At the same time, a group of uninvited guests came to the Wangs in Nanjin city.

Although they were uninvited guests, as soon as they arrived, they were immediately welcomed into the yard of Cao Zhiyan, Wang's mother.

No one in the whole Wang family dares to stop this.

"Second uncle!"

And now in Cao Zhiyan's yard, Cao Zhiyan is both nervous and excited to stand in front of an old man.

Cao xiudang, the second master of Cao, sat at the top of the living room, staring at Cao Zhiyan, frowning slightly. "Cao Zhiyan, I've heard people say that you've been looking for Lao San some time ago?"

"Third uncle?"

Cao Zhiyan didn't expect that Cao xiudang would mention Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of the Cao family, as soon as he opened his mouth, which made her more or less nervous, but she still said truthfully: "yes, second uncle, we met an enemy in Jiangshu province. This man is powerful, and even Cao Xin and Liang Mingchen are easily defeated by him. And this person has disabled Cao Rui and Wang Xuan. I have no way to deal with this person, so I asked the third master. The Third Master said that he is not far from Jiangbin City, and he will go to Jiangbin city in the near future. "

"Do you know that since last Sunday, Lao San's mobile phone has no signal. In the past seven days, he never contacted his family once. We tried our best to get in touch with him. "

Cao xiudang voice indifference, "and according to our investigation, the third of the mobile phone signal, on Sunday, appeared in Jiangbin city."

"Has the third uncle gone to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng?" Cao Zhiyan murmured.

"He Feng? Is that the man you're dealing with? " Cao xiudang asked.

"Yes, second uncle!" Cao Zhiyan nodded.

"Tell me more about this man first!" Cao xiudang.

Cao Zhiyan said: "well, he Feng is from Jiangbin city. According to my investigation, he grew up in a welfare home called Jule, but he disappeared somehow. Until about three months ago, he suddenly returned to Jiangbin city and married Wang Xiangyun, the girl of the Wang family

Cao xiudang said, "how could he marry Wang Xiangyun?"

"I don't know the details. It seems that the old woman of the Wang family made the decision, and Wang Qing didn't object to it. But he Feng has no background, just an orphan. "

Cao Zhiyan continued: "however, about ten days ago, he came to Nanjin City, causing a huge sensation..."

What happened in Nanjin city at that time, Cao Zhiyan said in detail.

"The Ling family is OK, but Xi Zhenxing of Guiyi medicine hall also supports him. Nanjin military region makes friends with him again. He Feng is really lucky. However, his talent is really strong. He is only 26 years old, and he can easily defeat Liang Mingchen. His combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the ordinary dark strength late ancient warrior. If, with such talent, he becomes a disciple of the master of Guangguang family in Guanghui Province, our Cao family can't easily touch him. "

After hearing the story of He Feng, Cao xiudang couldn't help but exclaim, "however, since he Feng's strength is only equivalent to the later stage of dark strength, why does the third old man disappear suddenly after he goes to Jiangbin city? How can he not contact him?"

An old man standing behind Cao xiudang said, "second master, let's go to Jiangbin city and ask Hefeng for help."

"Yes, although he Feng's talent is high, it's only in the later stage of dark strength. How can he hurt the third master?"

"Besides, there is more than one third master. Before he went to Jiangbin City, he sent us a message saying that he had convinced Feng Tianrui and was taking him to the Cao family to become the elder of the Cao family. That is to say, at that time, they were two strong men at the top of the dark strength. No matter how strong He Feng was, could he hurt them? "

The other two also followed.

All three of them are members of the Cao family. Their status in the Cao family is not much worse than that of Cao xiudang and Cao Xiucheng. It's only because of their qualifications that they let Cao xiudang and his brothers become the leaders of the Cao family. But in fact, they all enjoy the same power and interests in the Cao family.

"Well, we must go to Jiangbin city and ask he Feng face to face to see if he knows about Laosan and Feng Tianrui."

Cao xiudang nodded, but his eyes were full of thinking, "however, in case, we had better make a second-hand preparation."

"Just in case? What in case? " Everyone didn't understand what Cao xiudang meant.

"You think about it, why does he Fengming dare to abandon Cao Rui and Wang Xuan when he knows the strength of our Cao family? And after abandoning them, not only did they not hide, but also swaggered back to Jiangbin city? Have you thought about the reasons in detail? " Cao xiudang narrowed his eyes and said that his eyes were shining with wisdom. He seemed to have thought through many things.

"This... This is a trap?"

"Hiss! I understand, because there are experts from nanjinshi military region, and even Xi Zhenxing went to Jiangbin city to protect He Feng secretly. So, the third master and Feng Tianrui went to Jiangbin city to kill He Feng, not only failed to kill He Feng, but just fell into the trap of He Feng? "

"He Feng, what a cruel means!"

The others suddenly understood what Cao xiudang meant, and their faces changed greatly.

