As soon as he got home, Wang Xiangyun went to the kitchen.

"Miss, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

Aunt Zhan, who was washing vegetables in the kitchen, saw this scene and asked in surprise.

She and Wang Xiangyun have been together for so many years, but Wang Xiangyun hasn't even fried a poached egg.

"Aunt Zhan, yunyun, on a whim, is going to make a big candlelight dinner today. Just satisfy her little wish."

He Feng said with a smile.

"Miss, do you cook?" Aunt Zhan blinked.

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Don't set the kitchen on fire!

"Aunt Zhan, let me have a try. It's not very difficult to cook. I'm sure I can handle it." Wang Xiangyun said, "just help me wash the dishes."

"Miss, do you really want to stir fry?" Aunt Zhan asked tentatively.

"Of course, even if it's not delicious, I'll make it."

Wang Xiangyun nodded firmly, then opened the refrigerator and looked at the ingredients. "Aunt Zhan, I bought a lot of vegetables today, lettuce, tomato, fish head, tofu, steak and spare ribs!"

"Daughter in law, do you want me to show you how to make these dishes? They will certainly taste good." He Feng went to the kitchen, relying on the door said with a smile.

Wang Xiangyun glanced at He Feng. As soon as he wanted to refuse, aunt Zhan immediately went outside. "Miss, I suddenly remembered that I had confiscated the clothes on the terrace upstairs. Let my uncle help you first. I'll go upstairs to collect the clothes so that I won't have too many mosquitoes at night."

With that, aunt Zhan had already walked out of the kitchen, and soon ran to the stairs and pedaled upstairs.

He Feng walked in with a smile, "daughter-in-law, I'd better help you. Aunt Zhan has already washed the rice into the pot. Let's just wash the dishes and make the dishes. Why don't we cook the fish head first? This is the most time-consuming and difficult one. "

"Well, then you wash the fish's head."

Wang Xiangyun hummed softly.


He Feng quickly went up and helped.

Two people have been busy in the kitchen for a full hour before they have finished the dishes.

Boiled tofu with fish head, scrambled eggs with tomato, lettuce in oil, fried steak, and spiced and salted spareribs.

Under the guidance of He Feng, the appearance of these dishes is very good, and there is no dark cooking.

"Daughter in law, it's not bad. It seems that you have the talent to become a top chef. This is the first time you cook, you have all kinds of color, fragrance and flavor. If you learn it for a year and a half, then your cooking skills can match those of a chef in a five-star hotel?"

He Feng will be a few dishes one by one to the table, praised the way.

Wang Xiangyun took off his apron, washed his hands, and came to the table with the dishes and chopsticks. He said, "if you want to praise yourself, just say it. I know how many kilos I have. And even if I had the talent to be a chef, I wouldn't cook. Anyway, any man who wants to be my husband in the future will have to be able to cook first. "

He Feng quit, "what do you mean, which man wants to be your husband in the future? Brother Feng, I'm your husband now, OK

"Ha ha, my husband!"

Wang Xiangyun faintly replied that he was too lazy to pay attention to the man. He picked up his chopsticks and tried the dishes on the table one by one. "The time for frying fish head in the early stage has passed. The fish is too old and salty. The pepper and salt pie is not evenly sprinkled, the eggs of tomato scrambled eggs are not tender enough, the lettuce is too oily, and the steak is too old. I said he Feng, how do you point out? I thought it tasted really good. It seems that although you are good at cooking, you are not good at teaching others how to cook. "

"Yes? Why do I think the taste is OK, daughter-in-law? You can't ask too much. In fact, this is the standard of ordinary people. You are already very good. If you cook so delicious food for the first time, will you let others live? "

He Feng also tasted two mouthfuls, immediately rolled a white eye to say.

"It's up to you. I'll just eat whatever I want."

Wang Xiangyun shrugged his shoulders, and then yelled to the upstairs, "aunt Zhan, you've been collecting this dress for an hour. Come down and have dinner together."

"Miss, when I first bought vegetables, I had eaten outside. You and my uncle can eat first. I'm cleaning the terrace now."

Aunt Zhan's voice came from upstairs.

"It's all your fault that Aunt Zhan didn't eat any candlelight dinner."

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

"I'm going to buy some good food tomorrow. I'll make up for Aunt Zhan. Is that all right?" He Feng said with a smile.

"You'd better eat yours first."

