have you eaten? Would you like to sit down together for a while? " Wang Tang said with a smile.

"Hello, deputy secretary Xiong!"

The middle-aged man who got off with Wang Tang said hello with a smile.

If Yang Cheng didn't leave, he would be able to recognize his identity.

Jiang Yin, chairman of zhongyun group!

At the same time, Jiang Yin is the boss behind the scenes of honey Chinese, the predecessor of Fengyu Chinese network.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang. You and Secretary Wang didn't come at the right time today. The Imperial Hotel has been packed."

Xiong Deyu pointed to a red banner on the front door of the hotel and said.

"Fengyu Chinese network? Is this a literary website? "

Wang Tang noticed the banner on the hotel, "are literary websites so rich now? Even if I directly contracted a five-star hotel, how could I ask for two or three hundred thousand after such a meal? "

"Maple language? Is it... "

Jiang Yin saw the words in Maple language, and his heart moved. Isn't this the honey Chinese net he invested in before?

He opened his mouth and wanted to tell Wang Tang about it.

He has a good relationship with He Feng. Today, he Feng helps him to build up his inner strength and become an ancient martial artist. He also gives his brother and sister so many pills for nothing. If he tells him to go in with Wang Tang for a meal, he Feng will have no problem.

However, as soon as he was ready to speak, Xiong Deyu's voice began to ring again, "yes, Secretary Wang, you don't know that the life style of the boss of Fengyu Chinese network is too extravagant. I just went in to have a look. There are less than 100 people. After a meal, it costs at least 300000, 3000 per person. As a writer who spreads the spirit of culture, I think this style should be resisted. "

"Indeed! It doesn't matter if they are ordinary people, but since they are engaged in literary communication, we should pay a little attention to it. "

Wang Tang nodded and agreed, "old bear, you are responsible for culture and publicity. You can educate them."

In fact, this kind of thing can be big or small, and Wang Tang knows it in his heart, but Xiong Deyu is responsible for the cultural work, and it is not easy for him to intervene too much.

"Well, Secretary Wang, you don't know. In fact, I just came to educate them to keep a low profile. But as a result, the people on this website were quite arrogant. They not only didn't follow my advice, but also directly went to the hotel manager in front of me and said that they would add two bottles of Wuliangye and Lafite wine to everyone present. The two bottles of wine add up to forty or fifty thousand yuan. "

As soon as Xiong Deyu thought of this, he got angry and took the opportunity to complain, "not only that, one of the owners of this website said that he wanted to hit me in the face, which is extremely arrogant."


Wang Tang heard that he was also unhappy. "How could there be such an arrogant person? Lao Xiong, you should deal with this matter well. As a literary worker, instead of spreading the ideas of economy and modesty, you should be so arrogant and extravagant that you must be severely punished. "

Xiong Deyu is Wang Tang's confidant, and he was promoted by himself. Now when he saw that his confidant had suffered a loss, he immediately declared his position.

On one side, Jiang Yin's face changed slightly when he heard Wang Tang's words. Unexpectedly, he Feng had such a big conflict with Xiong Deyu. Now Xiong Deyu has come to complain to Secretary Wang, and Secretary Wang has directly expressed his support for Xiong Deyu.

"Forget it, Mr. He must know Xiong Deyu's identity. Since he dares to do so, he must have the confidence. I don't have to rush to explain to Secretary Wang. I'll tell Mr. He about this first."

Jiang Yin's mind flashed, and then he said to Wang Tang, "Secretary Wang, you talk with Vice Mayor Xiong first. I'll find a place to go to the bathroom."

"Well, you go. I'll wait for you here."

Wang Tang said casually.

Jiangyin immediately leave, ready to find a place to call Hefeng, inform the situation.

"Don't be angry, old bear. These are small things. I'll deal with this website later."

Wang Tang patted Xiong Deyu on the shoulder and comforted him, "if you have time now, you'd better get close to Mayor Jin. It's like eating with Mayor Jin the day before yesterday. You can't miss it any more."

"Well, there was something at home the day before yesterday. I couldn't help it if I didn't attend."

Xiong Deyu was quite helpless. He suddenly looked around and saw that there was no outsider. Then he lowered his voice and asked, "by the way, Secretary Wang, I heard that Yuanqian is very valued by Mayor Jin now, but Laojiang is suddenly ignored. What's the situation?"

Xiong Deyu and Jiang Chen are both members of the Wang Tang faction, and they are not so close to Yuan Qian. Therefore, when they heard that Yuan Qian was valued by Jin Xi, they couldn't help being jealous.

Now as soon as I have the chance, I immediately ask.

"In fact, it's all because of a young man who had a little conflict with Jiang Chen at dinner the day before yesterday, but he got closer to Yuan Qian. When Mayor Jin knew about it, he intentionally or unintentionally suppressed Jiang Chen, but yuan Qian flew to the sky and was taken seriously. "

Wang Tang said with a little sigh. He still wondered why the young man, who was not amazing in appearance, had the energy that Mayor Jin paid so much attention to.

"Ah? Who has so much face that he can influence Mayor Jin's thoughts? "

Xiong Deyu couldn't help but feel shocked. For him, this is no less than a big news.

He now regrets that he didn't go to the dinner the day before yesterday, so that he could get to know the young man.

"You should have heard of this man. He is the husband of Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group. His name is He Feng."

Wang Tang said the identity of the young man with a smile, and then told Xiong Deyu in a dignified tone, "old bear, you can offend anyone in Jiangbin city in the future, but don't offend He Feng. His relationship with Mayor Jin is really not simple. "

"What? He Feng? "

Xiong Deyu couldn't help exclaiming, looking like hell.

"What's going on? He Feng is very familiar with the New Mayor Jin? " Bai Xiangrong also reacted, his face suddenly became very ugly.

"Yes, aren't you surprised? Ha ha, when you have a chance, you'd better have a good relationship with He Feng. It's good for you but not bad. Not afraid of your jokes, even I went to propose a toast to He Feng the day before yesterday. "

Wang Tang nodded with a smile, thinking about the little bit of the young man in his mind, "I don't know why, I always feel that he Feng is extraordinary, not something in the pool. Maybe one day, he will stir up a huge storm in our Jiangbin city. "

Wang Tang said, suddenly a little puzzled, because he found that there was no movement on the side.

"What's the matter with you, old bear?"

Wang Tang looked at Xiong Deyu in surprise and said.

Xiong Deyu, who was still in good health, seems to be a little lost now, and his face is full of panic.

As for Bai Xiangrong, his mouth is wide open now.

"Wang... Secretary Wang, I, I seem to be... In trouble!"

Xiong Deyu swallowed his saliva heavily, and his speech was also faltering.

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