Half an hour later, he Feng and his party came to Yinlong shopping mall.

"Wow, is this the biggest shopping mall in Jiangbin? It's really luxurious, and there are a lot of luxuries. After dinner, I'll definitely have to take a good look. "

As soon as Xi Xueqing walked into the shopping mall, she was immediately attracted by the names of various stores in the mall. All of them are top luxury goods in the world. Any commodity, even a pair of sunglasses, can afford a month's salary for ordinary people.

It takes months for a bag to be affordable.

But for Xi Xueqing, money is just a number.

"OK, after dinner, let's go shopping first. Although Yinlong shopping mall is the largest shopping mall in Jiangbin City, it also has a name called "Jiangbin center". It is full of top brands in the world. Ordinary brands are not qualified to enter the shopping mall. However, I've been in Jiangbin for so many years, and I've never visited Yinlong shopping mall. "

Ji Xinyu agreed with a smile.

It can be seen that although she was very cold before, she was cold to anyone, but in fact, she still had a girl's heart in her heart.

This is not, a mention of shopping, immediately came to the interest.

"Well, sister Yueyue and sister feather, let's have a good purchase for a few women in a while." Xi Xueqing happy way.

"Well, I haven't been shopping for a long time." Chu Yue said.

"Well, I have no problem." Ling Weiyu is also ready to buy some luxury goods. When he is in business, he should have something that he can take out to see people.

"By the way, the annual income of this shopping mall should be quite a lot, right? Who is the owner of this mall? "

Xi Zhenxing asked curiously.

"It's song Shiqun of the song group. Does elder brother Xi know this person?" He Feng asked with a smile.

Speaking of song Shiqun, he remembered that song Shiqun had invited HongRi's men to kill him before. Later, he didn't know what was going on, and there was no news.

No, I have to remind song Shiqun that he can't just give up. After all, his wife's reputation is spoiled by brother Feng.

"Song Shiqun? Well, I remember. I'm the richest man in Jiangbin city. I remember that this person seems to be very close to Kinmen, and I don't know if Kinmen is behind it to develop into the current scale. However, the strength of this golden gate is not very strong. How can it support song Shiqun to become the richest man in Jiangbin city? "

Xi Zhenxing is a little curious.

He Feng said with a smile: "elder brother Xi, you don't know this. Song Shiqun is really from Jinmen, but there is still a force behind the Jinmen."

"Oh? What force? "

"The rice family!"

"The rice family?"

Xi Zhenxing was shocked and said: "behind the golden gate, there is the MI family. No wonder the golden gate has risen so fast these years. It seems that they want to be the overlord of Jiangbin city. "

"Brother Xi, is the MI family very tolerant? You see, the rice family is so miserable and humiliated by me in front of so many people. Why don't they send people to Jiangbin city to ask for my trouble? In principle, the strength I showed in front of them is not very strong. They just send a few dark energy later or directly send a dark energy peak person to get rid of me. "

He Feng quite some puzzled inquires a way.

He also thought that if the rice family came to trouble him, he could steal some more money from the rice family.

Now he's 40 billion short!

"Mi family can develop into the first guwu family in Nanjin City, it really has its unique features."

Xi Zhenxing nodded and said, "I'm afraid even the Wangs and the Lings can't deal with the rice family now. As far as I know, there are more than ten or twenty of them who are strong in dark energy, and there are also three or five in the later period of dark energy. Even Mi Dongyu, the eldest brother of MI Donglong, seems to have reached the peak of dark strength. If you give him more than ten years, it is likely to break through to Huajin. At that time, the rice family will be able to become a high-level ancient martial family

"Mi Dongyu?" He Feng is quite strange to the name.

"Well, you haven't met Mi Dongyu, but you should have the impression that his son is mi Xinghua, the young, dark and strong man of the MI family." Xi Zhenxing warned.

"It's him. I know."

He Feng suddenly said, "Mi Xinghua is really a martial arts genius. He has a great chance to break through Huajin at the age of 50. If he has a chance, he has a chance to reach Huajin at the age of 40."

Xi Zhenxing sighed: "Oh! In this way, if the development of MI jia'an, their future will be incomparably brilliant

He Feng is more depressed, "no wonder they don't come to me for trouble, originally for the future development of the family. Forget it, since they don't come to trouble me, I don't care about them

Mi family, he Feng didn't pay much attention to it, but song Shiqun, he Feng is very much hope that the other party to find their own trouble.

After all, most of the money of the MI family must have been used up to buy cultivation resources, and song Shiqun's money, it is estimated that most of it has been saved, just like Xu Tianyin. Even though song Shiqun's money will be given to the MI family every year, his wealth will certainly not be less than Xu Tianyin's.

