"Yueyue, little feather, how do you feel now? Has the strength become much stronger? "

In the training room, he Feng looks at Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue who stop practicing.

In the afternoon, after he Feng called them, they soon arrived at the Liuyue club. Then he Feng only spent more than three hours to help them refine the advanced breakthrough pill and successfully step into the dark.

It can be regarded as water grinding.

When the ancient warrior reaches the peak of Mingjin, his strength in Dantian will be full. Then he begins to polish his strength to make it pure to the extreme. Then he runs through the meridians of his whole body and hides in the dark.

At that time, once the dark force is activated, it will explode from all over the body. Its power is several times stronger than that of the bright force. It will directly attack people's body, causing great damage to the body structure, and the killing power is extremely fierce.

When the dark energy is not activated, it can warm the blood cells, make the body function more vital, and greatly improve the life span.

Therefore, although it shows that the average life expectancy of strong people is slightly higher than that of ordinary people, it is not very obvious.

But when it comes to dark strength, as long as you don't get seriously injured or sick, and get old normally, you can at least live to be over 80 years old. If you are in better health, you can live to be 100 years old.

Moreover, the higher the dark strength cultivation, the longer the life span. The oldest one can reach about 150.

This is unthinkable to ordinary people.

Because of this, many rich people who know the secret of the ancient martial arts world will try their best to become an ancient martial arts person, and reach the level of dark strength, in order to improve their life expectancy.

"Dark strength is several times stronger than the peak of Ming strength before."

Chu Yue clenched her fist and sighed sincerely.

"Yes, I can even clearly feel that the body function is constantly strengthening. If I maintain this state for a long time, I feel that I can live forever." Ling Weiyu is feeling more clearly, surprised said.

It is true that there is a big difference between the dark strength and the clear strength.

But Ling Weiyu's sensitivity surprised he Feng. "Little feather, your sensitivity is getting stronger and stronger."

"Hee hee, I don't know what's going on. I'm really getting more and more sensitive. Brother Xiaofeng, the way you look at us... It seems that something is wrong. "

Ling Weiyu looked at He Feng and said in a low voice: "besides, your heart beats a little faster and your breathing is heavier. No, it's in broad daylight. What do you think? "

Ling Weiyu finally understood what was going on, and his face turned red.

It is obvious that the man now estimated is to the color heart, so the body will instinctively appear this kind of reaction.

"Er... I'll go. Can you detect it? Brother Feng is hiding very well

He Feng a face muddled force, feel oneself tall image instant collapsed.

Nima, a little bit of lust, was so quickly found, this is too abnormal, right?

"My husband, have you been shut up for two days? Well, I'll go out first. I'll give you a chance. "

Chu Yue laughs and runs out of the training room.


Ling Weiyu was speechless, and he ran away too fast.

"Little feather, Yueyue has no experience in this field, and I can't force her. But now, as you break through to the dark strength, I feel that your temperament has become more and more charming, and it's really a bit aroused. "

He Feng saw Ling Weiyu's face become red gradually. He said: "little feather, if you don't think it's right, then forget it. I'll go to show Ji Gang his cultivation."

Said, he Feng pretended to go outside.

"Come on, I'm just a little embarrassed. But you have to hurry up a little bit. " Ling Weiyu's ruddy face.

"Haha, it's necessary!"

He Feng said, immediately went forward, embracing Ling Weiyu and kissing.


At this time, Chu Yue has come to the hall. Thinking of the scene just now, she goes to pour herself a glass of water. After drinking it in one breath, she takes a long breath.

"Hoo! He Feng, this is too... Too direct. He wants to do that kind of bad things with us in broad daylight, and he is still with me and feather. Oh, my God, isn't that a little too exciting? "

Chu Yue said: "but, since it's so exciting, why do I want to escape? Shouldn't you stay and play with them? No, I can't play like this. For the first time in Chu Yue, I can't hand it over so casually. I have to create a romantic night and give him everything I have in a world where there are only two of us. "

To understand this, Chu Yue nodded heavily, "well, that's it. I'll think about it later and see which night is more suitable. Is it in Liuyue club, where I live, or outside..."

"Step on, step on, step on..."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Chu Yue looks out and sees Ji Xinyu and others coming in from outside.

Now it's more than five o'clock. I think they are tired of playing.

"Sister Xinyu, I heard from He Feng that you took master Xi and Xueqing out to play. Where did you play?"

Chu Yue immediately walked past and took the initiative to say hello.

"Ha ha, we went to the famous garden in Jiangbin city. It was too hot outside, so we came back ahead of time to see if we had time after dinner. If we had time, we would go to moonlight wharf to enjoy the night scenery."

Ji Xinyu said with a smile.

Xi Zhenxing is staring at Chu Yue with a look of surprise.

Chu Yue just broke through to the dark strength, and she didn't control her own breath very well, so she was showing a little bit of the power of the dark strength.

This is a sign of the beginning of the dark force!

