
Seeing this scene, Zhou Han, Xu Tianyin, Xu huangjie, and even sang Qing, the same master of dark energy, took a breath of cold air one after another.

What is the means?

Isn't he Feng just the fighting capacity of the later period of dark strength? How can you kill Changzhou with a cigarette butt?

"Now, I'm talking to Xu Tianyin. Do you want to interrupt?"

He Feng comes to Zhou Han and says to Zhou Han, who is full of fear.

His eyes are flat, but he makes Zhou Han face the devil.

The inner fear is infinitely enlarged.

"I... I won't interrupt!"

Zhou Han lowers her head and dares not look directly into He Feng's eyes.

He Feng's eyes made her feel great pressure. It was like the feeling when she saw her eldest son's master.

But her eldest son's master is a master of Huajin!

Can he Feng be compared with the master?

"Mr. Xu, do you still want to pretend to be confused?" He Feng ignores Zhou Han and looks at Xu Tianyin.

"He Feng, what do you want?" Xu Tianyin extremely humiliating said.

"Didn't I just say that I'm very poor now. Since Mr. Xu doesn't know how to use your 10 billion yuan, it's better to punch my card." He Feng said with a smile.

"I, I don't have 10 billion. It's my wife who paid for the killer to kill you. " Xu Tianyin said.

"No 10 billion?"

He Feng's eyes narrowed. "Mr. Xu, you are a rich man worth tens of billions. The market value of the company is nearly 100 billion. Why can't you get 10 billion now? Do you think I believe it? "

Xu Tianyin said: "I have fixed assets, but I don't have much working capital. All my available liquidity now adds up to only a few hundred million. "

"Mr. Xu, if you don't have 10 billion yuan, you can't survive!"

He Feng's way of smiling, but his eyes have already revealed a sense of obliteration.

If Xu Tianyin really can't afford it, he will be worthless to He Feng if he is alive. It's better to kill him, so as not to come to him again.

Aware that he Feng's eyes don't look like a fake killing intention, Xu Tianyin suddenly said: "I... I'll think of another way. I'll see if I can sell off some of my stocks and get 10 billion in cash for you."

"Then hurry up!"

He Feng said, walking towards the interior of the villa, "you slowly cash out, I went to your room to drink some water, all morning did not drink water, thirsty to death."

Looking at He Feng walking into the back of the villa, Xu Tianyin's teeth creak, but he Feng has nothing to do with it.

"Dad, do you really want to give him another 10 billion?" Xu huangjie said reluctantly.

His elder brother will surely have greater development in the future. He won't care about these worldly things. When Xu Hongjie dies again, all the property of Guangming group belongs to Xu huangjie.

After giving 10 billion yuan to He Feng first, Xu huangjie was distressed for a long time. Now he has to give 10 billion yuan to He Feng again. Xu huangjie is really not reconciled.

"If you don't give it to him, will he give up? At that time, we will have to break our hands and feet again. "

Xu Tianyin snorted and followed He Feng into the villa.

Now he is also dissatisfied with Xu huangjie. If it wasn't for Xu huangjie, he would have lost 20 billion yuan in vain?

20 billion. This is not a small amount. Xu Tianyin's company shares and fixed assets aside, his working capital and many stocks of other companies add up to 20 billion.

But now, he wants to put all the 20 billion into He Feng's pocket, which is simply drawing his blood.

But, this money he still has to give, otherwise God knows how he Feng will treat him, maybe really kill him?


Xu huangjie has to look at Zhou Han.

Zhou Han shook his head, "go ahead and send He Feng away."

Then he followed Xu Tianyin.

Seeing this, Xu huangjie, though still unwilling, had no choice but to follow him into the villa.

Inside the villa, he Feng is drinking tea leisurely, enjoying some famous paintings on the walls, and some porcelain, all of which are top treasures. They are sold in millions. But now they are placed in Xu Tianyin's house, but they are furniture.

As for the other decoration, it's more luxurious. It's just as bad to use gold directly.

The yard is also quite large, with half a basketball court, swimming pool, small golf course and so on

Consider the house price of Jiangbin city again

If you sell this villa, even if you get rid of the expensive furniture, it will cost more than 100 million at least.

Although he Feng is natural and unrestrained, Xu Tianyin's family is suffering a lot at the moment, especially Xu Tianyin. Every phone call is like cutting off a piece of his flesh, because every phone call is to let the people below sell his shares at a low price, just to make up enough funds in the shortest time.

Finally, when more than two hours passed and it was noon, Xu Tianyin finally made up 10 billion yuan.

