"If you don't want to die, you'd better answer my question."

He Feng looked at the headhunter, probably can guess what the other party is thinking at the moment, but he is lazy to pay attention to it. His purpose is to frighten the other party, "what are you?"

After hearing he Feng's voice, the headhunter gradually recovered and said, "ghost hunting, we are members of the ghost hunting killer organization."

Previously he Feng asked him like this, he would not answer.

It can be seen that he Feng is as easy to kill a fly as he is to kill it with a slap. How dare he have any ink? In case the other party is impatient and slaps his own hand, it's too late for him to regret.

"Ghost hunting?"

He Feng has never heard of this killer organization, "how many killers do you rank in China?"

"Sixteen! We hunt ghosts. In the list of killers, we are in the 16th place. "

Headhunter dare not have any reservation, quick answer.

"Red sun's ranking seems to be similar to yours? Do you know about the red sun He Feng asked casually.

"Red sun? They are a little behind us, but they are much weaker than us. Because they are in the team operation mode, they receive more tasks, and their points rise faster, so their rankings climb to the top. But their individual combat strength is much weaker than ours. Of course, the boss of red sun is also a strong man at the top of dark strength. There are one or two people under him who have successfully assassinated the strong man at the top of dark strength. " Said the headhunter.

"In that case, the red sun may also take on my task!" He Feng pondered.

The headhunter looked up at He Feng and said, "if someone goes to look for HongRi, and the price is high, HongRi should take it. If they don't, there's only one reason. The offer is not high enough. "

"Not high enough?"

He Feng frowned.

Before Liu Yanhong said that he would persuade HongRi not to deal with him. He didn't think Liu Yanhong could really persuade him. After all, the purpose of being a killer is very simple and pure, just to make money.

If the other side's bid is high enough, red sun will definitely take over the task.

"It seems that I have to go and urge the Song family and their sons in the future."

He Feng thought in his heart and looked at the ghost hunter and asked, "by the way, you haven't told me who hired you to kill me."

He suddenly felt that if the headhunter was invited to kill him, it would be song Shiqun.

"It's Zhou Han. Zhou Han asked me to kill you." Headhunter even busy way, will not hesitate to say the employer.

Originally in the killer world, it was not allowed to disclose the employer information, which violated the rules of the killer world, but the headhunter can't control so much now, and he hates Zhou Han very much.

If it wasn't for Zhou Han, their ghost hunting organization wouldn't even have killed three people. Even the life and death of his headhunter was between each other's thoughts.

"Who is Zhou Han?"

He Feng asked a puzzled.

He really didn't know this man. He even heard his name for the first time.


The headhunter was stunned and speechless.

Nima, others are taking a billion to buy your life, but you don't even know who they are.

How many people have you offended?

However, he immediately thought that although Zhou Han's identity is not vulgar, she seems to be quite low-key. In the ancient martial arts world of Nanjin City, few people know her existence.

The headhunter quickly explained, "Mr. He Feng, Zhou Han is a member of the dark Xu hall in Nanjin City, and she is also a high-level figure in the dark Xu hall, but she is not well-known, and few people outside know her. By the way, you should have heard of her husband's name, Xu Tianyin, or your famous rich man in Jiangbin City, worth tens of billions. "

"It's Xu Tianyin!"

He Feng this just suddenly.

Xu Tianyin asked someone to kill him, which is too normal.

After all, his two sons, Xu Hongjie and Xu huangjie, were killed and abandoned by themselves.

Even Xu Tianyin was blackmailed 10 billion yuan by him.

How can Xu Tianyin not kill him?

"How much did he give you to kill me?" He Feng asked with great interest.

"One billion!"

Headhunter did not dare to hide, "Mr. He Feng's strength in the outside world is not bad, probably in the later period of dark strength, plus your identity is not bad, even Xi Zhenxing and Jiangshu military region of Guiyi medicine hall attach great importance to you. Therefore, your reward is about one billion yuan. Without a billion, it's estimated that no killer organization will take over. "

"One billion..."

He Feng looked at the headhunter and said, "you ghost hunting killers have performed so many tasks. You are ranked 16th in the list of killers in China, and you are the boss of ghost hunting, so you should be quite rich?"

"Er... I'm ok, but I'm much worse than Xu Tianyin. If it wasn't for the dark Xu hall, I would have kidnapped Xu Tianyin. " Headhunter guessed the meaning of He Feng probably, sneer a way.

"Cut the crap. How much money do you have in hand?" He Feng asked impatiently: "I advise you to answer truthfully. If I find that you deceive me, I will kill you immediately."

