
Smell speech, he Feng complexion tiny change, "what is the cause of the fire?"? Is the fire serious? "

"The fire wasn't very serious, but a lot of materials were burned."

Jiang Yin said helplessly: "Mr. He, I'm really sorry. I'm afraid the project in these two days will have to start all over again, and it may be delayed for another day or two. But don't worry, I will find out the cause of the fire. "

"Forget it, I'll go and have a look now."

He Feng frowned, always feel something is not right.

Last time, the welfare home was on fire. Now the welfare home is on fire again. Is it the Cao family behind the scenes again?

"I haven't gone to your Cao family for trouble. If you come to my head again, even if you run the risk of getting into trouble, I'll pull out your Cao family directly."

He Feng hung up the phone, went straight to the garage, driving a sports car boom on the Pentium out.

Even though it is still the rush hour, he Feng only took 20 minutes to get outside the welfare home.

"Mr. He, I'm so sorry!"

Jiang Yin met him for the first time, with an apologetic look on his face.

He Feng has just given his brother and sister a great gift. Jiang yinben is ready to give a good performance and help him build the welfare home. But he didn't expect that soon after the construction, something happened.

"It's OK. I'll go and have a look first."

He Feng waved his hand and went directly into the construction site.

Now the welfare home, including the courtyard outside, has been pushed down. The foundation is being laid below, and all kinds of cement, wooden piles and lime are placed around. But now the lime has exploded, and the ground is covered with sawdust.

Even he Feng saw blood.


He Feng immediately turns around and looks at Song Yin behind him.

"Well, when the lime burned, two people were burned because they were too close to each other. I've had them sent to the hospital for treatment. I'll take care of the pacification and compensation." Song yinlian is busy.

"This lime and wood, mixed with gasoline."

He Feng suddenly squatted down and sniffed, "this fire is deliberately put."

"What? Someone set fire here on purpose? " A touch of anger appeared on Jiangyin's face. "Mr. He, shall I call the police now?"

"You don't have to report to the police. Take all the workers and hide them. Don't show your face. Their goal is to lead me out."

He Feng suddenly looked to a nearby alley and said.

I don't know when, there appeared three middle-aged men, holding all kinds of weapons, staring at He Feng, a powerful opportunity to lock He Feng.

He Feng can't escape from such a close distance.

Moreover, in addition to these three people, he Feng can clearly feel that on a hill about 500 meters away, there is a gaze staring at him.

To be precise, it's looking through the sight.

At this time, he Feng has been targeted by the other side with a sniper gun.

"Mr. He..."

Jiang Yin felt a strong crisis in those three people.

Although now he has become a serious ancient warrior, and relying on He Feng to teach him the method of refining Qi and pills, he has broken through to the middle of Mingjin.

But feeling the breath of the three people, he felt like a mole ant, as if the other party could press him to death with any hand.

These three people must be masters with dark energy cultivation, and they are not ordinary masters.

Can Mr. He deal with the three dark masters alone?

"Just hide here. I'll get rid of them. Their goal is me."

He Feng doesn't give Jiang Yin the chance to continue to talk. He moves and rushes in the direction of the mountain.

Moreover, every time he takes a step, his body will inevitably change its orientation, making it impossible for people to aim.

"Well, you want to run away? Old three, old four, catch up

A man with a knife at the head snorted with disdain, and then gave the order, "be careful, the target has the strength comparable to the later stage of dark strength, don't turn over the boat in the sewer."

"Second brother, don't worry. He wants to hide in the mountain, but he doesn't know that big brother is hiding there. As long as the elder brother shoots, we don't have to do it. He Feng will be killed. At that time, we can easily cut off his head and take it to find Zhou Han's mother-in-law for the remaining 500 million. " The third one laughs.

"I don't know how he Feng offended Zhou Han, but let Zhou Han give up a billion to buy his life. Zhou Han's background is not small. I heard that her eldest son, two years ago, seemed to be at the top of the dark Xu hall. He and Xu Tianyin also seemed to be from the dark Xu hall. " Old four said.

"We are not in charge of the affairs of the dark sun hall. What we need to do is to kill He Feng, send his head to Zhou Han and complete the transaction. "

The second elder brother frowned, and then speeded up a little bit, and pursued He Feng tightly. "He Feng's body method is weird, and his speed is fast. You should be careful, but don't let him escape, otherwise it will be hard to lead him out next time, and the elder brother will certainly blame him."

"I see!"

"Hum, then catch up with him at full speed and take him down."

Old three and old four also opened at full speed, without any reservation. The distance between them and he Feng was slightly reduced, leaving less than 10 meters, as if they could cross in an instant.

