"OK, I see."

He Feng took Zou Xun into the hall and saw Bai Xiangrong and a middle-aged man about 50 years old sitting on the sofa.

Seeing he Feng coming, Bai Xiangrong said in the middle-aged man's ear, and then quickly stood up.

The middle-aged man also stood up for the first time, took the initiative to go to He Feng, and said apologetically: "Mr. He Feng, I'm Bai Xiangrong's father Bai Honglang. I'm here to compensate you. Last night, Bai Xiangrong bumped into you. Please don't care. "

"It's Mr. Bai. You think too much. I've forgotten what happened yesterday. How about talking about business now?"

He Feng went straight to an empty sofa and sat down in front of baihonglang road.

"Of course, I don't know what Mr. He wants to talk about?" Bai Honglang sat down with an open heart.

Bai Xiangrong did not dare to sit. He stood behind Bai Honglang honestly, which was different from his arrogant attitude yesterday.

And he Feng is to look at Zou Xun, way: "small Zou, Bai Shi Group's general situation, you tell us to listen to."


Zou Xun nodded and said, "Baishi group, a listed company, has a market value of about 1.2 billion. Among them, chairman Bai Honglang alone occupied 70% of the shares, worth 850 million yuan. In addition, his son Bai Xiangrong holds almost 10% of the shares, worth about 120 million yuan. "

Hearing Zou Xun's words, both Bai Honglang and Bai Xiangrong are shocked to see he Feng.

Unexpectedly, he Feng even investigated the ownership structure of Baishi group quite clearly.

What's more, as soon as he opens his mouth, he will read out the data. Does he have any ideas?

"Mr. Bai, the deal I want to complete with you is very simple. I want to buy all the shares held by your father and son. Buy it now, a billion. " He Feng said with a smile: "although this price is not a premium, I think it should be completely enough for Baishi group?"

"A billion? Are you sure, Mr. He? "

On hearing this, Bai Honglang stood up excitedly.

Now the Baishi group is no longer at its peak. With the rise of we media network, the value of some of their traditional industries, such as newspapers and magazines, has fallen sharply. The market value of Baishi group is also shrinking, shrinking by millions every month.

Even if his shares are sold at 80% of the market value, it is difficult to find someone willing to take over.

But now, he Feng not only wants to buy his shares, but also the price is much higher than the market value.

How can it make him not excited?


He Feng smile, "if you have no opinion, we can start trading today."

"I will, of course I will!"

Bai Honglang agreed without hesitation.

Baishi group is the leader of the newspaper and media industry in Jiangbin city. In the whole province of Jiangshu, it can be ranked in the top three. However, Baishi group is very clear that if there is no breakthrough development, its future will be extremely difficult.

Because of this, baihonglang would like to transform and develop other industries, and seize the opportunity to let his son become one of the shareholders of ZhangYue.

"In addition, Bai Dong has been in the newspaper industry for so many years. Should he know some people in the entertainment industry and copyright industry? At that time, please share these resources with me. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. He. I will share all the resources I know with fengyuzhongwang." Bai Honglang said.

"Yes! Zou, it's up to you. However, don't let the shares fall into my name, just let them fall into Wang Xiangyun, my wife's name. I'll hand over this matter with her later. You can save her number and contact her directly when you need to pay or sign. "

He Feng looks at Zou Xun and says, at the same time, he takes out his mobile phone and turns out Wang Xiangyun's number and hands it to Zou Xun.

"I see, master!" Zou Xun saved Wang Xiangyun's phone, immediately stood up and said: "Baidong, let's go to Baishi group first."

"Okay, okay!"

Bai Honglang left immediately.

Watching them leave, he Feng takes out his mobile phone, turns a billion yuan to Wang Xiangyun's card first, and then dials the latter.

"What's the matter?" Wang Xiangyun answered the phone quickly, but his tone sounded impatient.

Today, although she still spends most of her time on work, as long as she has a little spare time, she will immediately let herself into the cultivation state, and does not want to waste any time.

"Daughter-in-law, I transferred one billion yuan to your card to buy Baishi group."

He Feng told Wang Xiangyun about what just happened here, "after you take 80% of the shares of Baishi group, you can find a way to get the remaining 20% shares, and then merge Baishi group into Yuncheng group. In this way, even if Yuncheng group wants to go international and become a real international chaebol group in the future, the propaganda department will be able to keep up with the pace. "

"Did you take all the Baishi group? You're not bad at it. However, you should be for your little girl friend Ning Caizhu, right? Is it true that after she became the director of the Propaganda Department, she was too busy and tired at ordinary times, so she was distressed and bought Baishi group? " Wang Xiangyun said faintly.

"Er... Daughter in law, what do you say? I'm not trying to make Yuncheng group stronger."