"Mr. He Feng, I really don't have much money. There are only 3.3 billion left in total. This is because I haven't bought a lot of pills in the past two years." Headhunters are weak.

"This is my bank card!"

He Feng a face of joy, quickly from the pocket took out a bank card to the headhunter, "Maple brother time is precious, you hurry."

3.3 billion, for him who is in urgent need of money, is definitely a large sum.

"All right!"

The headhunter felt as if he had been cut by a knife and kept bleeding, but he had no choice but to honestly take out his mobile phone, call the bank and transfer all the money on the card to He Feng's card.

All of a sudden, he Feng card recorded 3.3 billion yuan, and the balance changed from 18.8 billion yuan to 21.1 billion yuan.

"It's only over 20 billion. Brother Feng is still too poor and short of money."

Looking at the balance on the card, he Feng felt very sad. He felt as if he had three more words on his face - "I'm poor.".

"By the way, what did you and Zhou Han say? If the task is completed, how to deliver it?" He Feng looked at the headhunter and asked, an idea came out of his mind.

"That..." the headhunter hesitated a little. Seeing that he Feng was a little impatient, he just continued: "Zhou Han said that if the task is completed, I will call her, and then she will give me an address and let me take your head to find her."

"Well, you call right now and say that the task has been completed. You've got my head. Ask them where to deliver it." Hefeng road.

"All right!"

Headhunter heard he Feng words, immediately understand the meaning of the latter, this is ready to find Zhou Han and bright group accounts ah.

After all, because of Zhou Han's task, he lost his family and even lost three brothers.

Immediately, the headhunter takes out his mobile phone and dials Zhou Han.

"Well, have you finished the task? Did you kill He Feng

As soon as the phone is connected, Zhou Han's questions come out.

"It's done. Where are we going to deliver?" The headhunter said coldly.

"Is it really done? Ha ha, OK. Now I'll send the address to your mobile phone. You can come to me with He Feng's head Zhou Han laughs and has no doubt about the headhunter's words.

This is not because she is not careful, but because she has too much faith in the strength of ghost hunting organizations.

This is a powerful killer organization that has successfully assassinated more than a dozen of the top masters of dark power, even the strong ones of Huajin.

With such a strong strength, can he Feng, who is the most comparable to the later dark strength, not be able to solve it?

It is estimated that there is no need for other people in the ghost hunting killer organization to do it. Just one shot of the headhunter is enough to deal with He Feng, right?

Shortly after hanging up the phone, the headhunter received a text message. It was in a villa in the suburb of Jiangbin city.

"Come on, let's go straight here."

He Feng says, then prepare to leave directly.

"Mr. He Feng, my brothers..." the headhunter looked down at his brothers and hesitated, "can I bury my brothers first?"

Now although he Feng said anything, he agreed to come down, asked what to answer what, asked for money on a point not to leave.


Whether he Feng will let him go or not, he has no idea at all.

His brothers have been following him through life and death. They are not brothers, they are better than brothers. Even at the risk of disgusting He Feng, he has to make such a request.

He Feng surprised to see eye headhunter, did not expect a cold-blooded ruthless killer, will also care about brotherhood.

This let originally iron heart want to get rid of headhunter He Feng, slightly changed some ideas.

"Come straight down the mountain with me. I'll find someone to bury them." He Feng said, already toward the foot of the mountain.

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng!"

The headhunter said gratefully, looking at the three people who fell to the ground, a trace of regret appeared in the headhunter's eyes, and then quickly followed He Feng.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, he Feng finds Jiang Yin. In front of the headhunter, he tells Jiang Yin to bury the three corpses on the mountain. Then he takes the headhunter to Lexus and runs to the address sent by Zhou Han.

Only half an hour later, he Feng saw a single family villa standing in front of him.

This villa is built at the foot of the mountain. It is about 100 meters away from the main road. There is a wetland park on the opposite side of the road. There is an amusement park and shopping mall two kilometers away. However, there are not many people living around. There is not even a residential area. There will be a single family villa every few hundred meters.

Of course, Xu Tianyin's villa is the most magnificent.

The courtyard alone has 400 square meters. Outside the gate of the courtyard, there is a bluestone path about four meters wide, with flowers and plants planted on both sides, which is very high.

"It's really a rich man!"

He Feng is still a kilometer away, roughly see the situation around the villa, the corners of his mouth can not help but spread a smile.

It's good to have money. If you have money, you can give it to brother Feng. Brother Feng is a poor man now.


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