Wang Xiangyun is not angry, and then gives himself a meal, sitting opposite He Feng to eat.

Although the food she cooked was not as delicious as aunt Zhan's, and even less delicious than he Feng's, she gradually had a sense of achievement while eating.

Especially when she saw he Feng eating, the mouth did not stop a few times, this sense of achievement is more intense.

"Do I really have the talent to be a chef?" Wang Xiangyun thought.

But as soon as the idea came out, she suppressed it. "Forget it, even if I have the talent to be a chef, it will be in the future. Recently, I'd better concentrate on my research first. "

This meal, Wang Xiangyun eat is comfortable, he Feng face is also full of smile.

At the moment, Wang Xiangyun has a little breath of life in her, instead of devoting herself to work all day long.

After dinner, Wang Xiangyun went directly back to the room to practice, and told he Feng that the cultivation resources given to her last time were almost used up. He Feng was asked to buy pills to practice for him.

In fact, it's not just Wang Xiangyun, Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu who have almost used their cultivation resources, but they didn't urge he Feng.

However, he Feng estimates that Xi Zhenxing should still be in the process of closing the door and rushing to Huajin, which is not convenient for him to disturb rashly.

But he also decided to stay until Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue break through to the peak of Mingjin. After exhausting the resources, Xi Zhenxing did not take the initiative to contact him, so he went to Nanjin city in person.

The next day, Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue broke through to the late Ming Dynasty.

Xia Menglu, Yang Ying, Gong Wei, Ning Caizhu and others had already broken through to the middle of Mingjin and began to rush to the late of Mingjin.

Wang Xiangyun was the only one. Although the elixir was consumed very quickly, his cultivation was still in the early stage of Mingjin.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

On Thursday, shortly after he Feng arrived at the company, his mobile phone began to vibrate.

It was Xi Zhenxing who called.

"Brother Xi, is your cultivation over?" He Feng answered the phone immediately.

"Ha ha, thank you so much, brother he. I have successfully broken through to the level of Huajin."

Xi Zhenxing said with a laugh, looking very happy.

"Congratulations, you've become a great master. Your position in Guiyi medicine hall will definitely rise, and you may even become the head of the headquarters in the future." He Feng said with a smile.

Xi Zhenxing is only in his early 50s, and he can become a master of Huajin at the age of 50. Although these talents are not top-notch in the whole ancient martial arts world, they are absolutely top-notch in Guiyi medicine hall, and there is a great probability that he will become the head of the headquarters of Guiyi medicine Hall in the future.

"I don't think about whether I can be the head of the headquarters or something in the future."

Xi Zhenxing said: "Mr. He, I just talked to my master on the phone about my breakthrough to master Huajin, and mentioned that Mr. He would become the elder of Keqing in our headquarters, but enjoy the treatment of his own elder. After knowing your strength, talent and general situation, my master agreed directly, He said that he would discuss with the hall leader and other elders in person. It should not be a big problem. "

He Feng knows that since Xi Zhenxing has said that the problem is not big, there is basically no problem.

"Thank you, elder brother Xi!" He Feng said: "brother Xi, my pills are almost used up. When can you get a batch of pills for me? There's also the advanced breakthrough Dan. I'm going to use it now. "

"Brother he, take it easy. I'll leave for our Guiyi medicine hall headquarters today. But now you have to report a list of pills to me, and I'll record it. " Xi Zhenxing said.

"The list first?"

He Feng pondered, and suddenly asked: "that, elder brother Xi, if I become the elder Keqing of Guiyi medicine hall, can I buy pills on credit in Guiyi medicine hall?"

"On credit?"

Xi Zhenxing was stunned and immediately said with a bitter smile, "brother he, are you short of money now?"

He Feng also did not hide, sighed: "ah, brother Xi, to tell you the truth, it's a bit hard to raise a wife, not to mention brother Feng, I have a lot of wives. Now in order to make money, I feel that the whole person has changed a lot. "


Xi Zhenxing didn't accept he Feng's words, but said: "if you pay on credit, I can't guarantee it for a long time, but it's not a big problem for a month or so."

"Ha ha, how can I get a month's credit? Well, take your notes. I'll give you the list now. "

He Feng laughed and said, "I need 10 to 20 pieces of Renjie senior frontier breaking pills."

In normal use, he Feng can't use so many people's high-level breaking pills, but this kind of pills can't be bought at any time, so he plans to reserve some in case he needs it in the future.

