"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

As soon as the headhunter's words came to an end, a surge of momentum spread out on the four people. Like a huge wave, they patted He Feng from all directions, as if they were going to smash him in an instant.

The four of them are obviously good at working together. They can also pull together in the use of momentum. The momentum of the four of them has caught up with the strong masters.

In this case, any one of the top dark strength once they fall into the encirclement, absolutely unable to compete.


"Give me your life!"

The old three and the old four were the first to make a move, which was to develop a set of basic martial arts of the local level.

Both of them are strong at the later stage of dark strength. They both use the local level martial arts at the same time. Rao is the strong at the peak of dark strength. They should do their best, or they will be hard to stop.

Their purpose is very simple, the third and fourth first suppress He Feng, and then the eldest and the second randomly find a chance to kill He Feng.

Therefore, at this time, the four brothers, looking at He Feng's eyes, is already like looking at a dead man.

In this case, even the top of the dark force, there is only one way to die. How can he Feng, who is at most comparable to the late dark force, escape?

What's more, his cultivation has not reached the later stage of dark strength, but his fighting capacity is comparable to that of the general later stage of dark strength.

"But there are two sons. No wonder they dare to assassinate brother Feng."

See two people join hands, he Feng's mouth raised a touch of light sneer, also don't see what action he has, waiting for two people to rush to his side, he raised his hand, clapped two palms.

"Bang! Bang

Two dull bangs began.

Then, the old three and the old four, who were full of momentum, flew out and fell to the ground.


A mouthful of blood vomited out of their mouth, and their momentum fell down in an instant.

"What's the matter?"

"Old three old four, are you two OK?"

The headhunter and the second man were all changed greatly, so they went forward to help them.

When they feel old three old four body injury, the face suddenly become as ugly as you want.

"The elixir field has been abandoned!"

The second one stares at He Feng with a gloomy face and says, "boss, the real strength of He Feng is not consistent with the information we have investigated. His real combat effectiveness has at least reached the sixth level of physical training. What should we do now?"

Refining six weights is equivalent to the later stage of dark strength and even the peak of dark strength.

And the information that they investigate, he Feng just refine body four heavy just.

Relying on his strong body method and strong will of martial arts, he can give full play to his later strength.

But now

He Feng's fighting power has already reached six levels.

Refining six is more powerful than refining four.

"The information is wrong. Let's leave first."

The headhunter made a decision immediately.

He Feng's strength is far stronger than he imagined. He Feng, who has six training methods, is absolutely not weaker than any one of the top dark strength.

If their four brothers join hands and go all out, they can still compete with He Feng.

Now old three old four just a hand, was he Feng to scrap the Dantian, this also how to fight down? Even if they join hands, the power is not weak, but he Feng's body method and martial arts will are stronger. He can easily break them one by one and kill them one by one.

Now the way is to run away immediately, and then think of other ways to deal with He Feng.

"Leave? You can't escape! "

Who knows, headhunter just made a decision, he Feng's body shape, is toward them two people walked over.

Although the pace is not fast, but to the headhunter and the second, a suffocating sense of oppression.

At the beginning, they wanted to oppress He Feng with momentum, but now they find that he Feng's momentum is much stronger than them. He Feng seems to be the son of heaven. He can beat you to death when he reaches out his hand.

"He Feng, today's matter we recognize the fault, I promise that in the future we ghost hunting killer organization, will never take any task about you, please let me go." Said the headhunter, squinting.

From He Feng's body, he felt the deadly threat, the strength of the other side is far stronger than he imagined.

"If you didn't burn the things in the welfare home, I might give you a chance. But what you don't know is that I hate people who destroy welfare homes most. It's my home in Fengge. How can you destroy it? "

He Feng said coldly: "a few days ago, there were two people in the Cao family who wanted to kill me. They used the same method as you. In order to force me to show up, they burned the welfare home. So I met their wishes and appeared in front of them. But the end result is not that they killed me, but that I killed them. "

"Hiss... The two dark strength peak masters of the Cao family!"

When the ghost hunters heard this, they all took a cool breath.

Cao's family, it's a middle-class ancient martial arts family. Whether it's martial arts or the soldiers in hand, they must be stronger than them.