He Feng touched his nose. Unexpectedly, Wang Xiangyun guessed it.

The main purpose of his acquisition of Baishi group is to reduce the pressure of Ningcai bamboo.

Of course, it's not entirely for the purpose of picking bamboo. Although the market value of Yuncheng group is rising rapidly and its reputation in Jiangbin city is great, its reputation is extremely limited in China and even in the world.

It is precisely because the publicity work is not in place!

Therefore, he Feng took the opportunity to acquire Baishi group, but it didn't cost much money anyway.

With the platform of Baishi group, he Feng can use his hacking technology to import huge traffic to the major portals of Baishi group, so that any news issued by Baishi group in the future can blow up everyone's circle of friends in a short time and enter the vision of the whole country and even the whole world.

"Come on, is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up." Wang Xiangyun said.

"Of course, there are others!"

He Fenglian said hurriedly: "I have confirmed with Weiwei this morning. She has now broken through to the middle of Mingjin. If you don't believe me, I'll take her to your office later and confront you face to face. "

"It's... So fast that it's in the middle of Ming Jin?" Wang Xiangyun was stunned.

"Hey, I know you don't believe it. I'll take Wei Wei to your office in a moment. Hang up first."

He Feng said, has hung up the phone, into the elevator, straight upstairs.

A few minutes later, he Feng comes to Gong Wei's office and takes Gong Wei to Wang Xiangyun.

"Weiwei, you, you really broke through to the middle of Mingjin?"

Wang Xiangyun looks at Gong Wei, who has completely different temperament in front of him. He is quite shocked and asks.

"Yunyun, in fact, I was too busy to spend much time on cultivation, so I broke through last night." Gong Wei sticks out her tongue.

Like Wang Xiangyun, she can practice as long as she has a little time.

The purpose is to win the bet between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun.

Even if he Feng wins, it's just a meal cooked by Wang Xiangyun

"Daughter in law, do you believe it now?"

He Feng grinned.

"Well, I believe it! We'll go home early in the evening and I'll cook for you. "

Wang Xiangyun readily agreed, but there was a trace of cunning in his eyes.

"You won't make me a dark meal, will you?" Looking at the woman's expression, he Feng always feels that something is not right.

"Certainly not dark cuisine!"

Wang Xiangyun shrugged and directly shifted the topic, "what's the matter with Fengyu Zhongwang? Are you doing it yourself or helping your sister Ling Weiyu do it?"

"Eh, daughter-in-law, you actually know about Maple language net?" He Feng said in surprise.


Wang Xiangyun gave a sarcastic look directly, "forget it, it's your own business. I'm too lazy to take care of it. But if you have a chance, you can introduce us to each other. "

He Feng said: "no problem, but recently you are very busy, and so back you are free, we can sit together to eat something."

"If it's all right, can you leave first?" Wang Xiangyun pointed to the door of the office.

"Daughter in law, you haven't asked me what I want to eat at night..." He Feng said weakly.

"You only have the right to eat or not to eat, not to choose what to eat!" Wang Xiangyun smiles.


He Feng mouth corner ruthlessly drew to draw, "OK, anyway Feng elder brother is not picky about food, you do what I eat."

With that, he Feng turned and left the office.

Gong Wei quite some helpless looking at Wang Xiangyun, "yunyun, he Feng this person actually quite good, you can try to give him a chance."

Wang Xiangyun smiles, "Weiwei, I know what you mean. But I think his life is very good now. It's the same with me or not. OK, you'd better hurry to practice. He can't wait to get so many resources to practice for us. I'm afraid he's in trouble. That's why he wants us to have enough strength to protect ourselves. "

"All right, but you can really reconsider what I said."

Gong Wei didn't say anything more. She turned and left Wang Xiangyun's office.

Wang Xiangyun watched Gong Wei leave with a firm look.

"It's not that I don't want to give him a chance, but... I don't want to give myself a chance!"

After he Feng returned to the office, he took time to practice.

He had lunch with Yuan Yashi.

Because now Wang Xiangyun, Gong Wei, Xia Menglu and others practice whenever they have time, so they don't have time to accompany him, and he Feng naturally won't disturb him.

After dinner, he Feng returned to the office and continued to practice.

In the afternoon, he received a phone call from Jiang Yin, saying that all the procedures for the reconstruction of Jule welfare home had been completed, and that the work would start in the afternoon. He also held a ceremony to start the work. Someone from the welfare home had to go to attend.

He Feng didn't bother to ask aunt yuan to go to this kind of activity. He only said hello to Aunt yuan and said that the welfare home had begun to rebuild. Then he went to the activity himself. After working hard for more than half an hour, he returned to Yuncheng group to continue his cultivation.

Until the afternoon off work, he Feng and Wang Xiangyun went back to Xinghui villa together.


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