While he Feng was observing the villa, on the terrace on the third floor of the villa in front of him, a group of people were looking at them with binoculars.

"Huang Jie, your football will be delivered soon. You can take it to the football field in a moment."

Zhou Han smiles at Xu huangjie and says.

"Well, I'll make it into bowling and basketball later. In a word, I'll keep it and play it slowly." Xu huangjie waved his right hand and said, looking at the metal palm of his right hand, the skin and flesh on his face were almost twisted.

"Madam, in a moment, we'd better ask the headhunter if he revealed his identity in the process of assassinating He Feng. And whether it leaked us out. Otherwise, if we are targeted by the people of Guiyi medicine hall and Jiangshu provincial military region, we will have a lot of trouble. "

One side of Xu Tianyin said.

"Well, I'll ask later. But don't worry. Ghost hunting is very powerful. Even master Huajin was almost killed by them. The probability of their success in assassinating master amjin is more than 80%. There will be no accident in dealing with He Feng. " Zhou Han sneered and said that he Feng was not in the eye at all.

She also knows about He Feng, but she didn't pay much attention to him before.

At the age of 26, his fighting capacity is comparable to that of the later period of dark strength.

This talent is really terrible.

But her eldest son, too, has a lot of talent.

The key point is that her eldest son is very knowledgeable and highly recommended by her. He was appreciated by a big man two years ago, and now he is practicing in a big place. In addition to the rapid development of strength, the identity in that place is also getting higher and higher.

As far as she knows, although her eldest son's cultivation is still shallow and has not reached the peak of dark energy, there are already several subordinates around him.

"Sir, madam, a car has stopped. They should have arrived."

At this time, standing behind Xu Tianyin, sang Qing pointed to a Lexus sports car in front and said.

"Well, I've seen the headhunter in the co pilot's seat!" Zhou Han nodded.

"This car... How can I remember it seems to be He Feng's?" Xu Tianyin frowned.

"What's so strange about that? Headhunter killed he Feng, and then drove his car to leave. Isn't that normal? " Zhou Han doesn't care about it and doesn't worry about it.

"Madam, something's wrong. The driver seems to be a little familiar with it..."

As soon as Zhou Han finished speaking, an old man standing behind her suddenly narrowed his pupils and stared at the figure in the driver's seat.

This old man is Zhou Han's bodyguard, and is sent by her eldest son. He is full of cultivation and has reached the late stage of dark strength.

Not only that, he is a medium master marksman.

Even if he is the master of dark strength, he will die if he is not careful.

If it's not to ensure that he Feng can be killed 100%, Zhou Han won't ask the ghost hunter to do it, but let the old man do it.

"Familiar? The driver must be from the ghost hunting organization. Maybe he's a headhunter. Have you met brother Chang

Zhou Han looks at the old man in surprise and asks.

"I've never seen a ghost hunter!"

Changzhou shook his head and said, "now the car has stopped. The figure in the driver's seat is just blocked by the roof of the car. He can't really see it.".

But just in case, his inner strength has been running, ready to fight at any time.

At the same time, Lexus.

He Feng looked at the headhunter and said, "just stay in the car and wait for me."

"I'll stay in the car?" Headhunter surprised to see he Feng, he is not afraid to run away?

"Car keys, I'll stay here. If you think you can escape, you can try it."

He Feng shrugged, "I advise you to stay here and wait for me. Maybe I can see that you are doing well and will spare your life."

With that, he Feng doesn't give the headhunter another chance to talk. He opens the door and goes out. He goes straight to the villa without looking at the headhunter.


The headhunter took a puff from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, the idea came out of his mind, not to run away immediately, but

He felt deeply humiliated!

How much I despise you!

At least I'm also the most powerful one, OK? Now you have to go to the villa 100 meters away to deal with things. I don't even have the hope to escape?

If I really escape, even if you are a master, you may not be able to catch up with me, right?

However, when the headhunter reached for the door with one hand, he did not dare to push the door open.

"Paralyzed, I have a chance to escape. Why didn't I dare to escape? Why!! "

The headhunter's face was gloomy, but there was no way.

As soon as he Feng thought of slapping his three companions to death like flies, he had an idea that he should not act rashly.

He Feng's strength is absolutely stronger than what he imagined. He Feng can't even think about it.

"Well, let's wait for him to come back. It depends on the will of heaven whether we die or live. "

Finally, the headhunter sighed deeply, then fell back, and closed his eyes to rest.


"It's he Feng. It's he Feng who got off the bus."

"Damn, how could he Feng be? Didn't headhunter say he had killed him and cut off his head?"

"Liar! That headhunter is a complete liar. He didn't kill He Feng at all. "

When he Feng gets off, Zhou Han and others on the third floor of the villa are shocked.

They thought that the headhunter would get off with He Feng's head.

But now, the headhunter didn't get out of the car. Instead, he Feng came down.

Moreover, he walked briskly and had a steady figure. He didn't look like he had been through a big war.