He looked at He Feng, who was sitting on the sofa, and said, "He Feng, I've got 10 billion yuan. Do you still want to enter the last card?"

He Feng opened his eyes, stopped practicing and grinned, "Xu Dong's efficiency is very good. It's only two hours since he got 10 billion yuan. Well, I'd better transfer it to this card. "

He Feng took out the bank card and handed it to Xu Tianyin.

Xu Tianyin took the bank card and soon called the bank.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Before long, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated, and 10 billion yuan was recorded on the card.

The balance is 31.1 billion.

"You should have received the money? Can you leave now? " Xu Tianyin asked.

"Mr. Xu, things are not settled yet. What do you mean you let me leave?" He Feng asked.

"I've transferred all my money to you. What else do you want to do?" Xu Tianyin's face changes slightly. Doesn't he Feng want to admit it?

"Your money is really transferred to me, and I won't trouble you any more. But, you are you, others are others. The account between you and me can be cleared, but I haven't settled with the person who asked someone to kill me. "

Speaking, he Feng's eyes fell on Zhou Han, "Ms. Zhou Han, do you think so?"

"He Feng, you are a bully!"

Xu Tianyin stares at He Feng angrily.

He Feng is not willing to give up even though he has paid 10 billion yuan, which makes Xu Tianyin feel so angry that he has to vomit blood.

"Yes, I am bullying you. What can you do with me?" He Feng sneered, "if you have the ability, you can kill me. It's a pity that you don't have this ability, otherwise I won't sit here and settle accounts with you now. I'm afraid my head has moved now, right? "

He Feng's words are very straightforward, but he is right.

Because as he said, if he is not strong enough, his head has been taken down by headhunters and given to Xu Tianyin's family.

"Then how can you give up?" Xu Tianyin asked.

"It's just like a big boss..."

He Feng smiles, very satisfied with Xu Tianyin's direct attitude, "we have done two transactions, and now it's the third transaction, so I'll give you a 20% discount. Eight billion, buy her a life. "

"What did you say? You want another eight billion? "

Xu Tianyin's voice became shrill. Just now, in order to raise 10 billion yuan, his shares in other companies were almost sold at a low price, with a loss of more than 15 billion yuan.

But now, he Feng even wants him to take out 8 billion yuan.

It's like trying to kill him!

"Why, Mr. Xu is not satisfied with my discount? Do you think my discount is too low? OK, I'll help you increase the discount a little and give you a 12% discount, OK? "

He Feng said to himself: "if the discount is 12%, it will be 12 billion. Mr. Xu, let's make up for the money as soon as possible! "

"He Feng, you really don't give me any leeway?" Xu Tianyin gritted his teeth.


He Feng said faintly: "when I finished the first deal, didn't I let you go? Do you blame me for your own death? "

"But haven't I already given you 10 billion?" Xu Tianyin said.

"It's kind enough for a group of people who want my life. I can give you a chance to live, OK?" He Feng looked at Xu Tianyin like an idiot, "if you think this business is not cost-effective, forget it. I'm too lazy to ask for 12 billion yuan, but I have to accept this woman's life."

As he spoke, he burst out to kill himself. The temperature in the villa suddenly dropped. Although the central air conditioner was turned on, the temperature was less than 30 degrees, but now people felt that the temperature in the villa was less than three degrees.

It's not an illusion. It's a real drop in temperature, which makes them shiver.


Xu Tianyin was surprised, but he Feng really wanted to kill Zhou Han, "He Feng, do you know the identity of my wife Zhou Han? If you dare to kill her, you... "

"Xu Tianyin, here you are! Give it to him! "

Before Xu Tianyin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Han, "transfer your shares in Guangming group, negotiate the price, and let them pay a deposit of 12 billion in advance."


Hearing the speech, Xu Tianyin's face changed slightly.

Guangming group, that's his lifeblood.

However, when he saw Zhou Han's calm expression, he immediately knew the meaning of the latter.

If the shares of the company can be transferred back, they can also be taken back later.

With their means and ability, as long as they want to get the shares back, few people dare not give them back.

"Well, I'll contact several other directors now to see who has the idea."

After understanding this, Xu Tianyin didn't think much about it any more. He quickly took out his mobile phone and began to make a call.

It took more than half an hour for his face to feel relaxed.

"He Feng, I have found the person who takes over my shares, but I have to go to him with the share agreement, and bring my lawyer to sign an agreement with him face to face, and then he can transfer the 12 billion deposit to me."

Xu Tianyin put away his mobile phone and looked at He Feng.

