At eleven o'clock in the evening, the streets are still crowded with people, and the doors of nightclubs are full of tables. The sound of rowing, the collision of wine cups, and cheers are in an endless stream. People who have been tired all day in the workplace seem to use this way to release all kinds of depression and discontent during the day.

Some of the people who were held in the detention center of Jiangbin city were very quiet and fell asleep.

In one of the rooms, Xue jingzhuo was sitting in the corner of the ground, and he didn't even want to go up the bed. He looked very embarrassed.

As for what he did during the day, he confessed that he used He Feng's computer to invade the defense system of the Public Security Bureau and steal some information.

As for the reason

It doesn't matter whether you say it or not!

Because anyway, he will definitely be prosecuted this time, and then he will be put in prison for a few years.

Whether it was one or two years, three or five years, or ten or eight years, Xue jingzhuo didn't care.

Once in prison, his life, his flawless life, will be destroyed

Xue jingzhuo even has no courage to live in this world.

"I Xue jingzhuo, such an excellent character, how can there be a stain on my body? This is a disgrace to me, a disgrace that can't be washed away in my life! However, he Feng is so powerful that I am not his opponent in any aspect. I'm Xue jingzhuo... "

Xue jingzhuo's eyes were full of the color of dead ashes, "just a complete waste!"

At this moment, Xue jingzhuo's heart was only dispirited, even

There is a trace of death!

I don't know how long it has been, Xue jingzhuo's eyes gradually have a look.

He stood up and looked at the stone wall beside the iron gate.

The wall, it's hard.

In particular, the edge of the wall crisscross place, there is a trace of edge.

"Next life, I will never be such a loser again!"

Xue jingzhuo flashed this idea in his heart, clenched his teeth, and then quickly rushed over, hit his head heavily towards the edge of the wall.

This collision, he used all his strength, when the skull fracture, even if found in time, it is difficult to save.

"Bang Dang!"

But just then, the iron gate in front of him suddenly made a violent sound. The huge impact force carried in the iron gate directly knocked Xue jingzhuo on the ground.


Xue jingzhuo let out a cry of pain. At the same time, he raised his head and looked out the door. He found that there was a figure standing there.

The man was wearing a mask. He couldn't see each other's face clearly, but he was thin and the only one exposed was his arm.

From the body shape and arm, the other party should be a man, and young, not more than 30 years old.

Look at each other's fingers again. They are white, slender and powerful.

It seems that

Like Xue jingzhuo, he seems to have been working on the computer for a long time.

"Who are you?"

Xue jingzhuo asked subconsciously.

"I'm here to get you out and give you a new life. Stand up and go with me, I will make you strong, and then let you go to find that he Feng for revenge. "

The man light mouth, tone at will, as if let Xue jingzhuo strong up, and then to find he Feng revenge, is not a big deal.

He was wearing a mask, and his voice was not very clear. However, Xue jingzhuo's eyebrows wrinkled subconsciously after hearing his voice, as if he thought of something.

A few seconds later, he couldn't help exclaiming, "is that you? Are you the mysterious person who taught me how to guide the sense of Qi and help me gather inner strength? "

About a year ago, Xue jingzhuo returned to China and began to use his computer technology to start a business and acquire various industries.

But at this time, a mysterious man suddenly appeared in his life. He brought a master to teach him how to practice, and made him a powerful ancient warrior.

Even, the other side gave him some advice on computer technology, which made him an eye opener. It was at this time that he really became a hacker and made great progress.

He hasn't seen this mysterious man for nearly a year. He didn't expect that when he was going to commit suicide today, the other party appeared and saved him. He told him to make him strong and go to find he Feng for revenge later.

Xue jingzhuo at the moment, feeling very dark in his life, seems to rise a dawn.


The man nodded, "would you like to go with me?"

"I will!"

Xue jingzhuo stood up without hesitation.

This time, he was humiliated and disheartened by He Feng, and could not find any hope of revenge, because he felt that he Feng's ability was too high, and he was oppressed everywhere.

At this time, it can be said that the mysterious man who endowed him with all abilities appeared again, and ignited the light of revenge for him.

Xue jingzhuo doesn't need to think about it at all!

"Someone's coming. Let's go!" The man light mouth, took Xue jingzhuo to leave.


Maple language in the net of this meal, we have been eating until 10:30 just scattered, one by one enjoy and return.

After all, some people's Baijiu do not open, and take back how to sell ten thousand or twenty thousand.

And he Feng and Ling Weiyu, watched by Wang Tang and Xiong Deyu, drove Lexus to Liuyue club.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

However, when the car is about to come to Liuyue club, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly vibrates.

It's Chu Yue.

"Hello, Yueyue, what's the matter?"

He Feng answers the phone.

"He Feng, something happened in the detention center. Xue jingzhuo was robbed." Chu Yue said anxiously: "the other party should be an expert. First, he knocked out the guard police, and then destroyed the monitoring. When we heard the news, we went to check, they were gone."

"There were no casualties, were there?" He Feng asked.

"No, but Xue jingzhuo did steal the information of our police, and now he has been robbed. Is Xue jingzhuo a foreign spy?" Chu Yue worried: "today he stole our information, will it cause us big trouble?"

"Don't worry. I'll go to your detention center right away. We'll see each other later."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng first sent Ling Weiyu to Liuyue club, while he turned around and rushed to the Public Security Bureau.

Twenty minutes later, Lexus stopped steadily outside the police station.

Li Ping, Tang Wen's assistant, is waiting for him here.

Seeing he Feng, he immediately went forward and said, "Hello, Mr. He, our team leader and Yueyue are in the detention center, and the director is also here. I'll take you there."

"Your captain? Tang Wen

He Feng hesitated a little.

Nima, after taking advantage of that woman last time, the other party would draw a gun, but he escaped at last.

Now I take the initiative to send it to the door, and the crazy woman will have to take out her gun again.

"Well, our team leader and the director had already gone home from work, but they came here temporarily after receiving the call." Li Ping nodded and said, "is there anything else that is inconvenient for Mr. He to go to the detention center?"

"It's OK, go ahead!"

He Feng bit his teeth, he can't always hide from Tang Wen. Anyway, sooner or later, he wants to see her.

In that case

Die, die!

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