"Well, so much?" Xi Zhenxing was surprised: "Mr. He, pojingdan is a rare pill. I can't give you a discount here. One pojingdan can get 800 million yuan. Twenty, that's 16 billion. If you have credit, you can only have credit for one month at most. Do you think it over? "

"Of course, we should think about it clearly, 16 billion. It's OK. You should go and see how many broken pills you have. In addition, I need a lot of pills above the ground level. "

He Feng a series of reported a lot of Dan medicine name, from person level primary to ground level primary, the number is quite a lot.

Ling Weiyu and his colleagues can use the breakthrough pill to break through the dark force at the initial stage. Later, they only need to use the Xuanyuan pill of human level and earth level.

But Wang Xiangyun

Still have to continue to use the level of primary and intermediate Xuanyuan Dan, but also a lot of quantity.

"Well, Mr. He, why do you want to buy so many pills?"

On the other side of the phone, Xi Zhenxing was dumbfounded when he Feng reported a series of names, grades and quantities of pills.

The reason is very simple. He calculated a little. The total amount of pills He Feng reported has reached 80 billion.

All the guwu forces in Nanjin city don't use so much pills in a year, does it?!

"Of course, it's for my wives to practice, but brother Xi, you have to keep it a secret for me for the time being. I don't want my wives to become medicine jars and let people outside know."

He Feng serious said, if let the outside world know, maybe and cause some right and wrong.

"I can keep it a secret, but I have to apply to my master for 80 billion yuan on credit." Xi Zhenxing is very speechless said.

"Hey, I'll wait for brother Xi's good news. If you really can't apply for it, you can buy it in batches, but you have to get it first. " He Feng grinned.

"OK, I should be able to give you news within today. You can wait at ease."

Speaking of this, Xi Zhenxing hesitated and asked, "by the way, I don't think there's any movement in Wang's and Mi's family. Hasn't Cao's family been looking for your trouble?"

"The Cao family?"

As soon as he Feng heard about the Cao family, he felt angry.

Had it not been for the Cao family, his "home" Jule welfare home would not have been burned down. "Brother Xi, if you have enough channels, please help me to investigate the Cao family and send me all the information about the Cao family."

Originally, he asked Chu Yue to investigate, but behind Chu Yue, there was only a middle-class ancient martial family. In a short time, it was difficult to find out too much information about the Cao family.

"Well? Brother he, is something wrong? " Xi Zhenxing suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Elder brother Xi, I don't know if you have investigated my identity information. In fact, I grew up in a welfare home." Hefeng road.

"Welfare home? I don't know that very well! "

Xi Zhenxing said.

He actually ordered people to investigate the detailed information of He Feng, but just after the order was given, he entered a closed state, and had not had time to ask about the investigation results.

"Just last weekend, people from the Cao family showed up. They burned down the welfare home in order to force me to show up as soon as possible."

He Feng cold voice said: "Cao burning my home, I will destroy the Cao."

Hearing this, Xi Zhenxing was also a little angry. The Cao family really went too far.

If you want to get revenge, just do it. Why burn down the place where people lived when they were young?

"Brother he, don't worry. The Cao family is just a middle-class ancient martial family. The information is not difficult to check. After I go to Guiyi medicine hall, I will try my best to collect more information about the Cao family and send it to you." Xi Zhenxing said.

He knew that he Feng must have to deal with the Cao family, which made him feel pity for the Cao family.

If the people of the Cao family don't burn down the welfare home, I'm afraid he Feng won't directly deal with the Cao family, will he?

Cao's family is suicidal.

Being targeted by a gifted master and backed by the he family, the Cao family will never come to a second end.

"Thank you, elder brother Xi!"

"Brother he, you're welcome. I'll hang up first. I have to hurry to the headquarters. I'll let you know when I have news."

Xi Zhenxing said and hung up.

"If the Cao family didn't have a big background, I would think of a way to destroy the Cao family. It's just a middle-class family of ancient Wu. What's the difference with mole ants? "

He Feng narrowed his eyes, murmured, and then prepared to put the phone up.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But at this time, his mobile phone vibrated again.

It's song Yin!

"Hello He Feng pressed the answer button.

"Mr. He, something's wrong!"

As soon as the phone is connected, song Ye's anxious voice comes out from the phone, "the welfare home has just caught fire again!"

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