"Sure, sure, I'm very sure!"

Xiong Deyu nodded without hesitation, "Mr. He, I just thought that my reaction was too slow to understand what you did. Now I understand, so I'll come and apologize to you for the first time. "

"I see?" He Feng continued to ask: "Secretary Wang just said that you were cheated?"

"Mr. He, I really understand!"

Xiong Deyu looked up at He Feng and immediately understood what he Feng meant. "As for the person who cheated me, I will definitely investigate the reason why he cheated me, and finally give Mr. He an explanation."

When they heard this, they were shocked and mourned for Yang Cheng and others.

Especially the people who are familiar with Yang Cheng and Liu Bi in Fengyu Chinese network are very lucky at this time. Fortunately, they were not tempted by Yang Cheng and left Fengyu Chinese network to join their team.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be long before I lose my job.

"OK, I'll wait for your news!"

He Feng just looked at Wang Tang, "Secretary Wang, I'm all right now!"

"Ha ha, Mr. He is indeed an adult. I admire him."

Wang Tang said with a smile.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork outside the door. A middle-aged man, led by the waiter, came towards He Feng.

It's Jiang Yin!

Jiangyin originally went to secretly call He Feng, but the phone didn't get through. When he returned to the hotel, he didn't see Wang Tang and Xiong Deyu.

In his heart, he screamed that it was not good, especially after inquiring about the waiter at the door, he knew that Wang Tang and Xiong Deyu had entered the hotel, and he was even more worried.

In his opinion, Secretary Wang must have been dragged into the hotel by Xiong Deyu to deal with He Feng.

So he let the waiter take him in to find he Feng for the first time.

But looking at the scene in front of him, he was shocked!

Wang Tang is smiling in front of He Feng, while Xiong Deyu is bending over to He Feng, obviously apologizing.

"What's the matter? Isn't Secretary Wang and vice mayor Xiong here to ask Mr. He for help? How come now... They seem to be apologizing to Mr. He? "

Jiang Yin opened his mouth slightly, and felt his heart beating with a puff. At the same time, he was puzzled.

Previously, when he was outside, wasn't vice mayor Xiong a strong posture to ask he Feng a question?

Why did he come to the hotel in a few minutes and bow to He Feng in front of so many people?

Is this attitude changing too fast?

"Jiangyin, are you here? You stand on the side first

Wang Tang saw Jiang Yin come over, immediately light opening a way.

Although he and Jiang Yin know each other, they are not very familiar. If it wasn't for Jiang Yin's elder brother, Jiang Kuangdao, who somehow became the executive vice president of Jiangbin Martial Arts Association, he would not even agree to Jiang Yin's invitation to come to the Imperial Hotel for dinner.

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to the Imperial Hotel for dinner?"

He Feng saw Jiang Yin appear, but he pulled back his chair and took the initiative to welcome him up. He put his hand on Jiang Yin's shoulder and said that he was very familiar and kind.


Wang Tang can't help but be surprised that Jiang Yin and he Feng are so familiar, but he just let Jiang Yin stand by in public.

However, as if this detail had never happened, he went straight to them and said with a smile, "Mr. He, it's like this. Jiang Dong said that if he wanted to talk to me about something in the evening, he would invite me here for dinner. Jiang Dong, you see, the hotel has been contracted by Mr. He to do group building party for their website. Do you want to change it? "

"What to change? Let the manager add another table. It's not a big deal."

He Feng said, has begun to command the manager, "manager, please give us a table, and then on a and our same specifications of food, drink!"

The food is not expensive, but the wine is tens of thousands of yuan a bottle

Wang Tang couldn't help shrinking his pupils!

Immediately can only be helpless smile.

He Feng asked him to drink a bottle of wine worth tens of thousands of yuan in public, which was to drag him, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, to his warship. But Wang Tang didn't have any reason to refuse and didn't dare to refuse.

What happened in the Yating hotel the day before yesterday is still fresh in his mind. Even Mayor Jin, who has a huge background, is polite to He Feng. What kind of energy should this young man have?

Even if you join his ship, is it a bad thing?

"Secretary Wang, in fact, what I want to talk with you about today is the construction of a welfare home for Mr. He."

Jiang Yin is a smart man. After a short meeting, he has seen the current situation clearly. He knows that Wang Tang and Xiong Deyu are afraid of He Feng and dare not offend him any more. The reason is that he doesn't care about it. He just needs to know that he Feng's energy is far greater than he imagined.

"For Mr. He?" Wang Tang was surprised.

"Well! Just yesterday, Jule welfare home was burned by someone. However, this welfare home is the place where Mr. he grew up. There are many of his friends in it. Therefore, after the welfare home was burned down, he contacted me for the first time, hoping that I could help to build the welfare home. However, some details of the procedures have not been solved properly. In order to solve them as soon as possible, I would venture to contact Secretary Wang directly! " Jiang Yin said with a smile.

Although he Feng has already said hello to the above, the procedures have been basically solved, but if you want to start construction immediately, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

This morning, he Feng made Jiang Yin an ancient warrior, and gave him a lot of pills, which made Jiang Yin feel grateful. He wanted to improve his efficiency, so he went to Wang Tang and wanted to use Wang Tang's energy to solve the problem.

But I didn't expect that such an episode would happen!

"I see. Don't worry. I will help you to do it one by one within today."

Wang Tang a listen to this is He Feng's business, the first time promised down, "at that time, let the old bear personally to find the people below."

"No problem, it's on me." Xiong Deyu clapped his chest and said.

"Then thank you two leaders!"

Jiang Yin grinned.

"Xiaojiang, if you don't mind, just call me brother Wang." Wang Tang said, holding Jiang Yin's hand.

"All right, brother Wang!" Jiang Yin nodded, and he Feng was more and more respected in his heart.

"Well, Jiang Dong, just sit there and drink with them. I'll go with my little feather."

He Feng faces Jiangyin road.

"Well, Mr. Jiang, you are busy. Don't worry about us." Jiang Yin said.

He Feng smiles and turns to Ling Weiyu.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw Bai Xiangrong bowing to him, "Mr. He, I've just offended you so much. Please forgive me for my recklessness."

Although Bai Xiangrong is a little arrogant, he is quite scheming. From the beginning, he tried his best to deal with He Feng.

Now that he has seen the terrible energy of He Feng, he has no idea of offending him any more, so he immediately apologizes to He Feng.

Even if there are dozens of media figures around!

Is face more important than interest?

Although the Yuncheng group can't help the Baishi group, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee can deal with them easily.

What's more, he Feng is a mysterious figure who makes the Secretary of the municipal Party committee willing to give in!

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