At this time, the distance between the three of them and the hill ahead was only 300 meters.

"It's almost 300 meters. This is the biggest shooting range of big brother. Let's spread out. Don't be hurt by big brother." The second man gave a loud command, and then turned a little bit to the side.

The old three and the old four moved to the side.


There was a tacit understanding between the four brothers. As soon as the three men got out of the way, a gunshot rang out from the mountain in front of them.


The bullet hit a concrete floor more than ten meters in front of Laosan, splashing with sand and stones.

The third one's pupil shrank: "missed? Or was he Feng avoiding it? "

Second frown way: "is to avoid, this He Feng seems to expect big brother will shoot like, ahead of time staggered body shape, big brother almost can hit him."

Old four sighed: "this He Feng is lucky, big brother is a high master gunner, ordinary dark strength peak ancient martial arts, it is difficult to avoid big brother's sniper gun, did not expect that he Feng even avoided."

"Big brother just fired his first shot. He Feng can avoid firing a shot, not every shot."

The second shook his head and said.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

However, the result is different from what he expected.

The high master gunner on the hill, even fired seven or eight shots, but failed to hit he Feng. Every time, the bullet was "narrowly" dodged.

At this time, he Feng and a shadow on the hill, only 100 meters away.

The second one's brow was tightly tightened. "No, he Feng's speed is not fast, but his body method is too weird. Moreover, he seems to perceive the crisis in advance, so as to make timely response measures. Even if big brother has high master level gunshot, he can't be hit. "

"Second brother, it seems that we still need to do something."

"Hey, I haven't killed the old warrior in the later period of dark strength for a long time. Today, I need to see blood for my silver gun."

Old three and old four are all ready to move. Their faces are full of excitement instead of worry.

Although they usually take on a lot of tasks, most of them are aimed at being directly killed by their boss, and there is little chance for them to do it.

Only when their eldest brother can't cope with the gunshot skill, can they need their four brothers to work together to deal with it.

"Well, in a moment, our four brothers will work together to solve him, but we must be careful. He Feng's body method is strange. We can't afford to be bored." The second told.

At the same time, a figure hidden behind a huge stone came out from behind.

What he was holding in his hand was no longer a sniper gun, but a nine ring sword.

"He Feng, you can't escape. Stop!"

He Feng, who is nearly 60 years old and has been running to him, says with a strong voice. It sounds like a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s.

This man is the headhunter of the ghost hunting organization. He has excellent marksmanship and has reached the master level. Even master Huajin has been injured by him. He is the master level strong man at the top of dark strength. He leads the whole ghost hunting organization and has killed more than ten people.

"Run away?"

He Feng stopped and looked back at the three people who had caught up with him. Then he said with a smile: "the skill of shooting is good. It's estimated that it's almost reaching the peak level of master level, isn't it?"

The headhunter said with a faint smile, "it's a little worse. It's just the advanced master level gunshot. If you really reach the peak of master level, it's more than enough to kill you. "

Although the master level of top gun skill is also at the master level, it is much more powerful than the advanced master level. If you are well prepared and have more than 50% confidence, you can successfully assassinate a strong master in the early stage of Huajin.

However, with headhunting's current advanced master level gunshot, the success rate of assassinating the strong master is less than 20%.

"Yes? Unfortunately, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the peak of master level in your life! " Hefeng road.

"Don't be ashamed. Do you think you can escape today?"

The headhunter sneered: "you don't look at your own strength. What strength are our brothers? Even if you have wings today, you can't escape."

As his voice falls, the second, third and fourth come forward one after another and surround He Feng in the middle.

All four of them had a strong internal force fluctuation.

The eldest and the second have already reached the peak of dark strength.

The third and fourth are a little bit close, but they are also in the later stage of dark strength.

"I've heard for a long time that he Feng's fighting power can easily defeat a strong man in the middle of the dark force. His real fighting power has reached the later stage of the dark force. And now, we have two dark strength peaks here, and two dark strength late strong, do you still need to resist? "

The headhunter sneered: "before you knew I was sniping you with a gun here, but you still fled to me. Do you want to catch the thief first? Unfortunately, you have miscalculated my strength, leading to the final result that I fell into the trap. "

He Feng shrugged, "you don't care if I fall into the trap, but can you tell me, who asked you to deal with me? And you guys, what's your status? "

"Want to know who we are? Ha ha, when you get to hell, ask the king of hell yourself. "

The headhunter grinned and waved his big knife to He Feng. "Brothers, let's kill him!"

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