"Miss Chu Yue, congratulations on the breakthrough." Xi Zhenxing bows to Chu Yue.

"Hehe, thank you, master of the learning hall!"

Chu Yue grinned, "but it's nothing to congratulate. I was able to make a breakthrough by taking Po Jing Dan. It's nothing to be proud of."

"It's really a hindrance to take the pill to break through in the future. It's even more difficult to step into the peak of Huajin. It's even less likely to understand the impact of heaven and earth on the true Qi. However, in such a short period of time, you can only swallow a high-level breakthrough pill, and then you can succeed in breaking the boundary. It's too lucky. It's the first time I've seen it. "

Xi Zhenxing praised.

Xi Xueqing then said: "sister Yueyue, you are really lucky. Although you can greatly improve the probability of breaking through the dark force by taking the breakout pill, the probability is only 60% or 70%, and you have to prepare three or five days in advance to recover to the end. But since we left, more than three hours have passed, and you have succeeded in breaking through the dark force. Your luck is really against the sky. "

Chu Yue said with a smile: "I'm not lucky, but he Feng helped me break through. And not only did I break through, but also did the feather

"He Feng helped?"

When Xi Zhenxing heard the speech, he could not help but pick his eyebrows.

It's reasonable to say that the success rate of taking Renjie advanced breakthrough pill is only 67%, but it's because of He Feng's help that he can make a successful breakthrough? What's the probability?

Moreover, others have to prepare for three or five days, but he Feng only takes more than three hours to complete the breakthrough.

What can master Hua Jin do?

"What's more, I'm also the master of Huajin. Why can't I improve the probability of a successful breakthrough of a warrior taking pojingdan? Is my master Hua Jin... "

Thinking of this, Xi Zhenxing shakes his head.

I'm kidding. I'm trying to break through to Huajin. How can it be fake?

Ji Xinyu asked: "by the way, master Xi, sister Xueqing seems to be the peak of Mingjin, right? Why didn't you let her take pojingdan? I am afraid that the probability of success is low, or for other reasons? "

Xi Zhenxing shook his head and said, "the probability of success is not a big problem. If I really want her to use the breakthrough pill, I can't use one pill. I don't care if I use two or three pills. Anyway, it will cost more than one billion. I just think that after taking Po Jing Dan, it will be difficult for her to understand the subtlety and step into Hua Jin. Even if you barely step into Huajin, it's even more difficult to refine Qi into flesh, bone marrow and viscera. So I'm not going to let her take pojingdan until it's necessary. "

Ji Xinyu blinked and said, "master Xi, why don't you ask he Feng? Since he has chosen to let Yueyue and them take the pill of breaking the border, I think he should have a solution. Let's upgrade to Huajin in the future, and then to Huajin peak, there must be other ways."

After an afternoon together, Ji Xinyu likes Xi Xueqing very much, and even treats the latter as her sister.

Therefore, if there is a chance, she also hopes that Xi Xueqing can break through to dark strength as soon as possible, just like them.

"This..." Xi Zhenxing hesitated.

"Dad, ask first. It's not that I have to take pojingdan. If I can't, I'll practice myself and break through the dark energy. I think I can break through the dark energy in a few months at most. " Xi Xueqing shakes Xi Zhenxing's arm.

She doesn't really want to break through to the dark force as soon as possible. She just wants to see he Feng.

"All right!" Xi Zhenxing immediately understood her daughter's mind, but nodded to agree.

"Hee hee, let's go to find he Feng."

Xi Xueqing smiles happily and looks at Chu Yue, "sister Yue, where's he Feng? Take us to him


Chu month can't help but be stunned, some embarrassed way: "that, now he Feng is busy, not very convenient."

"Don't you and sister feather have already broken through to the dark strength? What is he still up to? " Xi Xueqing is not sure, so.

Looking at Xi Xueqing's puzzled, but serious attitude, I don't know why, Chu Yue suddenly had an evil idea in her heart, and said with a smile: "sister Xueqing, why don't I take you to see what they are doing?"

Xi Xueqing thought for a second, nodded and agreed, "OK, I'll go with you!"

"Cough... Xueqing, you'd better not go." Ji Xinyu is acutely aware of the bad smile at the corner of Chu Yue's mouth, but he shakes his head, "that kind of picture, it's not convenient for you to see, we'd better make tea."

"Ah? What's the picture? " Xi Xueqing hasn't responded yet.

Xi Zhenxing knocked her head angrily, "of course, it's not suitable for children. You silly girl, why don't you help Miss Ji to make tea?"

"Children should not..."

When Xi Xueqing heard this, she just reacted.

Suddenly, she had never been in touch with men and women, and her pretty face turned red in an instant, and it was all red to the root of her neck.

She never thought that Chu Yue was going to take her to see that kind of picture.

Oh, my God, if I really saw it, wouldn't I be ashamed?

"Sister Yueyue, you are so bad!"

Xi Xueqing stares at Chu Yue and runs to Ji Xinyu.