"If song Shiqun comes to find brother Feng's trouble, the 40 billion yuan should soon be together, right?" He Feng thought.

"He Feng, is that the post restaurant in front? There seems to be a lot of people standing there. "

Ji Xinyu said, pointing to a restaurant in front of him.

"It's like the boss is greeting us!"

He Feng saw Bryce standing outside at a glance and shook his head helplessly.

"The boss himself? Wow, he Feng, are you too proud? God, who the hell are you? " Xi Xueqing asked in shock.

As for Bryce, the boss of post restaurant, Xi Xueqing has just checked online in the car. He is a real and important person who can be the chef of the royal family of France and sit at a table to eat. Now she comes out to meet He Feng in person.

I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people of the royal family to get such treatment even if they come here?

Can he Feng's identity be comparable to that of an important member of the royal family of the kingdom of France?

"The face of the he family is not so big." Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng with envy, and at the same time, he is more determined to keep his daughter in Jiangbin city.

"Who am I? I'm the mythical strongman in the legend. Doesn't he dare to come out to meet me? " He Feng has no good way.


Xi Xueqing curled her lips, took Ji Xinyu's arm and said, "sister Xinyu, does he Feng like to boast so much?"


Ji Xinyu didn't know how to answer for a while.

He Feng is joking, but if she really explains that he Feng is not joking, then others may really believe it.

"Well, he doesn't brag much at ordinary times."

Ji Xinyu is very awkward and answers casually, and stares at He Feng.

"It seems that he knew that my father was stimulated after he broke through to Huajin. Maybe he was afraid that my father would fight with him again." Xi Xueqing thought about it.


Ji Xinyu can't answer.

But Xi Zhenxing's eyes lit up after hearing Xi Xueqing's words.

He only knows that he Feng is the master of seven heavy training, but he Feng's real strength, he is not very clear. Before he was at the peak of dark strength, he couldn't find out the specific accomplishments of He Feng, but now he has reached the level of Hua Jin, so he can compare with He Feng to see what he Feng's accomplishments are.

"Here you are, Mr. He."

At this time, they had already arrived not far from the restaurant. Bryce noticed their arrival and took the initiative to go to He Feng at the first time. He politely stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, "are these your friends? I've arranged the position. Please come inside

Around some people who are still queuing outside to see this scene, one by one are shocked.

Bryce is resident in the post restaurant in Jiangbin city. They can often see it and naturally recognize Bryce's identity.

Usually, when they see Bryce, they feel very proud and will immediately send a circle of friends to show off.

But now, the figure who is high in their heart, even took the initiative to meet a young man.

You know, even if the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Jiangbin city came, I'm afraid whether Bryce would come out to greet him or not depends on his mood?

But now Bryce not only came out to meet him, but also was extremely polite.

Is he bigger than the Secretary of the municipal Party committee?

The characters around the young man don't look like ordinary people. They are more and more temperament, and the women are more and more beautiful. Only the young man who is at the front and treated respectfully by Bryce has no difference from the loser in terms of clothing or temperament.

How could Bryce welcome such a person?

"Bryce, I asked you to keep a low profile. Why do you keep such a high profile? You see, people around me are staring at me now, making me look like a monkey. " He Feng stares at Bryce.

"Er... Mr. He, I've been very low-key? Originally, I heard that you are going to entertain friends in my restaurant. I am going to empty the restaurant directly, so that you and your friends can have a comfortable and quiet dining environment. "

Bryce said innocently, "but considering that you told me you wanted to keep a low profile, I didn't take all of them away, just a few."


He Feng completely speechless.

With He Feng next to Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing father and daughter, is open mouth.

Doesn't it mean that even Bryce won't give face to the Secretary of the municipal Party committee?

Now just for He Feng and them a relatively quiet and comfortable dining environment, even to drive some other customers away? Even planned to clean up?

"Something's wrong. Something's wrong."

While Xi Zhenxing was shocked, he thought to himself, "although the he family is one of the four royal families in China, it seems that the face of an ordinary lineal child is not as big as this? Brother he must be more than just a child of the he family! "

"Have you appeased all the customers who you drove away? Don't make people unhappy just to let us have a meal. " He Feng is very depressed way: "otherwise, I and my friends, certainly can't eat happily."

"Don't worry, Mr. He. I have already negotiated with them and made compensation to their satisfaction. They all left with smiling faces."

Bryce quickly explained, "Mr. He, please come inside."

"OK, then go in."

He Feng looked at Xi Zhenxing and Xi Xueqing, "brother Xi, sister Xueqing, please first. Today you are the guests."

"When we are all so familiar with each other, let's not engage in such polite things. Let's go together." Xi Zhenxing embraces He Feng's shoulder and goes to the restaurant, looking very familiar.


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