"Secretary Wang, I seem to be in trouble!"

Xiong Deyu's face was full of panic and fear, and his words were not very sharp.

"What's wrong? What do you mean

Wang Tang looks at Xiong Deyu suspiciously. In his impression, Xiong Deyu has always been cautious in his work. Why did he suddenly make trouble today?

"Is... Your disaster related to He Feng?"

Wang Tang seemed to be aware of something and suddenly became nervous.


Xiong Deyu nodded, dare not hide, "that maple language Chinese network one of the boss, is He Feng!"

"Is He Feng the boss of Fengyu Chinese network?" Wang Tang exclaimed, "so, he Feng is the one who was educated by you just because of his bad style and then opposed you and threatened to beat you?"

"Yes, yes! I didn't expect that he was so familiar with Mayor Jin. "

Xiong Deyu said anxiously: "Secretary Wang, what do you think I should do now? Has He Feng gone to Mayor Jin to complain? Will Mayor Jin, because of He Feng, begin to suppress me from now on and let my official career decline from now on? "

Bai Xiangrong is also very nervous. Although Baishi group is powerful, it belongs to the leading group of Jiangbin city newspapers and media. Even Yuncheng group can't help them. But Mayor Jin is different. People want Baishi group to fall down, and they think it's just a matter of a few words.

He Feng is so familiar with Mayor Jin that he can't help ignoring it.

"I don't know if he has filed a complaint, but I'm sure that if he does, it will have a great impact on you."

Wang Tang's eyes twinkled. He didn't have many confidants in Jiangbin city. Jiangchen was one and Xiong Deyu was one.

But Jiang Chen has been suppressed intentionally or unintentionally by Jin Xi. It's too difficult to go further in Jiangbin city in the future.

If Xiong Deyu is beaten down again, he may face the situation that nobody can use him in the future.

"No matter what, let's go to He Feng first. You apologize to him personally and give him enough face." Wang Tang quickly made a decision and took Xiong Deyu to the Imperial Hotel.

"Apology?" Xiong Deyu frowned, a little reluctant.

He is the executive vice mayor. Just now, he threatened to clean up He Feng and Fengyu. Now it's not long before he apologizes to He Feng. What do those people think of him?

"If you don't apologize, you're almost ready to go back to farming." Wang Tang light way.

"All right! Then I'll go and apologize to him, alas

Xiong Deyu finally chose to bow his head and sighed heavily. He no longer had the previous strength. He followed Wang Tang to the hotel with a disheartened face.

After that, Bai Xiangrong hesitated a little, but also quickly followed up.

And at this time in the hotel, he Feng and others have continued to drink wine.

Tens of thousands of yuan a bottle of wine, they have never drunk.

Today, he Feng prepared two bottles of wine for each of them. Even if they didn't drink, they opened the red wine and tasted the wine of tens of thousands of yuan.

As for what happened in the past, although many people are still worried about it, at the moment, they all choose to forget it temporarily, and no one mentions it.

"Eh, vice mayor Xiong is back again!"

"There's a hundred more, too."

"Why does the one next to them look so familiar? Ah! I remember. Isn't that Secretary Wang of Jiangbin? He's here, too? "

"My God, is secretary Wang invited by Vice Mayor Xiong to teach us Fengyu Chinese net? If so, I'm afraid our website will be finished... "

At this time, almost everyone's eyes fell on Wang Tang, his eyes full of tension and confusion.

These days, with the help of He Feng, the sales of fengyu.com are rocketing up. These people are becoming gold editors, earning millions every year, and going to the peak of their lives.

If today's Fengyu Chinese network is suppressed, it is equivalent to bringing them down from heaven to hell.

They really don't want to accept this gap, and they can't accept it!

"He Dong, is everything ok?" Weng Yiqin was also a little nervous.

"Don't worry. I think they're here to apologize." He Feng fell down with a smile.

"Admit your mistake and apologize?"

Weng Yiqin opened his mouth and thought he had heard wrong.

Wang Bin, who is sitting next to He Feng, is also helpless with a bitter smile. He Feng doesn't know where he got his self-confidence.

Although Wang Xiangyun has a lot of face, the current Yuncheng group has not really developed. Even if he has a lot of face, it is limited.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Wang Tang stopped when he Feng was not far away. He looked at Xiong Deyu and did not speak.

Xiong Deyu was very witty. He took the initiative to walk up to He Feng and said, "Mr. He, Miss Ling, I just didn't have enough consciousness. I was limited by secular thoughts. That's why I said something not very pleasant. I hope Mr. He doesn't mind. Just think I just farted a few times!"

Speaking of this, he also bowed deeply to He Feng and Ling Weiyu, and then solemnly said: "here, I apologize to you two, I'm sorry!"

"Damn, am I right? Vice Mayor Xiong apologizes to He Dong? And... A 90 degree bow! "

"Day! I'm dreaming. How can it be true? "

"Paralyzed, what's the matter? Wasn't vice mayor Xiong very strong before? Why did he come to apologize before ten minutes? In the past ten minutes, I've been paying attention to He Dong. He didn't call people or anything. "

"Besides, I apologize in front of so many of us! He Dong, how did he do it? "

At this moment, all of us are in a frenzied state of mind, feeling that our hearts are about to jump out.

However, this is not the end

After Xiong Deyu apologized to He Feng, Wang Tang, Secretary of Jiangbin municipal Party committee, even came to He Feng and said with a sincere smile, "Mr. He, I'm really sorry. Old Xiong was confused and fooled for a while. In addition, his analysis of the matter is not enough. That's why he made such a misunderstanding. I'm here to compensate you, And I hope you don't bother with him. "

"My God! Wang Shuji even apologized to He Dong? He Dong, he... Besides being a director of Cloud City Group, is he still a super official second generation

People were completely shocked.

Some people are already guessing whether he Feng will be the son of a senior official in Yanjing, so Wang Tang, as the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, will show weakness to He Feng.

"Vice Mayor Xiong, are you sure you didn't speak those words until your ideological awareness was not high enough and you were limited by secular thoughts? Not because we are extravagant and extravagant and have a bad style? "

He Feng did not go to see Wang Tang, but looked at Xiong Deyu with a smile.

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