"I'll give you two hours. If I can't see you within two hours, or if the money hasn't been put into my account, then you can come back and collect the body for your wife and children." He Feng did not lift his head. He took his mobile phone and looked at the time. He reminded him, "it's 12:15."

"OK, I'll take care of it in two hours."

With that, Xu Tianyin looks at Zhou Han, Xu huangjie and others, and drives straight away from the villa.

Xu Tianyin is the chairman of Guangming group. He is very efficient. In less than an hour and a half, he went back to the villa.

"He Feng, I'll transfer the money to you now."

After returning to the villa, Xu Tianyin sees that Zhou Han and Xu huangjie are safe and sound, so he Feng says.

He Feng nodded.

Xu Tianyin immediately took out his mobile phone to call the bank, and again transferred 12 billion yuan to He Feng.

The balance on the card is as high as 43.1 billion.

More than half of the 80 billion deposit target has been achieved.


There's nearly 40 billion to go!

"Brother Feng is still very poor!" He Feng looks at the balance on the card and sighs.


"He Feng, you've got more than 30 billion yuan from our Xu family. Can you leave now?" Xu huangjie looks at He Feng with hatred.

More than 30 billion, which should have been his property, has now fallen into He Feng's pocket. He wants to kill He Feng now.

"Is it hard for you to come up with any more money now?"

He Feng ignored Xu huangjie, but put away his mobile phone and asked Xu Tianyin.

Xu Tianyin nodded and said, "well, the most valuable thing I have is the shares of some companies and the equity of Guangming group. But now I've transferred my equity and got a deposit of 12 billion yuan. Now even if I sell all my properties, I can't get a billion yuan. "

"One billion..."

He Feng shook his head, too little.

"Well, since you can't give much money, then..."

He Feng looked at Xu huangjie and sang Qing, "their lives, I accept them!"

Voice down, he Feng's body has stepped out.

Motionless as a mountain, it seems that there is a roaring sound in the air.

A terrible power came out of thin air and enveloped all the people present. Even the dark Master sang Qing felt confused and hard to breathe at this moment.

A crisis of death welled up in his heart.


Sang Qing's face changed greatly. She quickly bit the tip of her tongue to keep her brain awake.


However, his reaction was slow after all. When his eyes recovered, he Feng had already appeared in front of him, and he had a knife in his throat.

Broken throat bone, sangqing pupil stare big, body strength was gradually pulled away.


Even sang Qing would have time to respond in the future, not to mention Xu huangjie, who had no accomplishments at all. A crisp sound sounded at his throat, and then Xu huangjie's body collapsed on the ground.

After killing two people, he Feng just put away his power.

"Huang Jie, what's the matter with you?"

"Huang Jie, are you ok?"

Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han also come back to their senses. When they see Xu huangjie fall to the ground, they rush to help him up.

Soon, they found that Xu huangjie had lost his life.

"No!" Zhou Han screams in pain.

"He Feng, why do you want to kill my son? I gave you more than 30 billion yuan! "

Xu Tianyin stood up and angrily pointed to He Feng, his eyes were red.

He gave birth to three sons in total. The eldest son liked to practice since he was a child. They didn't have much topic and seldom stayed together. Naturally, their feelings were general.

As for Xu Hongjie, considering his blood relationship, he took care of him a little. But after all, he was born with his ex-wife, who died a long time ago. Apart from giving Xu Hongjie money, he seldom stayed with him. The relationship between the two sides was not as good as that between the eldest son.

Xu huangjie is the only one who has lived with him from childhood to adulthood. He has a deep feeling and treats Xu huangjie as his successor.

But now

He Feng killed Xu huangjie directly in front of him.

"Want to know why? It's very simple. I killed him because I didn't like him. "

He Feng glanced at Xu Tianyin, "you'd better take back your fingers, otherwise... I don't mind killing you too."


Xu Tianyin is very angry in his heart, so he will speak angrily.

"Xu Tianyin, that's enough!"

At this time, Zhou Han stands up and holds Xu Tianyin.

She stared at He Feng and said, "He Feng, I admit that your strength is stronger than I imagined, and your personality is more arrogant and domineering than I imagined. You don't kill us, not only because our energy sources continue to provide you with wealth, but also because you are confident in your own strength, right? Well, you wait and see. I, Zhou Han, won't let you down. "

"Oh? Actually see through my purpose, know that I want you to provide me with a steady stream of wealth? "

He Feng looked at Zhou Han in surprise and said with a smile: "OK, actually I guess it. Your origin is certainly not simple. However, I'm too lazy to ask now. I'll give you a chance to come to me for revenge. But... It's the same as this time. If you don't have enough money for your life, you'd better save some money for the coffin first. "

Finish saying this words, he Feng ignore two people again, turn round to walk toward villa outside.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the villa, he seemed to think of something and looked at the second person: "by the way, I really like this villa. You should pack up your things today, and then this villa will belong to me."

