Before long, he Feng, under the leadership of Li Ping, entered the detention center.

As a matter of fact, the detention center is still in the stage of renovation and maintenance. Because of a fierce gun battle the day before yesterday, it is full of holes to hit the ground here. Fortunately, the structure inside has not been damaged, and the internal detention room is complete, so it is still used to hold prisoners.

"He Feng, are you here?"

Chu Yue sees he Feng and goes up quickly.


He Feng nodded, eyes really fell on Tang Wen.

Because he found that the woman is squinting at himself, and her hand is intentionally or unintentionally on the waist.

There, with her gun!

"Well, Captain Tang and director Zhao, how are you

He Feng embarrassed light cough, the forehead almost sweating, nervous don't want.

Even if Tang Wen shoots at him, he is not afraid and can easily avoid bullets. But once Tang Wen does, what will outsiders think? If you think you've hurt Tang Wen, his reputation will stink.


The night before yesterday, when he Feng was treating Tang Wen, he really took advantage of her and was caught.

But at this time he Feng can only pretend that nothing has happened, dare not mention the night before yesterday about half a sentence, for fear of stimulating Tang Wen, a word does not agree to draw a gun.

"Mr. He, you are here at last. Please help me to see if you can analyze how the other party robbed Xue jingzhuo." Zhao Enlai pointed to the detention room where Xue jingzhuo was held and said.

"All right!"

He Feng's eyes just moved away from Tang Wen, and then subconsciously wiped the sweat beads on his forehead and looked at the door of the detention room.

"The door was kicked open by violence, and the other side only used one foot..."

He Feng simply looked at the gap of the eye door and the place where he was kicked on the door, and continued to analyze: "from the position of the other side's kick and the position where the door fell to the ground, the strength of the other side's foot has exceeded the limit of the strength of the Mingjin ancient martial arts, and reached the level of the dark strength."

"Dark strength?"

Zhao Enlai took a deep breath, with a trace of panic on his face.

Although there are not many ancient warriors in Jiangbin City, he knows quite well about the strength level of ancient warriors.

Dark force, also known as master, is not as powerful as ordinary people can imagine. Even some powerful dark force masters can avoid bullets.

If the master of dark strength killed in the detention center today, none of them would be able to stop it.

"Yes, and I guess it's just a random kick." He Feng glanced around and made a conclusion, "this man's cultivation should be in the later stage of the dark strength to the peak of the dark strength, but he has not yet made a thorough effort."


When Zhao Enlai heard the speech, his face became more dignified than ever, "Mr. He, what should I do now? I heard Yueyue say that they have stolen some confidential information from our police. Now they have extremely strong strength. Will they come to deal with our public security bureau? "

If you want to deal with the Jiangbin Public Security Bureau, they are absolutely unstoppable.

I'm afraid even he Feng is not easy to deal with

He Feng said: "don't worry, the reason why Xue jingzhuo stole the police intelligence is just to frame me, not against your public security bureau. Moreover, I have been monitoring Xue jingzhuo's computer, and those data have not been opened since they entered his computer. If you are not sure, you can send someone to Xue jingzhuo's home immediately and destroy his computer and hard disk. "

"Well, Li Ping, you can take people to do it. In addition, the next period of time, close monitoring of Xue jingzhuo parents and all the whereabouts of the family. Once Xue jingzhuo is found, he will be arrested immediately. If he resists... Kill him on the spot! "

Zhao Enlai gave the order without hesitation.


Li Ping immediately left with a group of people.

"Mr. He, why don't you talk to me in my office?"

Zhao en came and said to He Feng in a very polite tone, even with a request.

For He Feng's identity, Zhao Enlai doesn't know very well, but he knows that he Feng's energy is far beyond his imagination.

"Well... Let's go!"

He Feng secretly looks at Tang Wen. Seeing that Tang Wen has no response, he nods.

Immediately, the party returned to the Public Security Bureau. He Feng, Tang Wen and Chu Yue entered his office with Zhao Enlai.

"Mr. He, Wenwen and Yueyue, please sit down and I'll make you a pot of tea first."

Zhao Enlai said, then took the kettle to get water outside, ready to boil water.

And at this time, Tang Wen is sitting opposite He Feng, a pair of cold eyes, such as cold knife like, a knife a knife cut in He Feng's body, as if to cut him to pieces.

"Sister Wenwen, why are you looking at He Feng like this? It's too penetrating. "

Chu Yue is obviously aware that something is not right. She rushes to He Feng and says, "He Feng, are you making Wen Wen unhappy? Make an apology to her as soon as possible

While speaking, he Feng was winking at him.

"Wenwen beauty, I..."

He Feng immediately apologizes.

"You don't have to apologize to me. Some things can be ignored, but some things are hard to forgive!"

He Feng just a mouth, was interrupted by Tang Wen.

"Hey hey, Wenwen beauty, you say it's hard to forgive, that means there's room for forgiveness? How can you forgive me? As you know, I'm not very determined, and you are very charming, so I'm... "

"Shut up, believe it or not, I'll kill you now!"

The more Tang Wen listens down, the faster she breathes, and her cheeks are blushing. She can't help but pull out the pistol from her waist and aim it at He Feng's chest.

Fingers, on the trigger.

"Wenwen elder sister, don't be impulsive, you quickly put down the gun, be careful that the gun goes off."

Chu month facial expression changes greatly, urge a way quickly.

She now also determined that he Feng must have taken advantage of Tang Wen's huge advantage when he Feng treated Tang Wen's injury that night and gathered her inner strength. That's why Tang Wen was so angry that she even pulled out her pistol.

Who knows, he Feng suddenly went to Tang Wen's side, grabbed Tang Wen's pistol and put it on his chest, "Wen Wen, if you really want to shoot me to relieve your anger, then you can shoot!"


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