"Mr. He Feng!"

As soon as he Feng opened the door of Lexus, the headhunter's voice rang.

He looked at He Feng's eyes, with a trace of uneasiness.

Because he knew that the time had come to decide his life and death.

"Headhunter, do you want to live?"

He Feng stepped on the accelerator and drove away, casually asked.

"Ha ha, where does Mr. He Feng say? Of course I want to live." The headhunter laughs.

"Think so? All right

He Feng nodded and didn't speak any more.

Seeing this, the headhunter did not dare to speak any more. He sat upright on the copilot with a more serious attitude than when he first entered the school.

More than half an hour later, he Feng came to Liuyue club, asked Ji Xinyu to arrange an empty training room for him, and explained some things to Ji Xinyu, even his mobile phone.

"If you want to live, you have only one choice!"

He Feng looked at the headhunter in front of him and said, "from now on, when you are my slave, you will live. If you don't want to, I'll kill you now and bury you with your three brothers. "

"To be your slave?"

Headhunter hears speech, not from Leng Leng.

He Feng knew what the headhunter was thinking and continued: "I have a secret method that can completely control you. Once you are controlled, you will completely obey my orders. You will not have any disrespectful thoughts to me. Otherwise, you will be hurt and in great pain. If the situation is serious, it will even make you an idiot in an instant. "

"Control me completely? Then I will not become a puppet with no thought in the future? " The headhunter said in surprise.

"Not a puppet, of course. I don't want a puppet."

He Feng said: "I control you just in case you want to hurt me. After you are controlled by me, you still have your own thoughts. As long as you don't rebel against me, you won't be different from now. And, if your talent is OK, I may gain something in the process of controlling you. "

The headhunter hesitated a little, but he didn't say any more, "OK, I choose to be controlled by you."

I don't know if he Feng's words are true or false, but

Headhunters want to live!

He is a killer. He takes killing as his profession. He knows the value of life too well.

Even if there was only a chance to live, he didn't want to let it go.

"Cross your knees and sit down. Close your eyes. In a moment, my spirit will enter your spirit. Don't resist. Once resisted, it will directly break your spirit and kill you. " He Feng said.

"OK, I see!" The headhunter sat down and closed his eyes.

He Feng came to the headhunter behind, a hand on the temple of the headhunter, a wisp of invisible spirit slowly poured into the spirit of the headhunter.

Headhunter can clearly feel that his mind, as if there is an inexplicable force, he subconsciously would like to resist.

But at this time, he immediately thought of He Feng's words. Once he resisted, his spirit would directly disintegrate and die on the spot.

Thinking of this, the headhunter quickly gave up the resistance, and felt the power calmly, "He Feng is very powerful, at least he is a great master, and he is not an ordinary master. I'd like to see what kind of skills he has as a great master. "

Soon, the headhunter seemed to "see". In his spirit, the inexplicable and invisible energy seemed to gradually turn into white.

To be exact, it is a white mist, curling up in his spirit, transforming everything, and having a special connection with his spirit.

"Well? This kind of power, so mysterious, seems to have gone beyond the scope of internal strength. What power is this? Mental power? But why does it seem to have the meaning of heaven and earth? "

The headhunter was more and more shocked. He didn't dare to be half hearted. He felt this weak but mysterious energy seriously.

In this way, he felt that he had a kind of understanding of the power of heaven and earth, and the power of his own elixir was even more wonderful.


It's a sign of strength!


And when the headhunter's use of strength was fully sublimated, and he wanted to continue to feel it, the white fog in his spirit quickly gathered in the middle, and became smaller and smaller, and finally only a white ball the size of a pearl was left.

The headhunter felt as if he had received some kind of call and opened his eyes subconsciously.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that he Feng had already stood in front of him, and he was still sitting with his knees crossed.

Before he closed his eyes, he still had a strong intention to kill He Feng. He felt that if he was sure enough, he would kill He Feng.

But now

He felt that he couldn't lift any killing heart to He Feng. Even though he knew he Feng had killed his three brothers, when he thought about whether he wanted to kill He Feng, he felt a sharp pain in his brain, as if he was going to collapse directly.