Thinking of the headhunter still sitting on the copilot, Zhou Han and others realize that it's not good.

"Madam, I guess that headhunter must have been bribed by He Feng. What shall we do now?" Xu Tianyin looks anxiously at Zhou Han and asks.

He Feng's powerful means, but he has personally experienced, he does not want to experience the second time.

"Well, what if you buy it? Headhunter, he knows where we come from and that we are from the dark sun hall. He certainly doesn't dare to fight us. And he He Feng, although his strength is not weak, comparable to the late dark strength, but with brother Chang here, why should we be afraid of him? Let's go downstairs. I want to see if he Feng's single horse comes to me. What can I say? "

Zhou Han snorted coldly, and immediately turned to walk toward the stairway.

Changzhou followed, and asked in a low voice, "madam, if I have a chance later, will I attack him and kill him at one stroke?"

"Well, if you are sure, you can do it directly. It's better to shoot him in the head! " Zhou Han said faintly.

"I see!"

Changzhou nodded and touched the pistol at his waist.

This is a special pistol. With this pistol, he didn't know how many strong people in the later stage of dark strength had been killed, and even seriously injured a master in the peak of dark strength.

He Feng's fighting power in the later period of his dark strength will be easily shot by him if he is not careful.

Soon, the party came to the villa yard, he Feng is standing in the middle of the yard waiting.

Seeing several people come down, he Feng's eyes swept over them one by one, and finally fell on Xu huangjie's right hand, "Oh, master Xu, you haven't seen me in just a few days. You've changed a metal palm. It's very efficient. Well, is this palm still used to? "

"He Feng, shut up Xu huangjie roared, hoping to rush up and kill He Feng.

"Shut me up?"

He Feng said with a smile: "you don't want your other arm, do you?"


Xu huangjie a stagnation, although the heart is boiling, but when he saw he Feng that indifferent eyes, I do not know why, he did not dare to say a word.

It seems that as long as he Feng is willing, even if he has Changzhou and other experts around him, he can't keep him!

"He Feng, what's the matter with you coming all the way here to find us?"

Zhou Han steps forward and stares at He Feng.

However, he Feng didn't look at Zhou Han. Instead, he looked at Xu Tianyin and said, "Xu Dong, have you forgotten what happened last time? At that time, you father and son made trouble for me. I gave you a chance to use 10 billion yuan to calm things down. Why, it's only a short time since then, and you've got another 10 billion on your hands, and there's no place to spend it? "

While talking, he Feng took out a soft gold saint cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. "Do you know that brother Feng is poor recently, so he came to me specially for trouble, ready to give me money?"

"He Feng, I don't understand what you're talking about!" Xu Tianyin said, pretending to be confused.

"Pretending to be confused? Why, do I have to ask the headhunter to confront you before I admit it? However, since you have 10 billion in your hand, it's too stingy to invite them to kill me with only 1 billion? " He Feng sneers.

"Well, we hired the killers of ghost hunting organizations to kill you, so what? Don't you have nothing to do now? In that case, why don't you get out of here! "

Zhou Han is ignored by He Feng. She is very upset and feels that she has no face. Even if she raises her hand, she points to He Feng and says.

"When a man talks, what do you want a woman to say? I'll come to you for this in a moment. "

He Feng squints and looks at Zhou Han.


However, when they look at each other, Zhou Han feels as if there is a terrible pressure coming from the sky and rushing into her mind, which makes her feel as if she was knocked on her head with a heavy hammer.

An inexplicable sense of fear grew out of her heart.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

He Feng takes a deep breath of his cigarette, and then steps towards Zhou Han.

The slight impact of shoes and the ground was like a hammer, which struck her mind and made her panic.

"Kill, kill him!"

Zhou Han uttered a low roar.

Standing behind her in Changzhou, after entering the yard, eyes have been staring at He Feng, looking for the opportunity to shoot.

Now he Feng is walking towards him step by step, without any defense. The distance between the two sides is more than ten meters, which is the best range and the highest hit rate.

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Han's order, Changzhou hardly hesitated. In an instant, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and aimed it at He Feng. He wanted to pull the trigger.


But at this time, he suddenly saw a red firelight flashing in front of him, which made him move slightly and subconsciously look at the firelight, trying to see what it was.

Fire, more and more close, blink of an eye will come to Changzhou in front.

Changzhou see clearly, this is not a strange thing, just half a burning cigarette.

However, in this cigarette, he felt a sense of crisis like death.


Aware of the terrible power contained in the cigarette butts, and the lightning speed, Changzhou's face changed greatly, so he was about to dodge.


His reaction is too slow!


Cigarette butts, such as a sharp blade, stab Changzhou's pupil, and directly into it.


As soon as the butt of the cigarette fell into the pupil, it seemed that there was a sharp force burst out, which destroyed the brain tissue in Changzhou.


The scream of Changzhou just came out. With the burst of strength, his scream stopped suddenly, and then he fell to the ground.

No more!

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