Cao Zhiyan and Cao Xin, who are standing on the edge, look ugly and worried.

They are very clear about the weight of Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of Cao, in the Cao family. If Cao Xiucheng has any problems because of their affairs, they will never come to a good end.

"Cao Zhiyan, you immediately go to investigate whether Xi Zhenxing appeared in public from the last time he Feng left Nanjin city to the days when Lao San disappeared."

Cao xiudang coldly looked at Cao Zhiyan, "I'll give you an hour, after an hour, I want to get accurate information."

"OK, OK, I'll investigate."

Cao Zhiyan ran out for the first time, dare not have the slightest delay, directly launched the Wang family's huge network of relations, investigation.

Less than an hour, Cao Zhiyan has returned to Cao xiudang in front of, "second, second master, has been investigated clearly. Soon after he Feng left Nanjin City, Xi Zhenxing declared that he was closed to the outside world. Since then, he has never been seen again for a week


As soon as Cao Zhiyan's voice fell, Cao xiudang's palm was heavily patted on the side table. The table made of solid wood suddenly broke and sawdust flew.

In Cao xiudang's body, there was a sense of killing, "Xi Zhenxing, this is because he is a member of the unified medicine hall, so he bullied my Cao family?"

Obviously, he has concluded that the disappearance of Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of Cao, is definitely due to Xi Zhenxing.

"The third master and Feng Tianrui are now in the hands of Xi Zhenxing and he Feng."

"I just don't know if they have been poisoned."

"Xi Zhenxing, damn it!"

The other three strong men at the top of the dark force were all furious and intent on killing.

Then, their eyes fell on Cao xiudang.

They know that this matter must be solved, but how to solve it depends on Cao xiudang's decision. After all, Xi Zhenxing's strength is not weak, and they are not very clear whether there is nanjinshi military region behind it.

Cao xiudang now narrowed his eyes in thinking, did not immediately answer them, everyone was waiting patiently.

Cao Zhiyan and others, in particular, did not dare to make any noise, because Cao Xiucheng, the Third Master of Cao, had an accident mainly because of them.

"The rice family and the Jiang family in Nanjin city also have conflicts with He Feng, right?"

After three minutes, Cao xiudang raised his head and asked Cao Zhiyan.

At the moment, he seems to have made a decision.

"Yes, second uncle. That night, the MI family, the Jiang family, the Wei family and the Huang family all had a great hatred for He Feng. They wanted to get rid of him Feng immediately. But they should also be a little afraid of He Feng's own strength, as well as Xi Zhenxing and Nanjin military region behind he Feng, so they didn't do it for a long time. " Cao Zhiyan said.

"Well! I'm afraid that the reason why they didn't do it was not because they were afraid of these things, but because they wanted to wait for the Cao family to do something to get rid of He Feng? "

Cao xiudang snorted coldly, "and you, really because of such a little thing, you will call the old three to deal with He Feng. Do you know that if Lao San and Feng Tianrui have any difference, you will be the culprits of our Cao family. "


These two words, like a bolt from the blue, exploded in the ears of Cao Zhiyan and Cao Xin, making them feel a sudden increase of pressure in their hearts.

"Come on, you can't understand what I'm telling you. Now, you immediately prepare a bigger helicopter for me, which can take ten or twenty people. I'm going to Jiangbin city tonight. Can you handle it? " Cao xiudang said.

"Yes, there is a private helicopter in Wang's house, which can be used at any time. I just need to say hello to the air traffic control department." Cao Zhiyan nodded.

Cao xiudang did not pay attention to Cao Zhiyan, but looked at the three people around him, "Tianping, let's go to the rice house."

"To Mi's?"

"Well, they should have had enough of watching the opera. Now we go to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng. They don't want to see the opera any more. Otherwise, I don't mind finding a reason to secretly destroy the rice family. "

Cao xiudang said, straight toward the outside of the house, "arrange the car, go to the rice house!"


Cao Zhiyan and others quickly followed out.

Half an hour later, Mi's hall.

Almost all the masters of the rice family have gathered here, with more than ten people.

In addition to their three brothers, there are also many elders of the rice family.

These people, each with a dignified look, stared at the four people in the hall.

It's Cao xiudang!

"You're the biggest family in Nanjin city. I didn't expect that there were two or three of them in the later period, and there were more than a dozen of them. It seems that they are not all the masters of the MI family. Tut Tut, it's hidden deep enough. "

Cao xiudang glanced around and said with a smile: "however, no matter how strong your rice family is, they are all trampled on by others to take a shit. Don't they feel ashamed?"

"This is Cao xiudang, the second master of the Cao family, right? I don't know why you came to my house suddenly? Is it difficult for you to come all the way from JIANGCHANG province just to humiliate our rice family? "

Midonglong frowned.

All of a sudden, the Cao family had four strong men at the top of the dark power. When they came to their MI family, they really scared mi Donglong.

If these four people kill in the rice family, the rice family will not be able to resist.