"Cackle, snow fine, originally you also so simple? Cluck, I thought I was the only one

Chu month a face of bad smile, hurriedly followed up, "snow fine younger sister, you should not be angry with me?"? Don't be angry. How about I apologize to you? How about taking a boat with you to see the night scene of Jiangbin city in the evening? By the way, do you like Chinese food or Western food? I'll take you to a delicious restaurant in the evening? "

Xi Zhenxing saw this scene, and a happy smile appeared in his eyes.

It seems that these women around He Feng seem to be very easy to get along with. They all get along very well. If they let their daughter join their camp, they should be very happy, right?

In particular, he Feng's strength, talent and background make Xi Zhenxing look at him with new eyes, especially his character.

If my daughter follows him, life will not be hard in the future.

A few people in the hall chatting and drinking tea, but also leisure.

He Feng and Ling Weiyu just came out after waiting for an hour.

Ling Weiyu follows He Feng, his face is full of shyness, and he doesn't dare to look at several people in the hall.

On the contrary, he Feng, with a look of no trouble, asked loudly as soon as he arrived in the living room, "brother Xi, Xueqing beauty, did you have a good time in the afternoon?"

"Ha ha, I'm ok!" Xi Zhenxing smiles.

"Jiangbin city is very interesting. We are discussing whether we should go to the riverside to see the night scenery if we have time in the evening." Xi Xueqing said.

Speaking at the same time, she looked at Ling Weiyu who followed He Feng.

Looking at Ling Weiyu's shy appearance, Xi Xueqing has an idea in her mind.

Why do men and women often do that kind of thing? Is it really comfortable?

"OK, let's go to dinner early. After dinner, we can take a taxi to the dock and then pack a cruise ship to have a good time."

He Feng agreed without hesitation and satisfied the woman's little wish, "by the way, did you discuss what to eat in the evening? Chinese food or Western food? "

"Hall leader Xi said that he could eat anything. Sister Xueqing said that she preferred Western food." Jixin rainway.

Xi Xueqing then said, "the most popular Chinese food in Nanjin city is Chinese food. There are all kinds of Chinese food, and even Chinese food made of panacea. I'm tired of eating it for a long time, but there is no better western restaurant there. I just heard sister Xinyu and sister Yueyue say that there is a puste western restaurant in Jiangbin City, right?"

"Well, there's really a western style restaurant. Would you like to eat it?" He Feng nodded.

"Mm-hmm, I've long wanted to go to puster's restaurant. Unfortunately, we don't have a branch in Nanjin city. You Jiangbin city is worthy of being the largest economic city in Jiangshu province. You actually have puster's restaurant. As far as I know, there are only ten branches in China, all of which are in the first tier and quasi first tier cities of China. I envy you so much... "

Xi Xueqing's face is full of information.

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something again, and could not help but worry: "by the way, you must make an appointment to eat at the post restaurant, right? Today is the weekend again. There must be more people. If we go now, can we still have a place? "

"I really can't. I'll call the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Jiangbin city to see if he has a way. Let's go to the post restaurant directly." Xi Zhenxing said.

"Brother Xi, it's useless for you to call the Secretary of the municipal Party committee if there is no place in the post restaurant. The boss of the post restaurant won't give him face." He Feng said with a smile.

"Er... Well, it seems that this post restaurant in Jiangbin city is not simple!"

Xi Zhenxing had no choice but to smile.

He also knows the place. It's a giant in the catering industry. It's very famous all over the world. It's praised and affirmed by many high-level people in the world. Even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee can't break the rules of their restaurant.

If there is a high-level person in the post restaurant in this branch, it is useless to call the Secretary of the municipal Party committee.

"Well, this post restaurant is really not very simple, because their boss is in this branch."

He Feng nodded.

"The boss is actually in charge of the town himself?"

Xi Zhenxing is even more helpless, "Xueqing, it seems that we can't eat this western food today, or make an appointment to eat it tomorrow?"

"Well, tomorrow is tomorrow." Xi Xueqing agreed, but her face was obviously disappointed.

"What tomorrow? Let's go there now and eat directly."

He Feng looks at Ji Xinyu, "Xinyu wife, you can arrange a car. Let's go to Yinlong shopping mall directly!"


Ji Xinyu nodded and walked out.

"He Feng, don't you think it's impossible to ask the Secretary of the municipal Party Committee for help? Why do you have to go to the post restaurant? " Xi Xueqing surprised asked: "do you know more powerful officials?"

Xi Zhenxing's eyes brighten, but he is quite sure that he Feng must be a direct descendant of the he family. He has a noble status. It seems that it is not difficult to know several officials who are higher than the Secretary of the municipal Party committee.

"I don't know many officials, but Bryce, the boss of post, is a friend of mine."

He Feng laughed, "I'll give him a call in a moment, and he appointed to make room for us. Let's go. I haven't eaten for a few days. I'm starving. "

"Meet the boss of the post restaurant..."

Both Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing have been silent for a long time.

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