Moreover, he had a strange idea that the man standing in front of him was no longer his enemy.



This is a kind of thought from the heart and soul. It's like a baby will be close to his mother autonomously after he has consciousness, which is irreplaceable.


The headhunter stood up and called respectfully.

He didn't feel the slightest discomfort when the master called out.

Obviously, he really took he Feng as his master, and completely put down the hatred of He Feng killing his three brothers.

He didn't know how he Feng did it, and he didn't think about it, but now he has incomparable respect for He Feng, which comes from his soul.

"I have planted a spiritual seed in your spirit, and I will be your master from now on. But you can call me Mr. He. You don't have to call me master. "

He Feng's face looks very pale.

Only when the strength reaches the true state of Qi, the spiritual power is also subtle, and can skillfully communicate with the power of heaven and earth, can the spiritual seeds be planted in other people's spirits.

However, this is the first time he Feng planted spiritual seeds in other people's spirits, which can be said to have exhausted all his spiritual power.

Now he just wants to lie down and have a good sleep.

"In the future, follow me and practice hard. Don't think about being a killer any more. As a warrior, pursuing the peak of martial arts is the way we should go. Doing other things is a waste of time. " He Feng said.

"Yes, Mr. ho!" The headhunter said respectfully.

"Feel your strength change!" Hefeng road.

"All right!"

The headhunter nodded, and then turned the inner strength of Dantian slightly.

Soon, he clearly felt that his inner strength was much stronger than before.

"I... I broke through to Huajin? What's more, my control of strength is more subtle than before. Thank you, Mr. He! " The headhunter bowed deeply to He Feng, his face full of excitement.

If you want to step into Huajin, you must step into the micro level to control the strength.

In this step, I don't know how many dark forces have been stuck, and the top strong people have exhausted their whole life and are unable to break through.

Some people have a good journey before they can reach the peak of dark energy in their twenties and thirties, but they are stuck in this level forever because they can't understand the subtlety.

Because of this, it can be said that the ultimate goal of the vast majority of ancient martial arts is to change the level of strength.

Including headhunters!

Many years ago, headhunter had reached the peak of dark power, and he could not understand the mystery of power. His wish in this life was that he could step into Huajin in his lifetime.

Now, he Feng says that if he wants to be a slave, the headhunter thinks that his future will be extremely dark. Before he controls him, he Feng says that if his understanding is good, it will be good. He doesn't feel at ease, but he doesn't think that after a short time, he will break through to the patriarch and make his wish come true.

Inexplicably realized!

What a surprise!

"Don't thank me. Your understanding is good. Even if you don't have my help, you can understand the subtlety of power in ten years, and then step into Huajin. It's only a matter of time."

He Feng waved his hand casually, "you are the first person who planted spiritual seeds since I stepped into the realm of true Qi. In the future, you should work hard, otherwise you will encounter my friend, and your cultivation is too low, which will make me lose face, you know?"

"I understand. I will try my best to practice."

The headhunter nodded heavily and promised.

However, with these words, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

After careful thinking, he looked up and looked at He Feng in horror. "Mr. He, you... You just said that you have stepped into the real Qi State?"


True Qi? Did you hear it wrong? It's a myth, OK?

However, he made it clear that he Feng was only 26 years old.

How can there be such a young myth in this world?

"If it's not a myth, how can I plant spiritual seeds for you?" He Feng shook his head. He didn't bother to tell him that he was not only in the myth, but also in the tianbang as soon as he was in the myth.

After all, even if you tell the headhunter about it, the headhunter will immediately ask, "what is tianbang?"

"Still, it's really a myth!"

The headhunter felt that his breath was a little short. Looking at He Feng's eyes, he showed a strong awe.

At the same time, the heart is extremely excited.

At the beginning, he felt that it was a shame that he became a slave of others. Even if he broke through the master, he could not change the fact that he was a slave.

But now it's not the same, because his master is not an ordinary person, but the peak of the ancient martial arts, a generation of myth.

It's an honor for him to be a slave of myth and legend, even if his cultivation reaches the master.

What's more, he was able to become a master of Huajin thanks to the help of He Feng.

