"Reckless? Bai Shao, do you know that you have just been reckless? "

He Feng saw that Bai Xiangrong apologized, quite surprised, and asked with a smile: "but what I'm more puzzled about is that I didn't seem to offend you before, did I? But today, you are obviously aiming at our Maple language network. Does Maple language have a grudge against you? "

Previously, Bai Xiangrong got into trouble with him. Outsiders may think that Bai Xiangrong wants to pursue Ling Weiyu, so they hate he Feng and deal with him.


He Feng said: "and then

"And then..."

"Well, it seems that your Baishi group is really powerful. You dare to promise me in front of so many people."

He Feng nodded, "tomorrow morning, let your father go to Yuncheng group to find me."


Bai Xiangrong doesn't quite understand what he Feng means.

But he Feng ignored him and turned back to Ling Weiyu.

Bai Xiangrong can't help frowning. He Feng doesn't want to let them go of Baishi group, does he?

"Xiaobai, don't be so discouraged. It seems that Mr. He won't do anything to Baishi group. Maybe he just wants to talk about some cooperation with your father. If you can tie up with Mr. He's interests, then you'll wait for it. "

Wang Tang patted Bai Xiangrong on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Ha ha, I dare not comment on Mr. He's business. But just remember what I said Wang Tang waved his hand and did not speak any more. He took Jiang Yin to a table not far away that the hotel manager had arranged for them.

However, although Weng Yiqin's voice is small, there are still many employees around staring at them.

I can't help it. What happened just now is too shocking for them.

At this moment, they all want to know, what is the real identity of the mysterious He Dong?

"Want to know the identity of He Dong?"

Ling Weiyu doesn't want to hide Weng Yiqin, but she really doesn't know how to say it.

However, as she asked this question, everyone around raised their ears.

They only know he Feng's background is very strong, even Mayor Jin has to fear three points, but they know nothing about He Feng's real background.

"Well, I believe in him!"

Weng Yiqin asked no more.

She had heard Ling Weiyu say before that he Feng grew up with her in a welfare home. Now he Feng said it again, but she didn't believe it.

As for why he Feng made Wang Tang and Xiong Deyu so afraid, she didn't ask any more.

Everyone has his own secret, you break the casserole to ask in the end, will only make people disgusted.

Later, his heart was throbbing again, "He Feng's mysterious warship, our Baishi group, if we have a chance, do we want to join in or not?"

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