Can be so strong, but also two, unexpectedly all died in He Feng hand?

For a moment, they began to hate Zhou Han. It was because Zhou Han said that he Feng grew up in Jule welfare home that they would not want to destroy the welfare home and lure him to appear.

Now their goal is achieved, but now the result

But it makes them a little desperate!

"He Feng, I'm sorry for destroying your welfare home. I'm willing to make compensation. What do you think?" Said the headhunter, biting his teeth.

From He Feng's strong sense of oppression, he has no doubt about He Feng's words.

This man, most likely, really killed two of the Cao family's top dark powers.

Such strength is beyond their ability to fight.

First appease He Feng, then run away.

"I don't think so. Since you set the fire, you must be ready to be killed by me." He Feng shrugged.

"He Feng, why do you have to be so aggressive? We've all accepted it. We're even willing to make compensation. Do you want to kill everything? My elder brother and I are at least the top of the dark force. If we fight together, you won't get any good. Who will be killed in the end? "

The second is not happy to hum a, he Feng is too strong, let him feel depressed.

How could he be so forced by others?

He also does not believe, he and his elder brother two dark strength peak strong, even if beat He Feng, can't escape?

"Dark strength peak..."

He Feng suddenly laughed, "this realm, very strong?"

"It's true that the peak of dark energy is not strong, but don't you have this realm at most? You are no better than us Second light way.

"Oh, a mole ant like figure, who dares to be more powerful than me? I really don't know the heaven and the earth. "

He Feng shakes his head and smiles. Suddenly, he waves his hand and slaps the old man who is five or six meters away from him.

It's like swatting a fly!

It's so casual!

"What an idiot..." a sneer of disdain rose from the corner of his mouth.

Even the headhunter frowned and was puzzled by He Feng's action,


A low voice sounded.

"Click! Click! Click... "

Then there was a series of crackles like firecrackers.

And this voice, it is from the body of the second.

The next moment, the old man, who had been indifferent, looked stiff and fell to the ground.

At this moment, his strength, breath, and any breath completely disappeared. Only his two eyes were wide open, full of endless pain and panic, as if he had experienced a terrible thing.


"Second brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Second brother, are you ok?"

The headhunter and others changed their faces and came to the second one after another to check his condition.

When they found that the second one not only lost his breath, but also his face was extremely frightened. They were all shocked, as if looking at He Feng like a ghost.

They could see clearly just now. He Feng didn't seem to do anything. He just slapped his second son in the air. Then there was a series of violent cracking sound on his second son.

They are numb at the sound.

Then, the second fell to the ground and died. He didn't have time to say a word.

This kind of means, the gods and the demons.

"He Feng, what did you do to my second brother?"

"He Feng, we've already recognized and agreed to cultivate. Why do you want to kill my second brother? You're too overbearing, aren't you?"

Old three old four all stood up, angrily pointed to He Feng to roar a way.


He Feng had a look of impatience on his face, and then he raised his hand, just like when he was shooting the second child, shooting the third and fourth child in the air.

"Bang! Bang

"Click, click, click..."

A series of crack sound, instantly sounded.

Old three old four two people, immediately fell to the ground, no life.

The whole hill, as if in an instant, became quiet.

The needle can smell!

But the headhunter's eyes were filled with endless shock and fear

He Feng, how did he do it? He just slapped the second, third and fourth people in the air.

It seems that even the great master Huajin has no such powerful means, right?

"Is it the myth of true Qi State?"

The headhunter had an idea in his mind, but as soon as the idea appeared, it was suppressed by him for the first time, "impossible, impossible! How old is He Feng? No matter the information I investigated, or the information Zhou Han gave me, the information written above all said that he Feng was only 26 years old. Only 26 years old, how can it become a myth? Even master Hua Jin, the probability is not big! "

In the ancient martial arts world of China, there are too few Huajin masters under the age of 30. Each of them is a top genius in the ancient martial arts world.

But for He Feng, they have a very clear investigation. They know that he Feng grew up in Jule welfare home, not from a large-scale ancient force.

In this case, he Feng can be said to be a casual practitioner. Without expert advice and resources, how can he become a master of Huajin before he is 30 years old?

"Then... How could he suddenly become so powerful?"

Headhunters can't figure it out.

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