"By the way, I don't know your real name yet?" He Feng asked.

"Master, my name is Yang Qi!" Said the headhunter.

"I asked you to call me Mr. He. Why do you call me master again?"

"Master, I will call you Mr. He where there are people in the future. But if there is no one, please allow me to call you master. "

Yang Qi's pleading looks as if calling He Feng "master" would make him feel great glory.

"All right, it's up to you."

"Thank you, master!"

"Well, let's go out for a breath first. I've been here for two whole days, and I'm almost suffocating."

He Feng said and walked out of the training room.

"Two days?"

Yang Qi was surprised. He remembered that it was not long since Ming Ming had passed. It seemed that it was less than ten minutes, but two days had passed?

Mythological means are far beyond people's imagination.

Yang Qi respectfully follows He Feng!

Out of the training room, he Feng went straight to the hall, because he already felt that the living room was quite busy.

In the living room, Ji Xinyu is making tea, while Ji Gang is sitting beside her.

In addition to the two, there are two other people, Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing.

"Husband, have you dealt with the matter?"

Ji Xinyu sees he Feng and immediately gets up and strides toward him Feng.

"Well, it's just taken care of!"

He Feng nodded and looked at Xi Zhenxing, "brother Xi, I'm sorry, I have something to do at the moment. I've kept you waiting for a long time."

When Xi Zhenxing called him on Thursday, he said he would come to Jiangbin city in person by Friday at the latest, but now it's Saturday.

Obviously, he must have kept Xi Zhenxing waiting all day.

"It's OK. Anyway, I don't have anything important. I can have a taste of Miss Ji's tea." Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

However, he looked at He Feng's eyes, but with a trace of surprise and envy.

At the beginning, he only knew that he Feng had many women in Jiangbin City, but he didn't know what these women looked like.

But when he saw Ji Xinyu today, he was shocked.

How many people can there be in this world?

Moreover, he Feng is surrounded by more than one such beauty.

This kind of Yanfu is the envy of Xi Zhenxing, who is used to seeing the world.

"Xueqing beauty, are you still used to staying in Jiangbin city?" He Feng's eyes looked at Xi Xueqing again and said with a smile.

Xi Xueqing said with a smile, "if I say I'm used to staying, will you keep me for more time?"

He Feng said: "as long as you like, I certainly don't care."

Xi Xueqing covered her mouth and laughed, "I'm afraid you don't have time to talk to me at ordinary times!"

"How can I? Even if I have no time to talk to you, there are so many people with you. It won't make you bored." He Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, Miss Xi, you can stay here as long as you want."

Not far away, Ji Gang said eagerly.

At ordinary times, there are a few top-notch beauties in Liuyue club, such as Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue, but these are all he Feng's women. Ji Gang doesn't dare to think about them.

Now it's not easy to have a woman who is also very beautiful, and it seems that his brother-in-law didn't win. Ji Gang immediately became interested.

"Someone doesn't have much time for me, I'd better forget it!"

Who knows, Xi Xueqing is not to pay attention to Ji Gang, just a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at He Feng with a trace of resentment.

At the beginning, she didn't have many ideas about He Feng, but as she gradually realized he Feng's ability and talent, she found that she gradually became interested in this man.

Unfortunately, the man didn't seem very interested in her.


Ji Gang apprentice snow fine a little mind didn't put on his body, suddenly depressed want to vomit blood, he is so enthusiastic, in her heart also don't have a little sense of existence?

Her brother-in-law is not very enthusiastic, but she only has brother-in-law in her eyes.

God, let's drop a thunder and kill my brother-in-law!

"Xiao Gang, have you already broken through to the dark strength?" He Feng's eyes look at Ji Gang and asks casually.

Ji Gang immediately complacent up, "Hey, brother-in-law, you really know the hero, a glance to see that I successfully break through to the dark strength.". How about your brother-in-law? Is my talent OK? The young can break through to the dark strength, don't you lose face? "

Your blood has awakened. It takes you so many days to break through the dark energy. How nice to say that your talent is OK?

If not for the crowd, he Feng would have said this sentence directly.