With that, he Feng smiles and looks at the villa again. Then he leaves the villa under the almost cannibal gaze of Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han.


Xu Tianyin sat on the ground feebly, with a face of pain and guilt, said: "madam, I'm sorry for you and Huang Jie. I'm useless. I can't keep Huang Jie."

"Don't say it. I'm also responsible for this. I underestimated He Feng's strength. However, I will certainly take revenge for this revenge. I will not let Huang Jie die in vain. "

Zhou Han kneels in front of Xu huangjie and helps him close his eyes.

Her eyes, at this moment, are full of blood, which shows how angry and sad she is now.

"He Feng's strength is too strong. It's hard for us to make too much money in a short time. How can we deal with him?" Xu Tianyin said.

Instead of answering Xu Tianyin, Zhou Han takes out her mobile phone and makes a call.

"Mrs. Xu, may I help you?"

An old man's indifferent voice came from the phone.

Knowing that she is the wife of Xu Tianyin, the chairman of Guangming group, her tone is still not polite.

"Well, something happened to the Xu family. Can you ask Yuan Jie to answer the phone?" Zhou Han said.

"Just a moment."

The old man's voice is still indifferent.

"Madam, you are going to let Yuanjie do it." Xu Tianyin looks at Zhou Han in shock.

"At this time, we don't ask Yuanjie to do it. Is there any other way we can get rid of Hefeng in a short time?" Zhou Han put down his mobile phone, squinted and said, "but I believe that if Yuan Jie comes out, he Feng will definitely die. At that time, I will make him kneel down to Huang Jie's grave to repent. "

"But... Will the family let Yuanjie do it?" Xu Tianyin frowned.

"Yuanjie is such a brother. If he knows that his brother is dead, he will try his best to come back and avenge his brother." Zhou Han said.

"I wish he could come back and avenge Huang Jie."

Xu Tianyin said with guilt, "I'm a father. It's useless."

Zhou Han didn't say anything, just waited patiently.

"Mom, what's going on at home?"

Almost two minutes later, a voice of youth came from the mobile phone.

"Yuanjie, just now, your brother huangjie was killed." Zhou Han picked up his mobile phone and said indignantly.

"What did you say? Huang Jie was killed? Who is so brave that he even dares to kill Huang Jie? Did you get rid of the murderer The voice of young men's ice cooling was heard on the phone.

"The name of the person who killed Huang Jie is He Feng. His strength is very strong. I invited the ghost hunter who ranked No. 16 in the list of killers in China, but I couldn't get rid of him. He Feng's combat effectiveness should have reached the peak of dark strength. "

Zhou Han tells Xu Yuanjie what happened here in detail, including Xu Tianyin's being blackmailed by He Feng for 32 billion yuan, without reservation. "Yuanjie, we don't have any way to deal with He Feng. Do you have any way to get rid of He Feng?"

"Dark strength peak, 26 years old..."

Xu Yuanjie's voice was cold, "Mom, I know. Let me handle this matter. However, I'm afraid I can't get to Jiangbin right away. It'll take me a few days. These days, you don't provoke He Feng any more. "

With that, Xu hung up.

Opposite the telephone is northbound Province, which is more than 500 kilometers away from Jiangbin city.

At this time, in a courtyard in northbound Province, a young man was sitting in the main room with an iPhone X in his hand.

Putting down the mobile phone, the young man looked at the old man beside him, "just old, why do you think master has to let me reach the peak of dark strength to leave the family?"

"The reason is very simple. If you don't reach the peak of dark strength, you will go out and act. If you are not careful, you may die outside. But if you reach the peak of dark strength, almost no one can kill you. And the great masters and strong men who walk outside the kingdom of China will basically give us face and will not kill you. "

Just old said.

"I see! In that case, I'll try my best to rush to the peak of dark strength next. "

The young man narrowed his eyes, "as for the person who dares to kill my brother, I will go to wring his head and worship my brother's soul when I reach the peak of dark strength."

This young man is Xu Yuanjie, the eldest son of Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han.

Xu Yuanjie joined the Qian family two years ago and became a close disciple of the elder of the Qian family. His accomplishments have made rapid progress and he has great hope that he will be a great master by the age of 40.

Today, Xu Yuanjie has a high status in the Qian family. In order to assist him in his cultivation, his master sent four dark strength peak subordinates, who are not very useful at ordinary times, to accompany him.


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