It's the peak of dark power. Only medium master Gunners can suppress it.

And their whole family, but only a medium master gunner.

The disparity in strength between the two sides is too great.

"Shame the rice family? No no no! I don't mean to humiliate you. I just want to wake you up for fear that you will forget that you were once trampled on your head and pooped. "

Cao xiudang shook his head and said, but his words were not humiliating, but the sarcasm and scorn in his eyes made everyone in the rice family angry, and he wanted to rush up and fight with them.

But considering that the other four were all the cultivation of the peak of dark strength, and there was a whole Cao family behind them, they finally swallowed the anger.

"Cao Er ye, the man you are talking about is He Feng?"

Midonglong directly ignored Cao xiudang's humiliation to the rice family, and said faintly: "why, you cao family are not sure how to deal with He Feng, so you want to lead our rice family?"

Cao xiudang nodded, "we Cao family want to deal with He Feng, but we are not sure. I think you know a little bit about the reason. He Feng, he not only has his own strength, but also has Xi Zhenxing and even the military of Nanjin city behind him. "

"He Feng has returned to Jiangbin city. How can Xi Zhenxing and the military of Nanjin City help him?" Midonglong frowned.

"How do you know Xi Zhenxing didn't go to Jiangbin with He Feng?" Cao xiudang asked.

"Xi Zhenxing went to Jiangbin city?"

"Have you seen him in Nanjin recently?"


Smell speech, MI Donglong eyebrow head not from wrinkling more tightly.

Their original plan was to wait for the Cao family to deal with He Feng. If the Cao family didn't do it, their families would work together to deal with He Feng.

At that time, any one of them will send a dark strength late ancient warrior, plus a master gunner, to deal with He Feng is certainly not a big problem.

But if Xi Zhenxing is by He Feng's side

Then they rush to it. It's a big trouble!

"Whether Xi Zhenxing is with He Feng or not, our Cao family is going to Jiangbin city to get rid of He Feng."

Cao xiudang said faintly: "because I'm worried that in addition to Xi Zhenxing, nanjinshi military region also has someone to protect him. It seems that there is a big feud between the MI family, the Jiang family, the Wei family and the Huang family and he Feng, right? I hope the rice family can help persuade them, and then send out experts to join hands with us to deal with He Feng. "

Hearing this, midonglong was silent.

He Feng is not only powerful and talented, but also has Xi Zhenxing and nanjinshi military region standing behind him. Midonglong really doesn't want to deal with He Feng. He hopes that the Cao family can get rid of him Feng directly.

But now, Cao family really want to get rid of He Feng, but they want to pull up the rice family.

"What if we choose to refuse?" Midonglong asked.

"That's easy. Our Cao family went back to JIANGCHANG province and gave up dealing with He Feng. Anyway, there is not much hatred between Cao family and he Feng. Moreover, he is in Jiangbin City, and our Cao family is in JIANGCHANG province. So far away, what he Feng wants to do in the future has nothing to do with us. "

Cao xiudang said simply.


Midong longzui Jiao couldn't help smoking. He didn't expect that Cao xiudang would answer so directly.

He couldn't help looking at his elder brother, MI Dongyu. It's really hard for him to make a decision directly.

Mi Dongyu, his contemporaries, is not the master of the MI family, but he has a great talent for cultivation. Before he was 60, he reached the peak of dark strength, which can be called the strongest of the Cao family. Therefore, many times, the MI family would ask Mi Dongyu for advice on some important matters.

Midongyu nodded, midonglong will go to execute.

But at this moment, MI Dongyu hesitated.

He Feng's strength and potential is too big, plus a strong background, not forced, he really does not want to deal with He Feng.

And that night, when his son came back after making a hand with He Feng, he told him about He Feng, praised him, and even proposed to let the rice family fight with He Feng.


That night, he Feng really let the rice family lose face, and also lost tens of billions in vain. If this field is not found back, in the future, the rice family is bound to become a joke in the ancient martial arts circle of Nanjin city.

"Mr. Cao, I have a question!"

A moment later, MI Dongyu finally spoke slowly, "go to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng, will you four go together?"

"Of course!" Cao xiudang.

"All right!"

Mi Dongyu sighed, as if he had made a decision in his heart, and said: "in terms of peak force, you cao family already have four, and it's hard for our big families to send out the strong men of dark strength peak. So we, the MI family, the Jiang family, the Wei family, and the Huang family, each sent out an old martial artist and two master gunners. What do you think? "

"Well, there are eight master gunners, and the success rate is much higher."

Cao xiudang nodded, "then you can arrange people as soon as possible. We'll wait at Wang's house, and then we'll go to Jiangbin city by helicopter."

As the voice fell, Cao xiudang turned and walked out. Cao Tianping and his three men also followed.

"Deal with He Feng..."

Seeing them leave, MI Dongyu's brow tightened tightly. "I don't know if this decision is right or not!"


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