"It seems that after breaking through to the dark force, you are a little inflated. OK, I'll let my brother-in-law fight with you for a while to see if your combat effectiveness has been significantly improved after you break through to the dark strength. " On the surface, he Feng is still a kind face with a gentle smile.


Ji Gang's mouth was hard to draw. Without hesitation, he turned and ran to the training room, "brother-in-law, I'm going to practice!"

When Xi Xueqing saw this scene, the corners of her mouth rose without leaving any trace.

This man seems to care about himself a little.

"Xinyu wife, what time is it now?" He Feng looks at Ji Xinyu and asks.

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon!" Ji Xinyu handed over He Feng's mobile phone. "In the past two days, only three people have called you. They are feather, Yueyue and Xia Menglu. I've answered all of them, and they don't have anything important to do. They've also sent you a message on wechat. You can have a look for yourself. "

"Two days..."

He Feng was quite helpless. "It seems that I'm not very proficient in controlling the power of heaven and earth. It took me two days to plant a spiritual seed. I don't know if it will take less time to give the seeds of human spirit next time after having a little experience this time. "

"It's not important to call me, is it?" He Feng asked.

"There are no important things, but there are a lot of small things. Will I tell you now or later?" Jixin rainway.


He Feng looked at Xi Zhenxing and grinned, "brother Xi, have you brought all the pills?"

"Ha ha, did you finally mention the pill? I thought you forgot about it

Xi Zhenxing laughed. "I packed all the pills in a big box and gave them to miss Ji to help put them away. But the box has a code, and only I can open it."

He Feng nodded, looking at Ji Xinyu, "Xinyu wife, you go to bring the box!"


Ji Xinyu said and turned to leave.

At this time, Xi Zhenxing's eyes just fell on Yang Qi, who was standing behind he Feng and didn't say a word from beginning to end. He casually asked, "brother he, who is this gentleman?"

I don't know why, this Yang Qi, even let him feel the pressure.

You know, he is no longer the peak of dark strength, but a strong master who has broken through to Huajin.

"Oh, this is a friend I used to know. His name is Yang Qi. He has nothing to do now, so he came to Jiangbin city to play with me. "

He Feng introduced a smile, did not say more.

In addition to making sure that he will not pose a threat to him any more, he also wants to win more gold medals in the future. And he doesn't want to expose Yang Qi's existence, so the enemy doesn't know that there is such a strong man around him, which can help him solve many problems.

"Yang Qi?"

When Xi Zhenxing heard the name, he frowned subconsciously.

As far as he knows, there seems to be no master named Yang Qi in the ancient martial world of China.

Is it that I feel wrong?

Yang Qi is not a great master?

"Brother Xi, how are you doing with the information from the Cao family?"

Xi Zhenxing is in doubt when he Feng suddenly asks.

"Brother he, I've collected all the information of the above people in the Cao family. I'll let Xueqing take it to you later."

Xi Zhenxing nodded and said: "however, as far as I know, the Cao family is a bit strange recently. Brother he, if you want to find their trouble, you should be careful."

He Feng casually asked: "how strange?"

"The Cao family is quite excellent among the middle-class ancient martial families. There are seventeen people who are strong in the dark. Oh no, the person you killed last time seems to be the Third Master of the Cao family. Now there are only 16 people left in the Cao family

Xi Zhenxing said: "in the past, the 16 strong people of the Cao family were all distributed in various industries. Except for the holidays, it was difficult to gather together. However, in the last year, all the masters of the Cao family came to the headquarters of the Cao family. Not only the peak of dark energy, but also many strong people in the later and middle stages of dark energy went to the Cao family headquarters. In addition, I also found out one thing: in the past year, the Cao family has integrated a large number of industries, some unnecessary industries, all of which have been sold off by them, and then bought a lot of cultivation resources, and they don't know what to use them for. "

"Well! We've been together for nearly a year... "

He Feng murmured, with a smile on his face.

Looking at them like this, they should not be dispersed in a short time.

In this case, brother Feng can think of a way to kill Cao's family at any time, and then give Cao's family a pot.

However, he had to think of a good way to hide people's eyes and ears, so that outsiders could not find his head.

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